def test_can_move_to(): """ -> This test will check if Maze class had "can_move_to" attribute. -> maze1 is an object of Maze class and maps the game """ maze1 = Maze("views/maze.txt") assert hasattr(maze1, 'can_move_to') assert maze1.can_move_to(1,2) == True assert maze1.can_move_to(3,1) == True assert maze1.can_move_to(0,1) == False assert maze1.can_move_to(6,0) == False
def main(): """ Main function contains main UI text and fps, as well as the game loop """ """set the game display""" msg = "Null" width, height = 800, 800 window = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height)) window.fill((0, 0, 0)) clock = pygame.time.Clock() timer = 20 time_pass = 0 time_txt = font.render(f"Time: {str(round(timer))}", True, blue) window.blit(time_txt, (0, 0)) score = 0 pygame.display.set_caption("Maze Game") run = True """create the images of the maze, player, and items.""" maze = Maze("Views\maze.txt") maze.display() player = Player(maze.player[0], maze.player[1], [maze.player[2], maze.player[3]]) items = [] for i in maze._items: items.append(Items(i[0], i[1], [i[2], i[3]])) """Place the images on the game window""" window.blit(maze.surface, (100, 100)) pygame.display.update() """Running loop""" while run: dt = clock.tick(30) """ Stop the game if the game is quit """ for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: run = False msg = "Quit" """movement functions for the player class""" keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() move = False if keys[pygame.locals.K_RIGHT]: if int(player.rect.x / maze._x_scale) < maze._width: if maze.can_move_to( int(player.rect.x / maze._x_scale) + 1, int(player.rect.y / maze._y_scale)): move = True #-- move the player right by x pixels player.rect.x = min(player.rect.x + maze._x_scale, 700) if keys[pygame.locals.K_LEFT]: if int(player.rect.x / maze._x_scale) > 0: if maze.can_move_to( int(player.rect.x / maze._x_scale) - 1, int(player.rect.y / maze._y_scale)): move = True #-- move the player left by x pixels player.rect.x = max(player.rect.x - maze._x_scale, 0) if keys[pygame.locals.K_UP]: if int(player.rect.y / maze._y_scale) - 1 >= 0: if maze.can_move_to(int(player.rect.x / maze._x_scale), int(player.rect.y / maze._y_scale) - 1): move = True #-- move the player up by x pixels player.rect.y = max(player.rect.y - maze._y_scale, 0) if keys[pygame.locals.K_DOWN]: if player.rect.y / maze._y_scale + 1 < maze._height: if maze.can_move_to(int(player.rect.x / maze._x_scale), int(player.rect.y / maze._y_scale) + 1): move = True #-- move the player down by x pixels player.rect.y = min(player.rect.y + maze._y_scale, 700) """ Delete items that are picked up by the player""" for i, item in enumerate(items): if item.rect == player.rect: player.pickup() items.pop(i) """If the player reaches the exit, they either win or lose depending on if they collected all the items""" if maze.is_exit(int(player.rect.x / maze._x_scale), int(player.rect.y / maze._y_scale)): run = False if player.backpack >= 4: msg = "You Win" else: msg = ("You Lost") """ Re-textures the maze first, then the player and remaining items.""" window.blit(maze.surface, (0, 100)) window.blit(player.image, player.rect) for i in items: window.blit(i.image, i.rect) pygame.display.update() """Detects if the player moved in this frame. Delays for a short time to slow the player.""" if move: pygame.time.delay(400) """Timer that adds to score and ends game if it reaches 0""" time_pass += dt if 1 <= time_pass / 1000: timer -= 1 time_pass = 0 """Covers the old timer and replaces it before updating.""" time_txt = font.render( "Timer: {} Backpack: {}".format(str(round(timer)), player.backpack), True, blue) window.blit(pygame.Surface((800, 100)), (0, 0)) window.blit(time_txt, (0, 0)) pygame.display.update() if timer <= 0: run = False msg = ("You ran out of time") """Detects how the game ended, and returns a message""" if msg != "Quit" and msg != "Null": score = 100 * player.backpack + timer end_bubble = font.render( "{} Please Check the Command line".format(msg), True, blue) window.fill((10, 10, 10)) window.blit(end_bubble, (10, 10)) pygame.display.update() """Tells the player what their score was""" print(f"Final score: {score}") name = input("Please tell me your name: ") scr_json = { "name": name, "score": score, "date":"%c") } res ="", json=scr_json)