Exemple #1
            m - 1
        )  #attention to this (L)term, which should be (1:L) in case of more obs(??)
        #print 'idxs', idxs
        S[:, idxs:idxs + L] = np.dot(h, xx)  #####MORE OBS#####
        #print 'S at m', m, 'is', S
        #idy = n+(m-1)*nTau
        Y[:, idxs:idxs + L] = y[0:L, n + (m - 1) * nTau]  #####MORE OBS#####
        #print 'Y at m', m, 'is', Y
        dsdx[idxs:idxs + L, :] = np.dot(h, Jac)  #####MORE OBS#####
        #print 'dsdx', dsdx
    #print 'dsdx', dsdx

    ########dxds = np.linalg.pinv(dsdx,rcond=pinv_tol)
    #dxds = dxds.round(decimals=4)     # Applied this as it was appearing in matlab code (1st row 1 0 0 0...)

    U, G, V = mod.svd(dsdx)
    #print 'U', U.shape
    #print 'G', G.shape                       # All positive values, for good or bad runs.
    #print 'V', V.shape
    #print 'ln(G)', np.log(G)

    ################### Calculating singular values, condition number, observability and ratios ########################
    svmin = np.min(G)
    #print 'Smallest sing value:', svmin              #no influence until now...(around e-03)
    svmax = np.max(G)
    #print 'Largest sing value:', svmax
    svmaxvec[:, n] = svmax
    svmaxvec2[:, n] = G[1]
    difmax = abs(svmaxvec[:, n] - svmaxvec[:, n - 1])
    difmax2 = abs(svmaxvec2[:, n] - svmaxvec2[:, n - 1])
    ###difmax = svmaxvec[:,n] - svmaxvec[:,n-1]
        #Defining S (map from physical space to a delay embedding space) and Y(data vector)
        idxs = L*(m-1) #+ (L)    # attention to this (L)term, which should be (1:L) in case of more obs
        #print 'idxs', idxs        
        S[:,idxs] = np.dot(h,xx)   
        #print 'S at m', m, 'is', S.shape
        #idy = n+(m-1)*nTau
        Y[:,idxs] = y[:,n+(m-1)*nTau]   # attention to y(0,...), which should increase in case of more obs
        dsdx[idxs,:] = np.dot(h,Jac)
    #print 'dsdx', dsdx

    #Calculating the pseudoinverse through python function
    dxds = np.linalg.pinv(dsdx,rcond=pinv_tol) #rcond from python function already does Matlab's code job    
    #dxds = dxds.round(decimals=4)     # Applied this as it was appearing in matlab code (1st row 1 0 0 0...)
    #Calculating the pseudoinverse through svd calculation
    U, G, V = mod.svd(dsdx)
    #print 'U', U.shape
    #print 'G', G                       # All positive values, for good or bad runs. 
    #print 'V', V.shape
    #print 'ln(G)', np.log(G)
    mask = np.ones(len(G)) 
    for k in range(len(G)):
        #mask = np.ones(len(G))        
        if G[k] >= pinv_tol:
            mask[k] = 1
            mask[k] = 0
        #print 'mask', mask
    r = min(max_pinv_rank,sum(mask)) 
    #print 'r is', r
    g = G[:r]**(-1) 
Exemple #3
    newinv = (11.*R)
    #print 'R', R
    #print 'newinv', newinv

    for i in range(len(R)):
    #print 'newinv', newinv  

    ####HKHT = np.dot(dsdx,np.dot(K,(np.transpose(dsdx))))
    ####HPHT = np.dot(dsdx,np.dot(P,(np.transpose(dsdx))))

    ####HKHT = np.dot(dsdx,np.dot(K,(np.transpose(dsdx))))+R
    ####HPHT = np.dot(dsdx,np.dot(P,(np.transpose(dsdx))))+R

    #### Calculating the inverse of HPHT (KF structure) through SVD ####
    U, G, V = mod.svd(HHT)     # considering P=1
    ####U, G, V = mod.svd(HKHT)
    ####U, G, V = mod.svd(HPHT)
    ####U, G, V = mod.svd(gama)

    ################### Last 3 singular values #########################
    svmin = np.min(G)
    svmin2 = G[M-2]
    #svmin3 = G[M-3]

    ################## Modifying G to use the max_pinv_rank ############
    mask = np.ones(len(G)) 
    for k in range(len(G)):
Exemple #4
    ######Y[:,t] = y[:,n+(t*nTau)]
    ####Y[:,t] = y[:,n+t]
    #Y[:,idxs] = y[:,s*nTau]

    #print 'S', S
    #print 'Y', Y

    #print 'P1HT', P1HT[0,:]

    #print 'HPHT_KS', HPHT_KS[0,:]
    #HPHT_KS = HPHT_KS + R
    #print 'HPHT_KS After', HPHT_KS

    ########## Calculating the equivalent for KS structure##############
    #### Calculating the inverse of HPHT through SVD ####
    U, G, V = mod.svd(HPHT_KS)  # considering R=0
    #print 'G', G
    #### Modifying G to use the max_pinv_rank ###########
    mask = np.ones(len(G))
    for k in range(len(G)):
        if G[k] >= pinv_tol:
            mask[k] = 1
            mask[k] = 0

    rr = min(max_pinv_rank, sum(mask))

    g = G[:rr]**(-1)
    #print 'g', g
    Ginv = np.zeros((M, M))
    Ginv[:rr, :rr] = np.diag(g)
Exemple #5
    ######Y[:,t] = y[:,n+(t*nTau)]   
    ####Y[:,t] = y[:,n+t]         
    #Y[:,idxs] = y[:,s*nTau] 

        #print 'S', S   
        #print 'Y', Y
        #print 'P1HT', P1HT[0,:]
    #print 'HPHT_KS', HPHT_KS[0,:]
        #HPHT_KS = HPHT_KS + R
        #print 'HPHT_KS After', HPHT_KS

    ########## Calculating the equivalent for KS structure##############
    #### Calculating the inverse of HPHT through SVD ####
    U, G, V = mod.svd(HPHT_KS)          # considering R=0
    #print 'G', G
    #### Modifying G to use the max_pinv_rank ###########
    mask = np.ones(len(G)) 
    for k in range(len(G)):
        if G[k] >= pinv_tol:
            mask[k] = 1
            mask[k] = 0
    rr = min(max_pinv_rank,sum(mask)) 

    g = G[:rr]**(-1) 
    #print 'g', g
    Ginv = np.zeros((M, M))
    Ginv[:rr, :rr] = np.diag(g)
Exemple #6
    #####for i in range(len(R)):
    #print 'newinv', newinv  

    ####HKHT = np.dot(dsdx,np.dot(K,(np.transpose(dsdx))))
    ####HPHT = np.dot(dsdx,np.dot(P,(np.transpose(dsdx))))

    ####HKHT = np.dot(dsdx,np.dot(K,(np.transpose(dsdx))))+R
    ####HPHT = np.dot(dsdx,np.dot(P,(np.transpose(dsdx))))+R

    #### Calculating the inverse of HPHT (KF structure) through SVD ####
    ####U, G, V = mod.svd(HHT)     # considering P=1
    ####U, G, V = mod.svd(HKHT)
    ####U, G, V = mod.svd(HPHT)
    U, G, V = mod.svd(gama)

    ################### Last 3 singular values #########################
    svmin = np.min(G)
    svmin2 = G[M-2]
    #svmin3 = G[M-3]

    ################## Modifying G to use the max_pinv_rank ############
    mask = np.ones(len(G)) 
    for k in range(len(G)):
        if G[k] >= pinv_tol:
            mask[k] = 1
Exemple #7
    #####for i in range(len(R)):
    #print 'newinv', newinv

    ####HKHT = np.dot(dsdx,np.dot(K,(np.transpose(dsdx))))
    ####HPHT = np.dot(dsdx,np.dot(P,(np.transpose(dsdx))))

    ####HKHT = np.dot(dsdx,np.dot(K,(np.transpose(dsdx))))+R
    ####HPHT = np.dot(dsdx,np.dot(P,(np.transpose(dsdx))))+R

    #### Calculating the inverse of HPHT (KF structure) through SVD ####
    ####U, G, V = mod.svd(HHT)     # considering P=1
    ####U, G, V = mod.svd(HKHT)
    ####U, G, V = mod.svd(HPHT)
    U, G, V = mod.svd(gama)

    ################### Last 3 singular values #########################
    svmin = np.min(G)

    svmin2 = G[M - 2]

    #svmin3 = G[M-3]

    ################## Modifying G to use the max_pinv_rank ############
    mask = np.ones(len(G))
    for k in range(len(G)):
        if G[k] >= pinv_tol:
            mask[k] = 1
            mask[k] = 0
Exemple #8
    #dxds = dxds.round(decimals=4)     # Applied this as it was appearing in matlab code (1st row 1 0 0 0...)

    ### Constructing Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury format of calculating the Kalman gain to compare with synch ###
    Pinverse = np.linalg.pinv(Jac0)
    #print 'Pinverse', Pinverse
    sigmaP = np.dot(sigma2,Pinverse)

    SS = np.dot(np.transpose(dsdx),dsdx)

    sigmaPSS = sigmaP + SS 
    #print 'sigmaPSS shape', sigmaPSS.shape 

    ############ Calculating the inverse using SVD decomposition ################
    #U, G, V = mod.svd(dsdx)
    U, G, V = mod.svd(sigmaPSS)
    #print 'U', U
    #print 'G', G                       # All positive values, for good or bad runs. 
    #print 'V', V
    #print 'ln(G)', np.log(G)

    ##### Calculating singular values, condition number, observability and ratios ######
    svmin = np.min(G)
    #svminrank = svmin
    #print 'Smallest sing value:', svmin              #no influence until now...(around e-03)
    svmax = np.max(G) 
    #print 'Largest sing value:', svmax   
    svmaxvec[:,n] = svmax
    svmaxvec2[:,n] = G[1]
    difmax = abs(svmaxvec[:,n] - svmaxvec[:,n-1])
    difmax2 = abs(svmaxvec2[:,n] - svmaxvec2[:,n-1])
Exemple #9
        #print 'idxs', idxs        
        S[:,idxs] = np.dot(h,xx)
        #print 'S at m', m, 'is', S.shape
        #idy = n+(m-1)*nTau
        Y[:,idxs] = y[:,n+(m-1)*nTau]   # attention to y(0,...), which should increase in case of more obs
        dsdx[idxs,:] = np.dot(h,Jac)
    #print 'dsdx', dsdx

    ########dxds = np.linalg.pinv(dsdx,rcond=pinv_tol)    
    #dxds = dxds.round(decimals=4)     # Applied this as it was appearing in matlab code (1st row 1 0 0 0...)
    ###HHT = np.dot(dsdx,(np.transpose(dsdx)))
    HP = np.dot(dsdx,K)
    HPHT = np.dot(HP,(np.transpose(dsdx)))
    #print 'HPHT', HPHT
    U, G, V = mod.svd(HPHT)
    #print 'V', V.shape

    mask = np.ones(len(G)) 
    for k in range(len(G)):
        if G[k] >= pinv_tol:
            mask[k] = 1
            mask[k] = 0
    rr = min(max_pinv_rank,sum(mask)) 

    g = G[:rr]**(-1) 
    Ginv = np.zeros((M, M))
    Ginv[:rr, :rr] = np.diag(g)
Exemple #10
        #print 'S at m', m, 'is', S.shape
        #idy = n+(m-1)*nTau
        Y[:, idxs] = y[:, n + (
            m - 1
        ) * nTau]  # attention to y(0,...), which should increase in case of more obs
        dsdx[idxs, :] = np.dot(h, Jac)
    #print 'dsdx', dsdx

    ########dxds = np.linalg.pinv(dsdx,rcond=pinv_tol)
    #dxds = dxds.round(decimals=4)     # Applied this as it was appearing in matlab code (1st row 1 0 0 0...)

    ###HHT = np.dot(dsdx,(np.transpose(dsdx)))
    HP = np.dot(dsdx, K)
    HPHT = np.dot(HP, (np.transpose(dsdx)))
    #print 'HPHT', HPHT
    U, G, V = mod.svd(HPHT)
    #print 'V', V.shape

    mask = np.ones(len(G))
    for k in range(len(G)):
        if G[k] >= pinv_tol:
            mask[k] = 1
            mask[k] = 0

    rr = min(max_pinv_rank, sum(mask))

    g = G[:rr]**(-1)

    Ginv = np.zeros((M, M))
    Ginv[:rr, :rr] = np.diag(g)
Exemple #11
    newinv = (11. * R)
    #print 'R', R
    #print 'newinv', newinv

    for i in range(len(R)):
        newinv[i, i] = (newinv[i, i])**(-1)
    #print 'newinv', newinv

    ####HKHT = np.dot(dsdx,np.dot(K,(np.transpose(dsdx))))
    ####HPHT = np.dot(dsdx,np.dot(P,(np.transpose(dsdx))))

    ####HKHT = np.dot(dsdx,np.dot(K,(np.transpose(dsdx))))+R
    ####HPHT = np.dot(dsdx,np.dot(P,(np.transpose(dsdx))))+R

    #### Calculating the inverse of HPHT (KF structure) through SVD ####
    U, G, V = mod.svd(HHT)  # considering P=1
    ####U, G, V = mod.svd(HKHT)
    ####U, G, V = mod.svd(HPHT)
    ####U, G, V = mod.svd(gama)

    ################### Last 3 singular values #########################
    svmin = np.min(G)

    svmin2 = G[M - 2]

    #svmin3 = G[M-3]

    ################## Modifying G to use the max_pinv_rank ############
    mask = np.ones(len(G))
    for k in range(len(G)):
        if G[k] >= pinv_tol: