sentence_length=load_pickle(config.sentence_length_path), vocab=vocab, batch_size=config.batch_size, emojis=emotion_sentences, infersent=infersent_sentences) if config.model in VariationalModels: solver = VariationalSolver(config, None, data_loader, vocab=vocab, is_train=False) else: solver = Solver(config, None, data_loader, vocab=vocab, is_train=False) self_play_buffer = pd.DataFrame() for i in range(kwargs.sample_conversations): messages = solver.self_play( conversation_length=kwargs.conversation_length, max_sentence_length=kwargs.max_sentence_length, max_conversation_length=kwargs.max_conversation_length, sample_by=kwargs.sample_by) responses = messages[1:] + [''] conv_df = pd.DataFrame() conv_df['Message'] = messages conv_df['Response'] = responses conv_df['Response Rating'] = 0 conv_df['ID'] = len(self_play_buffer) + np.arange(len(messages))
class REINFORCETuner: def __init__(self, config, val_config): self.config = config self.val_config = val_config vocab = Vocab() vocab.load(config.word2id_path, config.id2word_path) self.vocab = vocab self.config.vocab_size = vocab.vocab_size # To initialize simulated conversations self.start_sentences = self.load_sentences(self.config.dataset_dir) self.eval_data = self.get_data_loader(train=False) self.build_models() if self.config.load_rl_ckpt: self.load_models() self.set_up_optimizers() self.set_up_summary() self.set_up_logging() if self.config.rl_batch_size == self.config.beam_size: raise ValueError('Decoding breaks if batch_size == beam_size') def build_models(self): config = deepcopy(self.config) # If loading RL checkpoint, don't try to load the ckpt through Solver if self.config.load_rl_ckpt: config.checkpoint = None if self.config.model != 'VHRED': raise ValueError("Only VHRED currently supported") print('Building policy network...') self.policy_net = VariationalSolver(config, None, self.eval_data, vocab=self.vocab, is_train=False) print('Building simulator network...') self.simulator_net = VariationalSolver(config, None, self.eval_data, vocab=self.vocab, is_train=False) self.simulator_net.model.eval() print('Successfully initialized policy and simulator networks') def set_up_optimizers(self): self.optimizers = {} named_params = list(self.policy_net.model.named_parameters()) if self.config.vhrl or self.config.reinforce: manager_worker_params = [p for name, p in named_params] self.optimizers['worker_manager'] = optim.Adam( manager_worker_params, lr=self.config.learning_rate) elif self.config.decoupled_vhrl: # No gradients flow from worker to manager if decoupled manager_params = [ p for name, p in named_params if 'decoder' not in name ] worker_params = [ p for name, p in named_params if 'decoder' in name ] self.optimizers['manager'] = optim.Adam( manager_params, lr=self.config.manager_learning_rate) self.optimizers['worker'] = optim.Adam( worker_params, lr=self.config.worker_learning_rate) def train(self): """Function to initiate RL training loop. """ if self.config.vhrl: print( '**Starting VHRL training!**\n' f'Will make {self.config.num_steps} joint manager-worker updates' ) elif self.config.reinforce: print('**Starting REINFORCE training!**\n' f'Will make {self.config.num_steps} worker updates') elif self.config.decoupled_vhrl: print( '**Starting DECOUPLED VHRL training!**\n' f'Will make {self.config.num_steps} alternating manager-worker updates' ) else: raise ValueError( 'Training mode not understood. ' 'Choose from --vhrl | --reinforce | --decoupled_vhrl') print('... \n ... \n ...') # Starting RL training loop while self.step <= self.config.num_steps: self.step += 1 self.train_step() if self.step % self.config.print_every_n == 0: self.print_summary() if self.step % self.config.log_every_n == 0: self.write_summary(self.step) if self.step % self.config.save_every_n == 0: self.save_model(self.step) def train_step(self): """RL training step. Behavior depends on mode --vhrl | --reinforce | --decoupled_vhrl """ conversations, manager_actions, worker_actions = self.run_episodes() rewards = self.compute_rewards(conversations, self.config.rewards, self.config.reward_weights, self.config.gamma) # Collect some logging info self.manager_actions_history.append(manager_actions.mean().item()) self.worker_actions_history.append(worker_actions.mean().item()) response_lens = [ len(resp.split()) for conv in conversations for resp in conv[1::2] ] self.response_len = np.mean(response_lens) self.recent_dialog = conversations[0] if self.config.vhrl or self.config.reinforce: optimizer = self.optimizers['worker_manager'] alpha, beta = self.config.alpha, self.config.beta elif self.config.decoupled_vhrl: # Update manager on even steps, update worker on odd steps if self.step % 2 == 0: update_turn = 'manager' alpha, beta = self.config.alpha, 0 else: update_turn = 'worker' alpha, beta = 0, self.config.beta # Reset optimizer moving averages as model parametrs changed # by different optimizer in previous step optimizer = self.optimizers[update_turn] optimizer.state = defaultdict(dict) # We do not distinguish between manager and worker level rewards # but this could be added by calculating two different sets of rewards loss = (-1 * (alpha * manager_actions + beta * worker_actions) * rewards).mean() optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_value_(self.policy_net.model.parameters(), self.config.gradient_clip) optimizer.step() def run_episodes(self): """Simulate conversations which are interactions for RL training. Note we use s+l-1 indexing since the conversations are flattened into sentences. To find the output corresponding to a certain conversation we need to find where its sentences start (at index s-1), then we find the last sentence in that conversation (at l additional steps). We extract the output corresponding to that sentence. """ # Initialize interactions with sentence from train set conversations = deepcopy( random.sample(self.start_sentences, self.config.rl_batch_size)) manager_actions = [] worker_actions = [] simulated_turn = False # episode_len actions implies 2 * episode_len + 1 turns for turn in range(2 * self.config.episode_len): batch = self.policy_net.batchify(conversations) sentences = batch[0] sentence_length = batch[1] conversation_length = batch[2] net = self.simulator_net if simulated_turn else self.policy_net output = net.model(sentences, sentence_length, conversation_length, [], rl_mode=True, decode=True) # Index corresponding to the start of each conversation start_idx = np.cumsum([0] + conversation_length.tolist()[:-1]) responses = [ output[0][s + l - 1].tolist() for s, l in zip(start_idx, conversation_length.tolist()) ] decoded = [ self.policy_net.vocab.decode(resp) for resp in responses ] _ = [ conv.append(decoded[i]) for i, conv in enumerate(conversations) ] if not simulated_turn: # Get worker actions response_len = self.get_response_len(responses) word_probs = [ output[6][s + l - 1] for s, l in zip(start_idx, conversation_length.tolist()) ] log_p_words = [ torch.sum(torch.log(word_probs[i][:l])) for i, l in enumerate(response_len) ] # Divide by len to eliminate preference for longer responses log_p_words = torch.stack( log_p_words) / torch.cuda.FloatTensor(response_len) worker_actions.append(log_p_words) # Get manager actions log_p_z = torch.stack([ output[7][s + l - 1, ] for s, l in zip(start_idx, conversation_length.tolist()) ]) manager_actions.append(log_p_z) # Switch speaker simulated_turn = not simulated_turn return conversations, torch.stack(manager_actions, dim=1), torch.stack(worker_actions, dim=1) def compute_rewards(self, conversations, rewards_lst, reward_weights, gamma=0.0): supported = { 'reward_question', 'reward_you', 'reward_toxicity', 'reward_bot_deepmoji', 'reward_user_deepmoji', 'reward_conversation_repetition', 'reward_utterance_repetition', 'reward_infersent_coherence', 'reward_deepmoji_coherence', 'reward_word2vec_coherence', 'reward_bot_response_length', 'reward_word_similarity', 'reward_USE_similarity' } episode_len = self.config.episode_len num_convs = self.config.rl_batch_size combined_rewards = np.zeros((num_convs, episode_len)) for r, w in zip(rewards_lst, reward_weights): if r not in supported: raise NotImplementedError() reward_func = getattr(hrl_rewards, r) rewards = reward_func(conversations) discounted = discount(rewards, gamma) normalized = normalizeZ(discounted) combined_rewards += float(w) * normalized self.rewards_history[r].append(rewards.mean().item()) # [num_convs, num_actions] = [rl_batch_size, episode_len] return to_var(torch.FloatTensor(combined_rewards)) def get_response_len(self, responses): lens = [] for resp in responses: try: lens.append(resp.index(EOS_ID) + 1) except ValueError: lens.append(self.config.max_unroll) return lens def set_up_summary(self): # Initialize counters and summaries self.step = 0 self.manager_actions_history = [0] self.worker_actions_history = [0] self.rewards_history = {} for r in self.config.rewards: self.rewards_history[r] = [0] def print_summary(self): print(f'Summary at update step {self.step}') for r in self.config.rewards: print(r + ': ') print('\t Batch: {:.3f} \n' '\t Running: {:.3f}'.format(self.rewards_history[r][-1], np.mean( self.rewards_history[r]))) print(10 * '-') print('log utterance probability (worker actions):') print('\t Batch: {:.3f} \n' '\t Running: {:.3f}'.format(self.worker_actions_history[-1], np.mean( self.worker_actions_history))) print(10 * '-') print('log PDF of z (manager actions):') print('\t Batch: {:.3f} \n' '\t Running: {:.3f}'.format( self.manager_actions_history[-1], np.mean(self.manager_actions_history))) print(10 * '-') print('Response length:') print('\t Batch: {:.0f}'.format(self.response_len)) print(10 * '-') print('Sample dialog:') print(self.recent_dialog) print(20 * '*') print(20 * '*') sys.stdout.flush() def write_summary(self, t): metrics_dict = { 'step': self.step, 'response_len': self.response_len, 'sample_dialog': self.recent_dialog, 'batch_manager_action': self.manager_actions_history[-1], 'running_manager_actions': np.mean(self.manager_actions_history), 'batch_worker_action': self.worker_actions_history[-1], 'running_worker_actions': np.mean(self.worker_actions_history) } for r in self.config.rewards: metrics_dict['batch-' + r] = self.rewards_history[r][-1] metrics_dict['running-' + r] = np.mean(self.rewards_history[r]) for metric, val in metrics_dict.items(): if metric not in {'step', 'sample_dialog'}: self.writer.update_loss(loss=val, step_i=t, name=metric) # Write pandas csv with metrics to save dir self.df = self.df.append(metrics_dict, ignore_index=True) self.df.to_csv(self.pandas_path) def set_up_logging(self): # Get save path time_now ='%Y-%m-%d_%H;%M;%S') default_save_path = Path('model_checkpoints/rl/') # Folder for type of RL used if self.config.reinforce: rl_algorithm = 'reinforce' elif self.config.vhrl: rl_algorithm = 'vhrl' elif self.config.decoupled_vhrl: rl_algorithm = 'decoupled_vhrl' # Folder for type of rewards used extra_save_dir = self.config.extra_save_dir if not extra_save_dir: if len(self.config.rewards) == 1: extra_save_dir = self.config.rewards[0] else: reward_names = [ r[len('reward_'):] for r in self.config.rewards ] extra_save_dir = 'reward_' + '-'.join(reward_names) # Make save path self.save_dir = default_save_path.joinpath(, rl_algorithm, extra_save_dir, self.policy_net.config.model, time_now) # Make directory and save config print("Saving output to", self.save_dir) os.makedirs(self.save_dir, exist_ok=True) with open(os.path.join(self.save_dir, 'config.txt'), 'w') as f: print(self.config, file=f) # Make loggers self.writer = TensorboardWriter(self.save_dir) self.pandas_path = os.path.join(self.save_dir, "metrics.csv") self.df = pd.DataFrame() def save_model(self, t): """Save parameters to checkpoint""" ckpt_path = os.path.join(self.save_dir, f'policy_net{t}.pkl') print('%' * 5) print('%' * 5) print(f'Saving parameters to {ckpt_path}') print('%' * 5) print('%' * 5), ckpt_path) def load_models(self): """Load parameters from RL checkpoint""" # Override specific checkpoint with particular one base_checkpoint_dir = str(Path(self.config.checkpoint).parent) if self.config.rl_ckpt_epoch is not None: policy_ckpt_path = os.path.join( base_checkpoint_dir, 'policy_net' + str(self.config.rl_ckpt_epoch) + '.pkl') self.iter = int(self.config.rl_ckpt_epoch) else: ckpt_file = self.config.checkpoint.replace(base_checkpoint_dir, '') ckpt_file = ckpt_file.replace('/', '') ckpt_num = ckpt_file[len('policy_net'):ckpt_file.find('.')] policy_ckpt_path = self.config.checkpoint self.iter = int(ckpt_num) print(f'Loading parameters for policy net from {policy_ckpt_path}') policy_ckpt = torch.load(policy_ckpt_path) policy_ckpt = convert_old_checkpoint_format(policy_ckpt) self.policy_net.model.load_state_dict(policy_ckpt) # Ensure weights are initialized to be on the GPU when necessary if torch.cuda.is_available(): print('Converting checkpointed model to cuda tensors') self.policy_net.model.cuda() def get_data_loader(self, train=True): if train: sentences_path = self.config.sentences_path conversation_length_path = self.config.conversation_length_path sentence_length_path = self.config.sentence_length_path batch_size = self.config.rl_batch_size else: sentences_path = self.val_config.sentences_path conversation_length_path = self.val_config.conversation_length_path sentence_length_path = self.val_config.sentence_length_path batch_size = self.config.batch_size return get_loader( sentences=load_pickle(sentences_path), conversation_length=load_pickle(conversation_length_path), sentence_length=load_pickle(sentence_length_path), vocab=self.vocab, batch_size=batch_size) def load_sentences(self, data_dir): """Function that loads start sentences from train data. Used for starting simulated conversations. """ sent_dir = data_dir.joinpath('train/raw_sentences.pkl') conversations = pickle.load(open(sent_dir, 'rb')) sentences = [[conv[0]] for conv in conversations if len(conv[0].split()) > 5 and len(conv[0].split()) < 20] return sentences def interact(self): print("Commencing interaction with bot trained with RL") self.policy_net.interact( max_sentence_length=self.config.max_sentence_length, max_conversation_length=self.config.max_conversation_length, sample_by='priority', debug=False, print_history=True)