def acquire_track_model(self): # determine if fingerprint present, if not generate if not self.fingerprint: self.query_fingerprint() # use fingerprint to query model self.model = session.query(SavedTrack).get(self.fingerprint) # if 0 results, create model if not self.model:'Track not found in database; creating...') self.model = SavedTrack()
def run(): # TODO: break this into smaller functions'Running music downloader...') tracks_to_download = get_tracks_to_download() if not tracks_to_download:'No queued tracks found in database') return'Found {} tracks from database to download...'.format(len(tracks_to_download))) options = { 'format': 'bestaudio/best', 'postprocessors': [{ 'key': 'FFmpegExtractAudio', 'preferredcodec': 'mp3', 'preferredquality': '192', }], 'quiet': False} for queued_track in tracks_to_download: exists = session.query(SavedTrack).filter(SavedTrack.artist == queued_track.artist, SavedTrack.title == queued_track.title).count() > 0 if exists:'Track already exists as Saved Track, deleting Queued track and skipping download.') session.delete(queued_track) session.commit() continue track_save_name = u'{} - {}'.format(queued_track.artist, queued_track.title) final_track_path = TRACK_DIRECTORY + track_save_name + '.mp3' holding_track_path = HOLD_DIRECTORY + track_save_name + '.mp3''Downloading track: {}'.format(track_save_name)) options['outtmpl'] = u'{}/{}.%(ext)s'.format(HOLD_DIRECTORY, track_save_name) ydl = youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(options) download_link = build_download_link(queued_track.youtube_video_id) # download the track try:[download_link]) except youtube_dl.utils.DownloadError as e: LOGGER.warning('youtube-dl encountered an error: {}' .format(e.message)) continue saved_track = SavedTrack() saved_track.update_from_dict(queued_track.as_dict()) saved_track.path = final_track_path saved_track.md5 = calculate_md5(holding_track_path) fingerprint_duration = fingerprint_file(holding_track_path, 30) saved_track.fingerprint = fingerprint_duration[1] saved_track.duration = fingerprint_duration[0] session.merge(saved_track) session.delete(queued_track) session.commit() os.rename(holding_track_path, final_track_path)'Complete. Downloaded track data committed to database.')
class Track(object): def __init__(self, path): = {} self.path = path print self.path self.easyID3 = EasyID3Patched(self.path) self.fingerprint = self.easyID3.get('acoustid_fingerprint') self.acquire_track_model() self.generate_attributes() def __repr__(self): if all([self.artist, self.title]): return '<' + self.artist + ' - ' + self.title + '>' else: return '<' + self.path + '>' def __setattr__(self, key, value): if key != 'data' and key in # self.easyID3.update_from_dict({key: value}) # self.model.from_dict({key: value})[key] = value super(Track, self).__setattr__(key, value) @property def search_phrase(self): return clean_search_term(self.album_artist + ' ' + self.title if all([self.album_artist, self.title]) else self.path) def generate_attributes(self): for k, v in self.model.as_dict().iteritems(): self.__setattr__(k, v)[k] = v for k, v in self.easyID3.model_dict.iteritems(): self.__setattr__(k, v)[k] = v def acquire_track_model(self): # determine if fingerprint present, if not generate if not self.fingerprint: self.query_fingerprint() # use fingerprint to query model self.model = session.query(SavedTrack).get(self.fingerprint) # if 0 results, create model if not self.model:'Track not found in database; creating...') self.model = SavedTrack() def query_fingerprint(self): self.duration, self.fingerprint = acoustid.fingerprint_file(self.path, 30) def enrich(self): if not self.last_searched_acoustid or self.last_searched_acoustid < ( self.last_searched_acoustid - timedelta(days=7)):'Doing AcoustID lookup for track artist, title and album...') acoustid_data = acoustid_lookup(self.fingerprint, self.duration) self.last_searched_acoustid = # TODO: submit to be analyzed if not found if self.last_searched_echonest and self.last_searched_echonest > ( self.last_searched_echonest - timedelta(days=7)):'Track already enriched, skipping enrichment process.') return self'Searching Echonest for track using: {}'.format(self.search_phrase)) top_score_result = search_echonest_for_song(self.search_phrase) if top_score_result:'Song found on Echonest: {} - {}'.format(top_score_result.artist_name, top_score_result.title)) audio_summary = top_score_result.get_audio_summary() track_artist = top_score_result.artist_name.encode('utf-8') track_title = top_score_result.title.encode('utf-8') audio_summary['artist'] = track_artist audio_summary['title'] = track_title audio_summary = {k: v * 100 if v and v < 1 else v for k, v in audio_summary.iteritems()} # SQLAlchemy converts # values less than 1 to 0 before the validators can act. time.sleep(2) else:'Track not found in Echonest') if not self.genres and (self.album_artist or self.artist):'Searching Echonest for genres using artist {}'.format(self.album_artist or self.artist)) top_term = search_echonest_artist_terms(self.album_artist or self.artist) if top_term: self.genres = top_term.title()'Genre found: {}'.format(top_term)) time.sleep(2) self.last_searched_echonest = self.meta_genre = self.match_meta_genre(self.genres) def sync(self): self.update_play_skip_rating_data() self.rename_file_to_pattern(self.path) self.model.update_from_dict( self.easyID3.update_from_dict( def save(self): self.sync() if self.easyID3.is_modified:'Saving file changes...') if session.is_modified(self.model):'Committing model changes...') session.merge(self.model) session.commit() def match_meta_genre(self, genre): if not genre: return genre_mappings = [row.as_dict() for row in session.query(Genre).all()] prioritized_meta_genres = ['indie', 'electronic'] cleaned_genre = clean_genre(genre) for prioritized_meta_genre in prioritized_meta_genres: for genre_mapping in [genre_mapping for genre_mapping in genre_mappings if genre_mapping['meta_genre'] == prioritized_meta_genre]: if clean_genre(genre_mapping['genre']) in cleaned_genre: return genre_mapping['meta_genre'].title() for genre_mapping in [genre_mapping for genre_mapping in genre_mappings if genre_mapping['meta_genre'] not in prioritized_meta_genres]: if clean_genre(genre_mapping['genre']) in cleaned_genre: return genre_mapping['meta_genre'].title() # TODO: create function to handle deleted tracks def get_itunes_track_data(self, track_path, itunes_keys): # TODO: iTunes uses HTML encoding for some things (ampersands) and URL encoding for the rest with open('/Users/carmstrong/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music Library.xml', 'rb') as itunes_xml: tree = etree.parse(itunes_xml) itunes_track_path = 'file://' + urllib.quote(track_path.encode('utf-8'), safe="/(),'") location_node = tree.xpath('//string[text()="{}"]'.format(itunes_track_path)) if not location_node:'{} not found in iTunes XML file.'.format(itunes_track_path)) return results = {} for itunes_key in itunes_keys: try: itunes_value = location_node[0].xpath("../key[text()='{}']".format(itunes_key))[0].getnext().text try: itunes_value = int(itunes_value) except (ValueError, TypeError): continue results.update({itunes_key: itunes_value}) except IndexError: continue return results def update_play_skip_rating_data(self): itunes_mapping = {'Play Count': 'play_count', 'Skip Count': 'skip_count', 'Loved': 'loved'} itunes_results = self.get_itunes_track_data(self.path, itunes_mapping.keys()) if itunes_results: for itunes_key, itunes_value in itunes_results.iteritems(): self.__setattr__(itunes_mapping[itunes_key], itunes_value) def rename_file_to_pattern(self, file_path, directory_pattern='{album_artist}/{album}/', file_pattern='{artist} - {' 'title}'): # TODO: account for when track data contains slashes in it (prob need to use os.join or whatever) current_filename = os.path.basename(file_path) file_extension = os.path.splitext(file_path)[1] mp3 = EasyID3Patched(file_path) artist = mp3.get('artist')[0] if 'artist' in mp3.keys() else '' album_artist = mp3.get('albumartist')[0] if 'albumartist' in mp3.keys() else '' title = mp3.get('title')[0] if 'title' in mp3.keys() else '' album = mp3.get('album')[0] if 'album' in mp3.keys() else '' # use artist/album_artist if the other is blank artist = artist or album_artist album_artist = album_artist or artist if all([artist, title]): new_filename = str(file_pattern + file_extension).format(artist=artist.strip(), title=title.strip()) new_directory = str(TRACK_DIRECTORY + directory_pattern).format(artist=artist.strip(), album_artist=album_artist.strip(), title=title.strip(), album=album.strip()) new_path = new_directory + new_filename self.path = re.sub(r'/{2,}', '/', new_path) else: self.path = TRACK_DIRECTORY + current_filename