def test_border_stalin(self): """Упорядочиваются вершины линии фронта в сталинградском графе""" # Arrange xgml = processing.Xgml(STALIN, IOC.config.mgen) xgml.parse(str(IOC.config.mgen.xgml[STALIN])) grid = model.Grid(STALIN, xgml.nodes, xgml.edges, IOC.config.mgen) expected = (209, 94, 93, 96, 101, 100, 99, 137, 139, 138, 157, 186, 163, 164, 165, 184, 183, 182, 194, 193, 177) # Act border = grid.border # Assert self.assertCountEqual(tuple(int(x.key) for x in border), expected) self.assertSequenceEqual(tuple(int(x.key) for x in border), expected)
def test_border_test(self): """Упорядочиваются вершины линии фронта в тестовом графе""" # Arrange xgml = processing.Xgml(TEST, IOC.config.mgen) xgml.parse(str(IOC.config.mgen.xgml[TEST])) grid = model.Grid(TEST, xgml.nodes, xgml.edges, IOC.config.mgen) # Act frontline = grid.border_nodes border = grid.border # Assert self.assertEqual(len(frontline), 9) self.assertEqual(len(border), 9) self.assertEqual(border[0].text, 'L1')
def test_confrontation_area_stalingrad_east(self): """Создаётся многоугольник восточной прифронтовой полосы""" xgml = processing.Xgml(STALIN, MGEN) xgml.parse(str(MGEN.xgml[STALIN])) expected_keys = (192, 57, 196, 197, 185, 188, 187, 48, 110, 25, 102, 19, 95, 3, 191, 209, 94, 93, 96, 101, 100, 99, 137, 139, 138, 157, 186, 163, 164, 165, 184, 183, 182, 194, 193, 177) builder = processing.BoundaryBuilder(self.north, self.east, self.south, self.west) grid = model.Grid(STALIN, xgml.nodes, xgml.edges, 1) path = pathlib.Path(r'./tmp/{}_{}.xgml'.format(STALIN, 0)) xgml.save_file(str(path), grid.nodes, grid.edges) # Act result = builder.confrontation_east(grid) # Assert self.assertSequenceEqual(tuple(int(x.key) for x in result), expected_keys)
def test_grid_capturing_test(self): """Выполняется захват в тестовом графе""" xgml = processing.Xgml(TEST, IOC.config.mgen) xgml.parse(str(IOC.config.mgen.xgml[TEST])) grid = model.Grid(TEST, xgml.nodes, xgml.edges, IOC.config.mgen) path = pathlib.Path(r'./tmp/{}_{}.xgml'.format(TEST, 0)) xgml.save_file(str(path), grid.nodes, grid.edges) # Act for i in range(1, self.iterations): nodes = list(grid.border_nodes) if len(nodes) == 0: break random.shuffle(nodes) for node in nodes.pop().neighbors: if == 201: node.capture(101) break path = pathlib.Path(r'./tmp/{}_{}.xgml'.format(TEST, i)) xgml.save_file(str(path), grid.nodes, grid.edges)
def test_constructor(self): grid = model.Grid() rep = grid.as_list() self.assertEqual( rep, [[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]])
def __init__(self, name: str): super().__init__( name, '', '10.11.1941', {'x': 281600, 'z': 281600}, dict(), model.Grid(name, dict(), list(), 0), pathlib.Path()) = 201
self.background.move(dx, dy) self.label.move(dx, dy) time.sleep(step_sleep) def notify(self, event: model.GameEvent): """Receive notification of change from a tile. """ if event.kind == model.EventKind.tile_updated: row, col = event.tile.row, event.tile.col if self.row != row or self.col != col: self.slide_to(row, col) if self.value != event.tile.value: self.value = event.tile.value tile_color = RAMP[event.tile.value] self.background.setFill(tile_color) self.label.setText(str(event.tile.value)) elif event.kind == model.EventKind.tile_removed: self.label.undraw() self.background.undraw() else: raise Exception("Unexpected event {}".format(event)) if __name__ == "__main__": game_view = GameView(600, 600) grid_view = GridView(game_view, 4) grid = model.Grid() grid.add_listener(grid_view) grid.place_tile() game_view.lose()
def main(): pygame.init() displayWidth = 640 displayHeight = 640 screen = pygame.display.set_mode((displayWidth, displayHeight)) grid = model.Grid(40, 40, model.EMPTY, 20, 20) bgGrid = model.Grid(40, 40, model.EMPTY, 20, 20) #view.loadSprites() img = entities.Images() view.imgLoad(img) grid.entityList = model.initialEntities(grid) model.placeEntities(grid) persistance.load(grid, bgGrid) #Loads on startup of file. pygame.time.set_timer(pygame.USEREVENT, 1000) pendingActionList = entities.OrderedList() controller.initializeActions(pendingActionList, grid.entityList) #must be placed elsewhere gatherer = grid.entityList[0] gatherer.aim = grid.entityList[0] for entity in grid.entityList: if isinstance(entity, entities.MonsterEnergy): gatherer.aim = entity break resetCopy = controller.returnCopiesOf(grid.entityList) while 1: for event in pygame.event.get(): keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() mouse = pygame.mouse.get_pressed() x, y = pygame.mouse.get_pos() p = controller.clickToPoint(grid, x, y) if event.type == QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() if mouse[0]: controller.handleLeftClicks(pendingActionList, grid, keys, p, bgGrid) if mouse[2]: controller.handleRightClicks(grid, p) if keys[K_0]: grid.keyPressed = 0 grid = model.resetGrid(resetCopy, bgGrid) grid.entityList = controller.returnCopiesOf(resetCopy) gatherer = grid.entityList[0] pendingActionList = entities.OrderedList() controller.initializeActions(pendingActionList, grid.entityList) grid.spacePressed = False print("World reset.") if keys[K_s]:, bgGrid) if keys[K_l]: persistance.load(grid, bgGrid) pendingActionList.list = [] controller.initializeActions(pendingActionList, grid.entityList) grid.spacePressed = False controller.handleHover(grid, x, y) controller.handleKeys(grid, keys, gatherer) if grid.spacePressed: controller.ensureMovement(grid, pendingActionList) controller.updateGatherers(grid) controller.handleTicks(grid, pendingActionList, pygame.time.get_ticks()) model.placeEntities(grid) view.draw(img, screen, grid, bgGrid, grid.screenW, grid.screenH) controller.cleanUp(grid.entityList) pygame.display.flip()
'n_ev' : 1000, 'other': { 'charging_type' : 'if_needed_sunday'}}} #ev_data3 = {'NonCoordonne': {'type' : 'dumb', # 'n_ev' : 1000, # 'other': { # 'charging_type' : 'if_needed', # 'charging_power' : 7.2}}} #ev_data4 = {'NonCoordonne': {'type' : 'dumb', # 'n_ev' : 1000, # 'other': { # 'charging_type': 'all_days', # 'charging_power' : 7.2}}} #grid1 = evmodel.Grid(ev_data1, ndays=ndays, step=step) #grid1.do_days() grid2 = evmodel.Grid(ev_data2, ndays=ndays, step=step) grid2.do_days() grid3 = evmodel.Grid(ev_data3, ndays=ndays, step=step) for i in range(1000): grid3.evs['EV Load'][i].dist_wd = grid2.evs['EV Load'][i].dist_wd grid3.evs['EV Load'][i].dist_we = grid2.evs['EV Load'][i].dist_we grid3.do_days() #grid3 = evmodel.Grid(ev_data3, ndays=ndays, step=step) #grid3.do_days() #grid4 = evmodel.Grid(ev_data4, ndays=ndays, step=step) #grid4.do_days() #f, ([ax1, ax2], [ax3, ax4]) = plt.subplots(2,2) #ylim = 7.2*1000 f, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1,2) ylim = 3.7*1000 grid2.plot_evload(ax=ax1, ylim=ylim, title='Non Coordonnée, Tous les jours')
def test_grid_init(): """ grid can be initialized""" grid = model.Grid(5, 5) assert grid.dic[(0, 0)] == 0
def test_set_alive(): """ we can set cells to be alive """ grid = model.Grid(5, 5) grid.set_alive([[0, 0], [1, 0]]) assert grid.dic[(0, 0)] == 1 assert grid.dic[(1, 0)] == 1