Exemple #1
    def calc_R_T_net(self, save_working=True):
        """ Calculate the scattering matrices for the stack as a whole.


            - `save_working` : If `True`, then store net reflection
                and transmission matrices at each part of the stack, in
                `self.R_net_list` and `self.T_net_list`, ordered with 
                the reflection and tranmsission of the first/topmost
                finitely thick layer first.


            - `R_net` : Net reflection matrix

            - `T_net` : Net transmission matrix.

        if save_working:
            self.R_net_list, self.T_net_list = [], []

        # TODO: swap order of layers
        # Reflection and transmission at bottom of structure
        R_net, T_net = r_t_mat(self.layers[1], self.layers[0])[:2]

        lays = self.layers
        for lay, lay_t, h in zip(lays[1:-1], lays[2:], self.heights_norm()):
            if save_working:
                self.R_net_list.insert(0, R_net)
                self.T_net_list.insert(0, T_net)

            # lay (2) is the layer we're in right now
            # lay_t (1) is the layer above it
            # tf = T in forwards direction (down into lay)
            R12, T12, R21, T21 = r_t_mat(lay_t, lay)
            P = lay.prop_fwd(h)
            idm = np.eye(len(P))

            # Matrix that maps vector of forward modes in medium 1
            # at 1-2 interface, to fwd modes in medium 2 at 2-3 interface
            # P * (I - R21 * P * R2net * P)^-1 * T12
            f12 = P * np.linalg.solve(idm - R21 * P * R_net * P, T12)
            T_net = T_net * f12
            R_net = R12 + T21 * P * R_net * f12

        self.R_net, self.T_net = R_net, T_net
        return self.R_net, self.T_net
    def calc_R_T_net(self, save_working = True):
        """ Calculate the scattering matrices for the stack as a whole.


            - `save_working` : If `True`, then store net reflection
                and transmission matrices at each part of the stack, in
                `self.R_net_list` and `self.T_net_list`, ordered with 
                the reflection and tranmsission of the first/topmost
                finitely thick layer first.


            - `R_net` : Net reflection matrix

            - `T_net` : Net transmission matrix.

        if save_working:
            self.R_net_list, self.T_net_list = [], []

        # TODO: swap order of layers
        # Reflection and transmission at bottom of structure
        R_net, T_net = r_t_mat(self.layers[1], self.layers[0])[:2]

        lays = self.layers
        for lay, lay_t, h in zip(lays[1:-1], lays[2:], self.heights_norm()):
            if save_working:
                self.R_net_list.insert(0, R_net)
                self.T_net_list.insert(0, T_net)

            # lay (2) is the layer we're in right now
            # lay_t (1) is the layer above it
            # tf = T in forwards direction (down into lay)
            R12, T12, R21, T21 = r_t_mat(lay_t, lay)
            P = lay.prop_fwd(h)
            idm = np.eye(len(P))

            # Matrix that maps vector of forward modes in medium 1
            # at 1-2 interface, to fwd modes in medium 2 at 2-3 interface
            # P * (I - R21 * P * R2net * P)^-1 * T12
            f12 = P * np.linalg.solve(idm - R21 * P * R_net * P, T12)
            T_net = T_net * f12
            R_net = R12 + T21 * P * R_net * f12

        self.R_net, self.T_net = R_net, T_net
        return self.R_net, self.T_net
Exemple #3
    def calc_scat(self, pol='TE', incoming_amplitudes=None):
        """ Calculate the transmission and reflection matrices of the stack

            In relation to the FEM mesh the polarisation is orientated,
            - vertically   for TE
            - horizontally for TM
            at normal incidence (polar angle theta = 0, azimuthal angle phi = 0).

        # Can check this against lines ~ 127 in J_overlap.f E components are TE, have diffraction
        # orders along beta, which is along y.

        # TODO: Switch to calc_R_T_net, which does not use infinitesimal air
        # layers. This will require rewriting the parts that calculate fluxes
        # through each layer.


        nu_intfaces = 2 * (len(self.layers) - 1)
        neq_PW = self.layers[
            0].structure.num_pw_per_pol  # assumes incident from homogeneous film
        PW_pols = 2 * neq_PW
        I_air = np.matrix(np.eye(PW_pols), dtype='D')
        """ Calculate net scattering matrices starting at the bottom
            1 is infintesimal air layer
            2 is medium in layer (symmetric as air on each side)
            (r)t12 and (r)tnet lists run from bottom to top!
        r12_list = []
        r21_list = []
        t12_list = []
        t21_list = []
        P_list = []
        for st1 in self.layers:
            R12, T12, R21, T21 = r_t_mat(st1.air_ref(), st1)

            # Save the reflection matrices to the layers
            # (for easier introspection/testing)
            st1.R12, st1.T12, st1.R21, st1.T21 = R12, T12, R21, T21

    # initiate (r)tnet as substrate top interface
        tnet_list = []
        rnet_list = []
        tnet = t12_list[0]
        rnet = r12_list[0]

        inv_t21_list = []
        inv_t12_list = []
        for i in range(1, len(self.layers) - 1):
            lay = self.layers[i]
            # through air layer at bottom of TF
            to_invert = (I_air - r12_list[i] * rnet)
            inverted_t21 = np.linalg.solve(to_invert, t21_list[i])
            tnet = tnet * inverted_t21
            rnet = r21_list[i] + t12_list[i] * rnet * inverted_t21
            # through TF layer
            P = lay.prop_fwd(self.heights_nm()[i - 1] / self.period)
            I_TF = np.matrix(np.eye(len(P)), dtype='D')
            to_invert = (I_TF - r21_list[i] * P * rnet * P)
            inverted_t12 = np.linalg.solve(to_invert, t12_list[i])
            P_inverted_t12 = P * inverted_t12
            tnet = tnet * P_inverted_t12
            rnet = r12_list[i] + t21_list[i] * P * rnet * P_inverted_t12

            to_invert_hat = (I_TF - r21_list[i] * P * r21_list[i] * P)
            inverted_t12_hat = np.linalg.solve(to_invert_hat, t12_list[i])
            P_inverted_t12_hat = P * inverted_t12_hat


    # into top semi-infinite medium
        to_invert = (I_air - r12_list[-1] * rnet)
        inverted_t21 = np.linalg.solve(to_invert, t21_list[-1])
        tnet = tnet * inverted_t21
        rnet = r21_list[-1] + t12_list[-1] * rnet * inverted_t21

        self.R_net, self.T_net = rnet, tnet
        """ Calculate field expansions for all layers (including air) starting at top
            Ordering is now top to bottom (inverse of above)! ie f1 is superstrate (top)
            Calculate net downward energy flux in each infintesimal air layer & super/substrates
            (see appendix C in Dossou et al. JOSA 2012)

        self.t_list = []
        self.r_list = []
        self.a_list = []
        num_prop_air = self.layers[-1].air_ref().num_prop_pw_per_pol
        num_prop_in = self.layers[-1].num_prop_pw_per_pol
        num_prop_out = self.layers[0].num_prop_pw_per_pol
        out = self.layers[0].specular_order

        down_fluxes = []
        up_flux = []

        # Start by composing U matrix which is same for all air layers.
        # diagonal with 1 for propagating, i for evanescent TE and -i for evanescent TM plane wave orders

        U_mat = np.matrix(np.zeros((2 * PW_pols, 2 * PW_pols), complex))
        for i in range(0, num_prop_air):
            U_mat[i, i] = 1.0
            U_mat[neq_PW + i, neq_PW + i] = 1.0
            U_mat[PW_pols + i, PW_pols + i] = -1.0
            U_mat[PW_pols + neq_PW + i, PW_pols + neq_PW + i] = -1.0
        for i in range(num_prop_air, neq_PW):
            U_mat[i, PW_pols + i] = -1.0j
            U_mat[neq_PW + i, PW_pols + neq_PW + i] = 1.0j
            U_mat[PW_pols + i, i] = 1.0j
            U_mat[PW_pols + neq_PW + i, neq_PW + i] = -1.0j

        if incoming_amplitudes is None:
            # Set the incident field to be a 0th order plane wave
            # in a given polarisation, from the semi-inf top layer
            d_minus = self.layers[-1].specular_incidence(pol)
            d_minus = incoming_amplitudes

    # total incoming flux
        flux_TE = np.linalg.norm(d_minus[0:num_prop_in])**2
        flux_TM = np.linalg.norm(d_minus[neq_PW:neq_PW + num_prop_in])**2
        down_fluxes.append(flux_TE + flux_TM)

        # up into semi-inf off top air gap
        d_plus = rnet_list[-1] * d_minus
        # total reflected flux
        flux_TE = np.linalg.norm(d_plus[0:num_prop_in])**2
        flux_TM = np.linalg.norm(d_plus[neq_PW:neq_PW + num_prop_in])**2
        up_flux.append(flux_TE + flux_TM)

        # incoming from semi-inf into top air gap
        f1_minus = inv_t21_list[-1] * d_minus

        for i in range(len(self.layers) - 2):
            f1_plus = rnet_list[-2 * i - 2] * f1_minus
            # net downward flux in infintesimal air layer
            f_mat = np.matrix(np.concatenate((f1_minus, f1_plus)))
            flux = f_mat.H * U_mat * f_mat

            f2_minus = inv_t12_list[-i - 1] * f1_minus
            f2_plus = rnet_list[-2 * i - 3] * P_list[-i - 1] * f2_minus

            f1_minus = inv_t21_list[-i - 2] * P_list[-i - 1] * f2_minus

    # bottom air to semi-inf substrate
        f1_plus = rnet_list[0] * f1_minus

        f2_minus = tnet_list[0] * f1_minus
        self.trans_vector = f2_minus
        flux_TE = np.linalg.norm(f2_minus[0:num_prop_out])**2
        flux_TM = np.linalg.norm(f2_minus[neq_PW:neq_PW + num_prop_out])**2
        down_fluxes.append(flux_TE + flux_TM)

        # calculate absorptance in each layer
        for i in range(1, len(down_fluxes) - 1):
            a_layer = abs(abs(down_fluxes[i]) - abs(down_fluxes[i + 1]))
        a_layer = abs(down_fluxes[0] - down_fluxes[-1] - up_flux[0])

        # calculate reflectance in each layer
        for i in range(1, len(up_flux) - 1):
            r_layer = abs(abs(up_flux[i]) / abs(down_flux[i]))
        r_layer = abs(up_flux[0] / down_fluxes[0])

        # calculate transmittance in each layer
        for i in range(0, len(down_fluxes) - 2):
            t_layer = abs(abs(down_fluxes[i + 2]) / abs(down_fluxes[i]))
        t_layer = abs(down_fluxes[-1] / down_fluxes[0])
Exemple #4
    def calc_scat(self, pol='TE', incoming_amplitudes=None, calc_fluxes=True,
        """ Calculate the transmission and reflection matrices of the stack.

            In relation to the FEM mesh the polarisation is orientated,
            - along the y axis for TE
            - along the x axis for TM
            at normal incidence (polar angle theta = 0, azimuthal angle phi = 0).

            Keyword Args:
                pol  (str): Polarisation for which to calculate transmission \
                    & reflection.

                incoming_amplitudes  (int): Which incoming PW order to give \
                    1 unit of energy. If None the 0th order PW is selected.

                calc_fluxes  (bool): Calculate energy fluxes. Only possible if \
                    top layer is a ThinFilm.

                save_scat_list  (bool): If True, save tnet_list, rnet_list \
                    as property of stack for later access.
        # Can check this against lines ~ 127 in J_overlap.f E components are TE, have diffraction
        # orders along beta, which is along y.

        # TODO: Switch to calc_R_T_net, which does not use infinitesimal air
        # layers. This will require rewriting the parts that calculate fluxes
        # through each layer.


        """ Calculate net scattering matrices starting at the bottom.
            1 is infinitesimal air layer.
            2 is medium in layer (symmetric as air on each side).
            (r)t12 and (r)tnet lists run from bottom to top!
        r12_list = []
        r21_list = []
        t12_list = []
        t21_list = []
        P_list = []

        for st1 in self.layers:
            R12, T12, R21, T21 = r_t_mat(st1.air_ref(), st1)
            # Save the reflection matrices to the layers
            # (for easier introspection/testing)
            st1.R12, st1.T12, st1.R21, st1.T21 = R12, T12, R21, T21

        PW_pols = np.shape(R12)[0]
        neq_PW = int(PW_pols/2.0)
        PW_pols = int(PW_pols)
        I_air = np.matrix(np.eye(PW_pols), dtype='D')

    # initiate (r)tnet as top interface of substrate
        tnet_list = []
        rnet_list = []
        tnet = t12_list[0]
        rnet = r12_list[0]

        inv_t21_list = []
        inv_t12_list = []
        for i in range(1, len(self.layers) - 1):
            lay = self.layers[i]
    # through air layer at bottom of layer
            if self.shears == None:
                to_invert = (I_air - r12_list[i]*rnet)
                inverted_t21 = np.linalg.solve(to_invert, t21_list[i])
                tnet = tnet*inverted_t21
                rnet = r21_list[i] + t12_list[i]*rnet*inverted_t21
                coord_diff = np.asarray(self.shears[i-1]) - np.asarray(self.shears[i])
                Q = st1.shear_transform(coord_diff)
                Q_inv = st1.shear_transform(-1*coord_diff)
                to_invert = (I_air - r12_list[i]*Q_inv*rnet*Q)
                inverted_t21 = np.linalg.solve(to_invert,t21_list[i])
                tnet = tnet*Q*inverted_t21
                rnet = r21_list[i] + t12_list[i]*Q_inv*rnet*Q*inverted_t21
    # through layer
            P = lay.prop_fwd(self.heights_nm()[i-1]/self.period)
            I_TF = np.matrix(np.eye(len(P)), dtype='D')
            to_invert = (I_TF - r21_list[i]*P*rnet*P)
            inverted_t12 = np.linalg.solve(to_invert, t12_list[i])
            P_inverted_t12 = P*inverted_t12
            tnet = tnet*P_inverted_t12
            rnet = r12_list[i] + t21_list[i]*P*rnet*P_inverted_t12


    # into top semi-infinite medium
        if self.shears == None:
            to_invert = (I_air - r12_list[-1]*rnet)
            inverted_t21 = np.linalg.solve(to_invert,t21_list[-1])
            tnet = tnet*inverted_t21
            rnet = r21_list[-1] + t12_list[-1]*rnet*inverted_t21
            coord_diff = np.asarray(self.shears[-1])
            Q = st1.shear_transform(coord_diff)
            Q_inv = st1.shear_transform(-1*coord_diff)
            to_invert = (I_air - r12_list[-1]*Q_inv*rnet*Q)
            inverted_t21 = np.linalg.solve(to_invert,t21_list[-1])
            tnet = tnet*Q*inverted_t21
            rnet = r21_list[-1] + t12_list[-1]*Q_inv*rnet*Q*inverted_t21

        self.R_net, self.T_net = rnet, tnet
        if save_scat_list == True:
            self.tnet_list = tnet_list
            self.rnet_list = rnet_list

        if calc_fluxes == True:
            """ Calculate field expansions for all layers (including air) \
                starting at top.
                Ordering is now top to bottom (inverse of above)! \
                i.e. f1 is superstrate (top).
                Calculate net downward energy flux in each infinitesimal air layer \
                & super/substrates (see appendix C in Dossou et al. JOSA 2012).

            self.t_list = []
            self.r_list = []
            self.a_list = []
            num_prop_air = self.layers[-1].air_ref().num_prop_pw_per_pol
            num_prop_in = self.layers[-1].num_prop_pw_per_pol

            down_fluxes = []
            up_flux = []
            vec_coef_down = []
            vec_coef_up = []
            self.vec_coef_down = vec_coef_down
            self.vec_coef_up = vec_coef_up

        # Start by composing U matrix which is same for all air layers.
        # It is a diagonal matrix with 1 for propagating, i for evanescent TE
        # & -i for evanescent TM plane wave orders.

            U_mat = np.matrix(np.zeros((2*PW_pols, 2*PW_pols),complex))
            for i in range(0, num_prop_air):
                U_mat[i, i] = 1.0
                U_mat[neq_PW+i, neq_PW+i] = 1.0
                U_mat[PW_pols+i, PW_pols+i] = -1.0
                U_mat[PW_pols+neq_PW+i, PW_pols+neq_PW+i] = -1.0
            for i in range(num_prop_air, neq_PW):
                U_mat[i, PW_pols+i] = -1.0j
                U_mat[neq_PW+i, PW_pols+neq_PW+i] = 1.0j
                U_mat[PW_pols+i, i] = 1.0j
                U_mat[PW_pols+neq_PW+i, neq_PW+i] = -1.0j

            if incoming_amplitudes is None:
                # Set the incident field to be a 0th order plane wave
                # in a given polarisation, from the semi-inf top layer
                d_minus = self.layers[-1].specular_incidence(pol)
                d_minus = incoming_amplitudes

        # total incoming flux
            flux_TE = np.linalg.norm(d_minus[0:num_prop_in])**2
            flux_TM = np.linalg.norm(d_minus[neq_PW:neq_PW+num_prop_in])**2
            down_fluxes.append(flux_TE + flux_TM)

        # up into semi-inf off top air gap
            d_plus = rnet_list[-1]*d_minus
        # total reflected flux
            flux_TE = np.linalg.norm(d_plus[0:num_prop_in])**2
            flux_TM = np.linalg.norm(d_plus[neq_PW:neq_PW+num_prop_in])**2
            up_flux.append(flux_TE + flux_TM)

        # incoming from semi-inf into top air gap
            f1_minus = inv_t21_list[-1]*d_minus

            for i in range(len(self.layers) - 2):
                f1_plus = rnet_list[-2*i-2]*f1_minus
        # net downward flux in infinitesimal air layer
                f_mat = np.matrix(np.concatenate((f1_minus, f1_plus)))
                flux = f_mat.H*U_mat*f_mat

                f2_minus = inv_t12_list[-i-1]*f1_minus
                f2_plus = rnet_list[-2*i-3]*P_list[-i-1]*f2_minus

                f1_minus = inv_t21_list[-i-2]*P_list[-i-1]*f2_minus

        # bottom air to semi-inf substrate
            f1_plus = rnet_list[0]*f1_minus

            f2_minus = tnet_list[0]*f1_minus
            # self.trans_vector = f2_minus
        # can only calculate the energy flux in homogeneous films
            if isinstance(self.layers[0], Anallo):
                num_prop_out = self.layers[0].num_prop_pw_per_pol
                if num_prop_out != 0:
                    # out             = self.layers[0].specular_order
                    flux_TE = np.linalg.norm(f2_minus[0:num_prop_out])**2
                    flux_TM = np.linalg.norm(f2_minus[neq_PW:neq_PW+num_prop_out])**2
                    down_fluxes.append(flux_TE + flux_TM)
                else: print("Warning: there are no propagating modes in the semi-inf \n substrate therefore cannot calculate energy fluxes here.")

                num_prop_in    = self.layers[-1].num_prop_pw_per_pol
                if num_prop_out != 0:
                # calculate absorptance in each layer
                    for i in range(1 , len(down_fluxes)-1):
                        a_layer = abs(abs(down_fluxes[i])-abs(down_fluxes[i+1]))
                    a_layer = abs(down_fluxes[0]-down_fluxes[-1]-up_flux[0])

                # calculate reflectance in each layer
                    for i in range(1, len(up_flux)-1):
                        r_layer = abs(up_flux[i])/abs(down_fluxes[i])
                    r_layer = abs(up_flux[0]/down_fluxes[0])

                # calculate transmittance in each layer
                    for i in range(0, len(down_fluxes)-2):
                        t_layer = abs(abs(down_fluxes[i+2])/abs(down_fluxes[i]))
                    t_layer = abs(down_fluxes[-1]/down_fluxes[0])

                    self.a_list = np.zeros(len(self.layers) - 2)
                    self.r_list = np.zeros(len(self.layers) - 2)
                    self.t_list = np.zeros(len(self.layers) - 2)
                    print("Warning: there are no propagating modes in the semi-inf \n superstrate therefore CANNOT CALCULATE ENERGY FLUXES ANYWHERE.")

            # calculate absorptance in each layer
                for i in range(1, len(down_fluxes)-1):
                    a_layer = abs(abs(down_fluxes[i])-abs(down_fluxes[i+1]))
                a_layer = abs(down_fluxes[0]-down_fluxes[-1]-up_flux[0])

            # calculate reflectance in each layer
                for i in range(1, len(up_flux)-1):
                    r_layer = abs(up_flux[i])/abs(down_fluxes[i])
                r_layer = abs(up_flux[0]/down_fluxes[0])

            # calculate transmittance in each layer
                for i in range(0, len(down_fluxes)-2):
                    t_layer = abs(down_fluxes[i+2])/abs(down_fluxes[i])
                t_layer = abs(down_fluxes[-1]/down_fluxes[0])
Exemple #5
    def calc_scat(self,
        """ Calculate the transmission and reflection matrices of the stack.

            In relation to the FEM mesh the polarisation is orientated,
            - along the y axis for TE
            - along the x axis for TM
            at normal incidence (polar angle theta = 0, azimuthal angle phi = 0).

            Keyword Args:
                pol  (str): Polarisation for which to calculate transmission \
                    & reflection.

                incoming_amplitudes  (int): Which incoming PW order to give \
                    1 unit of energy. If None the 0th order PW is selected.

                calc_fluxes  (bool): Calculate energy fluxes. Only possible if \
                    top layer is a ThinFilm.

                save_scat_list  (bool): If True, save tnet_list, rnet_list \
                    as property of stack for later access.
        # Can check this against lines ~ 127 in J_overlap.f E components are TE, have diffraction
        # orders along beta, which is along y.

        # TODO: Switch to calc_R_T_net, which does not use infinitesimal air
        # layers. This will require rewriting the parts that calculate fluxes
        # through each layer.

        """ Calculate net scattering matrices starting at the bottom.
            1 is infinitesimal air layer.
            2 is medium in layer (symmetric as air on each side).
            (r)t12 and (r)tnet lists run from bottom to top!
        r12_list = []
        r21_list = []
        t12_list = []
        t21_list = []
        P_list = []

        for st1 in self.layers:
            R12, T12, R21, T21 = r_t_mat(st1.air_ref(), st1)
            # Save the reflection matrices to the layers
            # (for easier introspection/testing)
            st1.R12, st1.T12, st1.R21, st1.T21 = R12, T12, R21, T21

        PW_pols = np.shape(R12)[0]
        neq_PW = int(PW_pols / 2.0)
        PW_pols = int(PW_pols)
        I_air = np.matrix(np.eye(PW_pols), dtype='D')

        # initiate (r)tnet as top interface of substrate
        tnet_list = []
        rnet_list = []
        tnet = t12_list[0]
        rnet = r12_list[0]

        inv_t21_list = []
        inv_t12_list = []
        for i in range(1, len(self.layers) - 1):
            lay = self.layers[i]
            # through air layer at bottom of layer
            if self.shears == None:
                to_invert = (I_air - r12_list[i] * rnet)
                inverted_t21 = np.linalg.solve(to_invert, t21_list[i])
                tnet = tnet * inverted_t21
                rnet = r21_list[i] + t12_list[i] * rnet * inverted_t21
                coord_diff = np.asarray(self.shears[i - 1]) - np.asarray(
                Q = st1.shear_transform(coord_diff)
                Q_inv = st1.shear_transform(-1 * coord_diff)
                to_invert = (I_air - r12_list[i] * Q_inv * rnet * Q)
                inverted_t21 = np.linalg.solve(to_invert, t21_list[i])
                tnet = tnet * Q * inverted_t21
                rnet = r21_list[
                    i] + t12_list[i] * Q_inv * rnet * Q * inverted_t21
            # through layer
            P = lay.prop_fwd(self.heights_nm()[i - 1] / self.period)
            I_TF = np.matrix(np.eye(len(P)), dtype='D')
            to_invert = (I_TF - r21_list[i] * P * rnet * P)
            inverted_t12 = np.linalg.solve(to_invert, t12_list[i])
            P_inverted_t12 = P * inverted_t12
            tnet = tnet * P_inverted_t12
            rnet = r12_list[i] + t21_list[i] * P * rnet * P_inverted_t12


    # into top semi-infinite medium
        if self.shears == None:
            to_invert = (I_air - r12_list[-1] * rnet)
            inverted_t21 = np.linalg.solve(to_invert, t21_list[-1])
            tnet = tnet * inverted_t21
            rnet = r21_list[-1] + t12_list[-1] * rnet * inverted_t21
            coord_diff = np.asarray(self.shears[-1])
            Q = st1.shear_transform(coord_diff)
            Q_inv = st1.shear_transform(-1 * coord_diff)
            to_invert = (I_air - r12_list[-1] * Q_inv * rnet * Q)
            inverted_t21 = np.linalg.solve(to_invert, t21_list[-1])
            tnet = tnet * Q * inverted_t21
            rnet = r21_list[-1] + t12_list[-1] * Q_inv * rnet * Q * inverted_t21

        self.R_net, self.T_net = rnet, tnet
        if save_scat_list == True:
            self.tnet_list = tnet_list
            self.rnet_list = rnet_list

        if calc_fluxes == True:
            """ Calculate field expansions for all layers (including air) \
                starting at top.
                Ordering is now top to bottom (inverse of above)! \
                i.e. f1 is superstrate (top).
                Calculate net downward energy flux in each infinitesimal air layer \
                & super/substrates (see appendix C in Dossou et al. JOSA 2012).

            self.t_list = []
            self.r_list = []
            self.a_list = []
            num_prop_air = self.layers[-1].air_ref().num_prop_pw_per_pol
            num_prop_in = self.layers[-1].num_prop_pw_per_pol

            down_fluxes = []
            up_flux = []
            vec_coef_down = []
            vec_coef_up = []
            self.vec_coef_down = vec_coef_down
            self.vec_coef_up = vec_coef_up

            # Start by composing U matrix which is same for all air layers.
            # It is a diagonal matrix with 1 for propagating, i for evanescent TE
            # & -i for evanescent TM plane wave orders.

            U_mat = np.matrix(np.zeros((2 * PW_pols, 2 * PW_pols), complex))
            for i in range(0, num_prop_air):
                U_mat[i, i] = 1.0
                U_mat[neq_PW + i, neq_PW + i] = 1.0
                U_mat[PW_pols + i, PW_pols + i] = -1.0
                U_mat[PW_pols + neq_PW + i, PW_pols + neq_PW + i] = -1.0
            for i in range(num_prop_air, neq_PW):
                U_mat[i, PW_pols + i] = -1.0j
                U_mat[neq_PW + i, PW_pols + neq_PW + i] = 1.0j
                U_mat[PW_pols + i, i] = 1.0j
                U_mat[PW_pols + neq_PW + i, neq_PW + i] = -1.0j

            if incoming_amplitudes is None:
                # Set the incident field to be a 0th order plane wave
                # in a given polarisation, from the semi-inf top layer
                d_minus = self.layers[-1].specular_incidence(pol)
                d_minus = incoming_amplitudes

        # total incoming flux
            flux_TE = np.linalg.norm(d_minus[0:num_prop_in])**2
            flux_TM = np.linalg.norm(d_minus[neq_PW:neq_PW + num_prop_in])**2
            down_fluxes.append(flux_TE + flux_TM)

            # up into semi-inf off top air gap
            d_plus = rnet_list[-1] * d_minus
            # total reflected flux
            flux_TE = np.linalg.norm(d_plus[0:num_prop_in])**2
            flux_TM = np.linalg.norm(d_plus[neq_PW:neq_PW + num_prop_in])**2
            up_flux.append(flux_TE + flux_TM)

            # incoming from semi-inf into top air gap
            f1_minus = inv_t21_list[-1] * d_minus

            for i in range(len(self.layers) - 2):
                f1_plus = rnet_list[-2 * i - 2] * f1_minus
                # net downward flux in infinitesimal air layer
                f_mat = np.matrix(np.concatenate((f1_minus, f1_plus)))
                flux = f_mat.H * U_mat * f_mat

                f2_minus = inv_t12_list[-i - 1] * f1_minus
                f2_plus = rnet_list[-2 * i - 3] * P_list[-i - 1] * f2_minus

                f1_minus = inv_t21_list[-i - 2] * P_list[-i - 1] * f2_minus

        # bottom air to semi-inf substrate
            f1_plus = rnet_list[0] * f1_minus

            f2_minus = tnet_list[0] * f1_minus
            # self.trans_vector = f2_minus
            # can only calculate the energy flux in homogeneous films
            if isinstance(self.layers[0], Anallo):
                num_prop_out = self.layers[0].num_prop_pw_per_pol
                if num_prop_out != 0:
                    # out             = self.layers[0].specular_order
                    flux_TE = np.linalg.norm(f2_minus[0:num_prop_out])**2
                    flux_TM = np.linalg.norm(f2_minus[neq_PW:neq_PW +
                    down_fluxes.append(flux_TE + flux_TM)
                        "Warning: there are no propagating modes in the semi-inf \n substrate therefore cannot calculate energy fluxes here."

                num_prop_in = self.layers[-1].num_prop_pw_per_pol
                if num_prop_out != 0:
                    # calculate absorptance in each layer
                    for i in range(1, len(down_fluxes) - 1):
                        a_layer = abs(
                            abs(down_fluxes[i]) - abs(down_fluxes[i + 1]))
                    a_layer = abs(down_fluxes[0] - down_fluxes[-1] -

                    # calculate reflectance in each layer
                    for i in range(1, len(up_flux) - 1):
                        r_layer = abs(up_flux[i]) / abs(down_fluxes[i])
                    r_layer = abs(up_flux[0] / down_fluxes[0])

                    # calculate transmittance in each layer
                    for i in range(0, len(down_fluxes) - 2):
                        t_layer = abs(
                            abs(down_fluxes[i + 2]) / abs(down_fluxes[i]))
                    t_layer = abs(down_fluxes[-1] / down_fluxes[0])

                    self.a_list = np.zeros(len(self.layers) - 2)
                    self.r_list = np.zeros(len(self.layers) - 2)
                    self.t_list = np.zeros(len(self.layers) - 2)
                        "Warning: there are no propagating modes in the semi-inf \n superstrate therefore CANNOT CALCULATE ENERGY FLUXES ANYWHERE."

                # calculate absorptance in each layer
                for i in range(1, len(down_fluxes) - 1):
                    a_layer = abs(
                        abs(down_fluxes[i]) - abs(down_fluxes[i + 1]))
                a_layer = abs(down_fluxes[0] - down_fluxes[-1] - up_flux[0])

                # calculate reflectance in each layer
                for i in range(1, len(up_flux) - 1):
                    r_layer = abs(up_flux[i]) / abs(down_fluxes[i])
                r_layer = abs(up_flux[0] / down_fluxes[0])

                # calculate transmittance in each layer
                for i in range(0, len(down_fluxes) - 2):
                    t_layer = abs(down_fluxes[i + 2]) / abs(down_fluxes[i])
                t_layer = abs(down_fluxes[-1] / down_fluxes[0])
    def calc_scat(self, pol = 'TE', incoming_amplitudes = None):
        """ Calculate the transmission and reflection matrices of the stack

            In relation to the FEM mesh the polarisation is orientated,
            - vertically   for TE
            - horizontally for TM
            at normal incidence (polar angle theta = 0, azimuthal angle phi = 0).

        # Can check this against lines ~ 127 in J_overlap.f E components are TE, have diffraction
        # orders along beta, which is along y.

        # TODO: Switch to calc_R_T_net, which does not use infinitesimal air 
        # layers. This will require rewriting the parts that calculate fluxes
        # through each layer.


        nu_intfaces     = 2*(len(self.layers)-1)
        neq_PW          = self.layers[0].structure.num_pw_per_pol # assumes incident from homogeneous film
        PW_pols         = 2*neq_PW
        I_air           = np.matrix(np.eye(PW_pols),dtype='D')

        """ Calculate net scattering matrices starting at the bottom
            1 is infintesimal air layer
            2 is medium in layer (symmetric as air on each side)
            (r)t12 and (r)tnet lists run from bottom to top!
        r12_list = []
        r21_list = []
        t12_list = []
        t21_list = []
        P_list   = []
        for st1 in self.layers:
            R12, T12, R21, T21 = r_t_mat(st1.air_ref(), st1)

            # Save the reflection matrices to the layers
            # (for easier introspection/testing)
            st1.R12, st1.T12, st1.R21, st1.T21 = R12, T12, R21, T21

    # initiate (r)tnet as substrate top interface
        tnet_list = []
        rnet_list = []
        tnet      = t12_list[0]
        rnet      = r12_list[0]

        inv_t21_list   = []
        inv_t12_list   = []
        for i in range(1, len(self.layers) - 1):
            lay = self.layers[i]
    # through air layer at bottom of TF
            to_invert      = (I_air - r12_list[i]*rnet)
            inverted_t21   = np.linalg.solve(to_invert,t21_list[i])
            tnet           = tnet*inverted_t21
            rnet           = r21_list[i] + t12_list[i]*rnet*inverted_t21
    # through TF layer
            P = lay.prop_fwd(self.heights_nm()[i-1]/self.period)
            I_TF           = np.matrix(np.eye(len(P)),dtype='D')
            to_invert      = (I_TF - r21_list[i]*P*rnet*P)
            inverted_t12   = np.linalg.solve(to_invert,t12_list[i])
            P_inverted_t12 = P*inverted_t12
            tnet           = tnet*P_inverted_t12
            rnet           = r12_list[i] + t21_list[i]*P*rnet*P_inverted_t12

            to_invert_hat      = (I_TF - r21_list[i]*P*r21_list[i]*P)
            inverted_t12_hat   = np.linalg.solve(to_invert_hat,t12_list[i])
            P_inverted_t12_hat = P*inverted_t12_hat


    # into top semi-infinite medium
        to_invert    = (I_air - r12_list[-1]*rnet)
        inverted_t21 = np.linalg.solve(to_invert,t21_list[-1])
        tnet         = tnet*inverted_t21
        rnet         = r21_list[-1] + t12_list[-1]*rnet*inverted_t21

        self.R_net, self.T_net = rnet, tnet

        """ Calculate field expansions for all layers (including air) starting at top
            Ordering is now top to bottom (inverse of above)! ie f1 is superstrate (top)
            Calculate net downward energy flux in each infintesimal air layer & super/substrates
            (see appendix C in Dossou et al. JOSA 2012)

        self.t_list = []
        self.r_list = []
        self.a_list = []
        num_prop_air    = self.layers[-1].air_ref().num_prop_pw_per_pol
        num_prop_in     = self.layers[-1].num_prop_pw_per_pol
        num_prop_out    = self.layers[0].num_prop_pw_per_pol
        out             = self.layers[0].specular_order

        down_fluxes = []
        up_flux     = []

    # Start by composing U matrix which is same for all air layers.
    # diagonal with 1 for propagating, i for evanescent TE and -i for evanescent TM plane wave orders

        U_mat = np.matrix(np.zeros((2*PW_pols, 2*PW_pols),complex))
        for i in range(0,num_prop_air):
            U_mat[i,i]                               = 1.0
            U_mat[neq_PW+i,neq_PW+i]                 = 1.0
            U_mat[PW_pols+i,PW_pols+i]               = -1.0
            U_mat[PW_pols+neq_PW+i,PW_pols+neq_PW+i] = -1.0
        for i in range(num_prop_air,neq_PW):
            U_mat[i,PW_pols+i]                       = -1.0j
            U_mat[neq_PW+i,PW_pols+neq_PW+i]         = 1.0j
            U_mat[PW_pols+i,i]                       = 1.0j
            U_mat[PW_pols+neq_PW+i,neq_PW+i]         = -1.0j

        if incoming_amplitudes is None:
            # Set the incident field to be a 0th order plane wave
            # in a given polarisation, from the semi-inf top layer
            d_minus = self.layers[-1].specular_incidence(pol)
            d_minus = incoming_amplitudes

    # total incoming flux
        flux_TE = np.linalg.norm(d_minus[0:num_prop_in])**2
        flux_TM = np.linalg.norm(d_minus[neq_PW:neq_PW+num_prop_in])**2
        down_fluxes.append(flux_TE + flux_TM)

    # up into semi-inf off top air gap
        d_plus  = rnet_list[-1]*d_minus
    # total reflected flux
        flux_TE = np.linalg.norm(d_plus[0:num_prop_in])**2
        flux_TM = np.linalg.norm(d_plus[neq_PW:neq_PW+num_prop_in])**2
        up_flux.append(flux_TE + flux_TM)

    # incoming from semi-inf into top air gap
        f1_minus = inv_t21_list[-1]*d_minus

        for i in range(len(self.layers) - 2):
            f1_plus = rnet_list[-2*i-2]*f1_minus
    # net downward flux in infintesimal air layer
            f_mat   = np.matrix(np.concatenate((f1_minus,f1_plus)))
            flux    = f_mat.H*U_mat*f_mat

            f2_minus = inv_t12_list[-i-1]*f1_minus
            f2_plus  = rnet_list[-2*i-3]*P_list[-i-1]*f2_minus

            f1_minus = inv_t21_list[-i-2]*P_list[-i-1]*f2_minus

    # bottom air to semi-inf substrate
        f1_plus  = rnet_list[0]*f1_minus

        f2_minus = tnet_list[0]*f1_minus
        self.trans_vector = f2_minus
        flux_TE  = np.linalg.norm(f2_minus[0:num_prop_out])**2
        flux_TM  = np.linalg.norm(f2_minus[neq_PW:neq_PW+num_prop_out])**2
        down_fluxes.append(flux_TE + flux_TM)

    # calculate absorptance in each layer
        for i in range(1,len(down_fluxes)-1):
            a_layer = abs(abs(down_fluxes[i])-abs(down_fluxes[i+1]))
        a_layer = abs(down_fluxes[0]-down_fluxes[-1]-up_flux[0])

    # calculate reflectance in each layer
        for i in range(1,len(up_flux)-1):
            r_layer = abs(abs(up_flux[i])/abs(down_flux[i]))
        r_layer = abs(up_flux[0]/down_fluxes[0])

    # calculate transmittance in each layer
        for i in range(0,len(down_fluxes)-2):
            t_layer = abs(abs(down_fluxes[i+2])/abs(down_fluxes[i]))
        t_layer = abs(down_fluxes[-1]/down_fluxes[0])