Exemple #1
def construct_face_points(face: Face) -> None:
    shape = face.gir_img.shape
    landmarks = face.landmarks

    avgl = lambda x: tuple([int(sum(y) / len(y)) for y in zip(*x)])
    get_pixl = lambda x0, x1: face.depth_img[max(0, min(shape[0] - 1, x0)), max(0, min(shape[1] - 1, x1))]
    to3d = lambda x: (x[0] / shape[0], x[1] / shape[1], get_pixl(x[0], x[1]))

    def avgl3d(l: list((int, int))) -> np.ndarray((1, 3)):
        # Map 2D points to 3D by applying depth
        points3d = np.array([(x / shape[0], y / shape[1], get_pixl(x, y)) for (x, y) in l])
        # Filter out the points too far from mean depth
        me = np.mean(points3d[:, 2])
        stdev = np.std(points3d[:, 2])
        depths_good = np.abs(points3d[:, 2] - me) <= stdev
        points3d = points3d[depths_good]
        return points3d.sum(axis=0) / points3d.shape[0]

    chin_bottom = landmarks["chin"][6:11]
    # chin_left = landmarks["chin"][:6]
    # chin_right = landmarks["chin"][11:]

    right_brow = avgl(landmarks["right_eyebrow"])
    left_brow = avgl(landmarks["left_eyebrow"])
    forehead = avgl([right_brow, left_brow])
    # top_chin = avgl(landmarks["bottom_lip"] + chin_bottom + chin_bottom + chin_bottom)
    # left_cheek = avgl(chin_left + landmarks["left_eyebrow"] + landmarks["nose_tip"])
    # right_cheek = avgl(chin_right + landmarks["right_eyebrow"] + landmarks["nose_tip"])
    # face_center = avgl([right_brow] + [left_brow] + [top_chin])
    right_brow3d = avgl3d(landmarks["right_eyebrow"])
    left_brow3d = avgl3d(landmarks["left_eyebrow"])
    top_chin3d = avgl3d(landmarks["bottom_lip"] + chin_bottom + chin_bottom + chin_bottom)

    face.face_center = to3d(forehead)
    face.face_points = {"right_brow": right_brow3d, "left_brow": left_brow3d, "top_chin": top_chin3d}
Exemple #2
def rotate_gird_img(face: Face, rotation_matrix: np.ndarray):
    face_points = face.face_points
    face_points["center"] = face.face_center

    # First, we prepare the matrix X of points (x, y, z, grey or ir)
    points = _to_one_matrix(face)

    # Normalize x an y dimensions of |points|
    rescale_one_dim(points[:, :, 0])
    rescale_one_dim(points[:, :, 1])

    # Rotate around each axis
    # rotation_matrix = np.matmul(_rx(theta_x), np.matmul(_ry(theta_y), _rz(theta_z)))
    for i in range(IMG_SIZE):
        for j in range(IMG_SIZE):
            points[i, j, :3] = np.dot(rotation_matrix,
                                      points[i, j, :3].reshape(3,

    # Normalize once more after rotation
    face_points = normalize_face_points(points, face_points, rotation_matrix)

    # Apply rotated image to (grey or ir) and depth photo
    gir_rotated = np.zeros((IMG_SIZE, IMG_SIZE))
    depth_rotated = np.zeros((IMG_SIZE, IMG_SIZE))
    for i in range(IMG_SIZE):
        for j in range(IMG_SIZE):
            if np.isnan(points[i, j, 0]) or np.isnan(points[i, j, 1]):
                    "Unexpected NaN in rotated image -- skipping invalid pixel"
            x = int(points[i, j, 0] * (IMG_SIZE - 1))
            y = int(points[i, j, 1] * (IMG_SIZE - 1))

            if not face.mask[x, y]:
            if x < 0 or y < 0 or x >= IMG_SIZE or y >= IMG_SIZE:
            g = points[i, j, 3]
            z = points[i, j, 2]
            if depth_rotated[x, y] < z:
                gir_rotated[x, y] = g
                depth_rotated[x, y] = z

    for i in range(SMOOTHEN_ITER):
        gir_rotated = _smoothen(gir_rotated)
        depth_rotated = _smoothen(depth_rotated)

    # If you want to view the rotated image, use the following:
    # tools.show_image(gir_rotated)
    # tools.show_image(depth_rotated)
    # Or:
    # tools.show_3d_plot(points)

    rotated_face = Face(gir_rotated, depth_rotated)
    rotated_face.face_center = face_points["center"]
    del face_points["center"]
    rotated_face.face_points = face_points
    return rotated_face