Exemple #1
    def build_synth_boundary(self, moduleList, module):
        if (self.pipeline_debug != 0):
            print "Working on " + module.name

        env = moduleList.env
        BSVS = moduleList.getSynthBoundaryDependencies(module, 'GIVEN_BSVS')
        # each submodel will have a generated BSV
        GEN_BSVS = moduleList.getSynthBoundaryDependencies(module, 'GEN_BSVS')
        APM_FILE = moduleList.env['DEFS']['APM_FILE']
        BSC = moduleList.env['DEFS']['BSC']

        MODULE_PATH =  get_build_path(moduleList, module)

        ## Load intra-Bluespec dependence already computed.  This information will
        ## ultimately drive the building of Bluespec modules.
        env.ParseDepends(MODULE_PATH + '/' + module.dependsFile,
                         must_exist = not moduleList.env.GetOption('clean'))

        # This function is responsible for creating build rules for
        # subdirectories.  It must be called or no subdirectory builds
        # will happen since scons won't have the recipe.
        self.setup_module_build(moduleList, MODULE_PATH)

        if not os.path.isdir(self.TMP_BSC_DIR):

        moduleList.env.VariantDir(MODULE_PATH + '/' + self.TMP_BSC_DIR, '.', duplicate=0)

        # set up builds for the various bsv of this synthesis
        # boundary.  One wonders if we could handle this as a single
        # global operation.
        bsc_builds = []
        for bsv in BSVS + GEN_BSVS:
            bsc_builds += env.BSC(MODULE_PATH + '/' + self.TMP_BSC_DIR + '/' + bsv.replace('.bsv', ''), MODULE_PATH + '/' + bsv)

        firstPassLIGraph = wrapper_gen_tool.getFirstPassLIGraph()
        # In the second pass of the LIM build, we don't need to build
        # any modules, except in some cases where we turn on
        # module-specific optimizations, as in the case of central
        # cache.  If we do need to rebuild, we'll see a tag.
        if ((module.name != moduleList.topModule.name) and (not firstPassLIGraph is None) and (module.name in firstPassLIGraph.modules) and (firstPassLIGraph.modules[module.name].getAttribute('RESYNTHESIZE') is None)):

        # This should not be a for loop.
        for bsv in [model.get_wrapper(module)]:
            if env.GetOption('clean'):
                os.system('rm -f ' + MODULE_PATH + '/' + bsv.replace('Wrapper.bsv', 'Log.bsv'))
                os.system('rm -f ' + MODULE_PATH + '/' + bsv.replace('.bsv', '_con_size.bsh'))

            ## First pass just generates a log file to figure out cross synthesis
            ## boundary soft connection array sizes.
            ## All but the top level build need the log build pass to compute
            ## the size of the external soft connection vector.  The top level has
            ## no exposed connections and can generate the log file, needed
            ## for global strings, during the final build.
            logfile = model.get_logfile(moduleList, module)
            module.moduleDependency['BSV_LOG'] += [logfile]
            module.moduleDependency['GEN_LOGS'] = [logfile]
            if (module.name != moduleList.topModule.name):
                log = env.BSC_LOG_ONLY(logfile, MODULE_PATH + '/' + bsv.replace('Wrapper.bsv', 'Log'))

                ## Parse the log, generate a stub file

                stub_name = bsv.replace('.bsv', '_con_size.bsh')

                def build_con_size_bsh_closure(target, source, env):
                    liGraph = LIGraph(li_module.parseLogfiles(source))
                    # Should have only one module...
                    if(len(liGraph.modules) == 0):
                        bshModule = LIModule(module.name, module.name)
                        bshModule = liGraph.modules.values()[0]
                    bsh_handle = open(str(target[0]), 'w')
                    wrapper_gen_tool.generateConnectionBSH(bshModule, bsh_handle)

                stub = env.Command(MODULE_PATH + '/' + stub_name, log, build_con_size_bsh_closure)

            ## Now we are ready for the real build
            if (module.name != moduleList.topModule.name):
                wrapper_bo = env.BSC(MODULE_PATH + '/' + self.TMP_BSC_DIR + '/' + bsv.replace('.bsv', ''), MODULE_PATH + '/' + bsv)
                moduleList.env.Depends(wrapper_bo, stub)
                module.moduleDependency['BO'] = [wrapper_bo]
                if (self.BUILD_LOGS_ONLY):
                    model_dir = self.hw_dir.Dir(moduleList.env['DEFS']['ROOT_DIR_MODEL'])

                    module.moduleDependency['BSV_SCHED'] = \
                        [moduleList.env.Command(MODULE_PATH + '/' + self.TMP_BSC_DIR + '/' + module.wrapperName() + '.ba.sched',
                                                'bluetcl ' + model_dir.File('sched.tcl').path + ' -p ' + self.ALL_BUILD_DIR_PATHS + ' --m ' + module.wrapperName() + ' > $TARGET')]

                    module.moduleDependency['BSV_PATH'] = \
                        [moduleList.env.Command(MODULE_PATH + '/' + self.TMP_BSC_DIR + '/' + module.wrapperName() + '.ba.path',
                                                'bluetcl ' + model_dir.File('path.tcl').path + ' -p ' + self.ALL_BUILD_DIR_PATHS + ' --m ' + module.wrapperName() + ' > $TARGET')]

                    moduleList.topDependency += \
                        module.moduleDependency['BSV_SCHED'] + module.moduleDependency['BSV_PATH']

                    module.moduleDependency['BSV_IFC'] = \
                        [moduleList.env.Command(MODULE_PATH + '/' + self.TMP_BSC_DIR + '/' + module.wrapperName() + '.ba.ifc',
                                                'bluetcl ' + model_dir.File('interfaceType.tcl').path + ' -p ' + self.ALL_BUILD_DIR_PATHS + ' --m ' + module.wrapperName() + ' | python site_scons/model/PythonTidy.py > $TARGET')]

                    moduleList.topDependency += module.moduleDependency['BSV_IFC']

                ## Top level build can generate the log in a single pass since no
                ## connections are exposed
                wrapper_bo = env.BSC_LOG(MODULE_PATH + '/' + self.TMP_BSC_DIR + '/' + bsv.replace('.bsv', ''),
                                         MODULE_PATH + '/' + bsv)

                ## SCons doesn't deal well with logfile as a 2nd target to BSC_LOG rule,
                ## failing to derive dependence correctly.
                module.moduleDependency['BSV_BO'] = [wrapper_bo]
                log = env.Command(logfile, wrapper_bo, '')

                ## In case Bluespec build is the end of the build pipeline.
                if (not self.BUILD_LOGS_ONLY):
                    moduleList.topDependency += [log]

                ## The toplevel bo also depends on the on the synthesis of the build tree from log files.

            ## Meta-data written during compilation to separate files.
            glob_str = env.Command(MODULE_PATH + '/' + self.TMP_BSC_DIR + '/' + bsv.replace('.bsv', '.str'),

            module.moduleDependency['STR'] = [glob_str]

            ## All but the top level build need the log build pass to compute
            ## the size of the external soft connection vector.  The top level has
            ## no exposed connections and needs no log build pass.
            if (module.name != moduleList.topModule.name):
                if (self.pipeline_debug != 0):
                    print 'wrapper_bo: ' + str(wrapper_bo)
                    print 'stub: ' + str(stub)

                synth_stub_path = moduleList.env['DEFS']['ROOT_DIR_HW'] + '/' + module.buildPath + '/'
                synth_stub = synth_stub_path + module.name +'_synth.bsv'
                # This stub may be needed in certain compilation flows.  Note its presence here.
                module.moduleDependency['BSV_SYNTH'] = [module.name +'_synth.bsv']
                module.moduleDependency['BSV_SYNTH_BSH'] = [module.name +'_Wrapper_con_size.bsh']

                def build_synth_stub(target, source, env):
                    liGraph = LIGraph(li_module.parseLogfiles(source))
                    # Should have only one module...
                    if(len(liGraph.modules) == 0):
                        synthModule = LIModule(module.name, module.name)
                        synthModule = liGraph.modules.values()[0]

                    synth_handle = open(target[0].path, 'w')
                                                          synthBoundaryModule = module)

                env.Command(synth_stub, # target

            ## The mk_<wrapper>.v file is really built by the Wrapper() builder
            ## above.  We use NULL commands to convince SCons the file is generated.
            ## This seems easier than SCons SideEffect() calls, which don't clean
            ## targets.
            ## We also generate all this synth boundary's GEN_VS
            ext_gen_v = []
            for v in moduleList.getSynthBoundaryDependencies(module, 'GEN_VS'):
                ext_gen_v += [MODULE_PATH + '/' + self.TMP_BSC_DIR + '/' + v]

            # Add the dependence for all Verilog noted above
            bld_v = env.Command([MODULE_PATH + '/' + self.TMP_BSC_DIR + '/' + module.wrapperName() + '.v'] + ext_gen_v,
                                MODULE_PATH + '/' + self.TMP_BSC_DIR + '/' + bsv.replace('.bsv', '.bo'),

            if (moduleList.getAWBParam('bsv_tool', 'BUILD_VERILOG') == 1):

                module.moduleDependency['VERILOG'] += [bld_v] + [ext_gen_v]

                module.moduleDependency['GEN_WRAPPER_VERILOGS'] = [os.path.basename(module.wrapperName() + '.v')]

            if (self.pipeline_debug != 0):
                print "Name: " + module.name

            # each synth boundary will produce a ba
            bld_ba = [env.Command([MODULE_PATH + '/' + self.TMP_BSC_DIR + '/' +  module.wrapperName() + '.ba'],
                                  MODULE_PATH + '/' + self.TMP_BSC_DIR + '/' + bsv.replace('.bsv', '.bo'),

            module.moduleDependency['BA'] += bld_ba

            ## Build the Verilog black-box stub.
            bb = self.stubGenCommand(MODULE_PATH, module.boundaryName, bld_v)

            # Only the subordinate modules have stubs.
            # The platform module should not be enumerated here. This is a false dependency.
            if (module.name != moduleList.topModule.name):
                moduleList.topModule.moduleDependency['VERILOG_STUB'] += [bb]
                module.moduleDependency['GEN_VERILOG_STUB'] = [bb]

            return [bb] #This doesn't seem to do anything.
Exemple #2
    def build_synth_boundary(self, moduleList, module):
        if (self.pipeline_debug != 0):
            print "Working on " + module.name

        env = moduleList.env
        BSVS = moduleList.getSynthBoundaryDependencies(module, 'GIVEN_BSVS')
        # each submodel will have a generated BSV
        GEN_BSVS = moduleList.getSynthBoundaryDependencies(module, 'GEN_BSVS')
        APM_FILE = moduleList.env['DEFS']['APM_FILE']
        BSC = moduleList.env['DEFS']['BSC']

        MODULE_PATH = get_build_path(moduleList, module)

        ## Load intra-Bluespec dependence already computed.  This information will
        ## ultimately drive the building of Bluespec modules.
        env.ParseDepends(MODULE_PATH + '/' + module.dependsFile,
                         must_exist=not moduleList.env.GetOption('clean'))

        # This function is responsible for creating build rules for
        # subdirectories.  It must be called or no subdirectory builds
        # will happen since scons won't have the recipe.
        self.setup_module_build(moduleList, MODULE_PATH)

        if not os.path.isdir(self.TMP_BSC_DIR):

        moduleList.env.VariantDir(MODULE_PATH + '/' + self.TMP_BSC_DIR,

        # set up builds for the various bsv of this synthesis
        # boundary.  One wonders if we could handle this as a single
        # global operation.
        bsc_builds = []
        for bsv in BSVS + GEN_BSVS:
            bsc_builds += env.BSC(
                MODULE_PATH + '/' + self.TMP_BSC_DIR + '/' +
                bsv.replace('.bsv', ''), MODULE_PATH + '/' + bsv)

        firstPassLIGraph = wrapper_gen_tool.getFirstPassLIGraph()
        # In the second pass of the LIM build, we don't need to build
        # any modules, except in some cases where we turn on
        # module-specific optimizations, as in the case of central
        # cache.  If we do need to rebuild, we'll see a tag.
        if ((module.name != moduleList.topModule.name)
                and (not firstPassLIGraph is None)
                and (module.name in firstPassLIGraph.modules) and
             is None)):

        # This should not be a for loop.
        for bsv in [model.get_wrapper(module)]:
            if env.GetOption('clean'):
                os.system('rm -f ' + MODULE_PATH + '/' +
                          bsv.replace('Wrapper.bsv', 'Log.bsv'))
                os.system('rm -f ' + MODULE_PATH + '/' +
                          bsv.replace('.bsv', '_con_size.bsh'))

            ## First pass just generates a log file to figure out cross synthesis
            ## boundary soft connection array sizes.
            ## All but the top level build need the log build pass to compute
            ## the size of the external soft connection vector.  The top level has
            ## no exposed connections and can generate the log file, needed
            ## for global strings, during the final build.
            logfile = model.get_logfile(moduleList, module)
            module.moduleDependency['BSV_LOG'] += [logfile]
            module.moduleDependency['GEN_LOGS'] = [logfile]
            if (module.name != moduleList.topModule.name):
                log = env.BSC_LOG_ONLY(
                    MODULE_PATH + '/' + bsv.replace('Wrapper.bsv', 'Log'))

                ## Parse the log, generate a stub file

                stub_name = bsv.replace('.bsv', '_con_size.bsh')

                def build_con_size_bsh_closure(target, source, env):
                    liGraph = LIGraph(li_module.parseLogfiles(source))
                    # Should have only one module...
                    if (len(liGraph.modules) == 0):
                        bshModule = LIModule(module.name, module.name)
                        bshModule = liGraph.modules.values()[0]
                    bsh_handle = open(str(target[0]), 'w')
                        bshModule, bsh_handle)

                stub = env.Command(MODULE_PATH + '/' + stub_name, log,

            ## Now we are ready for the real build
            if (module.name != moduleList.topModule.name):
                wrapper_bo = env.BSC(
                    MODULE_PATH + '/' + self.TMP_BSC_DIR + '/' +
                    bsv.replace('.bsv', ''), MODULE_PATH + '/' + bsv)
                moduleList.env.Depends(wrapper_bo, stub)
                module.moduleDependency['BO'] = [wrapper_bo]
                if (self.BUILD_LOGS_ONLY):
                    model_dir = self.hw_dir.Dir(

                    module.moduleDependency['BSV_SCHED'] = \
                        [moduleList.env.Command(MODULE_PATH + '/' + self.TMP_BSC_DIR + '/' + module.wrapperName() + '.ba.sched',
                                                'bluetcl ' + model_dir.File('sched.tcl').path + ' -p ' + self.ALL_BUILD_DIR_PATHS + ' --m ' + module.wrapperName() + ' > $TARGET')]

                    module.moduleDependency['BSV_PATH'] = \
                        [moduleList.env.Command(MODULE_PATH + '/' + self.TMP_BSC_DIR + '/' + module.wrapperName() + '.ba.path',
                                                'bluetcl ' + model_dir.File('path.tcl').path + ' -p ' + self.ALL_BUILD_DIR_PATHS + ' --m ' + module.wrapperName() + ' > $TARGET')]

                    moduleList.topDependency += \
                        module.moduleDependency['BSV_SCHED'] + module.moduleDependency['BSV_PATH']

                    module.moduleDependency['BSV_IFC'] = \
                        [moduleList.env.Command(MODULE_PATH + '/' + self.TMP_BSC_DIR + '/' + module.wrapperName() + '.ba.ifc',
                                                'bluetcl ' + model_dir.File('interfaceType.tcl').path + ' -p ' + self.ALL_BUILD_DIR_PATHS + ' --m ' + module.wrapperName() + ' | python site_scons/model/PythonTidy.py > $TARGET')]

                    moduleList.topDependency += module.moduleDependency[

                ## Top level build can generate the log in a single pass since no
                ## connections are exposed
                wrapper_bo = env.BSC_LOG(
                    MODULE_PATH + '/' + self.TMP_BSC_DIR + '/' +
                    bsv.replace('.bsv', ''), MODULE_PATH + '/' + bsv)

                ## SCons doesn't deal well with logfile as a 2nd target to BSC_LOG rule,
                ## failing to derive dependence correctly.
                module.moduleDependency['BSV_BO'] = [wrapper_bo]
                log = env.Command(logfile, wrapper_bo, '')

                ## In case Bluespec build is the end of the build pipeline.
                if (not self.BUILD_LOGS_ONLY):
                    moduleList.topDependency += [log]

                ## The toplevel bo also depends on the on the synthesis of the build tree from log files.

            ## Meta-data written during compilation to separate files.
            glob_str = env.Command(
                MODULE_PATH + '/' + self.TMP_BSC_DIR + '/' +
                bsv.replace('.bsv', '.str'), wrapper_bo, '')

            module.moduleDependency['STR'] = [glob_str]

            ## All but the top level build need the log build pass to compute
            ## the size of the external soft connection vector.  The top level has
            ## no exposed connections and needs no log build pass.
            if (module.name != moduleList.topModule.name):
                if (self.pipeline_debug != 0):
                    print 'wrapper_bo: ' + str(wrapper_bo)
                    print 'stub: ' + str(stub)

                synth_stub_path = moduleList.env['DEFS'][
                    'ROOT_DIR_HW'] + '/' + module.buildPath + '/'
                synth_stub = synth_stub_path + module.name + '_synth.bsv'
                # This stub may be needed in certain compilation flows.  Note its presence here.
                module.moduleDependency['BSV_SYNTH'] = [
                    module.name + '_synth.bsv'
                module.moduleDependency['BSV_SYNTH_BSH'] = [
                    module.name + '_Wrapper_con_size.bsh'

                def build_synth_stub(target, source, env):
                    liGraph = LIGraph(li_module.parseLogfiles(source))
                    # Should have only one module...
                    if (len(liGraph.modules) == 0):
                        synthModule = LIModule(module.name, module.name)
                        synthModule = liGraph.modules.values()[0]

                    synth_handle = open(target[0].path, 'w')

                    synth_stub,  # target

            ## The mk_<wrapper>.v file is really built by the Wrapper() builder
            ## above.  We use NULL commands to convince SCons the file is generated.
            ## This seems easier than SCons SideEffect() calls, which don't clean
            ## targets.
            ## We also generate all this synth boundary's GEN_VS
            ext_gen_v = []
            for v in moduleList.getSynthBoundaryDependencies(module, 'GEN_VS'):
                ext_gen_v += [MODULE_PATH + '/' + self.TMP_BSC_DIR + '/' + v]

            # Add the dependence for all Verilog noted above
            bld_v = env.Command([
                MODULE_PATH + '/' + self.TMP_BSC_DIR + '/' +
                module.wrapperName() + '.v'
            ] + ext_gen_v, MODULE_PATH + '/' + self.TMP_BSC_DIR + '/' +
                                bsv.replace('.bsv', '.bo'), '')

            if (moduleList.getAWBParam('bsv_tool', 'BUILD_VERILOG') == 1):

                module.moduleDependency['VERILOG'] += [bld_v] + [ext_gen_v]

                module.moduleDependency['GEN_WRAPPER_VERILOGS'] = [
                    os.path.basename(module.wrapperName() + '.v')

            if (self.pipeline_debug != 0):
                print "Name: " + module.name

            # each synth boundary will produce a ba
            bld_ba = [
                    MODULE_PATH + '/' + self.TMP_BSC_DIR + '/' +
                    module.wrapperName() + '.ba'
                ], MODULE_PATH + '/' + self.TMP_BSC_DIR + '/' +
                            bsv.replace('.bsv', '.bo'), '')

            module.moduleDependency['BA'] += bld_ba

            ## Build the Verilog black-box stub.
            bb = self.stubGenCommand(MODULE_PATH, module.boundaryName, bld_v)

            # Only the subordinate modules have stubs.
            # The platform module should not be enumerated here. This is a false dependency.
            if (module.name != moduleList.topModule.name):
                moduleList.topModule.moduleDependency['VERILOG_STUB'] += [bb]
                module.moduleDependency['GEN_VERILOG_STUB'] = [bb]

            return [bb]  #This doesn't seem to do anything.
Exemple #3
    def compute_dependence(self, moduleList, module, useDerived, fileName='.depends-bsv', targetFiles=[]):
        MODULE_PATH =  get_build_path(moduleList, module)

        #allow caller to override dependencies.  If the caller does
        #not, then we should use the baseline
        if (len(targetFiles) == 0):
            targetFiles = [ moduleList.env['DEFS']['ROOT_DIR_HW'] + '/' + module.buildPath + '/' + model.get_wrapper(module) ]
            if (module.name != moduleList.topModule.name):
                targetFiles.append(moduleList.env['DEFS']['ROOT_DIR_HW'] + '/' + module.buildPath + '/'+ model.get_log(module))

        # We must depend on all sythesis boundaries. They can be instantiated anywhere.
        surrogate_children = moduleList.synthBoundaries()
        SURROGATE_BSVS = ''
        for child in surrogate_children:
            # Make sure module doesn't self-depend
            if (child.name != module.name):
                SURROGATE_BSVS += moduleList.env['DEFS']['ROOT_DIR_HW'] + '/' + child.buildPath +'/' + child.name + '.bsv '

        if (useDerived and SURROGATE_BSVS != ''):
            DERIVED = ' -derived "' + SURROGATE_BSVS + '"'
            DERIVED = ''

        depends_bsv = MODULE_PATH + '/' + fileName
        compile_deps = 'leap-bsc-mkdepend -ignore ' + MODULE_PATH + '/.ignore' + ' -bdir ' + self.TMP_BSC_DIR + DERIVED + ' -p +:' + self.ALL_LIB_DIR_PATHS + ' ' + ' '.join(targetFiles) + ' > ' + depends_bsv

        # Delete depends_bsv if it is empty under the assumption that something
        # went wrong when creating it.  An empty dependence file would never be
        # rebuilt without this.
            if (os.path.getsize(depends_bsv) == 0):

        dep = moduleList.env.Command(depends_bsv,
                                     targetFiles +

        # Load an old .depends-bsv file if it exists.  The file describes
        # the previous dependence among Bluespec files, giving a clue of whether
        # anything changed.  The file describes dependence between derived objects
        # and sources.  Here, we need to know about all possible source changes.
        # Scan the file looking for source file names.
        if os.path.isfile(depends_bsv):
            df = open(depends_bsv, 'r')
            dep_lines = df.readlines()

            # Match .bsv and .bsh files
            bsv_file_pattern = re.compile('\S+.[bB][sS][vVhH]$')

            all_bsc_files = []
            for ln in dep_lines:
                all_bsc_files += [f for f in re.split('[:\s]+', ln) if (bsv_file_pattern.match(f))]

            # Sort dependence in case SCons cares
            for f in sorted(all_bsc_files):
                if os.path.exists(f):
                    moduleList.env.Depends(dep, f)


        return dep
Exemple #4
    def compute_dependence(self,
        MODULE_PATH = get_build_path(moduleList, module)

        #allow caller to override dependencies.  If the caller does
        #not, then we should use the baseline
        if (len(targetFiles) == 0):
            targetFiles = [
                moduleList.env['DEFS']['ROOT_DIR_HW'] + '/' +
                module.buildPath + '/' + model.get_wrapper(module)
            if (module.name != moduleList.topModule.name):
                targetFiles.append(moduleList.env['DEFS']['ROOT_DIR_HW'] +
                                   '/' + module.buildPath + '/' +

        # We must depend on all sythesis boundaries. They can be instantiated anywhere.
        surrogate_children = moduleList.synthBoundaries()
        SURROGATE_BSVS = ''
        for child in surrogate_children:
            # Make sure module doesn't self-depend
            if (child.name != module.name):
                SURROGATE_BSVS += moduleList.env['DEFS'][
                    'ROOT_DIR_HW'] + '/' + child.buildPath + '/' + child.name + '.bsv '

        if (useDerived and SURROGATE_BSVS != ''):
            DERIVED = ' -derived "' + SURROGATE_BSVS + '"'
            DERIVED = ''

        depends_bsv = MODULE_PATH + '/' + fileName
        compile_deps = 'leap-bsc-mkdepend -ignore ' + MODULE_PATH + '/.ignore' + ' -bdir ' + self.TMP_BSC_DIR + DERIVED + ' -p +:' + self.ALL_LIB_DIR_PATHS + ' ' + ' '.join(
            targetFiles) + ' > ' + depends_bsv

        # Delete depends_bsv if it is empty under the assumption that something
        # went wrong when creating it.  An empty dependence file would never be
        # rebuilt without this.
            if (os.path.getsize(depends_bsv) == 0):

        dep = moduleList.env.Command(
            depends_bsv, targetFiles +

        # Load an old .depends-bsv file if it exists.  The file describes
        # the previous dependence among Bluespec files, giving a clue of whether
        # anything changed.  The file describes dependence between derived objects
        # and sources.  Here, we need to know about all possible source changes.
        # Scan the file looking for source file names.
        if os.path.isfile(depends_bsv):
            df = open(depends_bsv, 'r')
            dep_lines = df.readlines()

            # Match .bsv and .bsh files
            bsv_file_pattern = re.compile('\S+.[bB][sS][vVhH]$')

            all_bsc_files = []
            for ln in dep_lines:
                all_bsc_files += [
                    f for f in re.split('[:\s]+', ln)
                    if (bsv_file_pattern.match(f))

            # Sort dependence in case SCons cares
            for f in sorted(all_bsc_files):
                if os.path.exists(f):
                    moduleList.env.Depends(dep, f)


        return dep