def decorateBluespecLibraryCode(moduleList): # get the baseline verilog bsvBaselineArray = get_bluespec_verilog(moduleList.env) # Is there tool specific code? if (not moduleList.getAWBParamSafe('synthesis_tool', 'USE_VIVADO_SOURCES') is None): bsvVerilog = get_bluespec_verilog(moduleList.env, resultArray = bsvBaselineArray, filePath = 'Verilog.Vivado').values() elif (not moduleList.getAWBParamSafe('synthesis_tool', 'USE_QUARTUS_SOURCES') is None): bsvVerilog = get_bluespec_verilog(moduleList.env, resultArray = bsvBaselineArray, filePath = 'Verilog.Quartus').values() else: bsvVerilog = bsvBaselineArray.values() for module in moduleList.synthBoundaries(): model.dictionary_list_create_append(module.moduleDependency, 'VERILOG_LIB', bsvVerilog) model.dictionary_list_create_append(moduleList.topModule.moduleDependency, 'VERILOG_LIB', bsvVerilog)
def __init__(self, moduleList): # if we have a deps build, don't do anything... if(moduleList.isDependsBuild): return self.firstPassLIGraph = wrapper_gen_tool.getFirstPassLIGraph() # A collector for all of the checkpoint objects we will gather/build in the following code. dcps = [] # Construct the tcl file self.part = moduleList.getAWBParam('physical_platform_config', 'FPGA_PART_XILINX') apm_name = moduleList.compileDirectory + '/' + moduleList.apmName self.paramTclFile = moduleList.topModule.moduleDependency['PARAM_TCL'][0] # If the TMP_XILINX_DIR doesn't exist, create it. if not os.path.isdir(moduleList.env['DEFS']['TMP_XILINX_DIR']): os.mkdir(moduleList.env['DEFS']['TMP_XILINX_DIR']) # Gather Tcl files for handling constraints. self.tcl_headers = [] if(len(moduleList.getAllDependenciesWithPaths('GIVEN_VIVADO_TCL_HEADERS')) > 0): self.tcl_headers = map(model.modify_path_hw, moduleList.getAllDependenciesWithPaths('GIVEN_VIVADO_TCL_HEADERS')) self.tcl_defs = [] if(len(moduleList.getAllDependenciesWithPaths('GIVEN_VIVADO_TCL_DEFINITIONS')) > 0): self.tcl_defs = map(model.modify_path_hw, moduleList.getAllDependenciesWithPaths('GIVEN_VIVADO_TCL_DEFINITIONS')) self.tcl_funcs = [] if(len(moduleList.getAllDependenciesWithPaths('GIVEN_VIVADO_TCL_FUNCTIONS')) > 0): self.tcl_funcs = map(model.modify_path_hw, moduleList.getAllDependenciesWithPaths('GIVEN_VIVADO_TCL_FUNCTIONS')) self.tcl_algs = [] if(len(moduleList.getAllDependenciesWithPaths('GIVEN_VIVADO_TCL_ALGEBRAS')) > 0): self.tcl_algs = map(model.modify_path_hw, moduleList.getAllDependenciesWithPaths('GIVEN_VIVADO_TCL_ALGEBRAS')) self.tcl_bmms = [] if(len(moduleList.getAllDependencies('GIVEN_XILINX_BMMS')) > 0): self.tcl_bmms = moduleList.getAllDependencies('GIVEN_XILINX_BMMS') self.tcl_elfs = [] if(len(moduleList.getAllDependencies('GIVEN_XILINX_ELFS')) > 0): self.tcl_elfs = moduleList.getAllDependencies('GIVEN_XILINX_ELFS') self.tcl_ag = [] #Emit area group definitions # If we got an area group placement data structure, now is the # time to convert it into a new constraint tcl. self.area_group_file = moduleList.compileDirectory + '/areagroups.xdc' if ('AREA_GROUPS' in moduleList.topModule.moduleDependency): self.area_constraints = area_group_tool.AreaConstraints(moduleList) self.routeAG = (moduleList.getAWBParam('area_group_tool', 'AREA_GROUPS_ROUTE_AG') != 0) # user ucf may be overridden by our area group ucf. Put our # generated ucf first. #tcl_defs.insert(0,self.area_group_file) def area_group_ucf_closure(moduleList): def area_group_ucf(target, source, env): self.area_constraints.loadAreaConstraints() self.area_constraints.emitConstraintsVivado(self.area_group_file) return area_group_ucf moduleList.env.Command( [self.area_group_file], self.area_constraints.areaConstraintsFile(), area_group_ucf_closure(moduleList) ) synthDepsBase = moduleList.getAllDependencies('GEN_VIVADO_DCPS') # We got a stack of synthesis results for the LI modules. We need # to convert these to design checkpoints for the fast place and # route flow. ngcModules = [module for module in moduleList.synthBoundaries() if not module.liIgnore] for module in ngcModules + [moduleList.topModule]: # did we get a dcp from the first pass? If so, did the lim # graph give code for this module? If both are true, then we # will link the old ngc in, rather than regenerate it. if ((not self.firstPassLIGraph is None) and ( in self.firstPassLIGraph.modules) and (self.firstPassLIGraph.modules[].getAttribute('RESYNTHESIZE') is None)): if (li_module.linkFirstPassObject(moduleList, module, self.firstPassLIGraph, 'GEN_VIVADO_DCPS', 'GEN_VIVADO_DCPS') is None): module.moduleDependency['GEN_VIVADO_DCPS'] = [self.edf_to_dcp(moduleList, module)] # it's possible that we got dcp from this compilation # pass. This will happen for the platform modules. elif (len(module.getDependencies('GEN_VIVADO_DCPS')) > 0): continue # we got neither. therefore, we must create a dcp out of the ngc. else: module.moduleDependency['GEN_VIVADO_DCPS'] = [self.edf_to_dcp(moduleList, module)] synthDeps = moduleList.getAllDependencies('GEN_VIVADO_DCPS') postSynthTcl = apm_name + '.physical.tcl' topWrapper = moduleList.topModule.wrapperName() newTclFile = open(postSynthTcl, 'w') newTclFile.write('create_project -force ' + moduleList.apmName + ' ' + moduleList.compileDirectory + ' -part ' + self.part + ' \n') # To resolve black boxes, we need to load checkpoints in the # following order: # 1) topModule # 2) platformModule # 3) user program, in any order userModules = [module for module in moduleList.synthBoundaries() if not module.liIgnore and not module.platformModule] platformModules = [module for module in moduleList.synthBoundaries() if not module.liIgnore and module.platformModule] checkpointCommands = [] if(not moduleList.getAWBParamSafe('area_group_tool', 'AREA_GROUPS_ENABLE')): for module in [moduleList.topModule] + platformModules + userModules: dcps.append(module.getDependencies('GEN_VIVADO_DCPS')) checkpoint = model.convertDependencies(module.getDependencies('GEN_VIVADO_DCPS')) # There should only be one checkpoint here. if(len(checkpoint) > 1): print "Error too many checkpoints for " + str( + ": " + str(checkpoint) continue if(len(checkpoint) == 0): print "No checkpoints for " + str( + ": " + str(checkpoint) continue newTclFile.write('read_checkpoint ' + checkpoint[0] + '\n') # We're attempting the new, parallel flow. else: # we need to issue seperate place commands. Therefore, we attempt to place each design # There may be some special area groups in platforms -- handle them elabAreaConstraints = area_group_tool.AreaConstraints(moduleList) elabAreaConstraints.loadAreaConstraintsElaborated() #self.area_constraints = area_group_tool.AreaConstraints(moduleList) for module in userModules: # Did we get a placed module already? if(( in elabAreaConstraints.constraints) and ('LIBRARY_DCP' in elabAreaConstraints.constraints[].attributes)): # we need to locate the dcp corresponding to this area group. candidates = moduleList.getAllDependencies('GIVEN_VIVADO_DCPS') for dcpCandidate in moduleList.getAllDependencies('GIVEN_VIVADO_DCPS'): if dcpCandidate.attributes['module'] == dcp = str(model.modify_path_hw(dcpCandidate)) model.dictionary_list_create_append(module.moduleDependency, 'GEN_VIVADO_PLACEMENT_DCPS', dcp) dcps.append(dcp) else: dcp = self.place_dcp(moduleList, module) model.dictionary_list_create_append(module.moduleDependency, 'GEN_VIVADO_PLACEMENT_DCPS', dcp) dcps.append(dcp) for module in [moduleList.topModule] + platformModules: checkpoint = model.convertDependencies(module.getDependencies('GEN_VIVADO_DCPS')) dcps.append(checkpoint) # There should only be one checkpoint here. if(len(checkpoint) > 1): print "Error too many checkpoints for " + str( + ": " + str(checkpoint) continue if(len(checkpoint) == 0): print "No checkpoints for " + str( + ": " + str(checkpoint) continue newTclFile.write('read_checkpoint ' + checkpoint[0] + '\n') # We can have parent/child relationships in the user modules. # Vivado requires that checkpoints be read in topological # order. def isBlackBox(module): if(self.firstPassLIGraph.modules[].getAttribute('BLACK_BOX_AREA_GROUP')): return 1 return 0 for module in sorted(userModules, key=isBlackBox): checkpoint = model.convertDependencies(module.getDependencies('GEN_VIVADO_PLACEMENT_DCPS')) # There should only be one checkpoint here. if(len(checkpoint) > 1): print "Error too many checkpoints for " + str( + ": " + str(checkpoint) continue if(len(checkpoint) == 0): print "No checkpoints for " + str( + ": " + str(checkpoint) continue #read in new checkoutpoint newTclFile.write('read_checkpoint ' + checkpoint[0] + '\n') emitPlatformAreaGroups = (moduleList.getAWBParam('area_group_tool', 'AREA_GROUPS_GROUP_PLATFORM_CODE') != 0) # platformModule refers to the main platform module, not # the subordinate device area groups. platformModule = (self.firstPassLIGraph.modules[].getAttribute('BLACK_BOX_AREA_GROUP') is None) and (not self.firstPassLIGraph.modules[].getAttribute('PLATFORM_MODULE') is None) allowAGPlatform = (not platformModule) or emitPlatformAreaGroups emitDeviceGroups = (moduleList.getAWBParam('area_group_tool', 'AREA_GROUPS_PAR_DEVICE_AG') != 0) allowAGDevice = (self.firstPassLIGraph.modules[].getAttribute('BLACK_BOX_AREA_GROUP') is None) or emitDeviceGroups if (allowAGPlatform and allowAGDevice): refName = module.wrapperName() lockPlacement = True lockRoute = self.routeAG # If this is an platform/user-defined area group, the wrapper name may be different. if (not self.firstPassLIGraph.modules[].getAttribute('BLACK_BOX_AREA_GROUP') is None): refName = elabAreaConstraints.constraints[].attributes['MODULE_NAME'] lockPlacement = not ('NO_PLACE' in elabAreaConstraints.constraints[].attributes) and lockPlacement lockRoute = not ('NO_ROUTE' in elabAreaConstraints.constraints[].attributes) and lockRoute checkpointCommands.append('if { [llength [get_cells -hier -filter {REF_NAME =~ "' + refName + '"}]] } {\n') checkpointCommands.append(' puts "Locking ' + refName + '"\n') if (lockRoute): # locking routing requires us to emit an area group. boo. ag_tcl = self.ag_constraints(moduleList, module) self.tcl_ag.append(ag_tcl) checkpointCommands.append(' source ' + str(ag_tcl) + '\n') checkpointCommands.append(' lock_design -level routing [get_cells -hier -filter {REF_NAME =~ "' + refName + '"}]\n') elif (lockPlacement): checkpointCommands.append(' lock_design -level placement [get_cells -hier -filter {REF_NAME =~ "' + refName + '"}]\n') checkpointCommands.append('}\n') given_netlists = [ moduleList.env['DEFS']['ROOT_DIR_HW'] + '/' + netlist for netlist in moduleList.getAllDependenciesWithPaths('GIVEN_NGCS') + moduleList.getAllDependenciesWithPaths('GIVEN_EDFS') ] for netlist in given_netlists: newTclFile.write('read_edif ' + netlist + '\n') # We have lots of dangling wires (Thanks, Bluespec). Set the # following properties to silence the warnings. newTclFile.write("set_property SEVERITY {Warning} [get_drc_checks NSTD-1]\n") newTclFile.write("set_property SEVERITY {Warning} [get_drc_checks UCIO-1]\n") newTclFile.write("link_design -top " + topWrapper + " -part " + self.part + "\n") newTclFile.write("report_utilization -file " + apm_name + ".link.util\n") newTclFile.write("write_checkpoint -force " + apm_name + ".link.dcp\n") # lock down the area group routing. newTclFile.write("\n".join(checkpointCommands) + "\n") for elf in self.tcl_elfs: newTclFile.write("add_file " + model.modify_path_hw(elf) + "\n") newTclFile.write("set_property MEMDATA.ADDR_MAP_CELLS {" + str(elf.attributes['ref']) + "} [get_files " + model.modify_path_hw(elf) + "]\n") # We will now attempt to link in any bmm that we might have. for bmm in self.tcl_bmms: newTclFile.write("add_file " + model.modify_path_hw(bmm) + "\n") newTclFile.write("set_property SCOPED_TO_REF " + str(bmm.attributes['ref']) + " [get_files " + model.modify_path_hw(bmm) + "]\n") newTclFile.write('set IS_TOP_BUILD 1\n ') newTclFile.write('set IS_AREA_GROUP_BUILD 0\n ') newTclFile.write('set SYNTH_OBJECT ""\n') newTclFile.write('source ' + self.paramTclFile + '\n') for tcl_header in self.tcl_headers: newTclFile.write('source ' + tcl_header + '\n') for tcl_def in self.tcl_defs: newTclFile.write('source ' + tcl_def + '\n') for tcl_func in self.tcl_funcs: newTclFile.write('source ' + tcl_func + '\n') for tcl_alg in self.tcl_algs: newTclFile.write('source ' + tcl_alg + '\n') def dumpPBlockCmd(tgt): return 'dumpPBlockUtilization "' + moduleList.compileDirectory + '/' + tgt + '.util"\n' newTclFile.write(dumpPBlockCmd('link')) newTclFile.write("report_timing_summary -file " + apm_name + ".map.twr\n\n") newTclFile.write("opt_design -directive AddRemap\n") newTclFile.write("report_utilization -file " + apm_name + ".opt.util\n") newTclFile.write(dumpPBlockCmd('opt')) newTclFile.write("write_checkpoint -force " + apm_name + ".opt.dcp\n\n") newTclFile.write("place_design -no_drc -directive WLDrivenBlockPlacement\n") newTclFile.write(dumpPBlockCmd('place')) newTclFile.write("phys_opt_design -directive AggressiveFanoutOpt\n") newTclFile.write("write_checkpoint -force " + apm_name + ".map.dcp\n") newTclFile.write(dumpPBlockCmd('phyopt')) newTclFile.write("report_utilization -file " + apm_name + ".map.util\n\n") newTclFile.write("route_design\n") newTclFile.write("write_checkpoint -force " + apm_name + ".par.dcp\n") newTclFile.write(dumpPBlockCmd('par')) newTclFile.write("report_timing_summary -file " + apm_name + ".par.twr\n\n") newTclFile.write("report_utilization -hierarchical -file " + apm_name + ".par.util\n") newTclFile.write("report_drc -file " + topWrapper + ".drc\n\n") newTclFile.write("write_bitstream -force " + apm_name + "_par.bit\n") newTclFile.close() # generate bitfile xilinx_bit = moduleList.env.Command( apm_name + '_par.bit', synthDeps + self.tcl_algs + self.tcl_defs + self.tcl_funcs + self.tcl_ag + [self.paramTclFile] + dcps + [postSynthTcl], ['touch start.txt; vivado -verbose -mode batch -source ' + postSynthTcl + ' -log ' + moduleList.compileDirectory + '/postsynth.log']) moduleList.topModule.moduleDependency['BIT'] = [apm_name + '_par.bit'] # We still need to generate a download script. xilinx_loader.LOADER(moduleList)
def __init__(self, moduleList): # if we have a deps build, don't do anything... if (moduleList.isDependsBuild): return self.firstPassLIGraph = wrapper_gen_tool.getFirstPassLIGraph() # A collector for all of the checkpoint objects we will gather/build in the following code. dcps = [] # Construct the tcl file self.part = moduleList.getAWBParam('physical_platform_config', 'FPGA_PART_XILINX') apm_name = moduleList.compileDirectory + '/' + moduleList.apmName self.paramTclFile = moduleList.topModule.moduleDependency['PARAM_TCL'][ 0] # If the TMP_FPGA_DIR doesn't exist, create it. if not os.path.isdir(moduleList.env['DEFS']['TMP_FPGA_DIR']): os.mkdir(moduleList.env['DEFS']['TMP_FPGA_DIR']) # Gather Tcl files for handling constraints. self.tcl_headers = [] if (len( moduleList.getAllDependenciesWithPaths( 'GIVEN_VIVADO_TCL_HEADERS')) > 0): self.tcl_headers = map( model.modify_path_hw, moduleList.getAllDependenciesWithPaths( 'GIVEN_VIVADO_TCL_HEADERS')) self.tcl_defs = [] if (len( moduleList.getAllDependenciesWithPaths( 'GIVEN_VIVADO_TCL_DEFINITIONS')) > 0): self.tcl_defs = map( model.modify_path_hw, moduleList.getAllDependenciesWithPaths( 'GIVEN_VIVADO_TCL_DEFINITIONS')) self.tcl_funcs = [] if (len( moduleList.getAllDependenciesWithPaths( 'GIVEN_VIVADO_TCL_FUNCTIONS')) > 0): self.tcl_funcs = map( model.modify_path_hw, moduleList.getAllDependenciesWithPaths( 'GIVEN_VIVADO_TCL_FUNCTIONS')) self.tcl_algs = [] if (len( moduleList.getAllDependenciesWithPaths( 'GIVEN_VIVADO_TCL_ALGEBRAS')) > 0): self.tcl_algs = map( model.modify_path_hw, moduleList.getAllDependenciesWithPaths( 'GIVEN_VIVADO_TCL_ALGEBRAS')) self.tcl_bmms = [] if (len(moduleList.getAllDependencies('GIVEN_XILINX_BMMS')) > 0): self.tcl_bmms = moduleList.getAllDependencies('GIVEN_XILINX_BMMS') self.tcl_elfs = [] if (len(moduleList.getAllDependencies('GIVEN_XILINX_ELFS')) > 0): self.tcl_elfs = moduleList.getAllDependencies('GIVEN_XILINX_ELFS') self.tcl_ag = [] #Emit area group definitions # If we got an area group placement data structure, now is the # time to convert it into a new constraint tcl. self.area_group_file = moduleList.compileDirectory + '/areagroups.xdc' if ('AREA_GROUPS' in moduleList.topModule.moduleDependency): self.area_constraints = area_group_tool.AreaConstraints(moduleList) self.routeAG = (moduleList.getAWBParam( 'area_group_tool', 'AREA_GROUPS_ROUTE_AG') != 0) # user ucf may be overridden by our area group ucf. Put our # generated ucf first. #tcl_defs.insert(0,self.area_group_file) def area_group_ucf_closure(moduleList): def area_group_ucf(target, source, env): self.area_constraints.loadAreaConstraints() self.area_constraints.emitConstraintsVivado( self.area_group_file) return area_group_ucf moduleList.env.Command([self.area_group_file], self.area_constraints.areaConstraintsFile(), area_group_ucf_closure(moduleList)) synthDepsBase = moduleList.getAllDependencies('GEN_VIVADO_DCPS') # We got a stack of synthesis results for the LI modules. We need # to convert these to design checkpoints for the fast place and # route flow. ngcModules = [ module for module in moduleList.synthBoundaries() if not module.liIgnore ] for module in ngcModules + [moduleList.topModule]: # did we get a dcp from the first pass? If so, did the lim # graph give code for this module? If both are true, then we # will link the old ngc in, rather than regenerate it. if ((not self.firstPassLIGraph is None) and ( in self.firstPassLIGraph.modules) and (self.firstPassLIGraph.modules[].getAttribute('RESYNTHESIZE') is None)): if (li_module.linkFirstPassObject( moduleList, module, self.firstPassLIGraph, 'GEN_VIVADO_DCPS', 'GEN_VIVADO_DCPS') is None): module.moduleDependency['GEN_VIVADO_DCPS'] = [ self.edf_to_dcp(moduleList, module) ] # it's possible that we got dcp from this compilation # pass. This will happen for the platform modules. elif (len(module.getDependencies('GEN_VIVADO_DCPS')) > 0): continue # we got neither. therefore, we must create a dcp out of the ngc. else: module.moduleDependency['GEN_VIVADO_DCPS'] = [ self.edf_to_dcp(moduleList, module) ] synthDeps = moduleList.getAllDependencies('GEN_VIVADO_DCPS') postSynthTcl = apm_name + '.physical.tcl' topWrapper = moduleList.topModule.wrapperName() newTclFile = open(postSynthTcl, 'w') newTclFile.write('create_project -force ' + moduleList.apmName + ' ' + moduleList.compileDirectory + ' -part ' + self.part + ' \n') # To resolve black boxes, we need to load checkpoints in the # following order: # 1) topModule # 2) platformModule # 3) user program, in any order userModules = [ module for module in moduleList.synthBoundaries() if not module.liIgnore and not module.platformModule ] platformModules = [ module for module in moduleList.synthBoundaries() if not module.liIgnore and module.platformModule ] checkpointCommands = [] if (not moduleList.getAWBParamSafe('area_group_tool', 'AREA_GROUPS_ENABLE')): for module in [moduleList.topModule ] + platformModules + userModules: dcps.append(module.getDependencies('GEN_VIVADO_DCPS')) checkpoint = model.convertDependencies( module.getDependencies('GEN_VIVADO_DCPS')) # There should only be one checkpoint here. if (len(checkpoint) > 1): print "Error too many checkpoints for " + str( + ": " + str(checkpoint) continue if (len(checkpoint) == 0): print "No checkpoints for " + str( + ": " + str(checkpoint) continue newTclFile.write('read_checkpoint ' + checkpoint[0] + '\n') # We're attempting the new, parallel flow. else: # we need to issue seperate place commands. Therefore, we attempt to place each design # There may be some special area groups in platforms -- handle them elabAreaConstraints = area_group_tool.AreaConstraints(moduleList) elabAreaConstraints.loadAreaConstraintsElaborated() #self.area_constraints = area_group_tool.AreaConstraints(moduleList) for module in userModules: # Did we get a placed module already? if (( in elabAreaConstraints.constraints) and ('LIBRARY_DCP' in elabAreaConstraints.constraints[].attributes)): # we need to locate the dcp corresponding to this area group. candidates = moduleList.getAllDependencies( 'GIVEN_VIVADO_DCPS') for dcpCandidate in moduleList.getAllDependencies( 'GIVEN_VIVADO_DCPS'): if dcpCandidate.attributes['module'] == dcp = str(model.modify_path_hw(dcpCandidate)) model.dictionary_list_create_append( module.moduleDependency, 'GEN_VIVADO_PLACEMENT_DCPS', dcp) dcps.append(dcp) else: dcp = self.place_dcp(moduleList, module) model.dictionary_list_create_append( module.moduleDependency, 'GEN_VIVADO_PLACEMENT_DCPS', dcp) dcps.append(dcp) for module in [moduleList.topModule] + platformModules: checkpoint = model.convertDependencies( module.getDependencies('GEN_VIVADO_DCPS')) dcps.append(checkpoint) # There should only be one checkpoint here. if (len(checkpoint) > 1): print "Error too many checkpoints for " + str( + ": " + str(checkpoint) continue if (len(checkpoint) == 0): print "No checkpoints for " + str( + ": " + str(checkpoint) continue newTclFile.write('read_checkpoint ' + checkpoint[0] + '\n') # We can have parent/child relationships in the user modules. # Vivado requires that checkpoints be read in topological # order. def isBlackBox(module): if (self.firstPassLIGraph.modules[].getAttribute( 'BLACK_BOX_AREA_GROUP')): return 1 return 0 for module in sorted(userModules, key=isBlackBox): checkpoint = model.convertDependencies( module.getDependencies('GEN_VIVADO_PLACEMENT_DCPS')) # There should only be one checkpoint here. if (len(checkpoint) > 1): print "Error too many checkpoints for " + str( + ": " + str(checkpoint) continue if (len(checkpoint) == 0): print "No checkpoints for " + str( + ": " + str(checkpoint) continue #read in new checkoutpoint newTclFile.write('read_checkpoint ' + checkpoint[0] + '\n') emitPlatformAreaGroups = (moduleList.getAWBParam( 'area_group_tool', 'AREA_GROUPS_GROUP_PLATFORM_CODE') != 0) # platformModule refers to the main platform module, not # the subordinate device area groups. platformModule = ( self.firstPassLIGraph.modules[].getAttribute( 'BLACK_BOX_AREA_GROUP') is None) and (not self.firstPassLIGraph.modules[].getAttribute('PLATFORM_MODULE') is None) allowAGPlatform = ( not platformModule) or emitPlatformAreaGroups emitDeviceGroups = (moduleList.getAWBParam( 'area_group_tool', 'AREA_GROUPS_PAR_DEVICE_AG') != 0) allowAGDevice = (self.firstPassLIGraph.modules[].getAttribute('BLACK_BOX_AREA_GROUP') is None) or emitDeviceGroups if (allowAGPlatform and allowAGDevice): refName = module.wrapperName() lockPlacement = True lockRoute = self.routeAG # If this is an platform/user-defined area group, the wrapper name may be different. if (not self.firstPassLIGraph.modules[]. getAttribute('BLACK_BOX_AREA_GROUP') is None): refName = elabAreaConstraints.constraints[].attributes['MODULE_NAME'] lockPlacement = not ( 'NO_PLACE' in elabAreaConstraints.constraints[].attributes) and lockPlacement lockRoute = not ( 'NO_ROUTE' in elabAreaConstraints.constraints[].attributes) and lockRoute checkpointCommands.append( 'if { [llength [get_cells -hier -filter {REF_NAME =~ "' + refName + '"}]] } {\n') checkpointCommands.append(' puts "Locking ' + refName + '"\n') if (lockRoute): # locking routing requires us to emit an area group. boo. ag_tcl = self.ag_constraints(moduleList, module) self.tcl_ag.append(ag_tcl) checkpointCommands.append(' source ' + str(ag_tcl) + '\n') checkpointCommands.append( ' lock_design -level routing [get_cells -hier -filter {REF_NAME =~ "' + refName + '"}]\n') elif (lockPlacement): checkpointCommands.append( ' lock_design -level placement [get_cells -hier -filter {REF_NAME =~ "' + refName + '"}]\n') checkpointCommands.append('}\n') given_netlists = [ moduleList.env['DEFS']['ROOT_DIR_HW'] + '/' + netlist for netlist in moduleList.getAllDependenciesWithPaths('GIVEN_NGCS') + moduleList.getAllDependenciesWithPaths('GIVEN_EDFS') ] for netlist in given_netlists: newTclFile.write('read_edif ' + netlist + '\n') # We have lots of dangling wires (Thanks, Bluespec). Set the # following properties to silence the warnings. newTclFile.write( "set_property SEVERITY {Warning} [get_drc_checks NSTD-1]\n") newTclFile.write( "set_property SEVERITY {Warning} [get_drc_checks UCIO-1]\n") newTclFile.write("link_design -top " + topWrapper + " -part " + self.part + "\n") newTclFile.write("report_utilization -file " + apm_name + ".link.util\n") newTclFile.write("write_checkpoint -force " + apm_name + ".link.dcp\n") # lock down the area group routing. newTclFile.write("\n".join(checkpointCommands) + "\n") for elf in self.tcl_elfs: newTclFile.write("add_file " + model.modify_path_hw(elf) + "\n") newTclFile.write("set_property MEMDATA.ADDR_MAP_CELLS {" + str(elf.attributes['ref']) + "} [get_files " + model.modify_path_hw(elf) + "]\n") # We will now attempt to link in any bmm that we might have. for bmm in self.tcl_bmms: newTclFile.write("add_file " + model.modify_path_hw(bmm) + "\n") newTclFile.write("set_property SCOPED_TO_REF " + str(bmm.attributes['ref']) + " [get_files " + model.modify_path_hw(bmm) + "]\n") newTclFile.write('set IS_TOP_BUILD 1\n ') newTclFile.write('set IS_AREA_GROUP_BUILD 0\n ') newTclFile.write('set SYNTH_OBJECT ""\n') newTclFile.write('source ' + self.paramTclFile + '\n') for tcl_header in self.tcl_headers: newTclFile.write('source ' + tcl_header + '\n') for tcl_def in self.tcl_defs: newTclFile.write('source ' + tcl_def + '\n') for tcl_func in self.tcl_funcs: newTclFile.write('source ' + tcl_func + '\n') for tcl_alg in self.tcl_algs: newTclFile.write('source ' + tcl_alg + '\n') def dumpPBlockCmd(tgt): return 'dumpPBlockUtilization "' + moduleList.compileDirectory + '/' + tgt + '.util"\n' newTclFile.write(dumpPBlockCmd('link')) newTclFile.write("report_timing_summary -file " + apm_name + ".map.twr\n\n") newTclFile.write("opt_design -directive AddRemap\n") newTclFile.write("report_utilization -file " + apm_name + ".opt.util\n") newTclFile.write(dumpPBlockCmd('opt')) newTclFile.write("write_checkpoint -force " + apm_name + ".opt.dcp\n\n") newTclFile.write( "place_design -no_drc -directive WLDrivenBlockPlacement\n") newTclFile.write(dumpPBlockCmd('place')) newTclFile.write("phys_opt_design -directive AggressiveFanoutOpt\n") newTclFile.write("write_checkpoint -force " + apm_name + ".map.dcp\n") newTclFile.write(dumpPBlockCmd('phyopt')) newTclFile.write("report_utilization -file " + apm_name + ".map.util\n\n") newTclFile.write("route_design\n") newTclFile.write("write_checkpoint -force " + apm_name + ".par.dcp\n") newTclFile.write(dumpPBlockCmd('par')) newTclFile.write("report_timing_summary -file " + apm_name + ".par.twr\n\n") newTclFile.write("report_utilization -hierarchical -file " + apm_name + ".par.util\n") newTclFile.write("report_drc -file " + topWrapper + ".drc\n\n") newTclFile.write("write_bitstream -force " + apm_name + "_par.bit\n") newTclFile.close() # generate bitfile xilinx_bit = moduleList.env.Command( apm_name + '_par.bit', synthDeps + self.tcl_algs + self.tcl_defs + self.tcl_funcs + self.tcl_ag + [self.paramTclFile] + dcps + [postSynthTcl], [ 'touch start.txt; vivado -verbose -mode batch -source ' + postSynthTcl + ' -log ' + moduleList.compileDirectory + '/postsynth.log' ]) moduleList.topModule.moduleDependency['BIT'] = [apm_name + '_par.bit'] # We still need to generate a download script. xilinx_loader.LOADER(moduleList)