def cache_maildir(mdir, cacheobj, F):
    #cacheobj.local = map(lambda x: cachefacade(message.selectBy(localuid=x[0], folder=F, connection=dbconn).getOne().remoteuid, flags(x[1].get_flags())), mdir.iteritems())
    #map(lambda x: cacheobj.local.setdefault(message.selectBy(localuid=x[0], folder=F, connection=dbconn).getOne().remoteuid, flags(x[1].get_flags())), mdir.iteritems())
    map(lambda x: cacheobj.local.setdefault(x[0], flags(x[1].get_flags())), mdir.iteritems())
    return cacheobj
def cache_imap(imapcon, cacheobj, F):
    msgs = imapcon.fetch('1:%s' % imapcon.sstatus['current_folder']['EXISTS'], '(UID FLAGS)')
    #cacheobj.remote = map(lambda x: cachefacade(x['UID'], flags(x['FLAGS'])), msgs.itervalues())
    map(lambda x: cacheobj.remote.setdefault(x['UID'], flags(x['FLAGS'])), msgs.itervalues())
    return cacheobj
            lm = cache.local.get(msg.localuid, None)
            if lm: #msg still exists, so remove from the cache to prevent processing again.
                del cache.local[msg.localuid]

            #grab the vitals for the remote copy
            rm = cache.remote.get(int(m), None)
            if rm: #msg still exists, so remove from cache to prevent processing again.
                del cache.remote[int(m)]

            if not lm or not rm:
                #either the remote or local copy is missing. place in purgatory
                #for further processing later
                #cache.purgatory[msg.content.hash] = ((lm and LOCAL) or (rm and REMOTE)), msg
                cache.purgatory[((lm and LOCAL) or (rm and REMOTE))].append(msg)
                mf = flags(msg.flags)
                #check to see if flags are any different.
                if mf != lm or mf != rm:
                    cf = combine_flags(mf, lm, rm)
                    if cf != lm:
                        cache.lflagupdate[msg.localuid] = cf
                    if cf != rm:
                        cache.rflagupdate[m] = cf

        if cache.local:
            #any messages left in cache.local are messages whose names we don't
            #recognize. possabilities for these messages include: