def _parse_alt(self, str): if'[\[\]]', str) is not None: # Paired breakend items = re.split('[\[\]]', str) remoteCoords = items[1].split(':') chr = remoteCoords[0] if chr[0] == '<': chr = chr[1:-1] withinMainAssembly = False else: withinMainAssembly = True pos = remoteCoords[1] orientation = (str[0] == '[' or str[0] == ']') remoteOrientation = ('\[', str) is not None) if orientation: connectingSequence = items[2] else: connectingSequence = items[0] return _Breakend(chr, pos, orientation, remoteOrientation, connectingSequence, withinMainAssembly) elif str[0] == '.' and len(str) > 1: return _SingleBreakend(True, str[1:]) elif str[-1] == '.' and len(str) > 1: return _SingleBreakend(False, str[:-1]) elif str[0] == "<" and str[-1] == ">": return _SV(str[1:-1]) else: return _Substitution(str)