#!/usr/bin/python """Example of util.shift_scale_y() """ # pylint: disable=I0011, C0103, E1101, R0801 import numpy as np from modelicares import util from modelicares.texunit import number_label # Generate some random data. x = range(100) y = np.cumsum(np.random.random(100) - 0.5) y -= y.min() y *= 1e-3 y += 1e3 # Small magnitude and large offset ylabel = number_label('Velocity', 'mm/s') # Plot the data. ax = util.setup_subplots(2, 2, label='examples/shift_scale_y')[0] for a in ax: a.plot(x, y) a.set_ylabel(ylabel) # Shift and scale the axes. ax[0].set_title('Original plot') ax[1].set_title('After applying offset and factor') util.shift_scale_y(ax[1])
#!/usr/bin/python """Example of util.shift_scale_x() """ # pylint: disable=I0011, C0103, E1101 import numpy as np from modelicares import util from modelicares.texunit import number_label # Generate some random data. x = np.linspace(55478, 55486, 100) # Small range and large offset xlabel = number_label('Time', 's') y = np.cumsum(np.random.random(100) - 0.5) # Plot the data. ax = util.setup_subplots(2, 2)[0] for a in ax: a.plot(x, y) a.set_xlabel(xlabel) # Shift and scale the axes. ax[0].set_title('Original plot') ax[1].set_title('After applying offset and factor') util.shift_scale_x(ax[1])
#!/usr/bin/python """Example of util.setup_subplots() """ # pylint: disable=I0011, C0103 from modelicares import util util.setup_subplots(4, 2, label='examples/setup_subplots')