Exemple #1
def edit():
    # Edit call record form.
    errors = []
    message = None
    # can edit?
    if not session['user_auth_level'] >= 100:  # read write
        log_access('edit', 'access_denied: user is not read/write user or above record id:' + request.args['id'])
        return render_template('access_denied.html')

    # is a form submitted?
    if request.method == 'POST':
        form = request.form.copy()
        log_access('edit', 'posted form: ' + form['id'])
        if model.get_call_log(form['id'])['created'] < datetime.today() - timedelta(days=config.DISABLE_EDIT_AGE):
            # unless administrator, check for age of the record.
            if not session['user_auth_level'] >= 10000:  # not administrator
                log_access('edit', 'form older than disable edit age')
                errors.append("This record is older than " + str(config.DISABLE_EDIT_AGE) + " days. You cannot edit this record. This is the error.")
        # unless administrator, check for the ownership of the record.
        elif session['user_auth_level'] >= 10000 or model.is_call_log_owner(session['user_id'], form['id']):
            errors = model.set_call_log(form)
            if not errors:
                log_access('edit', 'form recorded ' + str(request.form['id']))
                form = model.get_call_log(request.form['id'])
                message = "Record saved. <a href='" + url_for("show", id=form['id']) + "'>Show record.</a>"
            log_access('edit', 'access_denied ' + str(request.form['id']))
            return render_template('access_denied.html')
    # initial display of the unedited form?
    elif request.method == 'GET':
        id = int(request.args['id'])
        record = model.get_call_log(id)
        log_access('edit', 'id: ' + str(id))
        if record['created'] < datetime.today() - timedelta(days=config.DISABLE_EDIT_AGE):
            if not session['user_auth_level'] >= 10000:  # not administrator
                errors.append("This record is older than " + str(config.DISABLE_EDIT_AGE) + " days. You cannot edit this record. Saving will result in an error.")

        if record['user_id'] != session['user_id']:
            if not session['user_auth_level'] >= 10000:  # not administrator
                log_access('edit', 'access_denied: userid != records owner id')
                return render_template('access_denied.html')

        form = record
        return render_template('error.html')

    tagsource = model.get_tag_source()
    return render_template('new.html', form = form,
                           call_classification = model.get_call_classification(),
                           pt_hospital = model.get_pt_hospital(),
                           from_title = model.get_from_title(),
                           tagsource = model.get_tag_source(),
                           errors = errors,
                           message = message)
Exemple #2
def printcalls():
    # Interface to print calls.
    # Summarizes them at top, and prints a call per page.
    log_access('printcalls', 'ids: ' + request.args['id'])
    ids = str(request.args['id']).split('-')
    records = []
    for id in ids:
        id = int(id)
        record = model.get_call_log(id).copy()
        record['relevant_info'] = text_process(record['relevant_info'])
        record['action_taken'] = text_process(record['action_taken'])
        record['follow_up'] = text_process(record['follow_up'])
        record['tagsform'] = record['tagsform'].split(',') if record['tagsform'] else []
        record['day_of_week'] = day_of_week(record['date_of_call_raw'].weekday())
    return render_template('printcalls.html',
Exemple #3
def show():
    # Shows a single record
    errors = []
    if request.args.has_key('id'):
        id = int(request.args['id'])
        log_access('show', 'id: ' + str(id))
        record = model.get_call_log(id)
        if not record:
            return redirect(url_for('access_denied'))

        if record['date_of_call_raw'] < date.today() - timedelta(days=config.WARN_OLD_RECORD*365):
            errors.append("This record is older than " + str(config.WARN_OLD_RECORD) + " years. The contents of this record could be stale.")

        record['relevant_info'] = text_process(record['relevant_info'])
        record['action_taken'] = text_process(record['action_taken'])
        record['follow_up'] = text_process(record['follow_up'])
        record['day_of_week'] = day_of_week(record['date_of_call_raw'].weekday())
        return render_template('show.html',
                               errors=errors )
        return render_template('error.html')
Exemple #4
def ajax():
    # Utility entry point for various functions that are triggered by the javascript.
    action = request.args['action']
    log_access('ajax', 'query' + request.query_string)

    # AutoSaveForm is used to recover any edits on the calls when users browser closes for an unintended reason.
    if action == 'setautosaveform':
        model.set_autosave_form(request.args['key'], json.dumps(request.form))

    elif action == 'getautosaveform':
        return model.get_autosave_form(request.args['key'])

    elif action == 'deleteautosaveform':

    # Templates are quick text blobs used for editing the calls.
    elif action == 'gettemplatelist':
        return json.dumps(model.get_template_list())

    elif action == 'addtemplate':
        id = model.add_template(request.form)
        return json.dumps(model.get_template(id))

    elif action == 'settemplate':
        return json.dumps(model.get_template(request.form['id']))

    elif action == 'deletetemplate':

    elif action == 'startemplate':
        return json.dumps(model.star_template(request.form['id']))

    elif action == 'getresidentsstarredtemplates':
        return json.dumps(model.get_residents_starred_templates())

    # Commenting related functions
    elif action == 'addcomment':
        model.add_comment(request.args['key'], request.form['comment'])
        return json.dumps(model.get_comments(request.args['key']))

    elif action == 'deletecomment':
        id = request.args['comment_id']
        comment = model.get_comment(id)
        if session['user_auth_level'] >= 10000 or comment['username'] == session['user_username']: # administrator

    elif action == 'savecomment':
        id = request.args['comment_id']
        comment = model.get_comment(id)
        if session['user_auth_level'] >= 10000 or comment['username'] == session['user_username']: # administrator
            model.edit_comment(id, request.form['comment'])

    elif action == 'getcomments':
        call_id = request.args['key']
        comments = model.get_comments(call_id)
        for comment in comments:
            comment['blob'] = text_process(comment['blob'])
        return json.dumps(comments)

    # Deletes a call record.
    elif action == 'deletecalllog':
        key = request.args['key']
        if session['user_auth_level'] >= 10000 \
                or (model.is_call_log_owner(session['user_id'], key) and model.get_call_log(key)['created'] >= datetime.today() - timedelta(days=config.DISABLE_EDIT_AGE)): #  administrator

    # Returns calls of a specific patient by the patients hospital number.
    elif action == 'searchforpatientnumber':
        key = request.args['key']
        key = key.strip()
        return json.dumps(model.get_calls_by_patient_number(key))

    # Tag related
    elif action == 'deletetag':

    elif action == 'saveTagChange':
        model.save_tag_change_for_call(int(request.args['id']), request.args['tag'], int(request.args['added']))

    # Liking a call, currently there is no limit on how many times you can like a record.
    elif action == 'like':
        key = int(request.args['id'])
        call = model.get_call_log(key)
        return str(call['liked'])

    # Flags a record
    elif action == 'flag':
        key = int(request.args['id'])
        flag = int(request.args['flag'])
        flag_state = model.get_flag(request.args['id'])
        if flag_state == flag:
            model.set_flag(key, flag)

        return str(model.get_flag(request.args['id']))

    return '1'