def get_result(self, url, html_str, keyword, last_modified):
        To calculate the number of keyword in html_str, and before doing real analyzing,
        fetch the record by using last_modified to find whether the record had already done
        before, to save the computing power of server
            url (str): The url that you want to analyze
            html_str (str): The html string that requested from url
            keyword (str): The keyword that you want to find in url
            last_modified (str): HTTP last_modified of website
            tuple: (The count number (int), need_to_save_db (boolean))

        record_query_cache = model.Record(url, keyword)
        if last_modified is not None and record_query_cache.result is not None:
            if record_query_cache.last_modified == last_modified:
                return (record_query_cache.result, False)
        return (self.count_from_string(html_str, keyword), True)
 def test_add_record(self):
     print("make a fake test record db")
     r = model.Record('test', '', 99,
                      'Sat, 09 Mar 2019 13:44:12 GMT')
 def test_query_no_record(self):
     r = model.Record('test2', '')
     self.assertIs(r.result, None, 'Not none for dismatch')
 def test_query_record(self):
     print("test query")
     r = model.Record('test', '')
     self.assertEqual(r.result, 99, 'write db and read db are not the same')
 def save_record_to_db(url, keyword, result, last_modified):
     Save the record of analyzing to the Record DB
     record = model.Record(url, keyword, result, last_modified)