def __init__( self, model='net-lin', net='alex', colorspace='rgb', spatial=False, use_gpu=True, gpu_ids=[ 0 ]): # VGG using our perceptually-learned weights (LPIPS metric) # def __init__(self, model='net', net='vgg', use_gpu=True): # "default" way of using VGG as a perceptual loss super(PerceptualLoss, self).__init__() print('Setting up Perceptual loss...') self.use_gpu = use_gpu self.spatial = spatial self.gpu_ids = gpu_ids self.model = dist_model.DistModel() self.model.initialize(model=model, net=net, use_gpu=use_gpu, colorspace=colorspace, spatial=self.spatial, gpu_ids=gpu_ids) print('...[%s] initialized' % print('...Done')
def init_lpips_eval(): LPIPS_dir = "../PerceptualSimilarity" LPIPS_net = "squeeze" sys.path.append(LPIPS_dir) from models import dist_model as dm print("Initialize Distance model from %s" % LPIPS_net) lpips_model = dm.DistModel() lpips_model.initialize(model='net-lin', net='squeeze', use_gpu=True, model_path=os.path.join( LPIPS_dir, 'weights/v0.1/%s.pth' % LPIPS_net)) return lpips_model
def compute(image_file1, image_file2, gpu_flag): ## Initializing the model model = dm.DistModel() model.initialize(model='net-lin', net='squeeze', use_gpu=gpu_flag) # Load images img0 = util.im2tensor(util.load_image(image_file1)) # RGB image from [-1,1] img1 = util.im2tensor(util.load_image(image_file2)) # Compute distance dist01 = model.forward(img0, img1) return float(dist01[0])
def __init__(self): mode = 'net-lin' # ['net', 'net-lin'] 'net-lin' for Linearly calibrated models, 'net' for Off-the-shelf uncalibrated networks net = 'alex' # ['squeeze', 'alex', 'vgg'] use_gpu = True # if cuda.is_avaliable() else False mode_low = 'l2' # ['l2', 'ssim'] colorspace = 'RGB' # ['Lab', 'RGB'] ## modify configuration self.folder_root = '../Results' self.dataset = 'Set5' self.methods = {'FASRGAN', 'Fs-SRGAN', 'FA+Fs-SRGAN'} self.model = dm.DistModel() self.model.initialize(model=mode, net=net, use_gpu=use_gpu, colorspace=colorspace)
import argparse from models import dist_model as dm from util import util parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('--path0', type=str, default='./imgs/ex_ref.png') parser.add_argument('--path1', type=str, default='./imgs/ex_p0.png') parser.add_argument('--use_gpu', action='store_true', help='turn on flag to use GPU') opt = parser.parse_args() ## Initializing the model print("Initializing the model") model = dm.DistModel() model.initialize(model='net-lin',net='squeeze',use_gpu=opt.use_gpu) # Load images print("Load images") img0 = util.im2tensor(util.load_image(opt.path0)) # RGB image from [-1,1] img1 = util.im2tensor(util.load_image(opt.path1)) # Compute distance print("Compute distance") dist01 = model.forward(img0,img1) print('Distance: %.3f'%dist01)
def __init__(self, opt): BaseModel.__init__(self, opt) # specify the training losses you want to print out. The training/test scripts will call <BaseModel.get_current_losses> self.loss_names = [ 'D_A', 'G_A', 'cycle_A', 'idt_A', 'D_B', 'G_B', 'cycle_B', 'idt_B' ] # specify the images you want to save/display. The training/test scripts will call <BaseModel.get_current_visuals> visual_names_A = ['real_A', 'fake_B', 'rec_A'] visual_names_B = ['real_B', 'fake_A', 'rec_B'] if self.isTrain and self.opt.lambda_identity > 0.0: # if identity loss is used, we also visualize idt_B=G_A(B) ad idt_A=G_A(B) visual_names_A.append('idt_B') visual_names_B.append('idt_A') if self.isTrain: visual_names_A.append('real_A_hed') visual_names_A.append('rec_A_hed') if self.isTrain and self.opt.ntrunc_trunc: visual_names_A.append('rec_At') visual_names_A.append('rec_At_hed') self.loss_names = [ 'D_A', 'G_A', 'cycle_A', 'cycle_A2', 'idt_A', 'D_B', 'G_B', 'cycle_B', 'idt_B', 'G' ] if self.isTrain and self.opt.use_mask: visual_names_A.append('fake_B_l') visual_names_A.append('real_B_l') self.loss_names += ['D_A_l', 'G_A_l'] if self.isTrain and self.opt.use_eye_mask: visual_names_A.append('fake_B_le') visual_names_A.append('real_B_le') self.loss_names += ['D_A_le', 'G_A_le'] if self.isTrain and self.opt.use_lip_mask: visual_names_A.append('fake_B_ll') visual_names_A.append('real_B_ll') self.loss_names += ['D_A_ll', 'G_A_ll'] if not self.isTrain and self.opt.use_mask: visual_names_A.append('fake_B_l') visual_names_A.append('real_B_l') if not self.isTrain and self.opt.use_eye_mask: visual_names_A.append('fake_B_le') visual_names_A.append('real_B_le') if not self.isTrain and self.opt.use_lip_mask: visual_names_A.append('fake_B_ll') visual_names_A.append('real_B_ll') self.loss_names += ['D_A_cls', 'G_A_cls'] self.visual_names = visual_names_A + visual_names_B # combine visualizations for A and B print(self.visual_names) # specify the models you want to save to the disk. The training/test scripts will call <BaseModel.save_networks> and <BaseModel.load_networks>. if self.isTrain: self.model_names = ['G_A', 'G_B', 'D_A', 'D_B'] if self.opt.use_mask: self.model_names += ['D_A_l'] if self.opt.use_eye_mask: self.model_names += ['D_A_le'] if self.opt.use_lip_mask: self.model_names += ['D_A_ll'] else: # during test time, only load Gs self.model_names = ['G_A', 'G_B'] # define networks (both Generators and discriminators) # The naming is different from those used in the paper. # Code (vs. paper): G_A (G), G_B (F), D_A (D_Y), D_B (D_X) if not self.opt.style_control: self.netG_A = networks.define_G(opt.input_nc, opt.output_nc, opt.ngf, opt.netG, opt.norm, not opt.no_dropout, opt.init_type, opt.init_gain, self.gpu_ids) else: print(opt.netga) print('model0_res', opt.model0_res) print('model1_res', opt.model1_res) self.netG_A = networks.define_G(opt.input_nc, opt.output_nc, opt.ngf, opt.netga, opt.norm, not opt.no_dropout, opt.init_type, opt.init_gain, self.gpu_ids, opt.model0_res, opt.model1_res) self.netG_B = networks.define_G(opt.output_nc, opt.input_nc, opt.ngf, opt.netG, opt.norm, not opt.no_dropout, opt.init_type, opt.init_gain, self.gpu_ids) if self.isTrain: # define discriminators self.netD_A = networks.define_D(opt.output_nc, opt.ndf, opt.netda, opt.n_layers_D, opt.norm, opt.init_type, opt.init_gain, self.gpu_ids, n_class=3) self.netD_B = networks.define_D(opt.input_nc, opt.ndf, opt.netD, opt.n_layers_D, opt.norm, opt.init_type, opt.init_gain, self.gpu_ids) if self.opt.use_mask: if self.opt.mask_type in [2, 3]: output_nc = opt.output_nc + 1 else: output_nc = opt.output_nc self.netD_A_l = networks.define_D(output_nc, opt.ndf, opt.netD, opt.n_layers_D, opt.norm, opt.init_type, opt.init_gain, self.gpu_ids) if self.opt.use_eye_mask: if self.opt.mask_type in [2, 3]: output_nc = opt.output_nc + 1 else: output_nc = opt.output_nc self.netD_A_le = networks.define_D(output_nc, opt.ndf, opt.netD, opt.n_layers_D, opt.norm, opt.init_type, opt.init_gain, self.gpu_ids) if self.opt.use_lip_mask: if self.opt.mask_type in [2, 3]: output_nc = opt.output_nc + 1 else: output_nc = opt.output_nc self.netD_A_ll = networks.define_D(output_nc, opt.ndf, opt.netD, opt.n_layers_D, opt.norm, opt.init_type, opt.init_gain, self.gpu_ids) if not self.isTrain: self.criterionGAN = networks.GANLoss('lsgan').to(self.device) if self.isTrain: if opt.lambda_identity > 0.0: # only works when input and output images have the same number of channels assert (opt.input_nc == opt.output_nc) self.fake_A_pool = ImagePool( opt.pool_size ) # create image buffer to store previously generated images self.fake_B_pool = ImagePool( opt.pool_size ) # create image buffer to store previously generated images # define loss functions self.criterionGAN = networks.GANLoss(opt.gan_mode).to( self.device) # define GAN loss. self.criterionCycle = torch.nn.L1Loss() self.criterionIdt = torch.nn.L1Loss() self.criterionCls = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss() self.criterionCls2 = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction='none') # initialize optimizers; schedulers will be automatically created by function <BaseModel.setup>. self.optimizer_G = torch.optim.Adam(itertools.chain( self.netG_A.parameters(), self.netG_B.parameters()),, betas=(opt.beta1, 0.999)) if not self.opt.use_mask: self.optimizer_D = torch.optim.Adam(itertools.chain( self.netD_A.parameters(), self.netD_B.parameters()),, betas=(opt.beta1, 0.999)) elif not self.opt.use_eye_mask: D_params = list(self.netD_A.parameters()) + list( self.netD_B.parameters()) + list( self.netD_A_l.parameters()) self.optimizer_D = torch.optim.Adam(D_params,, betas=(opt.beta1, 0.999)) elif not self.opt.use_lip_mask: D_params = list(self.netD_A.parameters()) + list( self.netD_B.parameters()) + list( self.netD_A_l.parameters()) + list( self.netD_A_le.parameters()) self.optimizer_D = torch.optim.Adam(D_params,, betas=(opt.beta1, 0.999)) else: D_params = list(self.netD_A.parameters()) + list( self.netD_B.parameters()) + list( self.netD_A_l.parameters()) + list( self.netD_A_le.parameters()) + list( self.netD_A_ll.parameters()) self.optimizer_D = torch.optim.Adam(D_params,, betas=(opt.beta1, 0.999)) self.optimizers.append(self.optimizer_G) self.optimizers.append(self.optimizer_D) self.lpips = dm.DistModel(opt, model='net-lin', net='alex', use_gpu=True) self.set_requires_grad(self.lpips, False) self.hed = networks.define_HED( init_weights_=opt.hed_pretrained_mode, gpu_ids_=self.opt.gpu_ids_p) self.set_requires_grad(self.hed, False)
def compute_metric(dir1, dir2, mode, mask=None, thre=0): if mode == 'perceptual': from models import dist_model as dm import torch from util import util global model if model is None: cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir('../../PerceptualSimilarity') model = dm.DistModel() #model.initialize(model='net-lin',net='alex',use_gpu=True, spatial=True) model.initialize(model='net-lin', net='alex', use_gpu=True) print('Model [%s] initialized' % os.chdir(cwd) if mode.startswith('perceptual_tf'): sys.path += ['../../lpips-tensorflow'] import lpips_tf import tensorflow as tf image0_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [1, None, None, 3]) image1_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [1, None, None, 3]) if mode == 'perceptual_tf': distance_t = lpips_tf.lpips(image0_ph, image1_ph, model='net-lin', net='alex') elif mode == 'perceptual_tf_vgg': distance_t = lpips_tf.lpips(image0_ph, image1_ph, model='net-lin', net='vgg') else: raise sess = tf.Session() if mode == 'l2_with_gradient': import demo import tensorflow as tf output = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[1, None, None, None]) gradient = demo.image_gradients(output) sess = tf.Session() files1 = os.listdir(dir1) files2 = os.listdir(dir2) img_files1 = sorted([ file for file in files1 if file.endswith('.png') or file.endswith('.jpg') ]) img_files2 = sorted([ file for file in files2 if file.endswith('.png') or file.endswith('.jpg') ]) if '--prefix' in sys.argv: prefix_idx = sys.argv.index('--prefix') prefix = sys.argv[prefix_idx + 1] img_files2 = [file for file in img_files2 if file.startswith(prefix)] if mask is not None: mask_files = [] for dir in sorted(mask): files3 = os.listdir(dir) add_mask_files = sorted([ os.path.join(dir, file) for file in files3 if file.startswith('mask') ]) if len(add_mask_files) == 0: files_to_dilate = sorted([ file for file in files3 if file.startswith('g_intermediates') ]) for file in files_to_dilate: mask_arr = numpy.load(os.path.join(dir, file)) mask_arr = numpy.squeeze(mask_arr) mask_arr = mask_arr >= thre dilated_mask = dilation(mask_arr, disk(10)) dilated_filename = 'mask_' + file, dilated_filename), dilated_mask.astype('f')) add_mask_files.append(os.path.join(dir, dilated_filename)) mask_files += add_mask_files print(mask_files) assert len(mask_files) == len(img_files1) skip_first_n = 0 if '--skip_first_n' in sys.argv: try: skip_first_n = int(sys.argv[sys.argv.index('--skip_first_n') + 1]) except: skip_first_n = 0 skip_last_n = 0 if '--skip_last_n' in sys.argv: try: skip_last_n = int(sys.argv[sys.argv.index('--skip_last_n') + 1]) except: skip_last_n = 0 img_files2 = img_files2[skip_first_n:] if skip_last_n > 0: img_files2 = img_files2[:-skip_last_n] assert len(img_files1) == len(img_files2) # locate GT gradient directory if mode == 'l2_with_gradient': head, tail = os.path.split(dir2) gradient_gt_dir = os.path.join(head, tail[:-3] + 'grad') if not os.path.exists(gradient_gt_dir): printf("dir not found,", gradient_gt_dir) raise gradient_gt_files = os.listdir(gradient_gt_dir) gradient_gt_files = sorted( [file for file in gradient_gt_files if file.endswith('.npy')]) assert len(img_files1) == len(gradient_gt_files) vals = numpy.empty(len(img_files1)) #if mode == 'perceptual': # global model for ind in range(len(img_files1)): if mode == 'ssim' or mode == 'l2' or mode == 'l2_with_gradient': img1 = skimage.img_as_float(, img_files1[ind]))) img2 = skimage.img_as_float(, img_files2[ind]))) if mode == 'ssim': #vals[ind] = skimage.measure.compare_ssim(img1, img2, datarange=img2.max()-img2.min(), multichannel=True) metric_val = skimage.measure.compare_ssim( img1, img2, datarange=img2.max() - img2.min(), multichannel=True) else: #vals[ind] = numpy.mean((img1 - img2) ** 2) * 255.0 * 255.0 metric_val = ((img1 - img2)**2) * 255.0 * 255.0 if mode == 'l2_with_gradient': metric_val = numpy.mean(metric_val, axis=2) gradient_gt = numpy.load( os.path.join(gradient_gt_dir, gradient_gt_files[ind])) dx, dy =, feed_dict={ output: numpy.expand_dims(img1[..., ::-1], axis=0) }) #is_edge = skimage.feature.canny(skimage.color.rgb2gray(img1)) dx_ground = gradient_gt[:, :, :, 1:4] dy_ground = gradient_gt[:, :, :, 4:] edge_ground = gradient_gt[:, :, :, 0] gradient_loss_term = numpy.mean( (dx - dx_ground)**2.0 + (dy - dy_ground)**2.0, axis=3) metric_val += numpy.squeeze( 0.2 * 255.0 * 255.0 * gradient_loss_term * edge_ground * edge_ground.size / numpy.sum(edge_ground)) #if mode == 'l2' and mask is not None: # img_diff = (img1 - img2) ** 2.0 # mask_img = numpy.load(mask_files[ind]) # img_diff *= numpy.expand_dims(mask_img, axis=2) # vals[ind] = (numpy.sum(img_diff) / numpy.sum(mask_img * 3)) * 255.0 * 255.0 elif mode == 'perceptual': img1 = util.im2tensor( util.load_image(os.path.join(dir1, img_files1[ind]))) img2 = util.im2tensor( util.load_image(os.path.join(dir2, img_files2[ind]))) #vals[ind] = numpy.mean(model.forward(img1, img2)[0]) metric_val = numpy.expand_dims(model.forward(img1, img2), axis=2) elif mode.startswith('perceptual_tf'): img1 = np.expand_dims(skimage.img_as_float(, img_files1[ind]))), axis=0) img2 = np.expand_dims(skimage.img_as_float(, img_files2[ind]))), axis=0) metric_val =, feed_dict={ image0_ph: img1, image1_ph: img2 }) else: raise if mask is not None: assert mode in ['l2', 'perceptual'] mask_img = numpy.load(mask_files[ind]) metric_val *= numpy.expand_dims(mask_img, axis=2) vals[ind] = numpy.sum(metric_val) / (numpy.sum(mask_img) * metric_val.shape[2]) else: vals[ind] = numpy.mean(metric_val) mode = mode + ('_mask' if mask is not None else '') filename_all = mode + '_all.txt' filename_breakdown = mode + '_breakdown.txt' filename_single = mode + '.txt' numpy.savetxt(os.path.join(dir1, filename_all), vals, fmt="%f, ") target = open(os.path.join(dir1, filename_single), 'w') target.write("%f" % numpy.mean(vals)) target.close() if len(img_files1) == 30: target = open(os.path.join(dir1, filename_breakdown), 'w') target.write("%f, %f, %f" % (numpy.mean( vals[:5]), numpy.mean(vals[5:10]), numpy.mean(vals[10:]))) target.close() if mode in ['l2_with_gradient', 'perceptual_tf']: sess.close() return vals
def __init__(self, model='net-lin', net='vgg', use_gpu=True): # VGG using our perceptually-learned weights (LPIPS metric) # def __init__(self, model='net', net='vgg', use_gpu=True): # "default" way of using VGG print('Setting up Perceptual loss..') self.model = dist_model.DistModel() self.model.initialize(model=model, net=net, use_gpu=True) print('Done')
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--model', choices=['net-lin', 'net'], default='net-lin', help='net-lin or net') parser.add_argument('--net', choices=['squeeze', 'alex', 'vgg'], default='alex', help='squeeze, alex, or vgg') parser.add_argument('--version', type=str, default='0.1') parser.add_argument('--image_height', type=int, default=64) parser.add_argument('--image_width', type=int, default=64) args = parser.parse_args() model = dm.DistModel() model.initialize(model=args.model,, use_gpu=False, version=args.version) print('Model [%s] initialized' % dummy_im0 = torch.Tensor( 1, 3, args.image_height, args.image_width) # image should be RGB, normalized to [-1, 1] dummy_im1 = torch.Tensor(1, 3, args.image_height, args.image_width) cache_dir = os.path.expanduser('~/.lpips') os.makedirs(cache_dir, exist_ok=True) onnx_fname = os.path.join( cache_dir, '%s_%s_v%s.onnx' % (args.model,, args.version)) # export model to onnx format torch.onnx.export(, (dummy_im0, dummy_im1), onnx_fname, verbose=True) # load and change dimensions to be dynamic model = onnx.load(onnx_fname) for dim in (0, 2, 3): model.graph.input[0].type.tensor_type.shape.dim[dim].dim_param = '?' model.graph.input[1].type.tensor_type.shape.dim[dim].dim_param = '?' # needs to be imported after all the pytorch stuff, otherwise this causes a segfault from onnx_tf.backend import prepare tf_rep = prepare(model, device='CPU') producer_version = tf_rep.graph.graph_def_versions.producer pb_fname = os.path.join( cache_dir, '%s_%s_v%s_%d.pb' % (args.model,, args.version, producer_version)) tf_rep.export_graph(pb_fname) input0_name, input1_name = [ tf_rep.tensor_dict[input_name].name for input_name in tf_rep.inputs ] (output_name, ) = [ tf_rep.tensor_dict[output_name].name for output_name in tf_rep.outputs ] # ensure these are the names of the 2 inputs, since that will be assumed when loading the pb file assert input0_name == '0:0' assert input1_name == '1:0' # ensure that the only output is the output of the last op in the graph, since that will be assumed later (last_output_name, ) = [ for output in tf_rep.graph.get_operations()[-1].outputs ] assert output_name == last_output_name
def __init__(self, model='net-lin', net='alex', use_cuda=True): super(PerceptualSimilarityLoss, self).__init__() self.model = dm.DistModel() self.model.initialize(model=model, net=net, use_gpu=use_cuda)
# Deeploss competitor 2: lin tuned squeeze m = dm.DistModel() path=os.path.join('./checkpoints/', 'rgb_pnet_lin_squeeze_trial0', 'latest_net_.pth') m.initialize(model='net-lin', net='squeeze', model_path=path, colorspace='RGB',use_gpu=is_cuda, batch_size=64) m.model_name = 'Deeploss-squeeze' m.batch_size = m.batch_size // 4 models.append(m) """ # # Adaptive loss, as per reviewer request # In[13]: m = dm.DistModel() path = os.path.join('./checkpoints/', 'gray_adaptive_trial0', 'latest_net_.pth') m.initialize(model='adaptive', colorspace='Gray', use_gpu=is_cuda), map_location=device)) m.model_name = 'Adaptive [LA]' models.append(m) m = dm.DistModel() path = os.path.join('./checkpoints/', 'rgb_adaptive_trial0', 'latest_net_.pth') m.initialize(model='adaptive', colorspace='RGB', use_gpu=is_cuda), map_location=device)) m.model_name = 'Adaptive' models.append(m) # # Evaluate
def test_training_images2(model, test_loader, device): #model = model.eval() lpipsloss = dm.DistModel() lpipsloss.initialize(model='net-lin', net='alex', use_gpu=True, version='0.1') mse_loss = torch.nn.MSELoss(size_average=None) loss_dict = { 'mse': [], 'mse_avg': 0, 'psnr': [], 'psnr_avg': 0, 'lpips': [], 'lpips_avg': 0, 'lpips_center': [], 'lpips_center_avg': 0 } with torch.no_grad(): for i_batch, sample_batched in enumerate(test_loader): print('\r', 'running test images, image:', i_batch, end='') inputs = sample_batched['image'].to(device) labels = sample_batched['label'].to(device) output, _ = model(inputs) if not (np.any(output.cpu().detach().numpy() == -np.inf)): mse_batch = mse_loss(output, labels) lpips_batch = lpipsloss.forward_pair(output, labels) c1 = 270 // 2 c2 = 480 // 2 sz = 75 lpips_center = lpipsloss.forward_pair( output[:, c1 - sz:c1 + sz, c2 - sz:c2 + sz], inputs[:, c1 - sz:c1 + sz, c2 - sz:c2 + sz]) psnr_batch = 20 * torch.log10(1 / torch.sqrt(mse_batch)) loss_dict['mse'].append( mse_batch.cpu().detach().numpy().squeeze()) loss_dict['lpips'].append( lpips_batch.cpu().detach().numpy().squeeze()) loss_dict['lpips_center'].append( lpips_center.cpu().detach().numpy().squeeze()) #loss_dict['lpips'].append(lpips_batch) loss_dict['psnr'].append( psnr_batch.cpu().detach().numpy().squeeze()) if i_batch == 63: loss_dict['sample_image'] = preplot( output.detach().cpu().numpy()[0]) loss_dict['mse_avg'] = np.average(loss_dict['mse']).squeeze() loss_dict['psnr_avg'] = np.average(loss_dict['psnr']).squeeze() loss_dict['lpips_avg'] = np.average(loss_dict['lpips']).squeeze() loss_dict['lpips_center_avg'] = np.average( loss_dict['lpips_center']).squeeze() print('\r', 'avg mse:', loss_dict['mse_avg'], 'avg psnr:', loss_dict['psnr_avg'], 'avg lpips:', loss_dict['lpips_avg'], 'avg lpips center:', loss_dict['lpips_center_avg']) return loss_dict
def test_training_images(model, model_admm, test_loader, device): lpipsloss = dm.DistModel() lpipsloss.initialize(model='net-lin', net='alex', use_gpu=True, version='0.1') mse_loss = torch.nn.MSELoss(size_average=None) loss_dict = { 'mse': [], 'mse_avg': 0, 'psnr': [], 'psnr_avg': 0, 'lpips': [], 'lpips_avg': 0, 'data_loss': [], 'data_loss_avg': 0, 'lpips_center': [], 'lpips_center_avg': 0, 'mse_center': [], 'mse_center_avg': 0, 'sample_images': [] } with torch.no_grad(): for i_batch, sample_batched in enumerate(test_loader): print('\r', 'running test images, image:', i_batch, end='') # Get input and label batch inputs = sample_batched['image'].to(device) labels = sample_batched['label'].to(device) output = model(inputs) if isinstance(output, tuple): output = output[0] # Check if image is bad if not (np.any(output.cpu().detach().numpy() == -np.inf)): mse_batch = mse_loss(output, labels) # MSE loss lpips_batch = lpipsloss.forward_pair(output, labels) # lpips loss psnr_batch = 20 * torch.log10( 1 / torch.sqrt(mse_batch)) # PSNR # Center region c1 = 270 // 2 c2 = 480 // 2 sz = 75 lpips_center = lpipsloss.forward_pair( output[:, :, c1 - sz:c1 + sz, c2 - sz:c2 + sz], labels[:, :, c1 - sz:c1 + sz, c2 - sz:c2 + sz]) mse_center = mse_loss( output[:, :, c1 - sz:c1 + sz, c2 - sz:c2 + sz], labels[:, :, c1 - sz:c1 + sz, c2 - sz:c2 + sz]) # Data fidelity loss input_image = normalize_image(inputs) hfor = normalize_image( Hfor(model_admm, pad_zeros_torch(model_admm, output))) data_loss = torch.sum( torch.norm(crop(model_admm, hfor) - input_image)**2) loss_dict['mse'].append( mse_batch.cpu().detach().numpy().squeeze()) loss_dict['lpips'].append( lpips_batch.cpu().detach().numpy().squeeze()) loss_dict['psnr'].append( psnr_batch.cpu().detach().numpy().squeeze()) loss_dict['data_loss'].append( psnr_batch.cpu().detach().numpy().squeeze()) loss_dict['lpips_center'].append( lpips_center.cpu().detach().numpy().squeeze()) loss_dict['mse_center'].append( data_loss.cpu().detach().numpy().squeeze()) inds = [ 63, 41, 88, 123, 134, 135, 151, 155, 160, 163, 178, 180, 187, 198, 202, 212, 224, 227, 239, 250, 253, 261, 271, 274, 281, 283, 396, 394, 392, 385, 376, 372, 366, 340, 336, 325, 324, 323, 400, 406, 419, 461, 502, 546, 549, 595, 641, 653, 693, 695, 712, 732, 738, 741, 757, 809, 984 ] if i_batch in inds: loss_dict['sample_images'].append( preplot(output.detach().cpu().numpy()[0])) loss_dict['mse_avg'] = np.average(loss_dict['mse']).squeeze() loss_dict['psnr_avg'] = np.average(loss_dict['psnr']).squeeze() loss_dict['lpips_avg'] = np.average(loss_dict['lpips']).squeeze() loss_dict['data_loss_avg'] = np.average( loss_dict['data_loss']).squeeze() loss_dict['lpips_center_avg'] = np.average( loss_dict['lpips_center']).squeeze() loss_dict['mse_center_avg'] = np.average( loss_dict['mse_center']).squeeze() print('\r', 'avg mse:', loss_dict['mse_avg'], 'avg psnr:', loss_dict['psnr_avg'], 'avg lpips:', loss_dict['lpips_avg'], 'avg lpips center:', loss_dict['lpips_center_avg']) return loss_dict