Exemple #1
    model = Network(det, des, cfg.LOSS.SCORE, cfg.LOSS.PAIR, cfg.PATCH.SIZE,

    print(f"{gct()} : to device")
    device = torch.device("cuda")
    model = model.to(device)
    resume = args.resume
    print(f"{gct()} : in {resume}")
    checkpoint = torch.load(resume)

    # detect and compute
    img1_path, img2_path = args.imgpath.split("@")
    kp1, des1, img1, _, _ = model.detectAndCompute(img1_path, device,
                                                   (600, 460))
    kp2, des2, img2, _, _ = model.detectAndCompute(img2_path, device,
                                                   (460, 600))  #(460, 600)
    # kp2, des2, img2,_,_ = model.detectAndCompute(img2_path, device, (600, 460)) #(460, 600)

    predict_label, nn_kp2 = nearest_neighbor_distance_ratio_match(
        des1, des2, kp2, 0.9)
    idx = predict_label.nonzero().view(-1)
    mkp1 = kp1.index_select(dim=0,
                            index=idx.long())  # predict match keypoints in I1
    mkp2 = nn_kp2.index_select(
        dim=0, index=idx.long())  # predict match keypoints in I2

    def to_cv2_kp(kp):
        # kp is like [batch_idx, y, x, channel]
        return cv2.KeyPoint(kp[2], kp[1], 0)
Exemple #2
    model = Network(det, des, cfg.LOSS.SCORE, cfg.LOSS.PAIR, cfg.PATCH.SIZE,

    print(f"{gct()} : to device")
    device = torch.device("cuda")
    model = model.to(device)
    resume = args.resume
    print(f"{gct()} : in {resume}")
    checkpoint = torch.load(resume)

    # detect and compute
    img1_path, img2_path = args.imgpath.split("@")
    kp1, des1, img1 = model.detectAndCompute(img1_path, device, (600, 460))
    kp2, des2, img2 = model.detectAndCompute(img2_path, device, (600, 460))

    predict_label, nn_kp2 = nearest_neighbor_distance_ratio_match(
        des1, des2, kp2, 0.8)
    idx = predict_label.nonzero().view(-1)
    mkp1 = kp1.index_select(dim=0,
                            index=idx.long())  # predict match keypoints in I1
    mkp2 = nn_kp2.index_select(
        dim=0, index=idx.long())  # predict match keypoints in I2

    def to_cv2_kp(kp):
        # kp is like [batch_idx, y, x, channel]
        return cv2.KeyPoint(kp[2], kp[1], 0)

    def to_cv2_dmatch(m):
Exemple #3
device = torch.device("cuda")
model = model.to(device)
resume = '/home/wang/workspace/Faster-net2/runs/03/model/e082_NN_0.165_NNT_0.397_NNDR_0.673_MeanMS_0.412.pth.tar'
print(f"{gct()} : in {resume}")
checkpoint = torch.load(resume)

def to_cv2_kp(kp, scale, angle):
    # kp is like [batch_idx, y, x, channel]
    return cv2.KeyPoint(kp[2], kp[1], scale, angle)

def to_cv2_dmatch(m):
    return cv2.DMatch(m, m, m, m)

def reverse_img(img):
    reverse image from tensor to cv2 format
    :param img: tensor
    :return: RBG image
    img = img.permute(0, 2, 3, 1)[0].cpu().detach().numpy()
    img = (img * 255).astype(np.uint8)  # change to opencv format
    # img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)  # gray to rgb
    return img

kp1, des1, img1, scale1, angle1 = model.detectAndCompute('/home/wang/workspace/Faster-net2/ScalableNet_Net0.3/material/img3.png', device, (460, 600))
angle = np.degrees(np.arctan((angle1[:,1]/angle1[:,0]).detach().cpu().numpy()))
img1 = reverse_img(img1)
keypoints1 = list(map(to_cv2_kp, kp1, scale1, angle))
img = cv2.drawKeypoints(img1, keypoints1, img1, flags=cv2.DRAW_MATCHES_FLAGS_DRAW_RICH_KEYPOINTS)
cv2.imwrite('rfnet_keypoints_text.jpg', img)
Exemple #4
    model = Network(det, des, cfg.LOSS.SCORE, cfg.LOSS.PAIR, cfg.PATCH.SIZE,

    print(f"{gct()} : to device")
    device = torch.device("cuda")
    model = model.to(device)
    resume = args.resume
    print(f"{gct()} : in {resume}")
    checkpoint = torch.load(resume)

    # detect and compute
    img1_path, img2_path = args.imgpath.split("@")
    kp1, des1, img1 = model.detectAndCompute(img1_path, device, (240, 320))
    kp2, des2, img2 = model.detectAndCompute(img2_path, device, (240, 320))

    predict_label, nn_kp2 = nearest_neighbor_distance_ratio_match(
        des1, des2, kp2, 0.7)
    idx = predict_label.nonzero().view(-1)
    mkp1 = kp1.index_select(dim=0,
                            index=idx.long())  # predict match keypoints in I1
    mkp2 = nn_kp2.index_select(
        dim=0, index=idx.long())  # predict match keypoints in I2

    def to_cv2_kp(kp):
        # kp is like [batch_idx, y, x, channel]
        return cv2.KeyPoint(kp[2], kp[1], 0)

    def to_cv2_dmatch(m):
Exemple #5
des = HardNetNeiMask(cfg.HARDNET.MARGIN, cfg.MODEL.COO_THRSH)
model = Network(det, des, cfg.LOSS.SCORE, cfg.LOSS.PAIR, cfg.PATCH.SIZE, 512)
model = model.to(device=device)
checkpoint = torch.load(model_file)

img1_path = "./material/4_1.png"
img2_path = "./material/4_2.png"
img1 = cv2.imread(img1_path)
img2 = cv2.imread(img2_path)
width = img1.shape[1]
kp1, des1, _, _, _, _ = model.detectAndCompute(img1_path, device,
                                               (img1.shape[0], img1.shape[1]))
kp2, des2, _, _, _, _ = model.detectAndCompute(img2_path, device,
                                               (img2.shape[0], img2.shape[1]))

def to_cv2_kp(kp):
    return cv2.KeyPoint(kp[2], kp[1], 0)

kp1 = list(map(to_cv2_kp, kp1))
kp2 = list(map(to_cv2_kp, kp2))

bf = cv2.BFMatcher(cv2.NORM_L2)
matches = bf.knnMatch(des1.cpu().detach().numpy(),