def _build_sampler(self, **kwargs): d = dict() c_dim = self.X.shape[-1] output_dim_H, output_dim_W = (self.X.shape[1], self.X.shape[2]) kernel_size = (5, 5) fc_channel = kwargs.pop('G_FC_layer_channel', 1024) G_channel = kwargs.pop('G_channel', 64) with tf.variable_scope("generator") as scope: scope.reuse_variables() z_input = self.z d['layer_1'] = fc_layer(z_input, 4 * 4 * fc_channel) d['reshape'] = tf.nn.relu( batchNormalization( tf.reshape(d['layer_1'], [-1, 4, 4, fc_channel]), self.is_train)) d['layer_2'] = deconv_bn_relu(d['reshape'], G_channel * 4, kernel_size, self.is_train, strides=(2, 2)) d['layer_3'] = deconv_bn_relu(d['layer_2'], G_channel * 2, kernel_size, self.is_train, strides=(2, 2)) d['layer_4'] = deconv_bn_relu(d['layer_3'], G_channel, kernel_size, self.is_train, strides=(2, 2)) d['layer_5'] = deconv_bn_relu(d['layer_4'], c_dim, kernel_size, self.is_train, strides=(2, 2), bn=False, relu=False) d['tanh'] = tf.nn.tanh(d['layer_5']) return d['tanh']
def __init__(self, image_size, image_channels, classes, fc_layers=3, fc_units=1000): # Configurations. super().__init__() self.classes = classes self.label = "Classifier" self.fc_layers = fc_layers # Attributes that need to be set before training. self.optimizer = None self.multi_head = None #--> <list> with for each task its class-IDs # Check whether there is at least 1 fc-layer. if fc_layers < 1: raise ValueError( "The classifier needs to have at least 1 fully-connected layer." ) ######------SPECIFY MODEL------###### # Flatten image to 2D-tensor. self.flatten = modules.Flatten() # Fully connected hidden layers. self.fcE = MLP(input_size=image_channels * image_size**2, output_size=fc_units, layers=fc_layers - 1, hid_size=fc_units) self.mlp_output_size = fc_units if fc_layers > 1 else image_channels * image_size**2 # Classifier. self.classifier = fc_layer(self.mlp_output_size, classes, nl='none', bias=True)
def _build_discriminator(self, fake_image=False, **kwargs): d = dict() kernel_size = (5, 5) if fake_image: input_image = self.G else: input_image = self.X batch_size = kwargs.pop('batch_size', 8) D_channel = kwargs.pop('D_channel', 64) with tf.variable_scope("discriminator") as scope: if fake_image: scope.reuse_variables() d['layer_1'] = conv_bn_lrelu(input_image, D_channel, kernel_size, self.is_train, strides=(2, 2), bn=False) d['layer_2'] = conv_bn_lrelu(d['layer_1'], D_channel * 2, kernel_size, self.is_train, strides=(2, 2)) d['layer_3'] = conv_bn_lrelu(d['layer_2'], D_channel * 4, kernel_size, self.is_train, strides=(2, 2)) d['layer_4'] = conv_bn_lrelu(d['layer_3'], D_channel * 8, kernel_size, self.is_train, strides=(2, 2)) d['layer_5'] = fc_layer(tf.contrib.layers.flatten(d['layer_4']), 1) d['sigmoid'] = tf.nn.sigmoid(d['layer_5']) return d['sigmoid'], d['layer_5'], d['layer_1']
def _build_model(self, **kwargs): """ Build model. :param kwargs: dict, extra arguments for building AlexNet. - image_mean: np.ndarray, mean image for each input channel, shape: (C,). - dropout_prob: float, the probability of dropping out each unit in FC layer. :return d: dict, containing outputs on each layer. """ d = dict() # Dictionary to save intermediate values returned from each layer. X_mean = kwargs.pop('image_mean', 0.0) dropout_prob = kwargs.pop('dropout_prob', 0.0) num_classes = int(self.y.get_shape()[-1]) # The probability of keeping each unit for dropout layers keep_prob = tf.cond(self.is_train, lambda: 1. - dropout_prob, lambda: 1.) # input X_input = self.X - X_mean # perform mean subtraction # First Convolution Layer # conv1 - relu1 - pool1 with tf.variable_scope('conv1'): # conv_layer(x, side_l, stride, out_depth, padding='SAME', **kwargs): d['conv1'] = conv_layer(X_input, 3, 1, 64, padding='SAME', weights_stddev=0.01, biases_value=1.0) print('conv1.shape', d['conv1'].get_shape().as_list()) d['relu1'] = tf.nn.relu(d['conv1']) # max_pool(x, side_l, stride, padding='SAME'): d['pool1'] = max_pool(d['relu1'], 2, 1, padding='SAME') d['drop1'] = tf.nn.dropout(d['pool1'], keep_prob) print('pool1.shape', d['pool1'].get_shape().as_list()) # Second Convolution Layer # conv2 - relu2 - pool2 with tf.variable_scope('conv2'): d['conv2'] = conv_layer(d['pool1'], 3, 1, 128, padding='SAME', weights_stddev=0.01, biases_value=1.0) print('conv2.shape', d['conv2'].get_shape().as_list()) d['relu2'] = tf.nn.relu(d['conv2']) d['pool2'] = max_pool(d['relu2'], 2, 1, padding='SAME') d['drop2'] = tf.nn.dropout(d['pool2'], keep_prob) print('pool2.shape', d['pool2'].get_shape().as_list()) # Third Convolution Layer # conv3 - relu3 with tf.variable_scope('conv3'): d['conv3'] = conv_layer(d['pool2'], 3, 1, 256, padding='SAME', weights_stddev=0.01, biases_value=1.0) print('conv3.shape', d['conv3'].get_shape().as_list()) d['relu3'] = tf.nn.relu(d['conv3']) d['pool3'] = max_pool(d['relu3'], 2, 1, padding='SAME') d['drop3'] = tf.nn.dropout(d['pool3'], keep_prob) print('pool3.shape', d['pool3'].get_shape().as_list()) # Flatten feature maps f_dim = int(['drop3'].get_shape()[1:])) f_emb = tf.reshape(d['drop3'], [-1, f_dim]) # fc4 with tf.variable_scope('fc4'): d['fc4'] = fc_layer(f_emb, 1024, weights_stddev=0.005, biases_value=0.1) d['relu4'] = tf.nn.relu(d['fc4']) print('fc4.shape', d['relu4'].get_shape().as_list()) # fc5 with tf.variable_scope('fc5'): d['fc5'] = fc_layer(d['relu4'], 1024, weights_stddev=0.005, biases_value=0.1) d['relu5'] = tf.nn.relu(d['fc5']) print('fc5.shape', d['relu5'].get_shape().as_list()) d['logits'] = fc_layer(d['relu5'], num_classes, weights_stddev=0.01, biases_value=0.0) print('logits.shape', d['logits'].get_shape().as_list()) # softmax d['pred'] = tf.nn.softmax(d['logits']) return d
def _build_model(self, **kwargs): """ Build model. :param kwargs: dict, extra arguments for building AlexNet. - image_mean: np.ndarray, mean image for each input channel, shape: (C,). - dropout_prob: float, the probability of dropping out each unit in FC layer. :return d: dict, containing outputs on each layer. """ d = dict( ) # Dictionary to save intermediate values returned from each layer. X_mean = kwargs.pop('image_mean', 0.0) dropout_prob = kwargs.pop('dropout_prob', 0.0) num_classes = int(self.y.get_shape()[-1]) # The probability of keeping each unit for dropout layers keep_prob = tf.cond(self.is_train, lambda: 1. - dropout_prob, lambda: 1.) # input X_input = self.X - X_mean # perform mean subtraction # conv1 - relu1 - pool1 with tf.variable_scope('conv1'): d['conv1'] = conv_layer(X_input, 11, 4, 96, padding='VALID', weights_stddev=0.01, biases_value=0.0) print('conv1.shape', d['conv1'].get_shape().as_list()) d['relu1'] = tf.nn.relu(d['conv1']) # (227, 227, 3) --> (55, 55, 96) d['pool1'] = max_pool(d['relu1'], 3, 2, padding='VALID') # (55, 55, 96) --> (27, 27, 96) print('pool1.shape', d['pool1'].get_shape().as_list()) # conv2 - relu2 - pool2 with tf.variable_scope('conv2'): d['conv2'] = conv_layer(d['pool1'], 5, 1, 256, padding='SAME', weights_stddev=0.01, biases_value=0.1) print('conv2.shape', d['conv2'].get_shape().as_list()) d['relu2'] = tf.nn.relu(d['conv2']) # (27, 27, 96) --> (27, 27, 256) d['pool2'] = max_pool(d['relu2'], 3, 2, padding='VALID') # (27, 27, 256) --> (13, 13, 256) print('pool2.shape', d['pool2'].get_shape().as_list()) # conv3 - relu3 with tf.variable_scope('conv3'): d['conv3'] = conv_layer(d['pool2'], 3, 1, 384, padding='SAME', weights_stddev=0.01, biases_value=0.0) print('conv3.shape', d['conv3'].get_shape().as_list()) d['relu3'] = tf.nn.relu(d['conv3']) # (13, 13, 256) --> (13, 13, 384) # conv4 - relu4 with tf.variable_scope('conv4'): d['conv4'] = conv_layer(d['relu3'], 3, 1, 384, padding='SAME', weights_stddev=0.01, biases_value=0.1) print('conv4.shape', d['conv4'].get_shape().as_list()) d['relu4'] = tf.nn.relu(d['conv4']) # (13, 13, 384) --> (13, 13, 384) # conv5 - relu5 - pool5 with tf.variable_scope('conv5'): d['conv5'] = conv_layer(d['relu4'], 3, 1, 256, padding='SAME', weights_stddev=0.01, biases_value=0.1) print('conv5.shape', d['conv5'].get_shape().as_list()) d['relu5'] = tf.nn.relu(d['conv5']) # (13, 13, 384) --> (13, 13, 256) d['pool5'] = max_pool(d['relu5'], 3, 2, padding='VALID') # (13, 13, 256) --> (6, 6, 256) print('pool5.shape', d['pool5'].get_shape().as_list()) # Flatten feature maps f_dim = int(['pool5'].get_shape()[1:])) f_emb = tf.reshape(d['pool5'], [-1, f_dim]) # (6, 6, 256) --> (9216) # fc6 with tf.variable_scope('fc6'): d['fc6'] = fc_layer(f_emb, 4096, weights_stddev=0.005, biases_value=0.1) d['relu6'] = tf.nn.relu(d['fc6']) d['drop6'] = tf.nn.dropout(d['relu6'], keep_prob) # (9216) --> (4096) print('drop6.shape', d['drop6'].get_shape().as_list()) # fc7 with tf.variable_scope('fc7'): d['fc7'] = fc_layer(d['drop6'], 4096, weights_stddev=0.005, biases_value=0.1) d['relu7'] = tf.nn.relu(d['fc7']) d['drop7'] = tf.nn.dropout(d['relu7'], keep_prob) # (4096) --> (4096) print('drop7.shape', d['drop7'].get_shape().as_list()) # fc8 with tf.variable_scope('fc8'): d['logits'] = fc_layer(d['relu7'], num_classes, weights_stddev=0.01, biases_value=0.0) # (4096) --> (num_classes) # softmax d['pred'] = tf.nn.softmax(d['logits']) return d
def __init__(self, input_size=1000, output_size=10, layers=2, hid_size=1000, hid_smooth=None, size_per_layer=None, drop=0, batch_norm=False, nl="relu", bias=True, gated=False, output='normal'): '''sizes: 0th=[input], 1st=[hid_size], ..., 1st-to-last=[hid_smooth], last=[output]. [input_size] # of inputs [output_size] # of units in final layer [layers] # of layers [hid_size] # of units in each hidden layer [hid_smooth] if None, all hidden layers have [hid_size] units, else # of units linearly in-/decreases s.t. final hidden layer has [hid_smooth] units (if only 1 hidden layer, it has [hid_size] units) [size_per_layer] None or <list> with for each layer number of units (1st element = number of inputs) --> overwrites [input_size], [output_size], [layers], [hid_size] and [hid_smooth] [drop] % of each layer's inputs that is randomly set to zero during training [batch_norm] <bool>; if True, batch-normalization is applied to each layer [nl] <str>; type of non-linearity to be used (options: "relu", "leakyrelu", "none") [gated] <bool>; if True, each linear layer has an additional learnable gate [output] <str>; if - "normal", final layer is same as all others - "BCE", final layer has sigmoid non-linearity''' super().__init__() self.output = output # get sizes of all layers if size_per_layer is None: hidden_sizes = [] if layers > 1: if (hid_smooth is not None): hidden_sizes = [ int(x) for x in np.linspace( hid_size, hid_smooth, num=layers - 1) ] else: hidden_sizes = [ int(x) for x in np.repeat(hid_size, layers - 1) ] size_per_layer = [input_size] + hidden_sizes + [ output_size ] if layers > 0 else [input_size] self.layers = len(size_per_layer) - 1 # set label for this module # -determine "non-default options"-label nd_label = "{drop}{bias}{bn}{nl}{gate}".format( drop="" if drop == 0 else "d{}".format(drop), bias="" if bias else "n", bn="b" if batch_norm else "", nl="l" if nl == "leakyrelu" else "", gate="g" if gated else "", ) nd_label = "{}{}".format( "" if nd_label == "" else "-{}".format(nd_label), "" if output == "normal" else "-{}".format(output)) # -set label size_statement = "" for i in size_per_layer: size_statement += "{}{}".format( "-" if size_statement == "" else "x", i) self.label = "F{}{}".format(size_statement, nd_label) if self.layers > 0 else "" # set layers for lay_id in range(1, self.layers + 1): # number of units of this layer's input and output in_size = size_per_layer[lay_id - 1] out_size = size_per_layer[lay_id] # define and set the fully connected layer layer = fc_layer( in_size, out_size, bias=bias, drop=drop, batch_norm=False if (lay_id == self.layers and not output == "normal") else batch_norm, gated=gated, nl=nn.Sigmoid() if (lay_id == self.layers and not output == "normal") else nl, ) setattr(self, 'fcLayer{}'.format(lay_id), layer) # if no layers, add "identity"-module to indicate in this module's representation nothing happens if self.layers < 1: self.noLayers = modules.Identity()