def get_accesstoken(): try: from model.redisdb import RedisDB con = RedisDB().con except: from redis import Redis con = Redis('localhost') access_token = con.get('WECHAT_ACCESS_TOKEN') if access_token != None: return access_token from config import APP_KEY, APP_SECRET import requests import urllib, json url = "" data = { 'grant_type':'client_credential', 'appid':APP_KEY, 'secret':APP_SECRET } res = requests.get(url + urllib.urlencode(data)) res_data = json.loads(res.text) access_token = res_data['access_token'] con.set('WECHAT_ACCESS_TOKEN', access_token) con.expire('WECHAT_ACCESS_TOKEN', 3600) return access_token
def router_register(): ''' 路由器注册 ''' form = request.form if not 'token' in form: return 'error' token = form['token'] if token != 'djqoidjqoq12e941nqdqnfhoho-==': return 'error' from import generate_code routerid = generate_code() from model.redisdb import RedisDB con = RedisDB().con while con.exists('routerid2key:%s'%routerid): routerid = generate_code() routerkey = generate_code() con.set('routerid2key:%s'%routerid, routerkey) import os os.system("mkdir tmp/router/%s"%routerid) os.system("touch tmp/router/%s/ins.json"%routerid) return jsonify(routerid=routerid,routerkey=routerkey)
def setbind(): form = request.form openid = form['openid'] routerid = form['routerid'] from model.redisdb import RedisDB con = RedisDB().con con.set('WECHAT_BIND:'+openid, routerid) return jsonify(res="ok")
def get_status(fromUser): from model.redisdb import RedisDB con = RedisDB().con if con.exists('WECHAT_STATUS:'+fromUser) == False: con.set('WECHAT_STATUS:'+fromUser, 0) return con.get('WECHAT_STATUS:'+fromUser)
def createcall(): cookies = request.cookies weopenid = cookies["weopenid"] print weopenid form = request.form target = form["target"].encode("utf-8") print target from config import BAIDU_AK para = {"address": target, "output": "json", "ak": BAIDU_AK} import urllib url = "" + urllib.urlencode(para) import requests res = requests.get(url) import json data = json.loads(res.text) location = data["result"]["location"] end_wei = location["lat"] # weidu end_jing = location["lng"] # jingdu from model.redisdb import RedisDB con = RedisDB().con geo = con.get("openid2geo:%s" % weopenid).split(":") start_wei = geo[0] start_jing = geo[1] access_token = con.get("weopenid2uber:%s" % weopenid) url = "" headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + access_token, "Content-Type": "application/json"} para = { "start_latitude": float(start_wei), "start_longitude": float(start_jing), "end_latitude": float(end_wei), "end_longitude": float(end_jing), } import json res =, data=json.dumps(para), headers=headers) data = json.loads(res.text) request_id = data["request_id"] driver = data["driver"] eta = data["eta"] surge_multiplier = data["surge_multiplier"] print request_id, driver, eta, surge_multiplier con.set("openid2requestid:%s" % weopenid, request_id) return jsonify(res="00000")
def add_pinid(pinid, code): from import get_accesstoken_by_code access_token, openid = get_accesstoken_by_code(code) from model.redisdb import RedisDB con = RedisDB().con openidlist = con.get("pinid2openid:%s" % pinid) openidlist = openidlist + ";" + openid con.set("pinid2openid:%s" % pinid, openidlist) return jsonify(res="00000")
def save_image(fromUser, picurl, mediaid): status = get_status(fromUser) from model.redisdb import RedisDB con = RedisDB().con routerid = con.get('WECHAT_BIND:'+fromUser) import time now_time = time.time() now_time = time.localtime(now_time) now_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S',now_time) if status == '1': filename = now_time + '.jpg' import os path = os.path.realpath(__file__) path = '/'.join(path.split('/')[:-2]) os.system('wget -O %s/tmp/user/%s/recent/%s "%s" &'%(path, fromUser, filename, picurl)) from model.redisdb import RedisDB con = RedisDB().con num = int(con.get('WECHAT_IMG_NUM:'+fromUser)) con.set('WECHAT_IMG_NUM:'+fromUser, num+1) routerid = con.get('WECHAT_BIND:'+fromUser) if routerid != None: f = open('%s/tmp/router/%s/ins.json'%(path,routerid),'r') text = if text == '': text = '{"ins":[]}' import json data = json.loads(text) f.close() f = open('%s/tmp/router/%s/ins.json'%(path,routerid),'w') data['ins'].append({'type':'image','wechatid':fromUser,'url':''%(fromUser,filename)}) f.write(json.dumps(data)) f.close() return '' elif status == '201': import os path = os.path.realpath(__file__) path = '/'.join(path.split('/')[:-2]) os.system("mkdir %s/tmp/user/%s"%(path,fromUser)) os.system("mkdir %s/tmp/user/%s/sanguosha"%(path,fromUser)) # os.system("mkdir /root/workplace/TI/tiplayer/image/%s/recent"%fromUser) os.system('wget -O %s/tmp/user/%s/sanguosha/pic.jpg "%s" &'%(path, fromUser, picurl)) from model.redisdb import RedisDB con = RedisDB().con con.set('WECHAT_STATUS:'+fromUser, '202') return u'【step 1/6】发一下姓名过来,如“张三”,支持2~4个字'
def user_login(username, password, session): from model.mysql import MySQL sql = MySQL() cur = sql.cur cur.execute('select id from user where username="******" and password="******"'%(username, password)) res = [] if cur.rowcount == 0: sql.close() return False for item in cur: res.append(item[0]) sql.close() from model.redisdb import RedisDB con = RedisDB().con con.set('session2username:%s'%session, res[0]) return True
def user_auth(session, username, password, remember): ''' 验证username和password是否匹配,若是则将sessoin与username关联 若remember为1,则将session放入redis中的记住登录表中 ''' from model.mongodb import MongoDB db = MongoDB().db user = db.user one = user.find_one({'username':username,'password':password}) if one == None: return False from model.redisdb import RedisDB con = RedisDB().con key = 'session2username:'+session con.set(key, username) con.expire(key, 3600) return True
def bind_success(): args = request.args if not "code" in args: return "error" code = args["code"] cookies = request.cookies if not "wecode" in cookies: return "error" wecode = cookies["wecode"] from import get_accesstoken_by_code we_access_token, openid = get_accesstoken_by_code(wecode) import requests from config import UBER_ID, UBER_SECRET url = "" para = { "client_secret": UBER_SECRET, "client_id": UBER_ID, "grant_type": "authorization_code", "redirect_uri": "", "code": code, } res =, data=para) import json data = json.loads(res.text) access_token = data["access_token"] print wecode, access_token from model.redisdb import RedisDB con = RedisDB().con con.set("weopenid2uber:%s" % openid, access_token) con.expire("weopenid2uber:%s" % openid, 3600) return render_template("bind_success.html")
def createpin(): cookies = request.cookies weopenid = cookies["weopenid"] form = request.form target = form["target"] time = form["time"] num = int(form["num"]) from random import randint pin_id = randint(0, 100000) from model.redisdb import RedisDB con = RedisDB().con con.set("pinid2openid:%5d" % pin_id, weopenid) con.set("pinid2target:%5d" % pin_id, target) con.set("pinid2time:%5d" % pin_id, time) con.set("pinid2num:%5d" % pin_id, num) return jsonify(res="00000", pinid=pin_id)
def wechat_index(): if request.method == 'GET': try: args = request.args signature = args.get('signature','') timestamp = args.get('timestamp','') nonce = args.get('nonce','') echostr = args.get('echostr') token = 'zengzhaoyang' list = [token,timestamp,nonce] list.sort() sha1 = hashlib.sha1() map(sha1.update,list) hashcode = sha1.hexdigest() if hashcode == signature: return echostr return 'wrong' except: return 'wrong' else: data = re_touser = re.compile('<ToUserName><!\\[CDATA\\[(.*?)\\]\\]></ToUserName>') re_fromuser = re.compile('<FromUserName><!\\[CDATA\\[(.*?)\\]\\]></FromUserName>') re_msgType = re.compile('<MsgType><!\\[CDATA\\[(.*?)\\]\\]></MsgType>') re_content = re.compile('<Content><!\\[CDATA\\[(.*?)\\]\\]></Content>') re_event = re.compile('<Event><!\\[CDATA\\[(.*?)\\]\\]></Event>') re_eventkey = re.compile('<EventKey><!\\[CDATA\\[(.*?)\\]\\]></EventKey>') re_recognition = re.compile('<Recognition><!\\[CDATA\\[(.*?)\\]\\]></Recognition>') re_picurl = re.compile('<PicUrl><!\\[CDATA\\[(.*?)\\]\\]></PicUrl>') re_mediaid = re.compile('<MediaId><!\\[CDATA\\[(.*?)\\]\\]></MediaId>') re_scantype = re.compile('<ScanType><!\\[CDATA\\[(.*?)\\]\\]></ScanType>') re_scanresult = re.compile('<ScanResult><!\\[CDATA\\[(.*?)\\]\\]></ScanResult>') re_latitude = re.compile('<Latitude>(.*?)</Latitude>') re_longitude = re.compile('<Longitude>(.*?)</Longitude>') toUser = re_touser.findall(data)[0] fromUser = re_fromuser.findall(data)[0] msgType = re_msgType.findall(data)[0] if msgType == 'event': event = re_event.findall(data)[0] if event == 'CLICK': eventKey = re_eventkey.findall(data)[0] if eventKey == 'QUERY': from model.redisdb import RedisDB con = RedisDB().con access_token = con.get('weopenid2uber:%s'%fromUser) request_id = con.get('openid2requestid:%s'%fromUser) url = ''%request_id headers = {'Authorization':'Bearer '+access_token}#,'Content-Type': 'application/json'} import json import requests res = requests.get(url, headers=headers) print res.text data = json.loads(res.text) driver_name = 'null' driver_phone = '' driver_rating = '' eta = '' license_plate = '' try: driver = data['driver'] driver_phone = driver['phone_number'] driver_rating = driver['rating'] driver_name = driver['name'] eta = data['eta'] license_plate = data['vehicle']['license_plate'] except: pass word = '司机:%s\n手机号:%s\n星际:%s\n车牌:%s\n剩余时间:%s分钟\n'%(driver_name, driver_phone, driver_rating, license_plate, eta) return reply_text%(fromUser, toUser, int(time.time()), word) if event == 'LOCATION': print 'hahaha' lat = re_latitude.findall(data)[0] # weidu lng = re_longitude.findall(data)[0] # jingdu print lat,lng from model.redisdb import RedisDB con = RedisDB().con con.set('openid2geo:%s'%fromUser,lat+':'+lng) return '' elif msgType == 'text': content = re_content.findall(data)[0] return reply_text%(fromUser, toUser, int(time.time()), content) elif msgType == 'voice': recognition = re_recognition.findall(data)[0] pass
def bind_user(openid, routeid): from redisdb import RedisDB con = RedisDB().con con.set('WECHAT_BIND:'+openid, routeid) return userinfo
def check_status(fromUser, content): status = get_status(fromUser) import os path = os.path.realpath(__file__) path = '/'.join(path.split('/')[:-2]) from model.redisdb import RedisDB con = RedisDB().con print status if status == '202': length = len(content.decode('utf-8')) if length >= 2 and length <= 4: os.system("echo %s > %s/tmp/user/%s/sanguosha/config.txt"%(content, path, fromUser)) con.set('WECHAT_STATUS:'+fromUser, '203') return 0, u'【step 2/6】发一下称号过来,如“大傻逼”,支持2~5个字' elif length > 4: return 0, u'。。哪有这么长的名字,重发一个吧' elif length < 2: return 0, u'。。哪有一个字的名字,重发一个吧' elif status == '203': length = len(content.decode('utf-8')) if length >= 2 and length <= 5: os.system("echo %s >> %s/tmp/user/%s/sanguosha/config.txt"%(content, path, fromUser)) con.set('WECHAT_STATUS:'+fromUser, '204') return 0, u'【step 3/6】发一下血量,支持1~8' elif length > 5: return 0, u'哎称号太长了放不下,重发一个吧' elif length < 2: return 0, u'一个字的称号果断没有气势啊,重发一个吧' elif status == '204': try: num = int(content) res = '' if num > 8: num = 8 res = u'血太多会撑死的,就给你8滴血啦' elif num < 1: num = 1 res = u'0血就死了,勉强给你1滴血吧' os.system("echo %d >> %s/tmp/user/%s/sanguosha/config.txt"%(num, path, fromUser)) con.set('WECHAT_STATUS:'+fromUser, '205') return 0, res + u'【step 4/6】发一下属性,如“神”,只支持单个文字' except: return 0, u'求发数字,,不然我识别不出来' elif status == '205': length = len(content.decode('utf-8')) if length == 1: os.system("echo %s >> %s/tmp/user/%s/sanguosha/config.txt"%(content, path, fromUser)) con.set('WECHAT_STATUS:'+fromUser, '206') return 0, u'【step 5/6】发一下技能1的名字和描述吧,用空格隔开,如“天才 你在场上的时候所有人都会变成傻逼”,技能名字必须是两个字的,技能描述最多可支持60个汉字,且不能带有空格' else: return 0, u'属性只支持单个文字啦' elif status == '206': temp = content.decode('utf-8').split() if len(temp) != 2: return 0, u'技能名字和描述要用空格分开啦' if len(temp[0]) != 2: return 0, u'技能名字只支持两个字哦' if len(temp[1]) > 60: return 0, u'技能描述太长了啦,放不下了' os.system("echo %s >> %s/tmp/user/%s/sanguosha/config.txt"%(content, path, fromUser)) con.set('WECHAT_STATUS:'+fromUser, '207') return 0, u'【step 6/6】发一下技能2的名字和描述吧,要求同技能1,此处回复“无”可只显示一个技能' elif status == '207': if content == '无': os.system("echo %s >> %s/tmp/user/%s/sanguosha/config.txt"%(content, path, fromUser)) con.set('WECHAT_STATUS:'+fromUser, 0) os.system("python %s/wechat/ %s %s&"%(path,fromUser,get_accesstoken())) return 0, u'【pending......】静静等候10秒钟吧' temp = content.decode('utf-8').split() if len(temp) != 2: return 0, u'技能名字和描述要用空格分开啦' if len(temp[0]) != 2: return 0, u'技能名字只支持两个字哦' if len(temp[1]) > 60: return 0, u'技能描述太长了啦,放不下了' os.system("echo %s >> %s/tmp/user/%s/sanguosha/config.txt"%(content, path, fromUser)) con.set('WECHAT_STATUS:'+fromUser, 0) os.system("python %s/wechat/ %s %s&"%(path,fromUser,get_accesstoken())) return 0, u'【pending......】静静等候10秒钟吧' return -1, 0
def set_status(fromUser, choice): from model.redisdb import RedisDB con = RedisDB().con if con.exists('WECHAT_STATUS:'+fromUser) == False: con.set('WECHAT_STATUS:'+fromUser, 0) if choice == 0: con.set('WECHAT_STATUS:'+fromUser, 0) elif choice == 1: if con.get('WECHAT_STATUS:'+fromUser) == '1': num = con.get('WECHAT_IMG_NUM:'+fromUser) con.set('WECHAT_STATUS:'+fromUser, 0) return int(num) else: con.set('WECHAT_STATUS:'+fromUser, 1) con.set('WECHAT_IMG_NUM:'+fromUser, 0) con.expire('WECHAT_STATUS:'+fromUser, 1800) import os path = os.path.realpath(__file__) path = '/'.join(path.split('/')[:-2]) os.system("mkdir %s/tmp/user/%s"%(path,fromUser)) os.system("mkdir %s/tmp/user/%s/recent"%(path,fromUser)) os.system("mkdir %s/tmp/user/%s/sanguosha"%(path,fromUser)) return -1 elif choice == 2: con.set('WECHAT_STATUS:'+fromUser, '201')