def post(self):
        username = self.request.get('username')
        fir_password = self.request.get('fir_password')
        sec_password = self.request.get('sec_password')
        email = self.request.get('email')
        disclaimer = self.request.get('disclaimer')

        # As I choose to work with indexes (had a problem with
        # dict), value is build symatrically to errors, the
        # following list. The '' "fake" the structure

        values = [username,

        # Run the checks and append the results to the list
        errors = [check_user(username),
                  check_sec_pass(fir_password, sec_password),

        # Check for errors: if yes, at least one error won't be ''
        mover = True

        for error in errors:
            if error != '':
                mover = False

       # implement the input

        if mover:

            # create the password
            hPassword = make_pw_hash(username, fir_password)

            # create the database entry
            a = UserData(Username=username, hPassword=hPassword, Email=email)

            # encode the cookie
            key = str(a.key().id())
            new_cookie = encode_cookie(key)

                'Set-Cookie', 'id=%s; Path=/' % new_cookie)

            self.render("12_register.html", errors=errors, values=values)
    def post(self):
        username = self.request.get('username')
        fir_password = self.request.get('fir_password')
        sec_password = self.request.get('sec_password')
        email = self.request.get('email')
        disclaimer = self.request.get('disclaimer')

        # As I choose to work with indexes (had a problem with
        # dict), value is build symatrically to errors, the
        # following list. The '' "fake" the structure

        values = [username, '', '', email, '']

        # Run the checks and append the results to the list
        errors = [
            check_sec_pass(fir_password, sec_password),

        # Check for errors: if yes, at least one error won't be ''
        mover = True

        for error in errors:
            if error != '':
                mover = False

    # implement the input

        if mover:

            # create the password
            hPassword = make_pw_hash(username, fir_password)

            # create the database entry
            a = UserData(Username=username, hPassword=hPassword, Email=email)

            # encode the cookie
            key = str(a.key().id())
            new_cookie = encode_cookie(key)

                                             'id=%s; Path=/' % new_cookie)

            self.render("12_register.html", errors=errors, values=values)
    def post(self):

        # Get the data from the form
        username = self.request.get("username")
        password = self.request.get("password")

        # Get the database entry
        check_name = UserData.by_name(username)

        # Run the security test:
        # 1. there must be a registered user
        # 2. the password must be verified

        if check_name and check_pw(username, password, check_name[0].hPassword):
           # creates a secure cookie in case the tests succeed
            key = str(check_name[0].key().id())
            new_cookie = encode_cookie(key)

                'Set-Cookie', 'id=%s; Path=/' % new_cookie)

            # redirect to the login page with an error message
            # I clearly deviate from the original assignment as I don't
            # specify which element is wrong.
            # So a hacker can't know which part is right.
            self.render("11_login.html", error='no valid username or password')
    def post(self):

        # Get the data from the form
        username = self.request.get("username")
        password = self.request.get("password")

        # Get the database entry
        check_name = UserData.by_name(username)

        # Run the security test:
        # 1. there must be a registered user
        # 2. the password must be verified

        if check_name and check_pw(username, password,
            # creates a secure cookie in case the tests succeed
            key = str(check_name[0].key().id())
            new_cookie = encode_cookie(key)

                                             'id=%s; Path=/' % new_cookie)

            # redirect to the login page with an error message
            # I clearly deviate from the original assignment as I don't
            # specify which element is wrong.
            # So a hacker can't know which part is right.
            self.render("11_login.html", error='no valid username or password')
    def get(self):

        cookie = self.request.cookies.get('id')

        if check_cookie(cookie):
            cookie = int(cookie.split('|')[0])

            username = UserData.get_by_id(cookie)

            self.write('<h1> Hello, ' + username.Username + '</h1>')

    def get(self):

        cookie = self.request.cookies.get('id')

        if check_cookie(cookie):
            cookie = int(cookie.split('|')[0])

            username = UserData.get_by_id(cookie)

            self.write('<h1> Hello, ' + username.Username + '</h1>')

    def get_user(self):
            Important methods
            - checking the authentication
            - returning the username in case of sucess
        cookie = self.request.cookies.get('id')

        if cookie and check_cookie(cookie):
            cookie = int(cookie.split('|')[0])

            username = UserData.get_by_id(cookie).Username

            return username
    def get_user(self):
            Important methods
            - checking the authentication
            - returning the username in case of sucess
        cookie = self.request.cookies.get('id')

        if cookie and check_cookie(cookie):
            cookie = int(cookie.split('|')[0])

            username = UserData.get_by_id(cookie).Username

            return username
def check_user(username, error_message=''):
    Check n1: matching principles
        - only digits or letter
        - min 6 digits

    user_re = re.compile(r"^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{6,20}$")

    if not user_re.match(username):
        error_message = 'The username does not fit the requirements'

    # Check n2: absence of identical entry
    k = UserData.by_name(username)

    if k:
        error_message = 'This username is already used'

    return error_message
def check_user(username, error_message=''):
    Check n1: matching principles
        - only digits or letter
        - min 6 digits

    user_re = re.compile(r"^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{6,20}$")

    if not user_re.match(username):
        error_message = 'The username does not fit the requirements'

    # Check n2: absence of identical entry
    k = UserData.by_name(username)

    if k:
        error_message = 'This username is already used'

    return error_message
    def get(self):

        # first checkS
        name = 'Werther'

        k1 = UserData.all().filter('Username ='******'solved'

        # Comments

        k4 = PostComments.all().fetch(10)

        # check liker
        k5 = Blogentries.all()

        self.render('99_debug.html', k1=k1, k2=k2, k3=k3, k4=k4, k5=k5)
    def get(self):

        # first checkS
        name = 'Werther'

        k1 = UserData.all().filter('Username ='******'solved'

        # Comments

        k4 = PostComments.all().fetch(10)

        # check liker
        k5 = Blogentries.all()

        self.render('99_debug.html', k1=k1, k2=k2, k3=k3, k4=k4, k5=k5)
def cleanupDb(key):
    k = UserData.delete(UserData.get_by_id(key))
def cleanupDb(key):
    k = UserData.delete(UserData.get_by_id(key))