Exemple #1
    def verify_state_dict(self, state_dict, curr_state, state_name_list):
        """Verifies a state dictionary."""
            ('content', list), ('param_changes', list), ('widget', dict)]
        self.verify_dict_keys_and_types(state_dict, STATE_DICT_SCHEMA)

        # TODO(sll): Change the following verification once we move 'content'
        # to become a parameter.
        CONTENT_ITEM_SCHEMA = [('type', basestring), ('value', basestring)]
        for content_item in state_dict['content']:
            self.verify_dict_keys_and_types(content_item, CONTENT_ITEM_SCHEMA)
            self.assertIn(content_item['type'], ['text', 'image', 'video'])

            ('name', basestring), ('values', list), ('obj_type', basestring)]
        for param_change in state_dict['param_changes']:
            self.verify_dict_keys_and_types(param_change, PARAM_CHANGES_SCHEMA)
            # TODO(sll): Test that the elements of 'values' are of the correct
            # type.

        WIDGET_SCHEMA = [
            ('widget_id', basestring), ('params', dict), ('handlers', list),
            ('sticky', bool)]
        self.verify_dict_keys_and_types(state_dict['widget'], WIDGET_SCHEMA)

        for handler in state_dict['widget']['handlers']:
            HANDLER_SCHEMA = [('name', basestring), ('rules', list)]
            self.verify_dict_keys_and_types(handler, HANDLER_SCHEMA)

            # Check that the list of rules is non-empty.

            for rule in handler['rules']:
                RULE_SCHEMA = [
                    ('dest', basestring), ('feedback', list), ('inputs', dict),
                    ('name', basestring), ('param_changes', list)
                self.verify_dict_keys_and_types(rule, RULE_SCHEMA)

                # Check that the destination is a valid one.
                if rule['dest'] != feconf.END_DEST:
                    self.assertIn(rule['dest'], state_name_list)

                # Check that there are no feedback-less self-loops.
                    rule['dest'] == curr_state and not rule['feedback']
                    and not state_dict['widget']['sticky'],
                    msg='State %s has a self-loop with no feedback. This is '
                    'likely to frustrate the reader.' % curr_state)

                # TODO(sll): Does 'inputs' need any tests?
                # TODO(sll): Check that the name corresponds to a valid one
                # from the relevant exploration -- maybe. (Need to decide if
                # we allow initialization of parameters midway through states.)
                for param_change in state_dict['param_changes']:
                        param_change, PARAM_CHANGES_SCHEMA)
                    # TODO(sll): Test that the elements of 'values' are of the
                    # correct type.

        for wp_name, wp_value in state_dict['widget']['params'].iteritems():
            self.assertTrue(isinstance(wp_name, basestring))

            # Check that the parameter name is valid.
            widget_params = Widget.get(state_dict['widget']['widget_id']).params
            widget_param_names = [wp.name for wp in widget_params]
                wp_name, widget_param_names,
                msg='Parameter %s is not a valid parameter for widget %s' % (
                    wp_name, state_dict['widget']['widget_id']))

            # Get the object class used to normalize the value for this param.
            for wp in widget_params:
                if wp.name == wp_name:
                    obj_class = get_object_class(wp.obj_type)

            # Check that the parameter value has the correct type.
Exemple #2
    def test_default_widgets_are_valid(self):
        """Test the default widgets."""
        widget_ids = os.listdir(os.path.join(feconf.SAMPLE_WIDGETS_DIR))

        for widget_id in widget_ids:
            # Check that the widget_id name is valid.

            # Check that the widget directory exists.
            widget_dir = os.path.join(feconf.SAMPLE_WIDGETS_DIR, widget_id)

            # In this directory there should only be a config.yaml file, an html
            # entry-point file, and (optionally) a directory named 'static'.
            dir_contents = os.listdir(widget_dir)
            self.assertLessEqual(len(dir_contents), 3)

            if len(dir_contents) == 3:
                self.assertIn('static', dir_contents)
                static_dir = os.path.join(widget_dir, 'static')

            config_filepath = os.path.join(
                widget_dir, '%s.config.yaml' % widget_id)
            html_entry_point = os.path.join(widget_dir, '%s.html' % widget_id)


            # Read the widget configuration from config.yaml.
            with open(config_filepath) as f:
                widget_config = utils.dict_from_yaml(f.read().decode('utf-8'))

            WIDGET_CONFIG_SCHEMA = [
                ('id', basestring), ('name', basestring),
                ('category', basestring), ('description', basestring),
                ('handlers', list), ('params', list)

            # Check that the configuration file contains the correct top-level
            # keys, and that these keys have the correct types.
            self.verify_dict_keys_and_types(widget_config, WIDGET_CONFIG_SCHEMA)

            # Check that the specified widget id is the same as the directory
            # name.
            self.assertTrue(widget_config['id'], widget_id)

            for handler in widget_config['handlers']:
                HANDLER_KEYS = ['name', 'classifier']
                self.assertItemsEqual(HANDLER_KEYS, handler.keys())
                self.assertTrue(isinstance(handler['name'], basestring))
                # The default classifier may be None (e.g. in the case of the
                # 'Continue' widget).
                if handler['classifier'] is not None:
                        handler['classifier'], basestring))
                    # Check that the classifier directory exists.
                    classifier_dir = os.path.join(
                        'data/classifiers', handler['classifier'])
                        msg='Classifier %s does not exist' % classifier_dir)

            for param in widget_config['params']:
                PARAM_KEYS = ['name', 'description', 'obj_type', 'values']
                self.assertItemsEqual(PARAM_KEYS, param.keys())
                self.assertTrue(isinstance(param['name'], basestring))
                self.assertTrue(isinstance(param['description'], basestring))

                # Check that the default values have the correct types.
                obj_class = get_object_class(param['obj_type'])
                self.assertTrue(isinstance(param['values'], list))
                for value in param['values']: