def get_brightness_temp(self, printer=False): if self.freq is None or self.e is None: sys.exit('Need to associate a reception to a satellite first. Try satellite.set_reception(reception)!!!') elif self.t_sky is not None: return self.t_sky else: path = util.convert_path_os('models\\ClearSkyTemp ITU 372.csv') data = pd.read_csv(path, sep=';', index_col=0) self.t_sky = util.curve_interpolation(self.freq, self.e, data) if printer: print('elevation: ', self.e, ' freq: ', self.freq, ' Tsky (brightness temperature): ', self.t_sky) return self.t_sky
def get_reception_threshold( self ): # returns the threshold for a given modulation scheme (modcod file) if self.modulation == '' or self.fec == '': sys.exit( 'You need to create a satellite class with a technology, modulation and FEC to use this function!!!' ) elif self.snr_threshold is not None: return self.snr_threshold path = convert_path_os('models\\Modulation_dB.csv') data = pd.read_csv(path, sep=';') # line = data.loc[(data.Tech == & (data.Modulation == self.modulation) & (data.FEC == self.fec)] line = data.loc[(data.Modulation == self.modulation) & (data.FEC == self.fec)] self.snr_threshold = line['C_over_N'].values[0] return self.snr_threshold
# Ground Station variables st.subheader('Ground Station') grstat_exp = st.expander(label='', expanded=True) with grstat_exp: grstat_col1, grstat_col2 = st.columns(2) # grstat_lat.header("Latitude (degress)") site_lat = grstat_col1.number_input('Latitude (degrees)') # grstat_long.header("Longitude (degrees)") site_long = grstat_col2.number_input('Longitude (degrees)') # Satellite variables st.subheader('Satellite') sat_exp = st.expander(label='', expanded=True) path = convert_path_os('models\\Modulation_dB.csv') mod_list = pd.read_csv(path, sep=';')['Modcod'] # to fill modulation combobox with sat_exp: sat_col1, sat_col2, sat_col3, sat_col4, sat_col5 = st.columns(5) sat_long = sat_col1.number_input('Longitude (degress)') max_bw = sat_col1.number_input('Transponder s max bandwidith (MHz)') sat_height = sat_col2.number_input('Altitude (Km)') bw_util = sat_col2.number_input('Effective bandwith (MHz)') freq = sat_col3.number_input('Frequency (GHz)') roll_off = sat_col3.number_input('Roll-off') max_eirp = sat_col4.number_input('EIRP (dBW)')
def sp_link_performance( ): # this function runs the availability for a single point and shows a complete output path = convert_path_os('temp\\args.pkl') with open(path, 'rb') as f: (site_lat, site_long, sat_long, freq, max_eirp, sat_height, max_bw, bw_util, modcod, pol, roll_off, ant_size, ant_eff, lnb_gain, lnb_temp, coupling_loss, cable_loss, max_depoint, snr_relaxation, margin) = pickle.load(f) f.close() ##################################### ##### ground station parameters ##### ##################################### # creating a ground station object station = GroundStation(site_lat, site_long) ############################## ### satellite parameters ### ############################## path = convert_path_os('models\\Modulation_dB.csv') data = pd.read_csv(path, sep=';') line = data.loc[(data.Modcod) == modcod] # tech = line['Tech'].values[0] mod = line['Modulation'].values[0] fec = line['FEC'].values[0] # criando o objeto satélite satelite = Satellite(sat_long, freq, max_eirp, sat_height, max_bw, bw_util, 0, 0, mod, roll_off, fec) # atribuindo uma estação terrena à um satélite satelite.set_grstation(station) ############################## ### reception parametters #### ############################## polarization_loss = 3 # perda de polarização, em dB # criando o objeto receptor reception = Reception(ant_size, ant_eff, coupling_loss, polarization_loss, lnb_gain, lnb_temp, cable_loss, max_depoint) # atribuindo uma recepção à um enlace de satélite satelite.set_reception(reception) # setando o receptor do link de satélite ################################### ######### OUTPUTS ######### ################################### ############ SNR target's calcullation ################ path = convert_path_os('temp\\out.txt') sys.stdout = open(path, 'w') start = time.time() print('RESULTS', file=sys.stdout) print('', file=sys.stdout) print('Link budget at 0.001%:', file=sys.stdout) print('', file=sys.stdout) print('C/N0: ', satelite.get_c_over_n0(0.001), ' dB') print('SNR: ', satelite.get_snr(0.001), ' dB') print('', file=sys.stdout) print('', file=sys.stdout) print('Actual SNR target\'s availability: ', satelite.get_availability(margin, snr_relaxation), '%', file=sys.stdout) print('', file=sys.stdout) print('Reception characteristics:', file=sys.stdout) print('', file=sys.stdout) print('Earth\'s radius in lat/long: ', np.round(satelite.grstation.get_earth_radius(), 3), ' km', file=sys.stdout) print('Elevation angle: ', np.round(satelite.get_elevation(), 3), ' degrees', file=sys.stdout) print('Link length: ', np.round(satelite.get_distance(), 3), 'km', file=sys.stdout) print('Ground noise temperature: ', np.round(satelite.reception.get_ground_temp(), 3), ' K', file=sys.stdout) print('Sky brightness temperature', np.round(satelite.reception.get_brightness_temp(), 3), ' K', file=sys.stdout) print('Antenna noise temperature: ', np.round(satelite.reception.get_antenna_noise_temp(), 3), ' K', file=sys.stdout) print('Antenna noise temperature w/ rain:', np.round(satelite.get_antenna_noise_rain(), 3), ' K', file=sys.stdout) print('Total noise temperature: ', np.round(satelite.get_total_noise_temp(), 3), ' K', file=sys.stdout) print('Reception antenna gain: ', np.round(satelite.reception.get_antenna_gain(), 3), ' dBi', file=sys.stdout) print('Reception antenna 3dB beamwidth: ', np.round(satelite.reception.get_beamwidth(), 3), ' degrees', file=sys.stdout) print('Figure of Merit: ', np.round(satelite.get_figure_of_merit(), 3), file=sys.stdout) print('', file=sys.stdout) print('', file=sys.stdout) a_fs, a_dep, a_g, a_c, a_r, a_s, a_t, a_tot = satelite.get_link_attenuation( satelite.p) print('Link budget Analysis:', file=sys.stdout) print('', file=sys.stdout) print("Gaseous attenuation: ", np.round(a_g, 3), file=sys.stdout) print("Cloud attenuation: ", np.round(a_c, 3), file=sys.stdout) print("Rain attenuation: ", np.round(a_r, 3), file=sys.stdout) print("Scintillation attenuation: ", np.round(a_s, 3), file=sys.stdout) print("Total atmospheric attenuation: ", np.round(a_t, 3), file=sys.stdout) print('Free space attenuation: ', np.round(a_fs, 3), file=sys.stdout) print('Free space + atmospheric + depointing attenuation: ', np.round(a_tot, 3), ' dB', file=sys.stdout) print('Reception threshold (SNR): ', np.round(satelite.get_reception_threshold(), 3), ' dB', file=sys.stdout) print('', file=sys.stdout) print('Runtime: ', np.round(time.time() - start, 2), ' s', file=sys.stdout) sys.stdout.close() path = convert_path_os('temp\\args.pkl') if os.path.exists(path): os.remove(path) return
def mp_link_performance(): path = convert_path_os('temp\\args.pkl') with open(path, 'rb') as f: # opening the input variables in the temp file (gr_station_path, sat_long, freq, max_eirp, sat_height, max_bw, bw_util, modcod, pol, roll_off, ant_size, ant_eff, lnb_gain, lnb_temp, coupling_loss, cable_loss, max_depoint, snr_relaxation, margin, threads) = pickle.load(f) f.close() # reading the input table # dir = 'models\\' # file = 'CitiesBrazil' # cities = pd.read_csv(dir + file + '.csv', sep=';', encoding='latin1') # cities['availability'] = np.nan # creating an empty results column point_list = pd.read_csv( gr_station_path, sep=';', encoding='latin1') # creating a point dataframe from csv file point_list['availability'] = np.nan # creating an empty results column path = convert_path_os('models\\Modulation_dB.csv') data = pd.read_csv(path, sep=';') line = data.loc[(data.Modcod) == modcod] # tech = line['Tech'].values[0] mod = line['Modulation'].values[0] fec = line['FEC'].values[0] # creating the satellite object sat = Satellite(sat_long, freq, max_eirp, sat_height, max_bw, bw_util, 0, 0, mod, roll_off, fec) polarization_loss = 3 reception = Reception(ant_size, ant_eff, coupling_loss, polarization_loss, lnb_gain, lnb_temp, cable_loss, max_depoint) # creating the receptor object # ======================== PARALLEL POOL ============================= pool = ParallelPool(nodes=threads) # creating the parallelPoll path = convert_path_os('temp\\out.txt') sys.stderr = open(path, 'w') # to print the output dynamically print('initializing . . .', file=sys.stderr) # running the parallel pool data = list( tqdm.tqdm(pool.imap(point_availability, [(point, sat, reception, margin, snr_relaxation) for index, point in point_list.iterrows()]), total=len(point_list))) pool.clear() point_list.drop(point_list.index, inplace=True) point_list = point_list.append(data, ignore_index=True) point_list['unavailability time (min)'] = round( ((100 - point_list['availability']) / 100) * 525600, 0) # calculating the availability in minutes # saving the results into a csv file dir = 'results' if not os.path.exists(dir): os.makedirs(dir) path = convert_path_os( dir + '\\' + 'results ' +'%y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S') + '.csv') point_list.to_csv(path, sep=';', encoding='latin1') print('Complete!!!', file=sys.stderr) sys.stderr.close() return