def post_competition(self):
    """Reads common info about competition and statistic flags from post-request and fills template's values"""
        errors = []
        start_date = self.request.POST['dateStartNew']
        #if start_date >=           # TODO: error because start_date is string not datetime object. Convert string to date
        #    pass
        finish_date = self.request.POST['dateFinishNew']
        #if finish_date >=
        #    pass#errors.append('Finish date in the past')
        comp_name = self.request.POST['nameCompNew']
        d_count = int(self.request.POST['dayCount'])
        show_places = self.request.POST['writePlaces']
        show_map = self.request.POST['showMap']
        stat_day = read_checkbox_post(self, 'statistic0')       #TODO: fix statistic
        stat_sex = read_checkbox_post(self, 'statistic1')
        stat_qual = read_checkbox_post(self, 'statistic2')
    except KeyError:
        errors.append('Key error at request')
    competition = Competition(name=comp_name, d_start=date_to_python(start_date), d_finish=date_to_python(finish_date),
                              days_count=d_count)#, statistic=[stat_day, stat_sex, stat_qual])
    temp_values = {'start': start_date, 'finish': finish_date, 'name': comp_name, 'show_places': show_places,
                   'show_map': show_map, 'days_count': range(1, int(d_count) + 1)}
    return [competition, temp_values, errors]