Exemple #1
def index_all():
    id = get_jwt_identity()

    favorites = Favorite.select().join(
        on=Favorite.user_id).switch(Favorite).where(Favorite.user_id == id)
    excluded_chefs = [c.chef_id for c in favorites]
    recipes = Recipe.select().where((Recipe.user_id != id)
                                    & Recipe.user_id.not_in(excluded_chefs))

    return jsonify({
        "recipe": [{
            "id": recipe.id,
            "id_owner": recipe.user.id,
            "id_user": str(id),
            "name": recipe.name,
            "photo": recipe.photo,
            "countrys": recipe.countrys,
            "hour": recipe.hour,
            "sec": recipe.sec,
            "directions": recipe.directions,
            "ingredients": recipe.ingredients,
            "time": recipe.time,
            "username": recipe.user.username,
            "user_id": recipe.user.id,
            "user_photo": recipe.user.photo
        } for recipe in recipes]
    }), 200
Exemple #2
def index_number(user_id_param):

    favorites = Favorite.select().join(
        User, on=Favorite.user_id).switch(Favorite).where(
            Favorite.user_id == user_id_param)
    following = len([c.chef_id for c in favorites])

    favorites = Favorite.select().join(
        User, on=Favorite.user_id).switch(Favorite).where(
            Favorite.chef_id == user_id_param)
    followers = len([c.user_id for c in favorites])

    my_recipes = Recipe.select().where(Recipe.user_id == user_id_param)
    recipes = len([c.id for c in my_recipes])

    return jsonify({
        "status": "success",
        "number": {
            "following": following,
            "followers": followers,
            "recipes": recipes,
    }), 200
Exemple #3
def show_search():
    id = get_jwt_identity()
    favorites = Favorite.select().join(
        on=Favorite.user_id).switch(Favorite).where(Favorite.user_id == id)
    excluded_chefs = [c.chef_id for c in favorites]

    hour = request.args.get('hour')
    sec = request.args.get('sec')
    country = request.args.get('country')
    order = request.args.get('order')

    if order == "Time to prepare":
        ooo = Recipe.prep
    elif order == "":
        ooo = Recipe
    elif order == "Recently":
        ooo = Recipe.created_at.desc()

    prepTime = None
    if sec and hour:
        prepTime = int(hour) + (int(sec) / 100)
    elif sec:
        prepTime = (int(sec) / 100)
    elif hour:
        prepTime = int(hour)

    recipes = False
    if country and prepTime:
        recipes = Recipe.select().where(
            (Recipe.countrys == country) & (Recipe.user_id != id)
            & (Recipe.prep <= prepTime)
            & Recipe.user_id.not_in(excluded_chefs)).order_by(ooo)
    elif country:
        recipes = Recipe.select().where(
            (Recipe.countrys == country) & (Recipe.user_id != id)
            & Recipe.user_id.not_in(excluded_chefs)).order_by(ooo)
    elif prepTime:
        recipes = Recipe.select().where(
            (Recipe.prep <= prepTime) & (Recipe.user_id != id)
            & Recipe.user_id.not_in(excluded_chefs)).order_by(ooo)
        recipes = Recipe.select().where(
            (Recipe.user_id != id)
            & Recipe.user_id.not_in(excluded_chefs)).order_by(ooo)

    if recipes:
        return jsonify({
            "recipe": [{
                "id": recipe.id,
                "name": recipe.name,
                "photo": recipe.photo,
                "countrys": recipe.countrys,
                "hour": recipe.hour,
                "sec": recipe.sec,
                "directions": recipe.directions,
                "ingredients": recipe.ingredients,
                "time": recipe.time,
                "username": recipe.user.username,
                "user_id": recipe.user.id,
                "id_owner": recipe.user.id,
                "user_photo": recipe.user.photo
            } for recipe in recipes]
        }), 200
        return jsonify({"recipe": [], "status": "no recipe"}), 200
Exemple #4
def user_profile(user, params, lang):
    origin_user = user
    uuid = params.get("uuid", "")
    if uuid:
        user = User.select().where(User.uuid == uuid).first()
        if not user:
            return {"error_code": 20002, "msg": "user not exist"}

    profile = user.profile.first()
    languages = []
    ul = UserLanguage.select().where(UserLanguage.user == user)
    for u in ul:
    out = dict()
    # user self can get private information
    if not uuid:
        out["reg_step"] = user.reg_step
        out["id_number"] = "%s********%s" % (profile.id_number[:6], profile.id_number[14:]) if profile.id_number else ""
        out["alipay"] = profile.alipay
        out["email"] = user.email
        out["phone"] = user.phone

    out["name"] = profile.name
    out["username"] = user.username
    out["avatar"] = widget.avatar(profile.avatar)
    out["completeness"] = profile.completeness
    out["visibility"] = profile.visibility
    out["level"] = profile.level
    out["title"] = profile.title
    out["overview"] = profile.overview
    out["hourly"] = profile.hourly
    out["english"] = profile.english
    out["skills"] = utils.loads(profile.skills) if profile.skills else []
    out["available"] = profile.available
    out["workload"] = profile.workload
    location = {}
    if profile.location_id:
        city = widget.get_location(profile.location_id)
        province = widget.get_location(city.parent_id)

        location["location_id"] = profile.location_id
        location["name"] = utils.lang_map_name(city.name, city.ename, lang)
        location["parent_id"] = province.id
        location["parent_name"] = utils.lang_map_name(province.name, province.ename, lang)
    out["location"] = location
    out["address"] = profile.address
    out["postcode"] = profile.postcode
    out['id'] = user.uuid
    out["languages"] = languages
    out["imid"] = user.id
    if uuid:
        favorites = Favorite.select().where(Favorite.user==origin_user, Favorite.target_id==profile.user_id, Favorite.ftype == 'REQ').first()
        if favorites:
            out["favorite"] = True
            out["favorite"] = False
    # 开发者的评价数量和平均得分
    score = UserStatistics.select(UserStatistics.eveluate_num, UserStatistics.aver_score).where(UserStatistics.user == user).first()
    out["eveluate_num"] = score.eveluate_num if score else 0
    out["aver_score"] = score.aver_score if score else 0
    return {"error_code": 0, "msg": "ok", "profile": out}
Exemple #5
def user_profile(user, params, lang):
    origin_user = user
    uuid = params.get("uuid", "")
    if uuid:
        user = User.select().where(User.uuid == uuid).first()
        if not user:
            return {"error_code": 20002, "msg": "user not exist"}

    profile = user.profile.first()
    languages = []
    ul = UserLanguage.select().where(UserLanguage.user == user)
    for u in ul:
    out = dict()
    # user self can get private information
    if not uuid:
        out["reg_step"] = user.reg_step
        out["id_number"] = "%s********%s" % (
            profile.id_number[14:]) if profile.id_number else ""
        out["alipay"] = profile.alipay
        out["email"] = user.email
        out["phone"] = user.phone

    out["name"] = profile.name
    out["username"] = user.username
    out["avatar"] = widget.avatar(profile.avatar)
    out["completeness"] = profile.completeness
    out["visibility"] = profile.visibility
    out["level"] = profile.level
    out["title"] = profile.title
    out["overview"] = profile.overview
    out["hourly"] = profile.hourly
    out["english"] = profile.english
    out["skills"] = utils.loads(profile.skills) if profile.skills else []
    out["available"] = profile.available
    out["workload"] = profile.workload
    location = {}
    if profile.location_id:
        city = widget.get_location(profile.location_id)
        province = widget.get_location(city.parent_id)

        location["location_id"] = profile.location_id
        location["name"] = utils.lang_map_name(city.name, city.ename, lang)
        location["parent_id"] = province.id
        location["parent_name"] = utils.lang_map_name(province.name,
                                                      province.ename, lang)
    out["location"] = location
    out["address"] = profile.address
    out["postcode"] = profile.postcode
    out['id'] = user.uuid
    out["languages"] = languages
    out["imid"] = user.id
    if uuid:
        favorites = Favorite.select().where(
            Favorite.user == origin_user,
            Favorite.target_id == profile.user_id,
            Favorite.ftype == 'REQ').first()
        if favorites:
            out["favorite"] = True
            out["favorite"] = False
    # 开发者的评价数量和平均得分
    score = UserStatistics.select(
        UserStatistics.aver_score).where(UserStatistics.user == user).first()
    out["eveluate_num"] = score.eveluate_num if score else 0
    out["aver_score"] = score.aver_score if score else 0
    return {"error_code": 0, "msg": "ok", "profile": out}