Exemple #1
def View(id):
    """ Gets information for given module. """
    # Verify user access
    if not Authorization.canAccess(session.get('user'), ('scheduling_admin')):
        return render_template('error/no_access.html')

    # Get module object
    module = ModuleModel.findById(id)

    if not module:
        return render_template('error/resource_not_found.html')

    # Get leader (teacher) object
    leader = TeacherModel.findById(module.getLeader())

    if not module:
        return render_template('error/server_error.html')

    # Get teachers object
    teachers = TeacherModel.all()

    # Get enrolled students
    students = []
    enrolments = StudentModuleModel.findBy('module', id)

    for enrolment in enrolments:

    # Get module sessions (+ teachers)
    sessions = ModuleSessionModel.findBy('module', id)
    sessions_list = []

    for session2 in sessions:

    # Get session types
    sessionTypes = ModuleSessionTypeModel.all()

    return render_template('module_view.html',
                               'module': module,
                               'leader': leader,
                               'teachers': teachers,
                               'students': students,
                               'sessionTypes': sessionTypes,
                               'sessions': sessions_list
Exemple #2
def View(id):
    """ Returns teachers information """
    if not Authorization.canAccess(session.get('user'), ('admin')):
        return render_template('error/no_access.html')

    teachers = TeacherModel.findById(id)
    if not teachers:
        return render_template('error/resource_not_found.html')

    return render_template('teacher_view.html', data={'teacher': teachers})
Exemple #3
def Update(module_id, session_id):
    """ Updates a module session. """
    # Verify user access
    if not Authorization.canAccess(session.get('user'), ('scheduling_admin')):
        return JsonResponse.unauthorized({
            'You do not have access to this function. Contact system administrator.'

    # Get session object
    session = ModuleSessionModel.findById(session_id)

    if not session:
        return JsonResponse.notFound({
            'message': 'not_found',
            'nice_message': 'Session not found.'

    # Save new values to database
    teacher = request.form.get('teacher')
    sessionType = request.form.get('type')

    if not teacher and not sessionType:
        return JsonResponse.badRequest({
            'Please enter a teacher and session type.'

    if teacher:
        if not TeacherModel.findById(teacher):
            return JsonResponse.badRequest({
                'message': 'not_found',
                'nice_message': 'Teacher not found.'


    if sessionType:
        if not ModuleSessionModel.findById(sessionType):
            return JsonResponse.badRequest({
                'Session type not found.'



    return JsonResponse.ok()
Exemple #4
def Update(id):
    """ Updates teachers information """
    if not Authorization.canAccess(session.get('user'), ('admin')):
        return JsonResponse.unauthorized({
            'You do not have access to this function. Contact system administrator.'

    first_name = request.form.get('first_name')
    last_name = request.form.get('last_name')
    email = request.form.get('email')
    mobile_phone = request.form.get('mobile_phone')
    password = request.form.get('password')

    if not first_name and not last_name and not email and not mobile_phone and not password:
        return JsonResponse.badRequest({
            'Please enter details for the teacher.'

    teachers = TeacherModel.findById(id)

    if not teachers:
        return JsonResponse.notFound({
            'message': 'not_found',
            'nice_message': 'Teacher not found.'

    if first_name:

    if last_name:

    if email:

    if mobile_phone:

    if password:
        salt = teachers.getSalt()
        hashedPassword = Security.hashPassword(password, salt)

        return JsonResponse.badRequest({'error': 'database_error'})

    return JsonResponse.ok()
Exemple #5
def Create(module_id):
    """ Creates a new module session. """
    # Verify user access
    if not Authorization.canAccess(session.get('user'), ('scheduling_admin')):
        return JsonResponse.unauthorized({
            'You do not have access to this page. Contact system administrator.'

    # Get module object
    module = ModuleModel.findById(module_id)

    if not module:
        return JsonResponse.notFound({
            'message': 'not_found',
            'nice_message': 'Module not found.'

    # Parse and validate request body
    teacher = request.form.get('teacher')
    sessionType = request.form.get('type')

    if not TeacherModel.findById(teacher):
        return JsonResponse.badRequest({
            'message': 'not_found',
            'nice_message': 'Teacher not found.'

    if not ModuleSessionTypeModel.findById(sessionType):
        return JsonResponse.badRequest({
            'Module session not found.'

    # Save new data to database
    moduleSession = ModuleSessionModel()

    moduleSession.setModule(module.getId()) \
                 .setStaff(teacher) \
                 .setType(sessionType) \

    return JsonResponse.ok()
Exemple #6
def Update(id):
    """ Updates a given module. """
    # Verify user access
    if not Authorization.canAccess(session.get('user'), ('scheduling_admin')):
        return JsonResponse.unauthorized({
            'You do not have access to this page. Contact system administrator.'

    # Get module object
    module = ModuleModel.findById(id)

    if not module:
        return JsonResponse.notFound({
            'message': 'not_found',
            'nice_message': 'Module not found.'

    # Save new values to database
    name = request.form.get('module_name')
    leader = request.form.get('leader')

    if not name and not leader:
        return JsonResponse.badRequest({
            'Please enter a new name or module leader.'

    if name:

    if leader:
        if not TeacherModel.findById(leader):
            return JsonResponse.badRequest({
                'message': 'not_found',
                'nice_message': 'Teacher not found.'



    return JsonResponse.ok()
Exemple #7
def Delete(id):
    """ Deletes teacher """
    if not Authorization.canAccess(session.get('user'), ('admin')):
        return JsonResponse.unauthorized({
            'You do not have access to this function. Contact system administrator'

    teachers = TeacherModel.findById(id)

    if not teachers:
        return JsonResponse.notFound({
            'message': 'not_found',
            'nice_message': 'Teacher not found.'

    modules = ModuleModel.findBy('leader', id)

    if len(modules) != 0:
        return JsonResponse.badRequest({
            'Modules exist with this teacher as module leader.'

    sessions = ModuleSessionModel.findBy('staff', id)

    if len(sessions) != 0:
        return JsonResponse.badRequest({
            'Sessions exist for this teacher.'


    return JsonResponse.ok()
Exemple #8
def Create():
    """ Creates a new module. """
    # Verify user access
    if not Authorization.canAccess(session.get('user'), ('scheduling_admin')):
        return JsonResponse.unauthorized({
            'You do not have access to this page. Contact system administrator.'

    # Parse and validate request body
    name = request.form.get('module_name')
    leader = request.form.get('leader')

    if not name or not leader:
        return JsonResponse.badRequest({
            'Please make sure you enter a name and leader.'

    # Make sure leader is a valid staff member
    if not TeacherModel.findById(leader):
        return JsonResponse.badRequest({
            'message': 'not_found',
            'nice_message': 'Teacher not found'
        # Save new data to database
    module = ModuleModel()

    module.setName(name) \
          .setLeader(leader) \

    return JsonResponse.ok()
Exemple #9
def View(module_id, session_id):
    """ Returns module session information. """
    # Verify user access
    if not Authorization.canAccess(session.get('user'), ('scheduling_admin')):
        return render_template('error/no_access.html')

    # Get module object
    module = ModuleModel.findById(module_id)

    if not module:
        return render_template('error/resource_not_found.html')

    # Get session object
    theSession = ModuleSessionModel.findById(session_id)

    if not theSession:
        return render_template('error/resource_not_found.html')

    # Get the campus objects
    campus_list = CampusModel.all()
    campuses = []

    for campus in campus_list:
        buildings = CampusBuildingModel.findBy('campus', campus.getId())
        if (len(buildings) > 0):
            campuses.append({'campus': campus, 'buildings': buildings})

    theSession = {
        'session': theSession,
        'staff': TeacherModel.findById(theSession.getStaff()),
        'type': ModuleSessionTypeModel.findById(theSession.getType()),
        'campuses': CampusModel.all()

    # Get list of teachers
    teachers = TeacherModel.all()

    # Get list of session types
    session_types = ModuleSessionTypeModel.all()

    # Get terms
    terms = TermModel.all()
    term_list = []

    for term in terms:
            datetime.utcfromtimestamp(term.getStartDate()).strftime("%B %Y"),
            datetime.utcfromtimestamp(term.getEndDate()).strftime("%B %Y")

    # Get list of room bookings
    room_bookings = RoomBookingModel.findBy('module_session', session_id)
    room_bookings2 = []

    for booking in room_bookings:
        room = CampusBuildingRoomModel.findById(booking.getRoom())
        building = CampusBuildingModel.findById(room.getBuilding())
        campus = CampusModel.findById(building.getCampus())
        timeFrom = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(
            booking.getTimeFrom()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
        timeTo = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(
            booking.getTimeTo()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")

            'booking': booking,
            'room': room,
            'building': building,
            'campus': campus,
            'timeFrom': timeFrom,
            'timeTo': timeTo

    return render_template('session_view.html',
                               'module': module,
                               'session': theSession,
                               'teachers': teachers,
                               'sessionTypes': session_types,
                               'roomBookings': room_bookings2,
                               'campuses': campuses,
                               'terms': term_list
Exemple #10
def scheduleOneOff(building_id,
    # getTimestampGivenDayAndHour(day, theStartHour)
    # getTimestampGivenDayAndHour(day, theStartHour + duration)
    duration = int(duration)
    capacity = int(capacity)
    day = int(day)
    hour = int(hour)
    sessionType = int(sessionType)
    session = int(session)

    timedate = getTimestampGivenDayAndHour(day, hour)

    if duration > maxSessionDuration:
        raise Error()

    # Book Room for session
    if session:
        # Get session and module object
        session = ModuleSessionModel.findById(session)
        module = ModuleModel.findById(session.getModule())

        # Check teacher availability
        teacher = TeacherModel.findById(session.getStaff())

        if not isTeacherAvailable(teacher.getId(), timedate,
                                  timedate + hr2sec(duration)):
            return None

        # Check student availability
        enrolments = StudentModuleModel.findBy('module', module.getId())

        for enrolment in enrolments:
            if not isStudentAvailable(enrolment.getStudent(), timedate,
                                      timedate + hr2sec(duration)):
                return None

        # Get room
        room = getAvailableRoom(building_id, len(enrolments),
                                session.getType(), timedate,
                                timedate + hr2sec(duration))

        if not room:
            return None

        roomBooking = RoomBookingModel()

        roomBooking.setRoom(room.getId()) \
                   .setTimeFrom(timedate) \
                   .setTimeTo(timedate + hr2sec(duration)) \
                   .setModuleSession(session.getId()) \

        return roomBooking

    # Book Room for not session
    if not session:
        # Get free room that fits the requirements
        room = getAvailableRoom(building_id, capacity, sessionType, timedate,
                                timedate + hr2sec(duration))

        if not room:
            raise None

        roomBooking = RoomBookingModel()

        roomBooking.setRoom(room.getId()) \
                   .setTimeFrom(timedate) \
                   .setTimeTo(timedate + hr2sec(duration)) \

        return roomBooking

    return None  # fail safe