Exemple #1
  def get(self, key):
    '''Retrieves the current entity addressed by `key`'''
    if not isinstance(key, Key):
      raise ValueError('key must be of type %s' % Key)

    # lookup the key in the datastore
    data = self._store.get(key)
    if data is None:
      return data

    # handle the data. if any conversion fails, propagate the exception up.
    serialRep = SerialRepresentation(data)
    version = Version(serialRep)
    return Model.from_version(version)
Exemple #2
  def merge(self, newVersionOrEntity):
    '''Merges a new version of an instance with the current one in the store.'''

    # get the new version
    new_version = self._cleanVersion(newVersionOrEntity)

    # get the instance
    key = new_version.key
    curr_instance = self.get(key) #THINKME(jbenet): try contains first?

    # brand new version. just store it.
    if curr_instance is None:
      return Model.from_version(new_version)

    # NOTE: semantically, we must merge into the current instance in the repo
    # so that merge strategies favor the incumbent version.

    # store it back
    return curr_instance
Exemple #3
  def next(self):
    '''Returns an instance of the version represented by the next object.'''
    if self.iter is None:
      raise StopIteration

    # if it returns none, return None as well. None is not necessarily the end.
    next = self.iter.next()
    if next is None:
      return None

    # if it is a dictionary, assume raw serial representation
    if isinstance(next, dict):
      next = serial.SerialRepresentation(next)

    # if it is a serialRepresentation, turn it into a Version
    if isinstance(next, serial.SerialRepresentation):
      next = Version(next)

    # if it is a Version, turn it into a Model
    if isinstance(next, Version):
      next = Model.from_version(next)

    # return whatever it is we have!
    return next