Exemple #1
    def create(mail, force=False):
        ''' create user

        :param str mail: mail
        :rtype: dict

        if not force:
            oauth_data = OAuthDB().find_one({'_id': mail}, {'owner': 1})
            if 'owner' in oauth_data and oauth_data['owner']:
                raise Exception('mail:`%s` already bind' % mail)

        user = UsersDB().add(UsersDB.new(mail=mail))
        OAuthDB().setup_owner(mail=user['mail'], uid=user['_id'])

        return user
Exemple #2
    def create(mail: str, force: bool = False) -> dict[str, Any]:
        ''' create user

            mail (str): User mail.
            force (bool): Force to create.

            Return the created data.

        if not force:
            oauth_data = OAuthDB().find_one({'_id': mail}, {'owner': 1})
            if oauth_data is None:
                raise Exception(f'mail: `{mail}` not in the oauth dbs')

            if 'owner' in oauth_data and oauth_data['owner']:
                raise Exception(f'mail:`{mail}` already bind')

        user = UsersDB().add(UsersDB.new(mail=mail))
        OAuthDB().setup_owner(mail=user['mail'], uid=user['_id'])

        return user