Exemple #1
def load_style_template_images(style_num):
    return DB.load_template_images(**{'style_num': style_num})
Exemple #2
def create_redlined_images(argsdict, style_num, rois_map_df):
    """ Given the rois map and style_num, access image and create 'redlined' images
        which have boxes drawn around contests, options, and targets, and text
        shown providing official names of contests and options.

    style_template_images = DB.load_template_images(style_num=style_num)
    rois_map_df = rois_map_df.replace(np.nan, 0)
    contest_roi_outline_width = 2
    contest_text_x_os   = 5
    contest_text_y_os   = -5                # offset from bottom of contest box
    contest_font_scale  = 0.5
    option_roi_outline_width = 1
    #option_text_x_os    = 80
    #option_text_y_os    = -5                # offset from bottom of option box
    option_font_scale   = 0.5
    checkbox_outline_width = 1              # integer required
    target_side = argsdict.get('target_side', 'left')
    rgb_images = [None, None]

    # first convert the (up to two) template images to RGB.
    for pg, grayscale_image in enumerate(style_template_images):
        rgb_images[pg] = cv2.cvtColor(grayscale_image, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)

    # consider only the records with the style_num indicated. Note that the
    # rois_map_df includes all styles processed so far.
    # note that 'style_num' field in the rois_map is a str.
    style_rois_map_df = rois_map_df.loc[rois_map_df['style_num'] == style_num]

    layout_params = get_layout_params(argsdict)

    target_w_os = round(layout_params['target_area_w'] / 2)
    target_h_os = round(layout_params['target_area_h'] / 2)

    for idx in range(len(style_rois_map_df.index)):
        style_rois_dict = style_rois_map_df.iloc[idx]
        roi = {}
        page0, roi['x'], roi['y'], roi['w'], roi['h'], \
            roi['blk_x'], roi['blk_y'], roi['blk_w'], roi['blk_h'] \
            = [int(x) for x in list(style_rois_dict['roi_coord_csv'].split(r','))]

        contest     = style_rois_dict['contest']
        option      = style_rois_dict['option']
        target_x    = style_rois_dict['target_x']
        target_y    = style_rois_dict['target_y']

        if bool(re.match(r'#', option)):
            # contest header, draw red box around countest header, write in contest name
            draw_one_box(rgb_images[page0], roi, color='red', line_width=contest_roi_outline_width)

            text_x = roi['x'] + contest_text_x_os
            text_y = roi['y'] + roi['h'] + contest_text_y_os
            draw_text(rgb_images[page0], text_x, text_y, text=contest, color='red', font_scale=contest_font_scale)
            # option rois
            draw_one_box(rgb_images[page0], roi, color='blue', line_width=option_roi_outline_width)
            draw_checkbox(rgb_images[page0], target_x, target_y, layout_params, line_width=checkbox_outline_width)

            ev_coord_str = str(style_rois_dict['ev_coord_str'])
            text = option
            if ev_coord_str:
                text += ' [' + ev_coord_str + ']'
            target_w_os = round(layout_params['target_area_w'] / 2)
            target_h_os = round(layout_params['target_area_h'] / 2)
            if target_side == 'left':
                text_x = target_x - target_w_os
                text_y = target_y - target_h_os - 2
                ref = 'bl'
                text_x = target_x + target_w_os
                text_y = target_y - target_h_os - 2
                ref = 'br'
            draw_text(rgb_images[page0], text_x, text_y, text=text, color='blue', font_scale=option_font_scale, ref=ref)
    DB.save_template_images(style_num=style_num, images=rgb_images, file_type='redlined')