def __init__(self, *args, issues: List[Issue]=[], **kwargs): QtWidgets.QTableView.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.__issues: List[Issue] = issues self.__offer: Offer = Offer() self.__update_widgets: bool = True self.setItemDelegateForRow(0, ChooseItemDelegate(self, issues=issues)) self.update_offer()
def update_offer(self): self.__offer = Offer() for issue in self.issues: if len(issue.options) == 0: self.offer.add_option(Option("")) else: self.offer.add_option(issue.options[0]) self.offer.calculate_rating()
def create_offer(): if request.method == "POST": params = request.json latitude = request.json["latitude"] longitude = request.json["longitude"] user_id = request.json["user_id"] text = request.json["text"] new_offer = Offer(latitude=latitude, longitude=longitude, text=text, created_at=arrow.utcnow(), user_id=user_id) g.db.add(new_offer) g.db.flush() g.socketio.emit("offer", new_offer.serialize(), namespace="/update") return resource_created(new_offer) else: return invalid_method()
def create_offers(self, issue_index: int, option_index: int, offer: Offer): current_offer = offer.__copy__() current_offer.add_option(self.issues[issue_index].options[option_index]) if issue_index == len(self.issues) - 1: if option_index == len(self.issues[issue_index].options) - 1: return [current_offer] offers = self.create_offers(issue_index, option_index + 1, offer) offers.append(current_offer) return offers offers = self.create_offers(issue_index + 1, 0, current_offer) if option_index < len(self.issues[issue_index].options) - 1: offers.extend(self.create_offers(issue_index, option_index + 1, offer)) return offers
def update_offers(self): self.offers.clear() issues_valid: bool = len(self.issues) > 0 for issue in self.issues: if len(issue.options) == 0: issues_valid = False if not issues_valid: return if len(self.issues) > 0: self.__offers = self.create_offers(0, 0, Offer()) for offer in self.offers: offer.calculate_rating() self.offers.sort(key=lambda _offer: _offer.rating, reverse=True)
def load_offers(): """Load posts from offers.txt into database.""" print("Offers") for row in open("seed_data/offers.txt"): row = row.rstrip() restaurant_id, item = row.split("|") offer = Offer(restaurant_id=restaurant_id, item=item) db.session.add(offer) db.session.commit()
def add_offer(restaurant_id): """Add a new offer.""" if not check_authorization(restaurant_id): return render_template("unauthorized.html") restaurant = Restaurant.query.get(restaurant_id) item = request.form.get("item") new_offer = Offer(restaurant_id=restaurant_id, item=item) db.session.add(new_offer) db.session.commit() return redirect(f"/restaurant-dashboard/{restaurant_id}")
def virtual_creation(): with dm.session_scope() as db: stores = [] for i in range(STORES_NUM): store = Store(name="Tienda {}".format(i), latitude=0.0, longitude=0.0) offers = [] for j in range(PRODUCTS_PER_STORE): pr = Product( store=store, name="Product {},{}".format(i, j), img_url= "", price="3€") offers.append(Offer(product=pr, offer_price="2€", store=store)) store.products.append(pr) db.add_all(offers) stores.append(store) db.add_all(stores)
def create_update_offer(): content = request.get_json() offer_id = content['offer_id'] offerer_uid = content['offerer_user_id'] expiration_date = content['expiration_date'] recurring = content['recurring'] description = content['description'] category_names = content['categories'] offer_args = { 'offerer_uid': offerer_uid, 'created_on':, 'modified_on':, 'recurring': recurring, 'description': description, 'active': True } if offer_id: offer_args['offer_id'] = offer_id if expiration_date: offer_args['expiration_date'] = expiration_date offer = Offer(**offer_args) for category_name in category_names: offer_category = Category.query.filter_by(name=category_name).first() offer.categories.append(offer_category) db.session.add(offer) db.session.commit() resp = make_response( jsonify({ 'success': True, 'offer': offer.to_dict_for_json }), 200) return resp
def load_requests_offers(num_of_users, num_requests): """ Function to load requests into the DB: arbitrary first half are requesters, second half are volunteers""" print(f"num of users {num_of_users}") requesters = round(num_of_users / 2) volunteers = num_of_users - requesters print("**** CREATING REQUESTS ****") print(f"Requesters = {requesters}") print(f"Volunteers = {volunteers}") boolean_choice = [True, False] i = 0 requester_id = 0 volunteer_id = num_of_users # volunteer_index = num_of_users # print(f"volunteer index {volunteer_index}") for i in range(requesters): requester_id = requester_id + 1 volunteer_id = volunteer_id - 1 print(f"Requester: {requester_id} Volunteer: {volunteer_id}") notes = faker.text() print(f"Notes: {notes}") fulfilled = random.choice(boolean_choice) print(f"fulfilled = {fulfilled}") created_on = print(f"created_on: {created_on}") modified_on = created_on #service is being requested by the requester - which because # of the way we are seeding the database - the requester's address id # is the same as their id. service_needed_at = requester_id request = Request(requester_user_id=requester_id, volunteer_user_id=volunteer_id, notes=notes, fulfilled=fulfilled, created_on=created_on, modified_on=modified_on, service_needed_at=service_needed_at) print(request) i += 1 # volunteer_index -+ 1 # Add the request instance to the session so it will be stored. db.session.add(request) # Once we're done inserting all the users, commit the changes to the # database db.session.commit() print("**** CREATING VOLUNTEER OFFERS***") j = requesters print("######## j = ", j) offerer_uid = requesters for j in range(num_of_users): print("######## j = ", j) # create a volunteer offer for each of the second half of the users # created with load_users(amount_to_generate) if offerer_uid != num_of_users: offerer_uid = offerer_uid + 1 expiration_date = faker.date_this_month() print(f"expiration_date: {expiration_date}") create_on = faker.date_between() print(f"create_on: {created_on} ") modified_on = create_on recurring = random.choice(boolean_choice) print(f"recurring: {recurring}") description = faker.text() print(f"description: {description}") offer = Offer(offerer_uid=offerer_uid, expiration_date=expiration_date, created_on=created_on, modified_on=modified_on, recurring=recurring, description=description) j += 1 # Add the offer instance to the session so it will be stored. db.session.add(offer) # Once we're done inserting all the offers, commit the changes to the # database db.session.commit()
def _row_to_offer(row): if row: return Offer(row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3], (row[4], row[5]))
def more_real_creation(): with dm.session_scope() as db: stores = [ Store(name="DIA", latitude=41.6342682, longitude=-4.7174426), Store(name="Lupa", latitude=41.6364703, longitude=-4.7300158), Store(name="Sushitería Valladolid", latitude=41.652698, longitude=-4.7317036), Store(name="La tienda del alérgico", latitude=41.6547928, longitude=-4.7303049), Store(name="Pantaleón Muñoz", latitude=41.6530984, longitude=-4.7325059), ] products_dia_img = { 'Pizza Jamón Queso': '', 'Yogur Griego': '', 'Menestra de verduras': '', 'Brocoli, Coliflor y Zanahoria': '', 'Zumo de frutas': '', 'Muesli': '', 'Frutas reglero': '', 'Huevos': '', 'Merluza del cabo': '', 'Filetes de panga empanados': '', 'Rodaja de Merluza': '', 'Empanada de atún': '', 'Pimientos de piquillo': '', 'Callos con garbanzos': '', 'Paté senior': '', 'Albóndigas Allinut de carne': '', 'Chuletas de cordero (bolsa)': '', 'Mozarella fresca': '', 'Mantequilla Light': '', 'Habas baby': '', 'Plátano maduro': '', } products_common_img = { 'Pizza muy rica': '', 'Manzana': '', 'Pan': '', 'Kiwi': '', 'Lechuga': '', 'Canónigos': '', 'Entrecot': '', 'Chorizo': '', 'Bacalao poco fresco': '', 'Naranjas': '', 'Almejas': '', 'Oreja': '', 'Callos': '', 'Atún': '', 'Cordero': '', 'Lomo de cerdo': '', 'Jamón york': '', 'Queso Fresco': '', 'Chopped': '', 'Pechuga de pavo': '', 'Pechuga de pollo': '', } products_tuples = [] for name, url in products_common_img.items(): products_tuples.append((name, url)) offers = [] for name, url in products_dia_img.items(): price = round(random.choice(range(20, 30)) / 10.0, 2) stores[0].products.append( Product(store=stores[0], name=name, img_url=url, price="{}€".format(price))) offers.append( Offer(product=stores[0].products[-1], offer_price="{}€".format(round(price - price * 0.3, 2)), store=stores[0])) for store in stores[1:]: for n in range(1, 20): pr = random.choice(products_tuples) price = round(random.choice(range(20, 30)) / 10.0, 2) store.products.append( Product(store=store, name=pr[0], img_url=pr[1], price="{}€".format(price))) offers.append( Offer(product=store.products[-1], offer_price="{}€".format( round(price - price * 0.3, 2)), store=store, - timedelta(minutes=random.choice(range(10, 20))))) db.add_all(stores) db.add_all(offers)
def getOfferList(self, token='', size=100): offer_query = Connect.getOffers(token, size) if offer_query.status_code == 200: try: offerList = offer_query.json() nextPageToken = offerList[ 'nextPageToken'] if 'nextPageToken' in offerList else None self._offerList = OfferList(nextPageToken, offerList['totalCount']) offers: List[Offer] = [] print(len(offerList['offers'])) for offer in offerList['offers']: temp_offer = Offer(offer['id']) config = offer['configuration'] temp_offer.sku = offer['sku'] temp_offer.updateTime = datetime.strptime( offer['updateTime'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z') temp_offer.availability = offer['availability'] = offer['dealer'] temp_offer.installEquipment = offer[ 'installEquipment'] if 'installEquipment' in offer else None temp_offer.year = offer['year'] temp_offer.price = offer['price'] temp_offer.retailPrice = offer[ 'retailPrice'] if 'retailPrice' in offer else None temp_offer.configuration = OfferConfiguration(config['id']) temp_offer.configuration.make = config['make'] temp_offer.configuration.model = config['model'] temp_offer.configuration.version = config['version'] temp_offer.configuration.color = config['color'] temp_offer.configuration.edition = config['edition'] temp_offer.configuration.modification = config[ 'modification'] temp_offer.configuration.imageLink = config['imageLink'] temp_offer.promotion = OfferPromotion( offer['promotion']['special']) photoLinks = [] for link in offer['photoLinks']: photoLinks.append(link) temp_offer.photoLinks = photoLinks self._offerList.add(temp_offer) except JSONDecodeError: print('Is not JSON string, sorry')