Exemple #1
def get_business_info():
    """return a json element with businesses associated to the given category"""

    category = request.args.get("searchTerm", "")

        # get category object with search term
        category_object = Category.get_category_by_name(category)

    except NoResultFound:
        return jsonify({"data": "Can't find matches"})

    # getting businesses associated with elected category
        businesses = category_object.categories_business

    # when we have multiple matches, we get a list -> categories_business throws
    # AttributeError (list does not have that attribute
    except AttributeError:

        # todo: turn list of objects into one big object to pass to JS
        return jsonify({"data": "Can't find matches"})

    return jsonify(Business.serialize_business_object(businesses))