def test_transformer_init(): ### Creating a SqE model for transformation # We need some lines L1 = LorentzianLine("Lorentzian1", (-5.0, 5.0), x0=0.0, width=0.4, c=0.0, weight=2) L2 = LorentzianLine(name="Lorentzian2", domain=(-5.0, 5.0), x0=-1.0, width=0.4, c=0.0, weight=1) L3 = F_ILine("FI1", (-energy_from_lambda(6.0), 15), x0=-0.1, width=0.008, A=350.0, q=0.02, kappa=0.01, c=0.0, weight=1) # Contruct a SqE model sqe1 = SqE(lines=(L2, ), lam=6.0, dlam=0.12, lSD=3.43, T=20) sqe2 = SqE(lines=(L1, L2, L3), lam=6.0, dlam=0.12, lSD=3.43, T=20) ### Instantiate a transformer SqtTransformer(sqe2, nlam=20, ne=10000)
def test_export_load(): ### Creating a SqE model for transformation # We need some lines L1 = LorentzianLine("Lorentzian1", (-5.0, 5.0), x0=0.0, width=0.00005, c=0.0, weight=0.1) L2 = F_ILine("FI1", (-energy_from_lambda(6.0), 15), x0=-0.01, width=0.008, A=350.0, q=0.02, kappa=0.01, c=0.0, weight=0.9) # Contruct a SqE model sqe = SqE(lines=(L1, L2), lam=6.0, dlam=0.12, lSD=3.43, T=628) # Add the detector efficiency correction decf = DetectorEfficiencyCorrectionFactor(sqe, ne=500, nlam=20) # Add the energycutoff correction eccf = EnergyCutOffCorrectionFactor(sqe, ne=500, nlam=20) ### Instantiate a transformer sqt = SqtTransformer(sqe, corrections=(decf, eccf), nlam=20, ne=500, lSD=3.43, integ_mode="adaptive") ### Export sqt_dict = sqt.export_to_dict() pprint(sqt_dict["corrections"]) sqt.export_to_jsonfile( f"{testdir}/resources/test_transformer_export_load_file.json") print("", "SqE's of the: ", f"- sqe: {sqe}", f"- decf: {decf.sqe}", f"- eccf: {eccf.sqe}", f"- sqt: {sqt.sqemodel}", sep="\n") ### Loading sqt_from_dict = sqt.load_from_dict(**sqt_dict) print("", "Loading successful: ", sqt, sqt_from_dict, sep='\n') sqt_from_file = sqt.load_from_jsonfile( f"{testdir}/resources/test_transformer_export_load_file.json") print("Loading successful: ", sqt, sqt_from_file, sep='\n') print("", "SqE's of the: ", f"- sqe: {sqe}", f"- decf: {sqt_from_dict.corrections[0].sqe}", f"- eccf: {sqt_from_dict.corrections[1].sqe}", f"- sqt: {sqt_from_dict.sqemodel}", sep="\n") print("\n\nThis is the sqt loaded from dict") pprint(sqt_from_file.export_to_dict())
def test_adaptive_vs_linear(): ### Instantiate a transformer sqtadapt = SqtTransformer.load_from_dict(**STANDARD_SQT.export_to_dict()) sqtlinear = SqtTransformer.load_from_dict(**STANDARD_SQT.export_to_dict()) sqtlinear.update_params(ne=50000, integ_mode="linear") ### Values for transformation taus = logspace(-4, 1, 81) freqs = MIEZE_DeltaFreq_from_time(taus * 1.0e-9, 3.43, 6.0) ### perform transformation from time import time startt = time() adaptvals = array([sqtadapt(freq) for freq in freqs]) intermedt = time() linearvals = array([sqtlinear(freq) for freq in freqs]) stopt = time() print(f"Adaptive integration took: {intermedt - startt:.1f}") print(f"Linear integration took : {stopt - intermedt:.1f}")
def test_transformer_init(): ### Creating a SqE model for transformation # We need some lines L1 = LorentzianLine("Lorentzian1", (-5.0, 5.0), x0=0.0, width=0.4, c=0.0, weight=2) L2 = LorentzianLine(name="Lorentzian2", domain=(-5.0, 5.0), x0=-1.0, width=0.4, c=0.0, weight=1) # Contruct a SqE model sqe1 = SqE(lines=(L2,), lam=6.0, dlam=0.12, l_SD=3.43, T=20) SqE(lines=(L1, L2), lam=6.0, dlam=0.12, l_SD=3.43, T=20) ### Instantiate a transformer SqtTransformer(sqe1, n_lam=20, n_e=10000)
def test_from_Minuit_and_adjust_it(): ### Creating a SqE model for transformation # We need some lines L1 = LorentzianLine("Lorentzian1", (-5.0, 5.0), x0=0.0, width=0.4, c=0.0, weight=1) L2 = LorentzianLine(name="Lorentzian2", domain=(-5.0, 5.0), x0=1.5, width=0.4, c=0.0, weight=2) # Contruct a SqE model sqe1 = SqE((L1, L2), lam=6.0, dlam=0.12, lSD=3.43, T=20) ### Instantiate a transformer sqt1 = SqtTransformer( sqe1, corrections=( ), #(DetectorEfficiencyCorrectionFactor(sqe1, ne=15000, nlam=20),), ne=10000, nlam=20, lSD=3.43) ### Values for transformation datataus = array([ 2.0e-6, 6.0e-6, 4.1e-5, 2.5e-4, 5.5e-4, 1.0e-3, 1.32e-3, 1.7e-3, 2.2e-3, 2.63e-3, 2.77e-3, 3.3e-3, 4.27e-3, 5.11e-3, 6.77e-3, 8.96e-3, 2.0e-2 ]) x = MIEZE_DeltaFreq_from_time(datataus * 1.0e-9, 3.43, 6.0) ### create artificial data via TRANSFORM!! y = array([sqt1(freq) for freq in x]) yerr = 0.02 * random.randn(len(y)) ### initialize Minuits! m = FitModelCreator.from_transformer(sqt1, x, y + yerr, yerr, [0.45, 0.0, 1.2, -1.5, 0.3, 0.0, 2.2]) m.fixed["c_Lorentzian1"] = True m.fixed["c_Lorentzian2"] = True # Adjust fit behavior -> reinitialize another Minuit obj m2 = FitModelCreator.from_Minuit(minuitobj=m, limit_weight_Lorentzian1=(0, None), limit_width_Lorentzian1=(0, None), limit_weight_Lorentzian2=(0, None), limit_width_Lorentzian2=(0, None), fix_c_Lorentzian1=True, fix_c_Lorentzian2=True)
def test_from_transformer(): ### Creating a SqE model for transformation # We need some lines L1 = LorentzianLine("Lorentzian1", (-5.0, 5.0), x0=0.0, width=0.4, c=0.0, weight=1) L2 = LorentzianLine(name="Lorentzian2", domain=(-5.0, 5.0), x0=1.5, width=0.4, c=0.0, weight=2) L3 = F_ILine("FI1", (-energy_from_lambda(6.0), 15), x0=-0.1, width=0.008, A=350.0, q=0.02, kappa=0.01, c=0.0, weight=1) # Contruct a SqE model sqe1 = SqE((L1, L2, L3), lam=6.0, dlam=0.12, lSD=3.43, T=20) ### Instantiate a transformer sqt1 = SqtTransformer(sqe1, corrections=(DetectorEfficiencyCorrectionFactor( sqe1, ne=10000, nlam=20), ), ne=10000, nlam=20, lSD=3.43) ### Values for transformation datataus = array([ 2.0e-6, 6.0e-6, 4.1e-5, 2.5e-4, 5.5e-4, 1.0e-3, 1.32e-3, 1.7e-3, 2.2e-3, 2.63e-3, 2.77e-3, 3.3e-3, 4.27e-3, 5.11e-3, 6.77e-3, 8.96e-3, 2.0e-2 ]) x = MIEZE_DeltaFreq_from_time(datataus * 1.0e-9, 3.43, 6.0) ### create artificial data via TRANSFORM!! y = array([sqt1(freq) for freq in x]) yerr = 0.02 * random.randn(len(y)) ### instntiate Minuit obj! m = FitModelCreator.from_transformer(sqt1, x, y + yerr, yerr, [ 0.45, 0.0, 1.2, -1.5, 0.3, 0.0, 2.2, -0.5, 0.01, 350.0, 0.02, 0.01, 0.0, 1.0 ])
def test_update_params(): ### Creating a SqE model for transformation # We need some lines L1 = LorentzianLine("Lorentzian1", (-5.0, 5.0), x0=0.0, width=0.4, c=0.0, weight=2) L2 = LorentzianLine(name="Lorentzian2", domain=(-5.0, 5.0), x0=-1.0, width=0.4, c=0.0, weight=1) L3 = F_ILine("FI1", (-energy_from_lambda(6.0), 15), x0=-0.1, width=0.008, A=350.0, q=0.02, kappa=0.01, c=0.0, weight=1) # Contruct a SqE model sqe = SqE(lines=(L1, L2, L3), lam=6.0, dlam=0.12, lSD=3.43, T=20) # Add the detector efficiency correction decf = DetectorEfficiencyCorrectionFactor(sqe, ne=10000, nlam=20) # Add the energycutoff correction eccf = EnergyCutOffCorrectionFactor(sqe, ne=10000, nlam=20) ### Instantiate a transformer sqt = SqtTransformer(sqe, corrections=(decf, eccf), nlam=20, ne=10000, lSD=3.43) print("\n\nBefore update:") pprint(sqt.export_to_dict()) tdict = dict(T=30, lam=8.0, x0_Lorentzian2=-0.5, width_Lorentzian2=0.025, weight_Lorentzian1=5, nlam=55, kappa_FI1=1.0, some_wired_param=True) sqt.update_params(**tdict) print("\n\nAfter update:") pprint(sqt.export_to_dict())
def test_transform_arg_model(): ### Creating a SqE model for transformation sqe_arg = SqE_from_arg(T=20.) ### Instantiate a transformer sqt_arg = SqtTransformer(sqe_arg, corrections=(DetectorEfficiencyCorrectionFactor( sqe_arg, ne=15000, nlam=20), ), ne=15000, nlam=20, lSD=3.43) ### Values for transformation taus = logspace(-6, -1, 11) freqs = MIEZE_DeltaFreq_from_time(taus * 1.0e-9, 3.43, 6.0) ### TRANSFORM!! sqt_argvals = [sqt_arg(freq) for freq in freqs] # For the next step to work, A1 needs to be manually removed # from arg.Sqt calculation. sqt_argmodulevals = arg.Sqt(arg.fqe_I, freqs, -1.0, 0.4, 15000, 20, 3.43, 6.0, 0.12, 0.0, 1.0, 20, 0.00005, 0.1, 350.)
def test_transformer_basics(): ### Creating a SqE model for transformation # We need some lines L1 = LorentzianLine(name="Lorentzian1", domain=(-15.0, 15.0), x0=-1.0, width=0.4, c=0.0, weight=3) # Contruct a SqE model sqe1 = SqE(lines=(L1,), lam=6.0, dlam=0.12, l_SD=3.43, T=20) ### Instantiate a transformer sqt1 = SqtTransformer( sqe1, corrections=(DetectorEfficiencyCorrectionFactor(sqe1, n_e=15000, n_lam=20),), n_e=15000, n_lam=20, l_SD=3.43 ) ### Values for transformation taus = logspace(-6, -1, 11) freqs = MIEZE_DeltaFreq_from_time(taus*1.0e-9, 3.43, 6.0) ### TRANSFORM!! sqt1vals = [sqt1(freq) for freq in freqs] sqt1vals_arg = arg.Sqt( arg.fqe_I, freqs, -1.0, 0.4, 15000, 20, 3.43, 6.0, 0.12, 0.0, 1.0, 20, 0.00005, 0.1, 350. )
def slow_vis_fitting(): ### Creating a SqE model for transformation # We need some lines # L1 = LorentzianLine("Lorentzian1", (-5.0, 5.0), x0=0.0, width=0.4, c=0.0, weight=1) L2 = LorentzianLine(name="Lorentzian2", domain=(-5.0, 5.0), x0=1.5, width=0.4, c=0.0, weight=2) L3 = F_ILine("FI1", (-energy_from_lambda(6.0), 15), x0=0.0, width=0.008, A=350.0, q=0.02, kappa=0.01, c=0.0, weight=1) # Contruct a SqE model sqe1 = SqE((L2, L3), lam=6.0, dlam=0.12, lSD=3.43, T=20) ### Instantiate a transformer # Consider detector efficiency decf = DetectorEfficiencyCorrectionFactor(sqe1) sqt1 = SqtTransformer(sqe1, corrections=(decf, ), ne=10000, nlam=20, lSD=3.43) ### Creating a logger for debugging: import logging # Create and configure logger logging.basicConfig(filename=f"{testdir}/resources/fit.log", level=logging.INFO, filemode="w") logger = logging.getLogger() ### Values for transformation taus = logspace(-6, -1, 101) datataus = array([ 2.0e-6, 6.0e-6, 4.1e-5, 2.5e-4, 5.5e-4, 1.0e-3, 1.32e-3, 1.7e-3, 2.2e-3, 2.63e-3, 2.77e-3, 3.3e-3, 4.27e-3, 5.11e-3, 6.77e-3, 8.96e-3, 2.0e-2 ]) x = MIEZE_DeltaFreq_from_time(datataus * 1.0e-9, 3.43, 6.0) longx = MIEZE_DeltaFreq_from_time(taus * 1.0e-9, 3.43, 6.0) ### TRANSFORM!! y = array([sqt1(freq) for freq in x]) sqt1vals = array([sqt1(freq) for freq in longx]) yerr = 0.03 * random.randn(len(y)) ### FIT! m = FitModelCreator.from_transformer( sqt1, x, abs(y + yerr), yerr, [-1.5, 0.2, 0.0, 3.0, 0.01, 350.0, 0.02, 0.015, 0.0, 1.0], logger=logger) # m.fixed["c_Lorentzian1"] = True m.fixed["c_Lorentzian2"] = True print("fcn for m:\n", m.fcn) m2 = FitModelCreator.from_Minuit( minuitobj=m, # limit_weight_Lorentzian1=(0, None), # limit_width_Lorentzian1=(0, None), limit_weight_Lorentzian2=(0, None), limit_width_Lorentzian2=(0, None), limit_weight_FI1=(0.0, None), limit_kappa_FI1=(0.0, None), # fix_c_Lorentzian1=True, fix_c_Lorentzian2=True, # fix_weight_Lorentzian1=True fix_c_FI1=True, fix_weight_FI1=True, fix_A_FI1=True, fix_q_FI1=True) print("fcn for m2:\n", m2.fcn) # fmin, res = m.migrad(ncall=1000) # print(fmin) # print(res) fmin, res = m2.migrad(ncall=1000) print(fmin) print(res) ### Gather Fit results # dL1res1 = { # "x0" : 0.0, # "width" : res[0].value, # "c" : res[1].value, # "weight" : res[2].value # } # dL2res1 = { # "x0" : res[3].value, # "width" : res[4].value, # "c" : res[5].value, # "weight" : res[6].value # } dL2res1 = { "x0": res[0].value, "width": res[1].value, "c": res[2].value, "weight": res[3].value } dFI1res = { "width": res[4].value, "A": res[5].value, "q": res[6].value, "kappa": res[7].value, "c": res[8].value, "weight": res[9].value } # L1.update_line_params(**dL1res1) L2.update_line_params(**dL2res1) L3.update_line_params(**dFI1res) sqtres1vals = array([sqt1(freq) for freq in longx]) # ### Gather Fit results # dL1res2 = { # "x0" : 0.0, # "width" : res2[0].value, # "c" : res2[1].value, # "weight" : res2[2].value # } # dL2res2 = { # "x0" : res2[3].value, # "width" : res2[4].value, # "c" : res2[5].value, # "weight" : res2[6].value # } # L1.update_line_params(**dL1res2) # L2.update_line_params(**dL2res2) # sqtres2vals = array([sqt1(freq) for freq in longx]) ### Calculate init guess # dL1ig = { # "x0" : 0.0, # "width" : 0.6, # "c" : 0, # "weight" : 1.0 # } # dL2ig = { # "x0" : -1.5, # "width" : 0.2, # "c" : 0.0, # "weight" : 3.0 # } dL2ig = {"x0": -1.5, "width": 0.2, "c": 0.0, "weight": 3.0} dFI1ig = { "x0": 0.0, "width": 0.01, "A": 350, "q": 0.02, "kappa": 0.015, "c": 0.0, "weight": 1.0 } # L1.update_line_params(**dL1ig) L2.update_line_params(**dL2ig) L3.update_line_params(**dFI1ig) sqtigvals = array([sqt1(freq) for freq in longx]) plt.plot(taus, sqt1vals, label="orig. curve", ls="--", color="C0") plt.plot(taus, sqtres1vals, label="fit curve 1", ls="-", color="C1") # plt.plot(taus, sqtres2vals, label="fit curve 2", ls=":", color="C4") plt.plot(taus, sqtigvals, label="init guess", ls="-.", color="C2") plt.errorbar(datataus, abs(y + yerr), yerr, label="data", ls="", marker="o", color="C0") plt.xscale("log") plt.xlabel("$\\tau_{MIEZE}$ [ns]", fontsize=16.) plt.ylabel("S(q,t) [arb. u.]", fontsize=16.) plt.legend()
# We need some lines L1 = LorentzianLine("Lorentzian1", (-5.0, 5.0), x0=0.0, width=0.4, c=0.0, weight=2) L2 = LorentzianLine(name="Lorentzian2", domain=(-5.0, 5.0), x0=-1.0, width=0.4, c=0.0, weight=1) # Contruct a SqE model sqe = SqE(lines=(L1, L2), lam=6.0, dlam=0.12, lSD=3.43, T=20) ### Instantiate a transformer sqt = SqtTransformer(sqe, nlam=20, ne=10000) def test_format_param_dict_for_logger(): names = FitModelCreator.get_param_names(sqe) params = [0.020, 0.0, 12, 0.15, 0.020, 0.0, 1] print(format_param_dict_for_logger(dict(zip(names, params)))) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def test_format_sqt_lines_for_logger(): print(format_sqt_lines_for_logger(sqt))