def train_agent(args): # if gpu is to be used device = torch.device( "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() and args.ngpu > 0 else "cpu") # Build env (first level, right only) env = gym_super_mario_bros.make('SuperMarioBros-1-1-v0') env = JoypadSpace(env, SIMPLE_MOVEMENT) # setup networks init_screen = get_screen(env, device) _, _, screen_height, screen_width = init_screen.shape # Get number of actions from gym action space args.n_actions = env.action_space.n policy_net = DQN(screen_height, screen_width, args.n_actions).to(device) target_net = DQN(screen_height, screen_width, args.n_actions).to(device) if args.targetNet: target_net.load_state_dict( torch.load(args.targetNet, map_location=device)) if args.policyNet: target_net.load_state_dict( torch.load(args.policyNet, map_location=device)) target_net.load_state_dict(policy_net.state_dict()) target_net.eval() optimizer = optim.RMSprop(policy_net.parameters()) memory = ReplayMemory(10000) args.steps_done = 0 num_episodes = 1 for i_episode in range(num_episodes): # Initialize the environment and state env.reset() last_screen = get_screen(env, device) current_screen = get_screen(env, device) state = current_screen - last_screen for t in count(): # Select and perform an action action = select_action(state, policy_net, args, device) _, reward, done, _ = env.step(action.item()) reward = torch.tensor([reward], device=device) # Observe new state last_screen = current_screen current_screen = get_screen(env, device) if not done: next_state = current_screen - last_screen else: next_state = None # Store the transition in memory memory.push(state, action, next_state, reward) # Move to the next state state = next_state # Perform one step of the optimization (on the target network) optimize_model(optimizer, memory, policy_net, target_net, args, device) if done: episode_durations.append(t + 1) break # Update the target network, copying all weights and biases in DQN if i_episode % args.target_update == 0: target_net.load_state_dict(policy_net.state_dict()), args.output_policyNet), args.output_targetNet) if i_episode % 10 == 0: print(f'{i_episode+1}/{num_episodes}: Completed Episode.') print('Complete') env.close(), args.output_policyNet), args.output_targetNet)
class GameWindow: dqn = None grid = None clock = None score = None scores = None height = None length = None avrages = None actions = None surface = None cell_size = None is_training = None training_pressed = None actions_per_second = None split_brain_network = None num = None def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initializes the game window.""" pg.init() pg.display.set_caption('Snake') self.clock = pg.time.Clock() if 'cell_size' in kwargs: self.cell_size = kwargs.pop('cell_size', False) if 'length' in kwargs: self.length = kwargs.pop('length', False) if 'height' in kwargs: self.height = kwargs.pop('height', False) if 'speed' in kwargs: self.actions_per_second = kwargs.pop('speed', False) self._exit = False self.is_training = True self.trainig_pressed = False self.score = 0 self.actions = 0 self.scores = [] self.averages = [] # For split-brain network if "sb_dimensions" and "sb_lr" in kwargs: dimensions = kwargs.pop("sb_dimensions", False) lr = kwargs.pop("sb_lr", False) self.split_brain_network = SplitBrainNetwork(dimensions=dimensions, lr=lr) # DQN if "dqn_dimensions" and "dqn_lr" and "dqn_batch_size" and "dqn_sample_size" in kwargs: dimensions = kwargs.pop("dqn_dimensions", False) lr = kwargs.pop("dqn_lr", False) batch_size = kwargs.pop("dqn_batch_size", False) sample_size = kwargs.pop("dqn_sample_size", False) self.dqn = DQN(dimensions=dimensions, lr=lr, batch_size=batch_size, sample_size=sample_size) def plot_scores(self): plt.figure(2) plt.clf() plt.title('Training...') plt.xlabel('Games') plt.ylabel('Score') plt.plot(self.scores) plt.plot(self.averages) plt.pause(0.001) # pause a bit so that plots are update self.agent = qTable(self.length, self.height, 0.5, 0.8) def reset(self, **kwargs): """Resets the game state with a new snake and apple in random positions.""" pg.display.set_caption('Snake') self._surface = pg.display.set_mode( (self.length * self.cell_size, self.height * self.cell_size), pg.HWSURFACE) self.grid = Grid(cell_size=self.cell_size, length=self.length, height=self.height) self.snake_cell_image = pg.image.load(__SNAKE_CELL_PATH__).convert() self.snake_cell_image = pg.transform.scale( self.snake_cell_image, (self.cell_size, self.cell_size)).convert() self.apple_cell_image = pg.image.load(__APPLE_CELL_PATH__).convert() self.apple_cell_image = pg.transform.scale( self.apple_cell_image, (self.cell_size, self.cell_size)).convert_alpha() self.score = 0 self.actions = 0 self._exit = False def check_for_exit(self): """Checks if the user has decided to exit.""" keys = pg.key.get_pressed() if (keys[K_ESCAPE]): self._exit = True for event in pg.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: self._exit = True def handle_keyboard_input(self): """Checks for input to the game.""" keys = pg.key.get_pressed() if (keys[K_UP]): self.grid.change_direction(Direction.up) if (keys[K_DOWN]): self.grid.change_direction(Direction.down) if (keys[K_LEFT]): self.grid.change_direction(Direction.left) if (keys[K_RIGHT]): self.grid.change_direction(Direction.right) if (keys[K_SPACE]): self.grid.snake.grow() if (keys[K_RIGHTBRACKET]): self.actions_per_second += 1 if (keys[K_LEFTBRACKET]): self.actions_per_second -= 1 if (keys[K_t]): self.is_training = True print( "========================================================================" ) print("Training: ON") print( "========================================================================" ) if (keys[K_s]): self.is_training = False print( "========================================================================" ) print("Training: OFF") print( "========================================================================" ) def perform_keyboard_actions(self): """Executes all relevant game-state changes.""" self.handle_keyboard_input() self.grid.next_frame() def perform_DQN_actions(self): proximity = self.grid.proximity_to_apple() safety_limit = 0.5 inputs = torch.tensor([ proximity, self.grid.safe_cells_up_global(), self.grid.safe_cells_up(), self.grid.apple_is_up_safe(safety_limit), self.grid.safe_cells_down_global(), self.grid.safe_cells_down(), self.grid.apple_is_down_safe(safety_limit), self.grid.safe_cells_left_global(), self.grid.safe_cells_left(), self.grid.apple_is_left_safe(safety_limit), self.grid.safe_cells_right_global(), self.grid.safe_cells_right(), self.grid.apple_is_right_safe(safety_limit) ]) # [up_output, down_output, left_output, right_output] = self.dqn.eval(inputs) output = self.dqn.eval(inputs) if math.isclose(max(output), output[__UP__], rel_tol=1e-9): self.grid.change_direction(Direction.up) elif math.isclose(max(output), output[__DOWN__], rel_tol=1e-9): self.grid.change_direction(Direction.down) elif math.isclose(max(output), output[__LEFT__], rel_tol=1e-9): self.grid.change_direction(Direction.left) else: self.grid.change_direction(Direction.right) print(output) print(max(output)) if self.is_training: reward = torch.tensor([ self.future_move_reward(Direction.up), self.future_move_reward(Direction.down), self.future_move_reward(Direction.left), self.future_move_reward(Direction.right) # self.grid.safe_cells_up_global(), # self.grid.safe_cells_down_global(), # self.grid.safe_cells_left_global(), # self.grid.safe_cells_right_global() ]) self.dqn.add_to_replay_memory(inputs, reward) self.dqn.update() got_apple = self.grid.next_frame() self.actions += 1 if got_apple: self.score += 1 def future_move_reward(self, direction): old_proximity = self.grid.proximity_to_apple() grid = copy.deepcopy(self.grid) grid.change_direction(direction) got_apple = grid.next_frame() safe_cells = grid.safe_cells(direction) if grid.snake_died(): return -1.0 elif got_apple: return 1.0 elif grid.proximity_to_apple() > old_proximity and safe_cells >= 0.5: return 0.8 else: return 0.5 * safe_cells def perform_split_brain_actions(self): """Performs actions using the SplitBrainNetwork.""" proximity = self.grid.proximity_to_apple() inputs = [ torch.tensor([[ proximity, self.grid.safe_cells_up_global(), self.grid.safe_cells_up(), self.grid.apple_is_up_safe(0.5) ]]), torch.tensor([[ proximity, self.grid.safe_cells_down_global(), self.grid.safe_cells_down(), self.grid.apple_is_down_safe(0.5) ]]), torch.tensor([[ proximity, self.grid.safe_cells_left_global(), self.grid.safe_cells_left(), self.grid.apple_is_left_safe(0.5) ]]), torch.tensor([[ proximity, self.grid.safe_cells_right_global(), self.grid.safe_cells_right(), self.grid.apple_is_right_safe(0.5) ]]) ] new_direction = self.split_brain_network.eval(inputs) self.grid.change_direction(new_direction) got_apple = self.grid.next_frame() new_proximity = self.grid.proximity_to_apple() if self.is_training: reward = torch.tensor([-0.5]) if self.grid.snake_died(): reward = torch.tensor([-1.0]) elif got_apple: reward = torch.tensor([1.0]) elif new_proximity > proximity: reward = torch.tensor([0.8]) self.split_brain_network.update(reward) # TODO: Finish this function def perform_QLearn_actions(self, table): prevLoc = self.grid.snake.head() toApplePrev = self.grid.proximity_to_apple() self.grid.snake.direction = table.getMax(prevLoc, self.grid.snake.dir_to_int()) got_apple = self.grid.next_frame() if self.grid.snake.starvation >= self.grid.snake.hunger: self.num += 1 print("DEAD: " + str(self.num)) print("LEN: " + str(len(self.grid.snake.body))) table.update(prevCell=prevLoc, curCell=None, direction=self.grid.snake.dir_to_int(), reward=-30) self.reset() # if snake died, penalty -10 if self.grid.snake_died(): self.num += 1 print("DEAD: " + str(self.num)) print("LEN: " + str(len(self.grid.snake.body))) table.update(prevCell=prevLoc, curCell=None, direction=self.grid.snake.dir_to_int(), reward=-10) # if snake got apple, reward 50 elif got_apple is True: curLoc = self.grid.snake.head() table.update(prevCell=prevLoc, curCell=curLoc, direction=self.grid.snake.dir_to_int(), reward=50) self.grid.snake.starvation = 0 else: curLoc = self.grid.snake.head() toAppleCur = self.grid.proximity_to_apple() # if snake got closer to apple, reward 1 if toApplePrev <= toAppleCur: table.update(prevCell=prevLoc, curCell=curLoc, direction=self.grid.snake.dir_to_int(), reward=1) # if snake got farther to apple, penalty -1 else: table.update(prevCell=prevLoc, curCell=curLoc, direction=self.grid.snake.dir_to_int(), reward=-1) def render(self): """Draws the changes to the game-state (if any) to the screen.""" self._surface.fill(Color('black')) for y in range(0, self.height): for x in range(0, self.length): if self.grid.get_cell(x, y) == CellType.snake: self._surface.blit( self.snake_cell_image, (x * self.cell_size, y * self.cell_size)) elif self.grid.get_cell(x, y) == self._surface.blit( self.apple_cell_image, (x * self.cell_size, y * self.cell_size)) pg.display.update() def cleanup(self): """Quits pygame.""" pg.quit() # TODO: Add win condition. def check_for_end_game(self): """Checks to see if the snake has died.""" if self.grid.snake_died(): self.scores.append(self.score) if self.score >= 1: self.averages.append( sum(self.scores) / (len(self.averages) + 1)) # self.plot_scores() self.reset() def debug_to_console(self): """Outputs Debug information to the console.""" vert = None horiz = None if self.grid.apple_is_up(): vert = "Up " elif self.grid.apple_is_down(): vert = "Down" else: vert = "None" if self.grid.apple_is_left(): horiz = "Left " elif self.grid.apple_is_right(): horiz = "Right" else: horiz = "None " print("Apple is: (", vert, ",", horiz, ")\tProximity: ", str(round(self.grid.proximity_to_apple(), 2)), "\t[x, y]:", self.grid.snake.head(), " \tUp: (", str(round(self.grid.safe_cells_up(), 2)), ",", str(round(self.grid.safe_cells_up_global(), 2)), ")" " \tDown: (", str(round(self.grid.safe_cells_down(), 2)), ",", str(round(self.grid.safe_cells_down_global(), 2)), ")" " \tLeft: (", str(round(self.grid.safe_cells_left(), 2)), ",", str(round(self.grid.safe_cells_left_global(), 2)), ")" " \tRight: (", str(round(self.grid.safe_cells_right(), 2)), ",", str(round(self.grid.safe_cells_right_global(), 2)), ")") def play_keyboard_input_game(self): """Runs the main game loop using player input.""" self.reset() while (not self._exit): pg.event.pump() self.clock.tick(self.actions_per_second) self.check_for_exit() self.perform_keyboard_actions() self.check_for_end_game() self.render() self.debug_to_console() self.cleanup() def play_split_brain_network_game(self): """Runs the main game loop using the SplitBrainNetwork.""" self.reset() while (not self._exit): pg.event.pump() self.clock.tick(self.actions_per_second) self.check_for_exit() self.handle_keyboard_input() self.perform_split_brain_actions() self.split_brain_network.display_outputs() self.check_for_end_game() self.render() self.cleanup() def play_DQN_game(self): """Runs the main game loop using the Deep Q Network""" self.reset() while (not self._exit): pg.event.pump() self.clock.tick(self.actions_per_second) self.check_for_exit() self.handle_keyboard_input() self.perform_DQN_actions() self.check_for_end_game() self.render() self.cleanup() def play_QLEARN_game(self): """Runs the man game loop using Q Learning""" self.reset() table = qTable(self.grid.length, self.grid.height, 0.9, 0.9) self.num = 0 while (not self._exit): pg.event.pump() self.clock.tick(self.actions_per_second) self.check_for_exit() self.handle_keyboard_input() # performs the Q learning for the snake self.perform_QLearn_actions(table) self.check_for_end_game() self.render() self.cleanup()
# Get screen size so that we can initialize layers correctly based on shape # returned from AI gym. Typical dimensions at this point are close to 3x40x90 # which is the result of a clamped and down-scaled render buffer in get_screen() env.reset() init_screen = get_screen() _, _, screen_height, screen_width = init_screen.shape # Get number of actions from gym action space n_actions = env.action_space.n print(n_actions) policy_net = DQN(screen_height, screen_width, n_actions).to(device) target_net = DQN(screen_height, screen_width, n_actions).to(device) target_net.load_state_dict(policy_net.state_dict()) target_net.eval() optimizer = optim.Adam(policy_net.parameters()) memory = ReplayMemory(10000) steps_done = 0 def select_action(state): global steps_done sample = random.random() eps_threshold = EPS_END + (EPS_START - EPS_END) * \ math.exp(-1. * steps_done / EPS_DECAY) steps_done += 1 if sample > eps_threshold: with torch.no_grad():