Exemple #1
def runDNN(arg):

	if type(arg) is dict:
		model_config = arg
	else :
		model_config = load_model(arg,'DNN')

	dnn_config = load_dnn_spec(model_config['nnet_spec'])
	data_spec =  load_data_spec(model_config['data_spec'],model_config['batch_size']);

	#generating Random
	numpy_rng = numpy.random.RandomState(model_config['random_seed'])
	theano_rng = RandomStreams(numpy_rng.randint(2 ** 30))
	activationFn = parse_activation(dnn_config['activation']);

	#create working dir
	batch_size = model_config['batch_size'];
	n_ins = model_config['n_ins']
	n_outs = model_config['n_outs']
	max_col_norm = dnn_config['max_col_norm']
	l1_reg = dnn_config['l1_reg']
	l2_reg = dnn_config['l2_reg']	
	adv_activation = dnn_config['adv_activation']
	hidden_layers_sizes = dnn_config['hidden_layers']
	do_dropout = dnn_config['do_dropout']
	logger.info('Building the model')

	if do_dropout:
		dropout_factor = dnn_config['dropout_factor']
		input_dropout_factor = dnn_config['input_dropout_factor']

		dnn = DNN_Dropout(numpy_rng=numpy_rng, theano_rng = theano_rng, n_ins=n_ins,
			  hidden_layers_sizes=hidden_layers_sizes, n_outs=n_outs,
			  activation = activationFn, dropout_factor = dropout_factor,
			  input_dropout_factor = input_dropout_factor, adv_activation = adv_activation,
			  max_col_norm = max_col_norm, l1_reg = l1_reg, l2_reg = l2_reg)
		dnn = DNN(numpy_rng=numpy_rng, theano_rng = theano_rng, n_ins=n_ins,
			  hidden_layers_sizes=hidden_layers_sizes, n_outs=n_outs,
			  activation = activationFn, adv_activation = adv_activation,
			  max_col_norm = max_col_norm, l1_reg = l1_reg, l2_reg = l2_reg)

	logger.info("Loading Pretrained network weights")
		# pretraining
		ptr_file = model_config['input_file']
		pretrained_layers = dnn_config['pretrained_layers']
		dnn.load(filename=ptr_file,max_layer_num = pretrained_layers,  withfinal=True)
	except KeyError, e:
		logger.error("Pretrained network Missing in configFile")
Exemple #2
        ptr_file = arguments['ptr_file']
        ptr_layer_number = int(arguments['ptr_layer_number'])

    # check working dir to see whether it's resuming training
    resume_training = False
    if os.path.exists(wdir + '/nnet.tmp') and os.path.exists(wdir + '/training_state.tmp'):
        resume_training = True
        cfg.lrate = _file2lrate(wdir + '/training_state.tmp')
        log('> ... found nnet.tmp and training_state.tmp, now resume training from epoch ' + str(cfg.lrate.epoch))

    numpy_rng = numpy.random.RandomState()
    theano_rng = RandomStreams(numpy_rng.randint(2 ** 30))
    log('> ... building the model')
    # setup model
    if cfg.do_dropout:
        dnn = DNN_Dropout(numpy_rng=numpy_rng, theano_rng = theano_rng, cfg = cfg)
        dnn = DNN(numpy_rng=numpy_rng, theano_rng = theano_rng, cfg = cfg)

    # initialize model parameters
    # if not resuming training, initialized from the specified pre-training file
    # if resuming training, initialized from the tmp model file
    if (ptr_layer_number > 0) and (resume_training is False):
        _file2nnet(dnn.layers, set_layer_num = ptr_layer_number, filename = ptr_file)
    if resume_training:
        _file2nnet(dnn.layers, filename = wdir + '/nnet.tmp')

    # get the training, validation and testing function for the model
    log('> ... getting the finetuning functions')
    train_fn, valid_fn = dnn.build_finetune_functions(
                (cfg.train_x, cfg.train_y), (cfg.valid_x, cfg.valid_y),
Exemple #3
        ptr_file = arguments['ptr_file']
        ptr_layer_number = int(arguments['ptr_layer_number'])

    # check working dir to see whether it's resuming training
    resume_training = False
    if os.path.exists(wdir + '/nnet.tmp') and os.path.exists(wdir + '/training_state.tmp'):
        resume_training = True
        cfg.lrate = _file2lrate(wdir + '/training_state.tmp')
        log('> ... found nnet.tmp and training_state.tmp, now resume training from epoch ' + str(cfg.lrate.epoch))

    numpy_rng = numpy.random.RandomState(89677)
    theano_rng = RandomStreams(numpy_rng.randint(2 ** 30))
    log('> ... building the model')
    # setup model
    if cfg.do_dropout:
        dnn = DNN_Dropout(numpy_rng=numpy_rng, theano_rng = theano_rng, cfg = cfg)
        dnn = DNN(numpy_rng=numpy_rng, theano_rng = theano_rng, cfg = cfg)

    # initialize model parameters
    # if not resuming training, initialized from the specified pre-training file
    # if resuming training, initialized from the tmp model file
    if (ptr_layer_number > 0) and (resume_training is False):
        _file2nnet(dnn.layers, set_layer_num = ptr_layer_number, filename = ptr_file)
    if resume_training:
        _file2nnet(dnn.layers, filename = wdir + '/nnet.tmp')

    # get the training, validation and testing function for the model
    log('> ... getting the finetuning functions')
    train_fn, valid_fn = dnn.build_finetune_functions(
                (cfg.train_x, cfg.train_y), (cfg.valid_x, cfg.valid_y),
Exemple #4
        factors = arguments['dropout_factor'].split(',')
        for n in xrange(len(factors)):

    train_dataset, train_dataset_args = read_data_args(train_data_spec)
    valid_dataset, valid_dataset_args = read_data_args(valid_data_spec)
    train_sets, train_xy, train_x, train_y = read_dataset(train_dataset, train_dataset_args)
    valid_sets, valid_xy, valid_x, valid_y = read_dataset(valid_dataset, valid_dataset_args)

    numpy_rng = numpy.random.RandomState(89677)
    theano_rng = RandomStreams(numpy_rng.randint(2 ** 30))
    log('> ... building the model')
    if do_dropout:
        dnn = DNN_Dropout(numpy_rng=numpy_rng, theano_rng = theano_rng, n_ins=n_ins,
              hidden_layers_sizes=hidden_layers_sizes, n_outs=n_outs,
              activation = activation, dropout_factor = dropout_factor, input_dropout_factor = input_dropout_factor,
              do_maxout = do_maxout, pool_size = pool_size,
              max_col_norm = max_col_norm, l1_reg = l1_reg, l2_reg = l2_reg)
        dnn = DNN(numpy_rng=numpy_rng, theano_rng = theano_rng, n_ins=n_ins,
              hidden_layers_sizes=hidden_layers_sizes, n_outs=n_outs,
              activation = activation, do_maxout = do_maxout, pool_size = pool_size,
              do_pnorm = do_pnorm, pnorm_order = pnorm_order,
              max_col_norm = max_col_norm, l1_reg = l1_reg, l2_reg = l2_reg)

    if ptr_layer_number > 0:
      _file2nnet(dnn.sigmoid_layers, set_layer_num = ptr_layer_number, filename = ptr_file,  withfinal=False)

    # get the training, validation and testing function for the model
    log('> ... getting the finetuning functions')
    train_fn, valid_fn = dnn.build_finetune_functions(
Exemple #5
    log('Ptr-file "'+ptr_file+'" ptr layer='+str(ptr_layer_number));

    # check working dir to see whether it's resuming training
    resume_training = False
    if os.path.exists(wdir + '/dnn.tmp') and os.path.exists(wdir + '/dnn_training_state.tmp'):
        resume_training = True
        cfg.lrate = _file2lrate(wdir + '/dnn_training_state.tmp')
        log('> ... found nnet.tmp and training_state.tmp, now resume training from epoch ' + str(cfg.lrate.epoch))

    numpy_rng = numpy.random.RandomState(89677)
    theano_rng = RandomStreams(numpy_rng.randint(2 ** 30))
    log('> ... building the model')
    # setup model
    if cfg.do_dropout:
        dnn = DNN_Dropout(numpy_rng=numpy_rng, theano_rng = theano_rng, cfg = cfg)
        dnn = DNN(numpy_rng=numpy_rng, theano_rng = theano_rng, cfg = cfg)

    # initialize model parameters
    # if not resuming training, initialized from the specified pre-training file
    # if resuming training, initialized from the tmp model file
    if (ptr_file != '' and ptr_layer_number != 0) and (resume_training is False):
        log('>... Loading pretrained data from '+str(ptr_file)+" Layer "+str(ptr_layer_number))
        _file2nnet(dnn.layers, set_layer_num = ptr_layer_number, path = ptr_file)
    if resume_training:
        _file2nnet(dnn.layers, path = wdir + '/dnn.tmp')

    # get the training, validation and testing function for the model
    log('> ... getting the finetuning functions')
    train_fn, valid_fn = dnn.build_finetune_functions(
Exemple #6
def dnn_run(arguments):
    required_arguments = ['train_data', 'valid_data', 'nnet_spec', 'wdir']
    for arg in required_arguments:
        if arguments.has_key(arg) == False:
            print "Error: the argument %s has to be specified" % (arg); exit(1)
    train_data_spec = arguments['train_data']
    valid_data_spec = arguments['valid_data']
    nnet_spec = arguments['nnet_spec']
    wdir = arguments['wdir']
    cfg = NetworkConfig()
    cfg.parse_config_dnn(arguments, nnet_spec)
    cfg.init_data_reading(train_data_spec, valid_data_spec)
    # parse pre-training options
    # pre-training files and layer number (how many layers are set to the pre-training parameters)
    ptr_layer_number = 0; ptr_file = ''
    if arguments.has_key('ptr_file') and arguments.has_key('ptr_layer_number'):
        ptr_file = arguments['ptr_file']
        ptr_layer_number = int(arguments['ptr_layer_number'])

    # check working dir to see whether it's resuming training
    resume_training = False
    if os.path.exists(wdir + '/nnet.tmp') and os.path.exists(wdir + '/training_state.tmp'):
        resume_training = True
        cfg.lrate = _file2lrate(wdir + '/training_state.tmp')
        log('> ... found nnet.tmp and training_state.tmp, now resume training from epoch ' + str(cfg.lrate.epoch))

    numpy_rng = numpy.random.RandomState(89677)
    theano_rng = RandomStreams(numpy_rng.randint(2 ** 30))
    log('> ... building the model')
    # setup model
    if cfg.do_dropout:
        dnn = DNN_Dropout(numpy_rng=numpy_rng, theano_rng = theano_rng, cfg = cfg)
        dnn = DNN(numpy_rng=numpy_rng, theano_rng = theano_rng, cfg = cfg)

    # initialize model parameters
    # if not resuming training, initialized from the specified pre-training file
    # if resuming training, initialized from the tmp model file
    if (ptr_layer_number > 0) and (resume_training is False):
        _file2nnet(dnn.layers, set_layer_num = ptr_layer_number, filename = ptr_file)
    if resume_training:
        _file2nnet(dnn.layers, filename = wdir + '/nnet.tmp')

    # get the training, validation and testing function for the model
    log('> ... getting the finetuning functions')
    train_fn, valid_fn = dnn.build_finetune_functions((cfg.train_x, cfg.train_y), (cfg.valid_x, cfg.valid_y),

    log('> ... finetuning the model')
    while (cfg.lrate.get_rate() != 0):
        # one epoch of sgd training
        train_error = train_sgd(train_fn, cfg)
        log('> epoch %d, training error %f ' % (cfg.lrate.epoch, 100*numpy.mean(train_error)) + '(%)')
        # validation
        valid_error = validate_by_minibatch(valid_fn, cfg)
        log('> epoch %d, lrate %f, validation error %f ' % (cfg.lrate.epoch, cfg.lrate.get_rate(), 100*numpy.mean(valid_error)) + '(%)')
        cfg.lrate.get_next_rate(current_error = 100*numpy.mean(valid_error))
        # output nnet parameters and lrate, for training resume
        if cfg.lrate.epoch % cfg.model_save_step == 0:
            _nnet2file(dnn.layers, filename=wdir + '/nnet.tmp')
            _lrate2file(cfg.lrate, wdir + '/training_state.tmp')

    # save the model and network configuration
    if cfg.param_output_file != '':
        _nnet2file(dnn.layers, filename=cfg.param_output_file, input_factor = cfg.input_dropout_factor, factor = cfg.dropout_factor)
        log('> ... the final PDNN model parameter is ' + cfg.param_output_file)
    if cfg.cfg_output_file != '':
        _cfg2file(dnn.cfg, filename=cfg.cfg_output_file)
        log('> ... the final PDNN model config is ' + cfg.cfg_output_file)
Exemple #7
def dnn_run(arguments):

    required_arguments = ['train_data', 'valid_data', 'nnet_spec', 'wdir']
    for arg in required_arguments:
        if arguments.has_key(arg) == False:
            print "Error: the argument %s has to be specified" % (arg)
    train_data_spec = arguments['train_data']
    valid_data_spec = arguments['valid_data']
    nnet_spec = arguments['nnet_spec']
    wdir = arguments['wdir']
    cfg = NetworkConfig()
    cfg.parse_config_dnn(arguments, nnet_spec)
    cfg.init_data_reading(train_data_spec, valid_data_spec)

    # parse pre-training options
    # pre-training files and layer number (how many layers are set to the pre-training parameters)
    ptr_layer_number = 0
    ptr_file = ''
    if arguments.has_key('ptr_file') and arguments.has_key('ptr_layer_number'):
        ptr_file = arguments['ptr_file']
        ptr_layer_number = int(arguments['ptr_layer_number'])

    # check working dir to see whether it's resuming training
    resume_training = False
    if os.path.exists(wdir +
                      '/nnet.tmp') and os.path.exists(wdir +
        resume_training = True
        cfg.lrate = _file2lrate(wdir + '/training_state.tmp')
        log('> ... found nnet.tmp and training_state.tmp, now resume training from epoch '
            + str(cfg.lrate.epoch))

    numpy_rng = numpy.random.RandomState(89677)
    theano_rng = RandomStreams(numpy_rng.randint(2**30))
    log('> ... building the model')
    # setup model
    if cfg.do_dropout:
        dnn = DNN_Dropout(numpy_rng=numpy_rng, theano_rng=theano_rng, cfg=cfg)
        dnn = DNN(numpy_rng=numpy_rng, theano_rng=theano_rng, cfg=cfg)

    # initialize model parameters
    # if not resuming training, initialized from the specified pre-training file
    # if resuming training, initialized from the tmp model file
    if (ptr_layer_number > 0) and (resume_training is False):
    if resume_training:
        _file2nnet(dnn.layers, filename=wdir + '/nnet.tmp')

    # get the training, validation and testing function for the model
    log('> ... getting the finetuning functions')
    train_fn, valid_fn = dnn.build_finetune_functions(
        (cfg.train_x, cfg.train_y), (cfg.valid_x, cfg.valid_y),

    log('> ... finetuning the model')
    while (cfg.lrate.get_rate() != 0):
        # one epoch of sgd training
        train_error = train_sgd(train_fn, cfg)
        log('> epoch %d, training error %f ' %
            (cfg.lrate.epoch, 100 * numpy.mean(train_error)) + '(%)')
        # validation
        valid_error = validate_by_minibatch(valid_fn, cfg)
        log('> epoch %d, lrate %f, validation error %f ' %
            (cfg.lrate.epoch, cfg.lrate.get_rate(),
             100 * numpy.mean(valid_error)) + '(%)')
        cfg.lrate.get_next_rate(current_error=100 * numpy.mean(valid_error))
        # output nnet parameters and lrate, for training resume
        if cfg.lrate.epoch % cfg.model_save_step == 0:
            _nnet2file(dnn.layers, filename=wdir + '/nnet.tmp')
            _lrate2file(cfg.lrate, wdir + '/training_state.tmp')

    # save the model and network configuration
    if cfg.param_output_file != '':
        log('> ... the final PDNN model parameter is ' + cfg.param_output_file)
    if cfg.cfg_output_file != '':
        _cfg2file(dnn.cfg, filename=cfg.cfg_output_file)
        log('> ... the final PDNN model config is ' + cfg.cfg_output_file)
Exemple #8
        network_config.parse_config_dnn(arguments, nnet_spec_array[n])
        network_config.init_data_reading(train_data_spec_array[n], valid_data_spec_array[n]) 

    numpy_rng = numpy.random.RandomState(89677)
    theano_rng = RandomStreams(numpy_rng.randint(2 ** 30))
    resume_training = False; resume_tasks = []  # if we are resuming training, then MLT only operates on the terminated tasks
    for n in xrange(task_number):
        log('> ... building the model for task %d' % (n))
        cfg = config_array[n]
        # set up the model
        dnn_shared = None; shared_layers = []
        if n > 0:
            dnn_shared = dnn_array[0]; shared_layers = [m for m in xrange(shared_layers_num)]
        if cfg.do_dropout:
            dnn = DNN_Dropout(numpy_rng=numpy_rng, theano_rng = theano_rng, cfg = cfg,
                              dnn_shared = dnn_shared, shared_layers = shared_layers)
            dnn = DNN(numpy_rng=numpy_rng, theano_rng = theano_rng, cfg = cfg,
                      dnn_shared = dnn_shared, shared_layers = shared_layers)

        # get the training, validation and testing function for the model
        log('> ... getting the finetuning functions for task %d' % (n))
        train_fn, valid_fn = dnn.build_finetune_functions((cfg.train_x, cfg.train_y), (cfg.valid_x, cfg.valid_y), batch_size=cfg.batch_size)
        # add dnn and the functions to the list   
        train_fn_array.append(train_fn); valid_fn_array.append(valid_fn)
        # check the working dir to decide whether it's resuming training; if yes, load the tmp network files for initialization
        if os.path.exists(wdir + '/nnet.tmp.task' + str(n)) and os.path.exists(wdir + '/training_state.tmp.task' + str(n)):
            resume_training = True; resume_tasks.append(n)
            cfg.lrate = _file2lrate(wdir + '/training_state.tmp.task' + str(n))
            log('> ... found nnet.tmp.task%d and training_state.tmp.task%d, now resume task%d training from epoch %d' % (n, n, n, cfg.lrate.epoch))