Exemple #1
 def test_Quadcopter_yaw(self):
     quad = Quadcopter()
     # only two motors on, to produce a yaw
     quad.set_thrust(0, 10, 0, 10)
     assert quad.rpy.yaw > 0
     assert quad.rpy.pitch == 0
     assert quad.rpy.roll == 0
     # now try to yaw in the opposite direction
     quad.set_thrust(10, 0, 10, 0)
     assert quad.rpy.yaw < 0
     assert quad.rpy.pitch == 0
     assert quad.rpy.roll == 0
Exemple #2
 def run(self, creature):
     quad = Quadcopter()
     quad.position = (0, 0, self.z0)
     z_setpoint = self.z1  # first task: go to setpoint (0, 0, z1)
     fitness = 0
     while quad.t < self.total_t:
         ## if quad.t >= 2:
         ##     # switch to second task
         ##     z_setpoint = self.z2
         inputs = [z_setpoint, quad.position.z]
         outputs = creature.run_step(inputs)
         assert len(outputs) == 1
         pwm = outputs[0]
         quad.set_thrust(pwm, pwm, pwm, pwm)
         fitness += self.compute_fitness(quad, z_setpoint)
     return fitness
Exemple #3
 def test_lift(self):
     quad = Quadcopter(mass=0.5, motor_thrust=0.5)
     assert quad.position == (0, 0, 0)
     assert quad.rpy == (0, 0, 0)
     # power all the motors, to lift the quad vertically. The motors give a
     # total acceleration of 4g. Considering the gravity, we have a total
     # net acceleration of 3g.
     t = 1  # second
     g = 9.81  # m/s**2
     z = 0.5 * (3 * g) * t**2  # d = 1/2 * a * t**2
     quad.set_thrust(1, 1, 1, 1)
     quad.run(t=1, dt=0.0001)
     pos = quad.position
     assert pos.x == 0
     assert pos.y == 0
     assert pos.z == approx(z, rel=1e-3)  # the simulated z is a bit
     # different than the computed one
     assert quad.rpy == (0, 0, 0)