class ModelWrapper(object): def __init__(self, config, data): self.config = config = data # data loader self.model = BaseModel(config).to(config.device) self.loss = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss(reduction="sum") # save function that saves the checkpoint in the path defined in the config file def save(self, best: bool, epoch: int, optimizer: torch.optim.Optimizer): filename = 'best.tar' if best else 'last.tar' print("Saving model as {}...".format(filename), end=' '){'epoch': epoch, 'model_state_dict': self.model.state_dict(), 'optimizer_state_dict': optimizer.state_dict()}, os.path.join(self.config.checkpoint_dir, filename)) print("Model saved.") # load latest checkpoint from the experiment path defined in the config file def load(self, best: bool): """ :param best: boolean, to load best model or last checkpoint :return: tuple of optimizer_state_dict, epoch """ # self.model = models.base_model.BaseModel(self.config).to('cuda') filename = 'best.tar' if best else 'last.tar' print("Loading {}...".format(filename), end=' ') checkpoint = torch.load(os.path.join(self.config.checkpoint_dir, filename)) self.model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['model_state_dict'])'cuda')) print("Model loaded.") return checkpoint['optimizer_state_dict'], checkpoint['epoch'] def loss_and_results(self, scores, labels): loss = self.loss(scores, labels.float()) pred_scores = torch.sigmoid(scores).detach().cpu() # correct_predictions = torch.eq(torch.argmax(scores, dim=1), labels).sum().cpu().item() correct_predictions = torch.eq((pred_scores > 0.5).clone().detach().float(), labels.cpu()).sum().cpu().item() return loss, correct_predictions, pred_scores.numpy() def run_model_get_loss_and_results(self, input, labels): result = self.loss_and_results(self.model(input), labels) return result def train(self): self.model.train() def eval(self): self.model.eval()
def test(model: BaseModel, dataset, device, tracker: BaseTracker, checkpoint: ModelCheckpoint, log): model.eval() tracker.reset("test") loader = dataset.test_dataloader() with Ctq(loader) as tq_test_loader: for data in tq_test_loader: data = with torch.no_grad(): model.set_input(data) model.forward() tracker.track(model) tq_test_loader.set_postfix(**tracker.get_metrics(), color=COLORS.TEST_COLOR) metrics = tracker.publish() tracker.print_summary() checkpoint.save_best_models_under_current_metrics(model, metrics)
opts.render_ids = test_ops.render_ids opts.gpu_ids = test_ops.gpu_ids torch_devices = [int(gpu_id.strip()) for gpu_id in opts.gpu_ids.split(",")] print(torch_devices) device = "cuda:" + str(torch_devices[0]) if "sync" in opts.norm_G: model = convert_model(model) model = nn.DataParallel(model, torch_devices).to(device) else: model = nn.DataParallel(model, torch_devices).to(device) # Load the original model to be tested model_to_test = BaseModel(model, opts) model_to_test.eval() # Allow for different image sizes state_dict = model_to_test.state_dict() pretrained_dict = { k: v for k, v in torch.load(MODEL_PATH)["state_dict"].items() if not ("xyzs" in k) and not ("ones" in k) } state_dict.update(pretrained_dict) model_to_test.load_state_dict(state_dict) print(opts) # Update parameters opts.render_ids = test_ops.render_ids
class ModelWrapper(object): def __init__(self, config, data): self.config = config = data self.model = BaseModel(config).cuda() # save function that saves the checkpoint in the path defined in the config file def save(self, best: bool, epoch: int, optimizer: torch.optim.Optimizer): filename = 'best.tar' if best else 'last.tar' print("Saving model as {}...".format(filename), end=' ') { 'epoch': epoch, 'model_state_dict': self.model.state_dict(), 'optimizer_state_dict': optimizer.state_dict() }, os.path.join(self.config.checkpoint_dir, filename)) print("Model saved.") # load latest checkpoint from the experiment path defined in the config file def load(self, best: bool): """ :param best: boolean, to load best model or last checkpoint :return: tuple of optimizer_state_dict, epoch """ # self.model = models.base_model.BaseModel(self.config).to('cuda') filename = 'best.tar' if best else 'last.tar' print("Loading {}...".format(filename), end=' ') checkpoint = torch.load( os.path.join(self.config.checkpoint_dir, filename)) self.model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['model_state_dict'])'cuda')) print("Model loaded.") return checkpoint['optimizer_state_dict'], checkpoint['epoch'] def loss_and_results(self, scores, labels): """ :param scores: shape NxC :param labels: shape Nx1 for classification, shape NxC for regression (QM9) :return: tuple of (loss tensor, dists numpy array) for QM9 (loss tensor, number of correct predictions) for classification graphs """ if self.config.dataset_name == 'QM9': differences = (scores - labels).abs().sum(dim=0) loss = differences.sum() dists = differences.detach().cpu().numpy() return loss, dists else: loss = F.cross_entropy(scores, labels, reduction='sum') correct_predictions = torch.eq(torch.argmax(scores, dim=1), labels).sum().cpu().item() return loss, correct_predictions def run_model_get_loss_and_results(self, input, labels): return self.loss_and_results(self.model(input), labels) def train(self): self.model.train() def eval(self): self.model.eval()