def set_test_config(self): super().set_test_config() self.hmc_test = HamiltonianMonteCarlo(self.config.testing.mcmc, self.batch_size_te, testing=True, keep_samples=True)
def set_training_config(self): # Control variate config self.use_control_variate = 'use_control_variate', True) self.use_local_control_variate = 'use_local_control_variate', self.use_control_variate) self.use_local_control_variate = self.use_local_control_variate if self.use_control_variate else False self.control_var_decay = 'decay', 0.9) self.control_var_independent_iters = 'independent_iterations', 3000) # Set function to update control variate on_ipu_or_cpu = self.device_config[ 'on_ipu'] or 'cpu' in self.device_config['device'].lower() if self.use_local_control_variate: self.control_var_device = get_device_scope_call( '/device:CPU:0' if on_ipu_or_cpu else '/device:GPU:0') self.maybe_update_control_variate = self._update_local_control_variate elif self.use_control_variate: self.control_var_device = self.device_config['scoper'] self.maybe_update_control_variate = self._update_global_control_variate else: self.control_var_device = self.device_config['scoper'] def dont_update_cv(control_variate, idx, elbo_hmc, assign=True, decay=0.9): """For consistent inputs/outputs with self._update_global_control_variate() and self._update_local_control_variate()""" return tf.zeros((), dtype=self.experiment.dtype) self.maybe_update_control_variate = dont_update_cv # HMC config self.hmc_train = HamiltonianMonteCarlo(, self.config.batch_size) # Set config for normal VAE stuff super().set_training_config() self.loss_shape = (2, ) self.train_output_labels = ('Loss [encoder, decoder]', 'Average control variate', 'Average Unnorm. ELBO (HMC)', 'HMC step size')
class VCDVAE(VAE): def build_loss_function(self): def g(x, logits, z, mu_z, sigma_z): """ g(z) \triangleq \log p(x,z) + \frac{1}{2}(z - \mu)^T\Sigma^{-1}(z-\mu) from Appendix C (equation (24)) As in Appendix C of the paper. """ log_p_X_Z = self.log_likelihood(x, logits) + self.gauss_ll( z, tf.zeros_like(mu_z), tf.ones_like(sigma_z)) return log_p_X_Z + tf.reduce_sum(0.5 * ((z - mu_z) / sigma_z)**2, axis=-1) def loss(X_in, idx, control_var, logits_out, logits_out_hmc, z_cond_x_mean, z_cond_x_std, Z_cond_X_samples, Z_cond_X_samples_hmc, step_size): """Loss-function as per Appendix C - Particularizations of the Gradient""" log_pz0 = self.gauss_ll(Z_cond_X_samples, tf.zeros_like(z_cond_x_mean), tf.ones_like(z_cond_x_std)) log_pzt = self.gauss_ll(Z_cond_X_samples_hmc, tf.zeros_like(z_cond_x_mean), tf.ones_like(z_cond_x_std)) log_qz0_cond_x_stop_z = self.gauss_ll( tf.stop_gradient(Z_cond_X_samples), z_cond_x_mean, z_cond_x_std) log_px_cond_z0 = self.log_likelihood(X_in, logits_out) log_px_cond_zt = self.log_likelihood(X_in, logits_out_hmc) log_pxz0 = log_px_cond_z0 + log_pz0 g_zT_stop_z = g(X_in, logits_out_hmc, tf.stop_gradient(Z_cond_X_samples_hmc), z_cond_x_mean, z_cond_x_std) # Combine loss terms. # NOTE - must sum over batch, not average! Verified empirically to be correct enc_loss = tf.reduce_sum( -log_pxz0 + g_zT_stop_z + tf.stop_gradient(g_zT_stop_z - control_var) * log_qz0_cond_x_stop_z) dec_loss = -tf.reduce_sum(log_px_cond_zt) # Calculate control variate update - execute update it if not on ipu and not using local cv # Also if using infeed, save update until after all infeed loops finished control_var_update = tf.stop_gradient(g_zT_stop_z) use_global_cv = self.use_control_variate and not self.use_local_control_variate on_cpu_or_gpu = not self.device_config['on_ipu'] if not self.use_infeed and (use_global_cv or on_cpu_or_gpu): cvar = self.get_control_var(idx)[ 0] # Gets tf variable to update control_var_update = self.maybe_update_control_variate( cvar, idx, control_var_update, decay=self.control_var_decay) # Calculate some diagnostics diagnostics = {} Z_dim_float = tf.cast(self.Z_dim, self.experiment.dtype) entropy = 0.5 * Z_dim_float * tf.log(tf.cast(2 * np.pi, self.experiment.dtype)) +\ tf.reduce_sum(tf.log(z_cond_x_std), -1) + Z_dim_float * 0.5 diagnostics['stoch_vcd'] = \ -(tf.reduce_mean(log_px_cond_z0 + log_pz0) + 0.5 * Z_dim_float) + tf.reduce_mean(g_zT_stop_z) diagnostics['elbo'] = tf.reduce_mean(log_px_cond_z0 + log_pz0 + entropy) diagnostics['log_lik_qt'] = tf.reduce_mean(log_px_cond_zt + log_pzt) diagnostics['log_lik_q'] = tf.reduce_mean(log_px_cond_z0 + log_pz0) diagnostics['control_var_mean'] = tf.reduce_mean(control_var) return [enc_loss, dec_loss], control_var_update, step_size, diagnostics # Check we're actually using MCMC - if not revert to standard VAE loss no_hmc = self.hmc_train.n_post_burn_steps + self.hmc_train.n_burn_in_steps == 0 if no_hmc: self.experiment.log.warn( 'Number of HMC and burn in steps both 0. Reverting to standard VAE.\n' ) # Get standard VAE (negative-ELBO) loss function neg_elbo_loss = super()._get_loss_function() # Adjust so it has consistent inputs/outputs with VCD loss def loss_vae(X_in, idx, control_var, logits_out, logits_out_hmc, z_cond_x_mean, z_cond_x_std, Z_cond_X_samples, Z_cond_X_samples_hmc, step_size): enc_loss = neg_elbo_loss(X_in, logits_out, z_cond_x_mean, z_cond_x_std, Z_cond_X_samples) dec_loss = enc_loss cv_update = tf.zeros((self.batch_size, ), dtype=self.experiment.dtype) step_size = 0. diagnostics = {} return [enc_loss, dec_loss], cv_update, step_size, diagnostics self.loss = loss_vae else: # Otherwise use the VCD loss self.loss = loss def get_log_p_X_Z_fn(self, X, Z): """Returns function to evaluate joint log-prob over observed and latents, for a fixed X, given input Z. Used for HMC target.""" # Standard normal latent prior p_z = tfd.MultivariateNormalDiag(tf.zeros_like(Z), tf.ones_like(Z)) def _log_p_x_cond_z(Z_t): net_out = self.p_X_cond_Z_params(Z_t) o = self.log_likelihood(X, net_out) return o def _unnormalised_target(z_t): return p_z.log_prob(z_t) + _log_p_x_cond_z(z_t) return _unnormalised_target def set_training_config(self): # Control variate config self.use_control_variate = 'use_control_variate', True) self.use_local_control_variate = 'use_local_control_variate', self.use_control_variate) self.use_local_control_variate = self.use_local_control_variate if self.use_control_variate else False self.control_var_decay = 'decay', 0.9) self.control_var_independent_iters = 'independent_iterations', 3000) # Set function to update control variate on_ipu_or_cpu = self.device_config[ 'on_ipu'] or 'cpu' in self.device_config['device'].lower() if self.use_local_control_variate: self.control_var_device = get_device_scope_call( '/device:CPU:0' if on_ipu_or_cpu else '/device:GPU:0') self.maybe_update_control_variate = self._update_local_control_variate elif self.use_control_variate: self.control_var_device = self.device_config['scoper'] self.maybe_update_control_variate = self._update_global_control_variate else: self.control_var_device = self.device_config['scoper'] def dont_update_cv(control_variate, idx, elbo_hmc, assign=True, decay=0.9): """For consistent inputs/outputs with self._update_global_control_variate() and self._update_local_control_variate()""" return tf.zeros((), dtype=self.experiment.dtype) self.maybe_update_control_variate = dont_update_cv # HMC config self.hmc_train = HamiltonianMonteCarlo(, self.config.batch_size) # Set config for normal VAE stuff super().set_training_config() self.loss_shape = (2, ) self.train_output_labels = ('Loss [encoder, decoder]', 'Average control variate', 'Average Unnorm. ELBO (HMC)', 'HMC step size') def set_test_config(self): super().set_test_config() self.hmc_test = HamiltonianMonteCarlo(self.config.testing.mcmc, self.batch_size_te, testing=True, keep_samples=True) def _update_local_control_variate(self, control_variate, idx, elbo_hmc, assign=True, decay=0.9): """ Moving average update of control variate if using a control variate for each point in training set. Assumes that for first few (self.control_var_independent_iters) iterations, use global control variate, and then remaining iterations use local one. Note that sometimes we want to update the control variate, sometimes we don't. This is controlled by the `assign` argument. """ # Find update for relevant elements in control_variate vector # and calculate their updated values control_variate_local_update = decay * tf.gather( control_variate, idx) + (1. - decay) * elbo_hmc # Find update if using using global control variate at current iteration control_variate_global_update = decay * control_variate[0] + ( 1. - decay) * tf.reduce_mean(elbo_hmc) if assign: # control_variate is a variable control_variate_local = tf.scatter_update( control_variate, idx, control_variate_local_update) else: # control_variate is a tensor control_variate_local = tf.tensor_scatter_nd_update( control_variate, tf.expand_dims(idx, 1), control_variate_local_update) # Tile scalar control variate to match shape of local control variate control_variate_global = tf.fill(control_variate.get_shape(), control_variate_global_update) new_cv_value = tf.where( self.global_step > self.control_var_independent_iters, control_variate_local, control_variate_global) if assign: cv_update = control_variate.assign(new_cv_value) return cv_update else: return new_cv_value def _update_global_control_variate(self, control_variate, idx, elbo_hmc, assign=True, decay=0.9): """Moving average update for global control variate. If assign is True will also update value of control_variate variable""" new_cv_value = decay * control_variate + ( 1. - decay) * tf.reduce_mean(elbo_hmc) if assign: return control_variate.assign(new_cv_value) else: return new_cv_value def get_control_var(self, i_tr): """Get the control_variate variable and, if using local control_variate, the elements indexed by i_tr""" cv_shp = (self.experiment.data_meta['train_size'], ) if self.use_local_control_variate else () with self.control_var_device(): with tf.variable_scope('cv_scope', reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE, use_resource=True): cv_var = tf.get_variable('control_variate', shape=cv_shp, dtype=self.experiment.dtype, initializer=tf.zeros_initializer(), use_resource=True, trainable=False) cv_idxed = tf.gather( cv_var, i_tr) if self.use_local_control_variate else cv_var return cv_var, cv_idxed def get_train_ops(self, graph_ops, infeed_queue, i_tr, X_b_tr, y_b_tr): with self.graph.as_default(): # Global step counter update graph_ops['incr_global_step'] = tf.assign_add( self.global_step, self.iters_per_sess_run) # Whether to use XLA possible_xla = self.device_config['maybe_xla_compile'] def infeed_train_op(loss, cvar, elbo, stepsize, i, X, y): """Run the training update with IPU infeeds or, for other hardware, run multiple training updates in a tf.while_loop()""" with self.device_config['scoper']( ): # TODO: could this scope be removed? # If using local control variate and on GPU, retrieve full variable # (cvar fn arg is actually a tensor after being passed as arg into xla.compile) retrieve_cv_as_var = self.use_local_control_variate and \ 'gpu' in self.device_config['device'].lower() if retrieve_cv_as_var: cvar, _ = self.get_control_var(i) # Index elems of control var corresponding to input data, if using local cvar cv_batch = tf.gather( cvar, i) if self.use_local_control_variate else cvar # Do train update with given control variate(s) tr_loss, elbo_hmc, hmc_step_size, diagnost = train_op_batch( X, i, cv_batch) # If using the control variate variable update it, else update # the corresponding tensor which will be fed into next loop update_cv = self.maybe_update_control_variate( cvar, i, elbo_hmc, assign=retrieve_cv_as_var, decay=self.control_var_decay) with tf.control_dependencies([tr_loss, update_cv]): return [ tf.identity(tr_loss), update_cv, elbo_hmc, hmc_step_size ] def train_op_batch(X, idx_tr, cvar): with self.device_config['scoper']( ): # TODO: could this scope be removed? return self.vcd_train_ops(X, idx_tr, cvar) def tr_infeed(cvar): if self.device_config[ 'on_ipu'] or not self.device_config['do_xla']: batch_size = X_b_tr.get_shape()[0] else: # If using XLA on GPU/CPU, infeed queue is replaced by stacked tensor, # which is iterated over in loops_repeat() batch_size = X_b_tr.get_shape( )[0] // self.iters_per_sess_run # Initialise loop inputs tr_loss = tf.zeros(self.loss_shape, self.experiment.dtype, name='loss') inputs = [ tr_loss, cvar, tf.zeros(batch_size, self.experiment.dtype, name='elbo'), tf.constant(0., self.experiment.dtype, name='stepsize') ] loop_out = loops_repeat(self.device_config['device'], self.iters_per_sess_run, infeed_train_op, inputs, infeed_queue, maybe_xla=possible_xla) return loop_out if # retrieve control variate (on correct device) cv_var, cv = self.get_control_var(i_tr) if self.use_infeed: with self.device_config['scoper'](): loss, cv_update, hmc_elbo, hmc_step_size = possible_xla( tr_infeed, [cv_var]) cv_update = cv_var.assign( cv_update ) if self.use_control_variate else tf.no_op() graph_ops['train'] = [ loss, tf.reduce_mean(cv_update), tf.reduce_mean(hmc_elbo), hmc_step_size ] else: loss, hmc_elbo, hmc_step_size, diags = possible_xla( train_op_batch, [X_b_tr, i_tr, cv]) if self.use_local_control_variate and self.device_config[ 'on_ipu']: # If using global control variate, or not using IPU, CV update is already # executed within training loop. Otherwise, it is updated here with self.control_var_device(): cv_update = self.maybe_update_control_variate( cv_var, i_tr, hmc_elbo, decay=self.control_var_decay) else: cv_update = diags['control_var_mean'] graph_ops['train'] = [ loss, tf.reduce_mean(cv_update), tf.reduce_mean(hmc_elbo), hmc_step_size ] # For diagnostics graph_ops['lr'] = self.get_current_learning_rate() graph_ops['epochs'] = self.get_epoch() return graph_ops def get_log_likelihood_ops(self, indices, X, y): """ Returns the ops needed to estimate the log-likelihood of the model, via importance sampling with three Gaussian proposals, with mean and var: 1. Of the approx posterior q(z|x), but with std = 1.2 * std(q) 2. Mean from running 300 samples of HMC (+ 300 burn in) starting at the mean of approx posterior. Same std as in 1. 3. Mean as in 2., but std also from 300 HMC samples, slightly overdispersed: std = std(HMC samples) * 1.2 For more details see "Evaluation" paragraph in section 4.2 of paper ( """ possible_xla = self.device_config['maybe_xla_compile'] def hmc(X_in): means, _ = self.encoder(X_in) hmc_samples, _ = self.hmc_test.run_hmc( z_sample_init=means, unnorm_log_prob_target=self.get_log_p_X_Z_fn(X_in, means)) return hmc_samples samples_hmc = possible_xla(hmc, [X]) hmc_ax = 1 if self.device_config['do_xla'] else 0 means_hmc = tf.reduce_mean(samples_hmc, axis=hmc_ax) # Mean over the 300 samples stds_hmc = tf.math.reduce_std(samples_hmc, axis=hmc_ax) # std over the 300 samples # clip to avoid std of 0 - as done in matlab implementation stds_hmc = tf.clip_by_value(stds_hmc, 1e-4, tf.reduce_max(stds_hmc)) def iwelbo_1(X): """ Proposal 1: - mean and std are approximate posterior, std increased by factor of 1.2 """ def p1_sample(means, stds, shape): proposal_1 = tfd.MultivariateNormalDiag(means, 1.2 * stds) return proposal_1.sample((self.iwae_samples_te_batch_size, )) def p1_log_prob(samples, means, stds): proposal_1 = tfd.MultivariateNormalDiag(means, 1.2 * stds) return proposal_1.log_prob(samples) return self.iwae_elbo(X, p1_sample, p1_log_prob) def iwelbo_2(X, mu_hmc): """ Proposal 2: - mean is that of 300 samples, generated through HMC from approx posterior mean, after 300 burn in steps - std is that of approximate posterior, with stddev increased by factor of 1.2 """ def p2_sample(means, stds, shape): proposal_2 = tfd.MultivariateNormalDiag(mu_hmc, 1.2 * stds) samps = proposal_2.sample(self.iwae_samples_te_batch_size) return tf.reshape(samps, (self.iwae_samples_te_batch_size, tf.shape(X)[0], self.Z_dim)) def p2_log_prob(samples, means, stds): proposal_2 = tfd.MultivariateNormalDiag(mu_hmc, 1.2 * stds) return proposal_2.log_prob(samples) return self.iwae_elbo(X, p2_sample, p2_log_prob) def iwelbo_3(X, mu_hmc, sigma_hmc): """ Proposal 3: - mean is that of 300 samples, generated through HMC from approx posterior mean, after 300 burn in steps - std is of the same 300 samples, overdispersed by a factor of 1.2 """ def p3_sample(means, stds, shape): proposal_3 = tfd.MultivariateNormalDiag( mu_hmc, 1.2 * sigma_hmc) samps = proposal_3.sample(self.iwae_samples_te_batch_size) return tf.reshape(samps, (self.iwae_samples_te_batch_size, tf.shape(X)[0], self.Z_dim)) def p3_log_prob(samples, means, stds): proposal_3 = tfd.MultivariateNormalDiag( mu_hmc, 1.2 * sigma_hmc) return proposal_3.log_prob(samples) return self.iwae_elbo(X, p3_sample, p3_log_prob) return [ possible_xla(iwelbo_1, [X]), possible_xla(iwelbo_2, [X, means_hmc]), possible_xla(iwelbo_3, [X, means_hmc, stds_hmc]) ] def get_test_ops(self, graph_ops, i_te, X_b_te, y_b_te): """Add model testing operations to the graph""" with self.graph.as_default(): if self.experiment.config.testing: with self.device_config['scoper'](): graph_ops['iwae_elbos_test'] = self.get_log_likelihood_ops( i_te, X_b_te, y_b_te) if not # To avoid KeyError when testing loaded model graph_ops['epochs'] = self.get_epoch() graph_ops['lr'] = self.get_current_learning_rate() return graph_ops def get_validation_ops(self, graph_ops, i_te, X_b_te, y_b_te): """Add model validation operations to the graph""" with self.graph.as_default(): if self.experiment.config.validation: with self.device_config['scoper'](): graph_ops['iwae_elbos_val'] = self.get_log_likelihood_ops( i_te, X_b_te, y_b_te) if not # To avoid KeyError when testing loaded model graph_ops['epochs'] = self.get_epoch() graph_ops['lr'] = self.get_current_learning_rate() return graph_ops def test(self, max_iwae_batches=None): """Find model performance on full train and test sets""" # Test set LL, KL, ELBO n_te_batches = int( np.ceil(self.experiment.data_meta['test_size'] / self.batch_size_te)) # Test set importance-weighted ELBO op_name_dict = { 'iwae_elbos_test': [ 'te_iwae_elbo_overdisp', 'te_iwae_elbo_hmc_mean_overdisp', 'te_iwae_elbo_hmc_mean_std_overdisp' ] } f'Running test IWAE for log-likelihood estimation...') record_iwae_te = self.evaluation_scores(ops_sets_names=op_name_dict, iters_to_init=('test', ), n_batches=n_te_batches, verbose=True)'...done\n') # Print and save results f'Test results:\n{json.dumps(record_iwae_te, indent=4, default=serialize)}\n\n' ) self.experiment.save_record(record_iwae_te, scope='test')'test_results_{self.iters}_iters.json', record_iwae_te) def validation(self): """Calculate evaluation metrics of model on validation set"""'Running model validation...\n') n_val_batches = int( np.ceil(self.experiment.data_meta['validation_size'] / self.batch_size_te)) # Validation set importance-weighted ELBO op_name_dict = { 'iwae_elbos_val': [ 'val_iwae_elbo_overdisp', 'val_iwae_elbo_hmc_mean_overdisp', 'val_iwae_elbo_hmc_mean_std_overdisp' ] } f'Running validation IWAE for log-likelihood estimation...') record_iwae_val = self.evaluation_scores(ops_sets_names=op_name_dict, iters_to_init=('test', ), n_batches=n_val_batches, verbose=True)'...done\n') # Print and save results f'Test results:\n{json.dumps(record_iwae_val, indent=4, default=serialize)}\n\n' ) self.experiment.save_record(record_iwae_val, scope='validation')'test_results_{self.iters}_iters.json', record_iwae_val) def vcd_train_ops(self, X_b, i_b, control_var): """Single training update""" [enc_loss, dec_loss], elbo_hmc, step_size, diagnostics = self.vcd_network_loss( X_b, i_b, control_var) losses = {'encoder': enc_loss, 'decoder': dec_loss} ops = self.get_grad_ops(losses) with tf.control_dependencies(ops): # Update VAE params return [ tf.convert_to_tensor([enc_loss, dec_loss], self.experiment.dtype), elbo_hmc, step_size, diagnostics ] def vcd_network_loss(self, X_in, i_in, control_var): network_out = # Need tf.identity() around input - stops bug on ipu return self.loss(X_in, i_in, control_var, *network_out) def network(self, X_in): # Calculate q(Z|X) Z_cond_X_mean, Z_cond_X_std = self.encoder(X_in) # Reparameterisation trick: convert samples from standard normal to samples from posterior - z_0 Z_cond_X_samples = self.reparameterised_samples( Z_cond_X_mean, Z_cond_X_std, samples_shape=(tf.shape(X_in)[0], self.Z_dim)) # Estimate params of p(X|Z_0) net_out_z_0 = self.p_X_cond_Z_params(Z_cond_X_samples) if self.hmc_train.n_burn_in_steps + self.hmc_train.n_post_burn_steps > 0: # Run some MCMC on the posterior samples - z_T Z_cond_X_samples_mcmc, step_size = self.hmc_train.run_hmc( z_sample_init=Z_cond_X_samples, unnorm_log_prob_target=self.get_log_p_X_Z_fn( X_in, Z_cond_X_samples)) # Estimate params of p(X|Z_T) net_out_z_T = self.p_X_cond_Z_params(Z_cond_X_samples_mcmc) else: # Standard VAE - these objects will not be used Z_cond_X_samples_mcmc = Z_cond_X_samples net_out_z_T = net_out_z_0 step_size = 0. return net_out_z_0, net_out_z_T, Z_cond_X_mean, Z_cond_X_std, Z_cond_X_samples, Z_cond_X_samples_mcmc, step_size