data = pa.read_csv(cfg.FILENAME,parse_dates=[0],dayfirst=False) df =data import models.ship as ship mmsis = set(df['MMSI']) # a list of all MMSI'd ship instances ships = [] for mmsi in mmsis: # ships.append( ship.ship(df[df['MMSI'] == df['MMSI'][0]]) ) a =df[ df['MMSI'] == mmsi ] ships.append( ship.ship( a, verbose=False )) # ships.append( ship.ship(df[df['MMSI'] == mmsi ] ) ) c_acc=0 s_acc=0 big_acc = 0 for shp in ships: if not shp.is_consistant: c_acc +=1 if not shp.is_well_measured: s_acc +=1 if shp.size > 200 and shp.is_well_measured : big_acc +=1 print c_acc,' ships has metadata consistancy problem' print s_acc,' ships are not well measured' print big_acc,' ships are bigger the 200' # df[ df['MMSI']== df['MMSI'][0] ]
def get_docking_locations(): ''' :return: docks: list of all lo ''' df= pa.read_csv(cfg.FILENAME,parse_dates=[0],dayfirst=False) mmsis = set(df['MMSI']) # a list of all MMSI'd ship instances ships = [] for mmsi in mmsis: # ships.append( ship.ship(df[df['MMSI'] == df['MMSI'][0]]) ) a =df[ df['MMSI'] == mmsi ] ships.append( ship.ship( a, verbose=False )) # ships.append( ship.ship(df[df['MMSI'] == mmsi ] ) ) c_acc=0 s_acc=0 big_acc = 0 docks = [] for shp in ships: if not shp.is_consistant: c_acc +=1 if not shp.is_well_measured: s_acc +=1 if shp.size > cfg.SHIP_MINIMAL_SIZE and shp.is_well_measured and shp.is_consistant : big_acc +=1 # docks += shp.get_docking_locations() print c_acc,' ships has metadata consistancy problem' print s_acc,' ships are not well measured' print big_acc,' ships are bigger then ',cfg.SHIP_MINIMAL_SIZE,' m' cl = cfg.CLASSES el = cfg.ELUMINATE def retreave_docks_from_ships(ships): # res = [] docks = [] str_out = "[" for shp in ships: # if True:# shp.is_consistant and shp.size > 200 : # filtered: 2149 points were found, not filtered: 3360 points were found if cl[shp.clas] not in el and shp.is_consistant and shp.is_well_measured and shp.size >= cfg.SHIP_MINIMAL_SIZE : # filtered: 2149 consistant points were found, not filtered: 3360 points were found : well measurend: 1612 points were found # res.append(shp.stops) ships_docks = shp.get_docking_locations()[0] docks += ships_docks dock_string_haha ="" for dock in ships_docks: dock_string_haha += str(dock[:-1]) +'\n' str_out += '{MMSI:' +str( shp.mmsi ) +",Docks:\n" +dock_string_haha + '},' # Mmsis[ len( docks ) ] = shp.mmsi str_out += ']' return docks, str_out docks, str2 = retreave_docks_from_ships(ships) print len(docks), ' points were found' # ar_points = np.array(docks)[:, [1, 2, 3]] # BINS = 2000 # plt.hist(ar_points[:, 0], bins=BINS) # histo = np.histogram(ar_points, bins=BINS) # # plt.hist(ar_points[:, 2]%180, bins=BINS) open(cfg.DOCKING_LOCATION_RESULT, 'w').write(str2) print 'end' return docks, ships, str2
if _dock.is_equals(new_dock): exists = True if mmsi not in _dock.Mmsis: _dock.Mmsis.append( mmsi ) break if not exists: docks_list.append(new_dock) return docks_list df= pa.read_csv(cfg.FILENAME,parse_dates=[0],dayfirst=False) mmsis = set(df['MMSI']) # a list of all MMSI'd ship instance ships = [] for mmsi in mmsis: temp = ship.ship(df[df['MMSI'] == mmsi], verbose=False) ships.append(temp) cl = cfg.CLASSES el = cfg.ELUMINATE docks = [] str2 = "[" for shp in ships: if cl[shp.clas] not in el and shp.is_consistant \ and shp.is_well_measured and shp.size >= cfg.SHIP_MINIMAL_SIZE: # filtered: 2149 consistant points were found, not filtered: 3360 points were found : well measurend: 1612 points were found # docks, minimal_doc_time_idxs_list, stops_indexs = shp.get_docking_locations() ships_docking_history = shp.get_docking_locations()[0] for new_dock_prm in ships_docking_history: new_dock = dck.dock(new_dock_prm[1], new_dock_prm[2], new_dock_prm[3], shp.mmsi) exists = False if docks: