def forward(self, outputs, batch): opt = self.opt hm_loss, iou_loss = 0, 0 # hm_loss, iou_loss = [torch.autograd.Variable(torch.tensor(0.)).cuda() for _ in [1,1]] # hm_loss.require_grad = True # iou_loss.require_grad = True for s in range(opt.num_stacks): output = outputs[s] output['hm'] = _sigmoid(output['hm']) hm_loss += self.crit(output['hm'], batch['hm']) WH = _tranpose_and_gather_feat(output['wh'], batch['ind']) REG = _tranpose_and_gather_feat(output['reg'], batch['ind']) for hm, ct_int, mask, reg, wh, reg_, wh_ in zip( output['hm'], batch['ctr'], batch['reg_mask'], batch['reg'], batch['wh'], REG, WH): if mask.sum(): iou_loss += self.iou(reg[mask], wh[mask], reg_[mask], wh_[mask]) # ct_int = ct_int[mask] # xs = ct_int[:, 0] # ys = ct_int[:, 1] # self.hau(hm[0], torch.stack([ys, xs], -1)) # hm_loss += self.hau(hm[0], torch.stack([ys, xs], -1)) # breakpoint() # hm_loss /= opt.batch_size * opt.num_stacks hm_loss /= opt.num_stacks iou_loss /= opt.batch_size * opt.num_stacks loss = opt.hm_weight * hm_loss + opt.wh_weight * iou_loss loss_stats = { 'loss': loss, 'hm_loss': hm_loss, 'iou_loss': iou_loss or torch.zeros_like(loss) } return loss, loss_stats
def forward(self, output, mask, ind, target): pred = _tranpose_and_gather_feat(output, ind) mask = mask.unsqueeze(2).expand_as(pred).float() loss = F.l1_loss(pred * mask, target * mask, reduction='elementwise_mean') return loss
def forward(self, output, mask, ind, target): pred = _tranpose_and_gather_feat(output, ind) mask = mask.float() # loss = F.l1_loss(pred * mask, target * mask, reduction='elementwise_mean') loss = F.l1_loss(pred * mask, target * mask, size_average=False) loss = loss / (mask.sum() + 1e-4) return loss
def forward(self, output, mask, ind, target): pred = _tranpose_and_gather_feat(output, ind) mask = mask.unsqueeze(2).expand_as(pred).float() # loss = F.l1_loss(pred * mask, target * mask, reduction='elementwise_mean') pred = pred / (target + 1e-4) target = target * 0 + 1 loss = F.l1_loss(pred * mask, target * mask, size_average=False) loss = loss / (mask.sum() + 1e-4) return loss
def forward(self, outputs, batch, dataparallel=False): opt = self.opt hm_loss, wh_loss, off_loss, id_loss = 0, 0, 0, 0 for s in range(opt.num_stacks): output = outputs[s] if not opt.mse_loss: output['hm'] = _sigmoid(output['hm']) hm_loss += self.crit(output['hm'], batch['hm']) / opt.num_stacks if opt.wh_weight > 0: if opt.dense_wh: mask_weight = batch['dense_wh_mask'].sum() + 1e-4 wh_loss += (self.crit_wh( output['wh'] * batch['dense_wh_mask'], batch['dense_wh'] * batch['dense_wh_mask']) / mask_weight) / opt.num_stacks else: wh_loss += self.crit_reg(output['wh'], batch['reg_mask'], batch['ind'], batch['wh']) / opt.num_stacks if opt.reg_offset and opt.off_weight > 0: off_loss += self.crit_reg(output['reg'], batch['reg_mask'], batch['ind'], batch['reg']) / opt.num_stacks if opt.id_weight > 0: id_head = _tranpose_and_gather_feat(output['id'], batch['ind']) id_head = id_head[batch['reg_mask'] > 0].contiguous() id_head = self.emb_scale * F.normalize(id_head) id_target = batch['ids'][batch['reg_mask'] > 0] id_output = self.classifier(id_head).contiguous() id_loss += self.IDLoss(id_output, id_target) det_loss = opt.hm_weight * hm_loss + opt.wh_weight * wh_loss + opt.off_weight * off_loss loss = torch.exp(-self.s_det) * det_loss + torch.exp( -self.s_id) * id_loss + (self.s_det + self.s_id) loss *= 0.5 if not dataparallel: loss_stats = { 'loss': loss.mean().item(), 'hm_loss': hm_loss.mean().item(), 'wh_loss': wh_loss.mean().item(), 'off_loss': off_loss.mean().item(), 'id_loss': id_loss.mean().item() } else: loss_stats = { 'loss': loss, 'hm_loss': hm_loss, 'wh_loss': wh_loss, 'off_loss': off_loss, 'id_loss': id_loss } return loss, loss_stats
def forward(self, outputs, batch): opt = self.opt hm_loss, wh_loss, off_loss, id_loss = 0, 0, 0, 0 for s in range(opt.num_stacks): output = outputs[s] if not opt.mse_loss: output['hm'] = _sigmoid(output['hm']) hm_loss += self.crit(output['hm'], batch['hm']) / opt.num_stacks if opt.wh_weight > 0: wh_loss += self.crit_reg(output['wh'], batch['reg_mask'], batch['ind'], batch['wh']) / opt.num_stacks if opt.reg_offset and opt.off_weight > 0: off_loss += self.crit_reg(output['reg'], batch['reg_mask'], batch['ind'], batch['reg']) / opt.num_stacks if opt.id_weight > 0: id_head = _tranpose_and_gather_feat(output['id'], batch['ind']) id_head = id_head[batch['reg_mask'] > 0].contiguous() id_head = self.emb_scale * F.normalize(id_head) id_target = batch['ids'][batch['reg_mask'] > 0] id_output = self.classifier(id_head).contiguous() if self.opt.id_loss == 'focal': id_target_one_hot = id_output.new_zeros( (id_head.size(0), self.nID)).scatter_(1, id_target.long().view(-1, 1), 1) id_loss += sigmoid_focal_loss_jit( id_output, id_target_one_hot, alpha=0.25, gamma=2.0, reduction="sum") / id_output.size(0) else: id_loss += self.IDLoss(id_output, id_target) det_loss = opt.hm_weight * hm_loss + opt.wh_weight * wh_loss + opt.off_weight * off_loss if opt.multi_loss == 'uncertainty': loss = torch.exp(-self.s_det) * det_loss + torch.exp( -self.s_id) * id_loss + (self.s_det + self.s_id) loss *= 0.5 else: loss = det_loss + 0.1 * id_loss loss_stats = { 'loss': loss, 'hm_loss': hm_loss, 'wh_loss': wh_loss, 'off_loss': off_loss, 'id_loss': id_loss } return loss, loss_stats
def debug(self, detections, targets, ae_threshold): tl_heat = detections['tl_heatmap'] br_heat = detections['br_heatmap'] ct_heat = detections['ct_heatmap'] tl_scores, tl_inds, tl_clses, tl_ys, tl_xs = _topk_original(tl_heat, K=128) br_scores, br_inds, br_clses, br_ys, br_xs = _topk_original(br_heat, K=128) ct_scores, ct_inds, ct_clses, ct_ys, ct_xs = _topk_original(ct_heat, K=128) tl_tag = detections['tl_tag'] br_tag = detections['br_tag'] # gather by gt # tl_tag = _tranpose_and_gather_feat(tl_tag, targets['tl_tag'].to(torch.device("cuda"))) # br_tag = _tranpose_and_gather_feat(br_tag, targets['br_tag'].to(torch.device("cuda"))) # gather by top k tl_tag = _tranpose_and_gather_feat(tl_tag, tl_inds) br_tag = _tranpose_and_gather_feat(br_tag, br_inds) dists_tl_br = torch.abs(tl_tag - br_tag) dist_inds = (dists_tl_br < ae_threshold) dist_inds = dist_inds.squeeze(2) # get tl, bl and br index of heatmap after grouping tl_inds = tl_inds[dist_inds].to(torch.device("cpu")).numpy() br_inds = br_inds[dist_inds].to(torch.device("cpu")).numpy() # tl bl br index of heatmap groundtruth tl_tag_gt = targets['tl_tag'].to(torch.device("cpu")).numpy() br_tag_gt = targets['br_tag'].to(torch.device("cpu")).numpy() tl_intersect, _, tl_inds = np.intersect1d(tl_inds, tl_tag_gt[0], return_indices=True) br_intersect, _, br_inds = np.intersect1d(br_inds, br_tag_gt[0], return_indices=True) tl_br_intersect = np.intersect1d(tl_inds, br_inds) # true_positive = (dist_inds & targets['reg_mask'].to(torch.device("cuda"))) # true_positive ="cpu")).numpy() # print("Recall is {} out of {}".format(true_positive.sum(), targets['reg_mask'].numpy().sum())) # return true_positive.sum() / targets['reg_mask'].numpy().sum() return len(tl_br_intersect)
def predict(self, img0): # img0 = cv2.imread(img_path) # BGR img, _, _, _ = letterbox(img0, height=640, width=640) # Normalize RGB img = img[:, :, ::-1].transpose(2, 0, 1) img = np.ascontiguousarray(img, dtype=np.float32) img /= 255.0 im_blob = torch.from_numpy(img).unsqueeze(0).to(self.device) width = img0.shape[1] height = img0.shape[0] inp_height = im_blob.shape[2] inp_width = im_blob.shape[3] c = np.array([width / 2., height / 2.], dtype=np.float32) s = max(float(inp_width) / float(inp_height) * height, width) * 1.0 meta = { 'c': c, 's': s, 'out_height': inp_height // down_ratio, 'out_width': inp_width // down_ratio } ''' Step 1: Network forward, get detections & embeddings''' with torch.no_grad(): output = self.model(im_blob)[-1] hm = output['hm'].sigmoid_() wh = output['wh'] id_feature = output['id'] id_feature = F.normalize(id_feature, dim=1) reg = output['reg'] dets, inds = mot_decode(hm, wh, reg=reg, ltrb=True, K=500) id_feature = _tranpose_and_gather_feat(id_feature, inds) id_feature = id_feature.squeeze(0) id_feature = id_feature.cpu().numpy() dets = post_process(dets, meta) dets = merge_outputs([dets])[1] remain_inds = dets[:, 4] > self.conf_thres dets = dets[remain_inds] id_feature = id_feature[remain_inds] res = [] for i in range(0, dets.shape[0]): bbox = dets[i][0:4] bbox = [ int(min(bbox[0], bbox[2])), int(min(bbox[1], bbox[3])), int(max(bbox[0], bbox[2])), int(max(bbox[1], bbox[3])), ] res.append({ "reid": id_feature[i], "bbox": bbox, }) return res
def forward(self, outputs, batch): opt = self.opt hm_loss, wh_loss, off_loss, id_loss, count_loss = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 for s in range(opt.num_stacks): output = outputs[s] if not opt.mse_loss: output['hm'] = _sigmoid(output['hm']) hm_loss += self.crit(output['hm'], batch['hm']) / opt.num_stacks if opt.wh_weight > 0: wh_loss += self.crit_reg(output['wh'], batch['reg_mask'], batch['ind'], batch['wh']) / opt.num_stacks if opt.reg_offset and opt.off_weight > 0: off_loss += self.crit_reg(output['reg'], batch['reg_mask'], batch['ind'], batch['reg']) / opt.num_stacks if opt.id_weight > 0: id_head = _tranpose_and_gather_feat(output['id'], batch['ind']) id_head = id_head[batch['reg_mask'] > 0].contiguous() id_head = self.emb_scale * F.normalize(id_head) id_target = batch['ids'][batch['reg_mask'] > 0] id_output = self.classifier(id_head).contiguous() id_loss += self.IDLoss(id_output, id_target) if opt.count_weight > 0: output['density'] = F.sigmoid(output['density']) density_loss = self.crit_density_focal( output['density'], batch['density']) + self.crit_density_ssim( output['density'], batch['density']) count_loss += self.crit_count(output['count'], batch['count']) + density_loss det_loss = opt.hm_weight * hm_loss + opt.wh_weight * wh_loss + opt.off_weight * off_loss + opt.count_weight * count_loss loss = torch.exp(-self.s_det) * det_loss + torch.exp( -self.s_id) * id_loss + (self.s_det + self.s_id) loss *= 0.5 loss_stats = { 'loss': loss, 'hm_loss': hm_loss, 'wh_loss': wh_loss, 'off_loss': off_loss, 'id_loss': id_loss, "density_loss": density_loss, 'count_loss': count_loss } return loss, loss_stats
def forward(self, outputs, batch): opt = self.opt hm_loss, wh_loss, off_loss, id_loss = 0, 0, 0, 0 for s in range(opt.num_stacks): output = outputs[s] if not opt.mse_loss: output['hm'] = _sigmoid(output['hm']) hm_loss_temp = self.crit(output['hm'], batch['hm']) / opt.num_stacks hm_loss += hm_loss_temp if opt.wh_weight > 0: wh_loss += self.crit_reg(output['wh'], batch['reg_mask'], batch['ind'], batch['wh']) / opt.num_stacks if opt.reg_offset and opt.off_weight > 0: off_loss += self.crit_reg(output['reg'], batch['reg_mask'], batch['ind'], batch['reg']) / opt.num_stacks if opt.id_weight > 0: id_head = _tranpose_and_gather_feat(output['id'], batch['ind']) id_head = id_head[batch['reg_mask'] > 0].contiguous() id_head = self.emb_scale * F.normalize(id_head) id_target = batch['ids'][batch['reg_mask'] > 0] id_output = self.classifier(id_head).contiguous() if len(id_target) > 0 and len(id_output) > 0: id_loss += self.IDLoss(id_output, id_target) if torch.isnan(hm_loss_temp): # Plot the current graph to derive insight raise ValueError("yee: Hit NaN") det_loss = opt.hm_weight * hm_loss + opt.wh_weight * wh_loss + opt.off_weight * off_loss loss = torch.exp(-self.s_det) * det_loss + torch.exp( -self.s_id) * id_loss + (self.s_det + self.s_id) loss *= 0.5 loss_stats = { 'loss': loss, 'hm_loss': hm_loss, 'wh_loss': wh_loss, 'off_loss': off_loss, 'id_loss': id_loss } return loss, loss_stats
def forward(self, outputs, batch): opt = self.opt hm_loss, wh_loss, off_loss, id_loss = 0, 0, 0, 0 for s in range(opt.num_stacks): output = outputs[s] if not opt.mse_loss: output['hm'] = _sigmoid(output['hm']) hm_loss += self.crit(output['hm'], batch['hm']) / opt.num_stacks if opt.wh_weight > 0: wh_loss += self.crit_reg( output['wh'], batch['reg_mask'], batch['ind'], batch['wh']) / opt.num_stacks if opt.reg_offset and opt.off_weight > 0: off_loss += self.crit_reg(output['reg'], batch['reg_mask'], batch['ind'], batch['reg']) / opt.num_stacks if opt.id_weight > 0: id_head = _tranpose_and_gather_feat(output['id'], batch['ind']) # id_head = id_head[batch['reg_mask'] > 0].contiguous() id_head = paddle.to_tensor(id_head.numpy()[batch['reg_mask'].numpy()>0]) # id_head = paddle.masked_select(id_head, batch['reg_mask'] > 0) id_head = self.emb_scale * F.normalize(id_head) # id_target = batch['ids'][batch['reg_mask'] > 0] id_target = paddle.to_tensor(batch['ids'].numpy()[batch['reg_mask'].numpy() > 0]) # id_target = paddle.masked_select(batch['ids'], batch['reg_mask'] > 0) id_output = self.classifier(id_head)#.contiguous() id_target.stop_gradient = True id_loss += self.IDLoss(id_output, id_target) det_loss = opt.hm_weight * hm_loss + opt.wh_weight * wh_loss + opt.off_weight * off_loss if opt.multi_loss == 'uncertainty': # loss = torch.exp(-self.s_det) * det_loss + torch.exp(-self.s_id) * id_loss + (self.s_det + self.s_id) loss = paddle.exp(-self.s_det) * det_loss + paddle.exp(-self.s_id) * id_loss + (self.s_det + self.s_id) loss *= 0.5 else: loss = det_loss + 0.1 * id_loss loss_stats = {'loss': loss, 'hm_loss': hm_loss, 'wh_loss': wh_loss, 'off_loss': off_loss, 'id_loss': id_loss} id_classifier_state_dict = self.classifier.state_dict() return loss, loss_stats, id_classifier_state_dict
def update(self, im_blob, img0): self.frame_id += 1 activated_starcks = [] refind_stracks = [] lost_stracks = [] removed_stracks = [] width = img0.shape[1] height = img0.shape[0] inp_height = im_blob.shape[2] inp_width = im_blob.shape[3] c = np.array([width / 2., height / 2.], dtype=np.float32) s = max(float(inp_width) / float(inp_height) * height, width) * 1.0 meta = { 'c': c, 's': s, 'out_height': inp_height // self.opt.down_ratio, 'out_width': inp_width // self.opt.down_ratio } ''' Step 1: Network forward, get detections & embeddings''' with torch.no_grad(): if hasattr(self.model, 'relation'): outputs, stuff = self.model(im_blob) det_heads = set(['wh', 'hm', 'reg']) trk_heads = set(['id']) for head in (set(self.model.backend.heads) & det_heads): outputs[head] = getattr(self.model.backend, head)(outputs['raw']) # for head in (set(self.model.heads) & trk_heads): # outputs[head] = getattr(self.model, head)(outputs['raw_trk']) # del outputs['raw_trk'] del outputs['raw'] output = outputs if hasattr(self.model.relation, 'loss'): cur_feats = stuff[-2] self.model.relation.lock.acquire() self.model.relation.feature_bank.append( cur_feats.detach().cpu()) self.model.relation.lock.release() else: output = self.model(im_blob)[-1] hm = output['hm'].sigmoid_() wh = output['wh'] id_feature = output['id'] id_feature = F.normalize(id_feature, dim=1) reg = output['reg'] if self.opt.reg_offset else None dets, inds = mot_decode(hm, wh, reg=reg, ltrb=self.opt.ltrb, K=self.opt.K) id_feature = _tranpose_and_gather_feat(id_feature, inds) id_feature = id_feature.squeeze(0) id_feature = id_feature.cpu().numpy() dets = self.post_process(dets, meta) dets = self.merge_outputs([dets])[1] remain_inds = dets[:, 4] > self.opt.conf_thres dets = dets[remain_inds] id_feature = id_feature[remain_inds] self.inputs_embs.append((dets, id_feature)) # vis ''' for i in range(0, dets.shape[0]): bbox = dets[i][0:4] cv2.rectangle(img0, (bbox[0], bbox[1]), (bbox[2], bbox[3]), (0, 255, 0), 2) cv2.imshow('dets', img0) cv2.waitKey(0) id0 = id0-1 ''' if len(dets) > 0: '''Detections''' detections = [ STrack(STrack.tlbr_to_tlwh(tlbrs[:4]), tlbrs[4], f, 30) for (tlbrs, f) in zip(dets[:, :5], id_feature) ] else: detections = [] ''' Add newly detected tracklets to tracked_stracks''' unconfirmed = [] tracked_stracks = [] # type: list[STrack] for track in self.tracked_stracks: if not track.is_activated: unconfirmed.append(track) else: tracked_stracks.append(track) ''' Step 2: First association, with embedding''' strack_pool = joint_stracks(tracked_stracks, self.lost_stracks) # Predict the current location with KF #for strack in strack_pool: #strack.predict() STrack.multi_predict(strack_pool) dists = matching.embedding_distance(strack_pool, detections) #dists = matching.iou_distance(strack_pool, detections) dists = matching.fuse_motion(self.kalman_filter, dists, strack_pool, detections) matches, u_track, u_detection = matching.linear_assignment(dists, thresh=0.4) for itracked, idet in matches: track = strack_pool[itracked] det = detections[idet] if track.state == TrackState.Tracked: track.update(detections[idet], self.frame_id) activated_starcks.append(track) else: track.re_activate(det, self.frame_id, new_id=False) refind_stracks.append(track) ''' Step 3: Second association, with IOU''' detections = [detections[i] for i in u_detection] r_tracked_stracks = [ strack_pool[i] for i in u_track if strack_pool[i].state == TrackState.Tracked ] dists = matching.iou_distance(r_tracked_stracks, detections) matches, u_track, u_detection = matching.linear_assignment(dists, thresh=0.5) for itracked, idet in matches: track = r_tracked_stracks[itracked] det = detections[idet] if track.state == TrackState.Tracked: track.update(det, self.frame_id) activated_starcks.append(track) else: track.re_activate(det, self.frame_id, new_id=False) refind_stracks.append(track) for it in u_track: track = r_tracked_stracks[it] if not track.state == TrackState.Lost: track.mark_lost() lost_stracks.append(track) '''Deal with unconfirmed tracks, usually tracks with only one beginning frame''' detections = [detections[i] for i in u_detection] dists = matching.iou_distance(unconfirmed, detections) matches, u_unconfirmed, u_detection = matching.linear_assignment( dists, thresh=0.7) for itracked, idet in matches: unconfirmed[itracked].update(detections[idet], self.frame_id) activated_starcks.append(unconfirmed[itracked]) for it in u_unconfirmed: track = unconfirmed[it] track.mark_removed() removed_stracks.append(track) """ Step 4: Init new stracks""" for inew in u_detection: track = detections[inew] if track.score < self.det_thresh: continue track.activate(self.kalman_filter, self.frame_id) activated_starcks.append(track) """ Step 5: Update state""" for track in self.lost_stracks: if self.frame_id - track.end_frame > self.max_time_lost: track.mark_removed() removed_stracks.append(track) # print('Ramained match {} s'.format(t4-t3)) self.tracked_stracks = [ t for t in self.tracked_stracks if t.state == TrackState.Tracked ] self.tracked_stracks = joint_stracks(self.tracked_stracks, activated_starcks) self.tracked_stracks = joint_stracks(self.tracked_stracks, refind_stracks) self.lost_stracks = sub_stracks(self.lost_stracks, self.tracked_stracks) self.lost_stracks.extend(lost_stracks) self.lost_stracks = sub_stracks(self.lost_stracks, self.removed_stracks) self.removed_stracks.extend(removed_stracks) self.tracked_stracks, self.lost_stracks = remove_duplicate_stracks( self.tracked_stracks, self.lost_stracks) # get scores of lost tracks output_stracks = [ track for track in self.tracked_stracks if track.is_activated ] logger.debug('===========Frame {}=========='.format(self.frame_id)) logger.debug('Activated: {}'.format( [track.track_id for track in activated_starcks])) logger.debug('Refind: {}'.format( [track.track_id for track in refind_stracks])) logger.debug('Lost: {}'.format( [track.track_id for track in lost_stracks])) logger.debug('Removed: {}'.format( [track.track_id for track in removed_stracks])) return output_stracks
def update(self, im_blob, img0): # 处理当前帧中的检测框 self.frame_id += 1 activated_starcks = [] refind_stracks = [] # 从上一帧到当前帧,新发现的track lost_stracks = [] # 从上一帧到当前帧,丢失的stack removed_stracks = [] # 从上一帧到当前帧,需要被移除的stack width = img0.shape[1] height = img0.shape[0] inp_height = im_blob.shape[2] inp_width = im_blob.shape[3] c = np.array([width / 2., height / 2.], dtype=np.float32) s = max(float(inp_width) / float(inp_height) * height, width) * 1.0 meta = {'c': c, 's': s, 'out_height': inp_height // self.opt.down_ratio, 'out_width': inp_width // self.opt.down_ratio} ''' Step 1: Network forward, get detections & embeddings''' with torch.no_grad(): output = self.model(im_blob)[-1] hm = output['hm'].sigmoid_() wh = output['wh'] id_feature = output['id'] id_feature = F.normalize(id_feature, dim=1) # torch.Size([1, 512, 152, 272]) reg = output['reg'] if self.opt.reg_offset else None dets, inds = mot_decode(hm, wh, reg=reg, cat_spec_wh=self.opt.cat_spec_wh, K=self.opt.K) # 预测框左上角、右下角的坐标表示、得分、分类,inds是图像在一维情况下的索引 # inds 是在图像转换成一维情况下,置信度得分最大的128个值,表示最大输出目标的数量 id_feature = _tranpose_and_gather_feat(id_feature, inds) # id_feature torch.Size([1, 512, 152, 272]), inds torch.Size([1, 128]) id_feature = id_feature.squeeze(0) # torch.Size([1, 128, 512]) id_feature = id_feature.cpu().numpy() dets = self.post_process(dets, meta) # 是将在feature上的预测结果,映射到原始图像中,给出在原始图像中128个检测框的坐标、及相应置信度 dets = self.merge_outputs([dets])[1] # (128, 5) remain_inds = dets[:, 4] > self.opt.conf_thres # 仅保留置信度得分 大于 设置阈值的检测框 dets = dets[remain_inds] # (2, 5),只剩下两个检测框作为最终的结果 id_feature = id_feature[remain_inds] # (2, 512),对应的feature # vis ''' for i in range(0, dets.shape[0]): bbox = dets[i][0:4] cv2.rectangle(img0, (bbox[0], bbox[1]), (bbox[2], bbox[3]), (0, 255, 0), 2) cv2.imshow('dets', img0) cv2.waitKey(0) id0 = id0-1 ''' if len(dets) > 0: '''Detections''' detections = [STrack(STrack.tlbr_to_tlwh(tlbrs[:4]), tlbrs[4], f, 30) for # 直接调用类的方法进行计算,有什么特别的么? (tlbrs, f) in zip(dets[:, :5], id_feature)] # 创建strack,这里相当于tracklets else: detections = [] ''' Add newly detected tracklets to tracked_stracks''' unconfirmed = [] tracked_stracks = [] # type: list[STrack] for track in self.tracked_stracks: # 将当前帧之前存在的track,划分为unconfirmed、track_stracks两种类型 if not track.is_activated: unconfirmed.append(track) else: tracked_stracks.append(track) ''' Step 2: First association, with embedding''' strack_pool = joint_stracks(tracked_stracks, self.lost_stracks) # 取并集 # Predict the current location with KF #for strack in strack_pool: #strack.predict() STrack.multi_predict(strack_pool) # 使用卡尔曼滤波预测下一帧中目标的状态,调用每一个track的predict方法进行预测 dists = matching.embedding_distance(strack_pool, detections) # 使用embedding进行匹配,返回匹配矩阵,将detection与当前存在的track的smooth feat计算距离 #dists = matching.gate_cost_matrix(self.kalman_filter, dists, strack_pool, detections) dists = matching.fuse_motion(self.kalman_filter, dists, strack_pool, detections) # 对每一个track,计算其与当前帧中每一个detection的门距离 matches, u_track, u_detection = matching.linear_assignment(dists, thresh=0.7) # 根据门距离,使用匈牙利算法最大匹配,确定三种匹配结果 for itracked, idet in matches: track = strack_pool[itracked] det = detections[idet] if track.state == TrackState.Tracked: # 上一帧是被追踪状态 track.update(detections[idet], self.frame_id) # track状态更新,其中 KF 的均值向量、协方差矩阵进行更新 activated_starcks.append(track) else: # 上一帧是new状态 track.re_activate(det, self.frame_id, new_id=False) refind_stracks.append(track) ''' Step 3: Second association, with IOU''' # 第二次,尝试将未匹配到的detection和未匹配到的track匹配起来 detections = [detections[i] for i in u_detection] r_tracked_stracks = [strack_pool[i] for i in u_track if strack_pool[i].state == TrackState.Tracked] dists = matching.iou_distance(r_tracked_stracks, detections) matches, u_track, u_detection = matching.linear_assignment(dists, thresh=0.5) for itracked, idet in matches: track = r_tracked_stracks[itracked] det = detections[idet] if track.state == TrackState.Tracked: track.update(det, self.frame_id) activated_starcks.append(track) else: track.re_activate(det, self.frame_id, new_id=False) refind_stracks.append(track) for it in u_track: track = r_tracked_stracks[it] if not track.state == TrackState.Lost: # 判断track是否 track.mark_lost() lost_stracks.append(track) '''第三次匹配, Deal with unconfirmed tracks, usually tracks with only one beginning frame 仅追踪到一帧的track为unconfirmed track''' detections = [detections[i] for i in u_detection] dists = matching.iou_distance(unconfirmed, detections) matches, u_unconfirmed, u_detection = matching.linear_assignment(dists, thresh=0.7) for itracked, idet in matches: unconfirmed[itracked].update(detections[idet], self.frame_id) activated_starcks.append(unconfirmed[itracked]) for it in u_unconfirmed: track = unconfirmed[it] track.mark_removed() removed_stracks.append(track) """ Step 4: Init new stracks""" for inew in u_detection: track = detections[inew] if track.score < self.det_thresh: # 与tracking的置信度阈值相比较 continue track.activate(self.kalman_filter, self.frame_id) activated_starcks.append(track) """ Step 5: Update state""" for track in self.lost_stracks: if self.frame_id - track.end_frame > self.max_time_lost: track.mark_removed() # 移除达到条件的track removed_stracks.append(track) # print('Ramained match {} s'.format(t4-t3)) self.tracked_stracks = [t for t in self.tracked_stracks if t.state == TrackState.Tracked] self.tracked_stracks = joint_stracks(self.tracked_stracks, activated_starcks) self.tracked_stracks = joint_stracks(self.tracked_stracks, refind_stracks) self.lost_stracks = sub_stracks(self.lost_stracks, self.tracked_stracks) self.lost_stracks.extend(lost_stracks) self.lost_stracks = sub_stracks(self.lost_stracks, self.removed_stracks) self.removed_stracks.extend(removed_stracks) self.tracked_stracks, self.lost_stracks = remove_duplicate_stracks(self.tracked_stracks, self.lost_stracks) # get scores of lost tracks output_stracks = [track for track in self.tracked_stracks if track.is_activated] logger.debug('===========Frame {}=========='.format(self.frame_id)) logger.debug('Activated: {}'.format([track.track_id for track in activated_starcks])) logger.debug('Refind: {}'.format([track.track_id for track in refind_stracks])) logger.debug('Lost: {}'.format([track.track_id for track in lost_stracks])) logger.debug('Removed: {}'.format([track.track_id for track in removed_stracks])) return output_stracks
def forward(self, outputs, batch, global_step, tb_writer): opt = self.opt hm_loss, wh_loss, off_loss = 0, 0, 0 batch_hm_loss, batch_wh_loss, batch_off_loss = 0, 0, 0 #per batch losses for s in range(opt.num_stacks): output = outputs[s] output['hm'] = _sigmoid(output['hm']) if opt.eval_oracle_hm: output['hm'] = batch['hm'] if opt.eval_oracle_wh: output['wh'] = torch.from_numpy( gen_oracle_map(batch['wh'].detach().cpu().numpy(), batch['ind'].detach().cpu().numpy(), output['wh'].shape[3], output['wh'].shape[2])).to(opt.device) if opt.eval_oracle_offset: output['reg'] = torch.from_numpy( gen_oracle_map(batch['reg'].detach().cpu().numpy(), batch['ind'].detach().cpu().numpy(), output['reg'].shape[3], output['reg'].shape[2])).to(opt.device) tmp = self.crit(output['hm'], batch['hm']) hm_loss = hm_loss + tmp[0] / opt.num_stacks batch_hm_loss = batch_hm_loss + tmp[1] / opt.num_stacks if opt.wh_weight > 0: if opt.mdn: BS = output['mdn_logits'].shape[0] M = opt.mdn_n_comps H, W = output['mdn_logits'].shape[-2:] K = opt.num_classes if opt.cat_spec_wh else 1 mdn_logits = output['mdn_logits'] mdn_logits = mdn_logits.reshape((BS, M, K, H, W)).permute( (2, 0, 1, 3, 4)) # mdn_logits.shape: torch.Size([80, 2, 3, 128, 128]) mdn_pi = torch.clamp( torch.nn.Softmax(dim=2)(mdn_logits), 1e-4, 1. - 1e-4) # mdn_pi.shape: torch.Size([80, 2, 3, 128, 128]) mdn_sigma = torch.clamp( torch.nn.ELU()(output['mdn_sigma']) + opt.mdn_min_sigma, 1e-4, 1e5) mdn_sigma = mdn_sigma.reshape( (BS, M * 2, K, H, W)).permute((2, 0, 1, 3, 4)) # mdn_sigma.shape: torch.Size([80, 2, 6, 128, 128]) mdn_mu = output['wh'] mdn_mu = mdn_mu.reshape((BS, M * 2, K, H, W)).permute( (2, 0, 1, 3, 4)) # mdn_mu.shape: torch.Size([80, 2, 6, 128, 128]) gt = batch['cat_spec_wh'] if opt.cat_spec_wh else batch[ 'wh'] gt = gt.reshape( (BS, -1, opt.num_classes if opt.cat_spec_wh else 1, 2)).permute((2, 0, 1, 3)) # gt.shape: torch.Size([80, 2, 128, 2]) if opt.cat_spec_wh: mask = batch['cat_spec_mask'][:, :, 0::2].unsqueeze( -1).permute((2, 0, 1, 3)) # mask.shape: torch.Size([80, 2, 128, 1]) else: mask = batch['reg_mask'].unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(0) # print("mask.shape:", mask.shape) # mask.shape: torch.Size([1, 2, 128, 1]) V = torch.Tensor([opt.mdn_V]).cuda() I = mask.shape[-2] _gt = gt.reshape((K * BS, I, -1)) _mask = mask.reshape((K * BS, I, -1)) batch_ind = torch.repeat_interleave(batch['ind'], K, dim=0) _mdn_mu = _tranpose_and_gather_feat( mdn_mu.reshape((K * BS, -1, H, W)), batch_ind) _mdn_sigma = _tranpose_and_gather_feat( mdn_sigma.reshape((K * BS, -1, H, W)), batch_ind) _mdn_pi = _tranpose_and_gather_feat( mdn_pi.reshape((K * BS, -1, H, W)), batch_ind) # mdn_n_comps=3 # batch['ind'].shape: torch.Size([2, 128]) # gt.shape: torch.Size([1, 2, 128, 2]) # mask.shape: torch.Size([1, 2, 128, 1]) # mdn_mu.shape: torch.Size([1, 2, 6, 128, 128]) # mdn_pi.shape: torch.Size([1, 2, 3, 128, 128]) # mdn_sigma.shape: torch.Size([1, 2, 6, 128, 128]) # batch['ind'].shape: torch.Size([2, 128]) # _gt.shape: torch.Size([2, 128, 2]) # _mask.shape: torch.Size([2, 128, 1]) # _mdn_mu.shape: torch.Size([2, 128, 6]) # _mdn_pi.shape: torch.Size([2, 128, 3]) # _mdn_sigma.shape: torch.Size([2, 128, 6]) tmp = self.crit_wh(_gt, _mdn_mu, _mdn_sigma, _mdn_pi, _mask, V, C=1) wh_loss += tmp[0] / opt.num_stacks batch_wh_loss += tmp[1] / opt.num_stacks for _c in range(opt.num_classes if opt.cat_spec_wh else 1): _mdn_pi = _tranpose_and_gather_feat( mdn_pi[_c], batch['ind']) _mdn_sigma = _tranpose_and_gather_feat( mdn_sigma[_c], batch['ind']) _, _max_pi_ind = torch.max(_mdn_pi, -1) if tb_writer is not None: _cat = opt.cls_id_to_cls_name(_c) tb_writer.add_histogram( 'mdn_pi_max_comp/{}'.format(_cat), _max_pi_ind + 1, global_step=global_step) for i in range(_mdn_pi.shape[2]): tb_writer.add_histogram( 'mdn_pi/{}/{}'.format(_cat, i), _mdn_pi[:, :, i], global_step=global_step) tb_writer.add_histogram( 'mdn_sigma/{}/{}'.format(_cat, i), _mdn_sigma[:, :, i * 2:i * 2 + 2], global_step=global_step) else: if opt.dense_wh: mask_weight = batch['dense_wh_mask'].sum() + 1e-4 wh_loss += (self.crit_wh( output['wh'] * batch['dense_wh_mask'], batch['dense_wh'] * batch['dense_wh_mask']) / mask_weight) / opt.num_stacks elif opt.cat_spec_wh: wh_loss += self.crit_wh( output['wh'], batch['cat_spec_mask'], batch['ind'], batch['cat_spec_wh']) / opt.num_stacks else: tmp = self.crit_reg(output['wh'], batch['reg_mask'], batch['ind'], batch['wh']) wh_loss += tmp[0] / opt.num_stacks batch_wh_loss += tmp[1] / opt.num_stacks ''' output['wh'].shape: torch.Size([2, 160, 128, 128]) batch['ind'].shape: torch.Size([2, 128]) batch['cat_spec_mask'].shape: torch.Size([2, 128, 160]) ''' if opt.reg_offset and opt.off_weight > 0: tmp = self.crit_reg(output['reg'], batch['reg_mask'], batch['ind'], batch['reg']) off_loss += tmp[0] / opt.num_stacks batch_off_loss += tmp[1] / opt.num_stacks loss_stats = {} loss, batch_loss = 0, 0 loss += opt.hm_weight * hm_loss + opt.wh_weight * wh_loss + \ opt.off_weight * off_loss batch_loss += opt.hm_weight * batch_hm_loss + opt.wh_weight * batch_wh_loss + \ opt.off_weight * batch_off_loss loss_stats.update({'loss': loss, 'hm_loss': hm_loss, 'wh_loss': wh_loss, 'off_loss': off_loss, 'batch_loss': batch_loss, 'batch_hm_loss': batch_hm_loss,\ 'batch_wh_loss': batch_wh_loss, 'batch_off_loss': batch_off_loss}) return loss, loss_stats
def update(self, im_blob, img0): self.frame_id += 1 activated_starcks = [] refind_stracks = [] lost_stracks = [] removed_stracks = [] width = img0.shape[1] height = img0.shape[0] inp_height = im_blob.shape[2] inp_width = im_blob.shape[3] c = np.array([width / 2., height / 2.], dtype=np.float32) s = max(float(inp_width) / float(inp_height) * height, width) * 1.0 meta = { 'c': c, 's': s, 'out_height': inp_height // self.opt.down_ratio, 'out_width': inp_width // self.opt.down_ratio } ''' Step 1: Network forward, get detections & embeddings''' with torch.no_grad(): output = self.model(im_blob)[-1] hm = output['hm'].sigmoid_() wh = output['wh'] id_feature = output['id'] id_feature = F.normalize(id_feature, dim=1) reg = output['reg'] if self.opt.reg_offset else None dets, inds = mot_decode(hm, wh, reg=reg, cat_spec_wh=self.opt.cat_spec_wh, K=self.opt.K) id_feature = _tranpose_and_gather_feat(id_feature, inds) id_feature = id_feature.squeeze(0) id_feature = id_feature.cpu().numpy() dets = self.post_process(dets, meta) dets = self.merge_outputs([dets])[1] remain_inds = dets[:, 4] > self.opt.conf_thres dets = dets[remain_inds] id_feature = id_feature[remain_inds] # vis ''' for i in range(0, dets.shape[0]): bbox = dets[i][0:4] cv2.rectangle(img0, (bbox[0], bbox[1]), (bbox[2], bbox[3]), (0, 255, 0), 2) cv2.imshow('dets', img0) cv2.waitKey(0) id0 = id0-1 ''' if len(dets) > 0: '''Detections''' detections = [ STrack(STrack.tlbr_to_tlwh(tlbrs[:4]), tlbrs[4], f, 30) for (tlbrs, f) in zip(dets[:, :5], id_feature) ] else: detections = [] ''' Add newly detected tracklets to tracked_stracks''' unconfirmed = [] tracked_stracks = [] # type: list[STrack] for track in self.tracked_stracks: if not track.is_activated: unconfirmed.append(track) else: tracked_stracks.append(track) ''' Step 2: First association, with embedding''' strack_pool = joint_stracks(tracked_stracks, self.lost_stracks) dists = matching.embedding_distance( strack_pool, detections) # 计算新检测出来的目标和tracked_tracker之间的cosine距离 STrack.multi_predict(strack_pool) # 卡尔曼预测 dists = matching.fuse_motion( self.kalman_filter, dists, strack_pool, detections) # 利用卡尔曼计算detection和pool_stacker直接的距离代价 matches, u_track, u_detection = matching.linear_assignment( dists, thresh=0.7) # 匈牙利匹配 // 将跟踪框和检测框进行匹配 // u_track是未匹配的tracker的索引, for itracked, idet in matches: # matches:63*2 , 63:detections的维度,2:第一列为tracked_tracker索引,第二列为detection的索引 track = strack_pool[itracked] det = detections[idet] if track.state == TrackState.Tracked: track.update( det, self.frame_id) # 匹配的pool_tracker和detection,更新特征和卡尔曼状态 activated_starcks.append(track) else: track.re_activate(det, self.frame_id, new_id=False) # 如果是在lost中的,就重新激活 refind_stracks.append(track) ''' Step 3: Second association, with IOU''' """ 在余弦距离未匹配的detection和tracker重新用iou进行匹配 """ detections = [detections[i] for i in u_detection] # u_detection是未匹配的detection的索引 r_tracked_stracks = [ strack_pool[i] for i in u_track if strack_pool[i].state == TrackState.Tracked ] dists = matching.iou_distance(r_tracked_stracks, detections) matches, u_track, u_detection = matching.linear_assignment(dists, thresh=0.5) for itracked, idet in matches: track = r_tracked_stracks[itracked] det = detections[idet] if track.state == TrackState.Tracked: track.update(det, self.frame_id) activated_starcks.append(track) else: track.re_activate( det, self.frame_id, new_id=False) # 前面已经限定了是TrackState.Tracked,这里是不用运行到的。 refind_stracks.append(track) for it in u_track: track = r_tracked_stracks[it] if not track.state == TrackState.Lost: track.mark_lost() lost_stracks.append( track) # 将和tracked_tracker iou未匹配的tracker的状态改为lost temp = 1 '''Deal with unconfirmed tracks, usually tracks with only one beginning frame''' detections = [detections[i] for i in u_detection ] # 将cosine/iou未匹配的detection和unconfirmed_tracker进行匹配 dists = matching.iou_distance(unconfirmed, detections) matches, u_unconfirmed, u_detection = matching.linear_assignment( dists, thresh=0.7) for itracked, idet in matches: unconfirmed[itracked].update(detections[idet], self.frame_id) activated_starcks.append(unconfirmed[itracked]) for it in u_unconfirmed: track = unconfirmed[it] track.mark_removed() removed_stracks.append(track) """ Step 4: Init new stracks""" for inew in u_detection: # 对cosine/iou/uncofirmed_tracker都未匹配的detection重新初始化一个unconfimed_tracker track = detections[inew] if track.score < self.det_thresh: continue track.activate(self.kalman_filter, self.frame_id) # 激活track,第一帧的activated=T,其他为False activated_starcks.append(track) """ Step 5: Update state""" for track in self.lost_stracks: if self.frame_id - track.end_frame > self.max_time_lost: # 消失15帧之后 track.mark_removed() removed_stracks.append(track) # print('Ramained match {} s'.format(t4-t3)) self.tracked_stracks = [ t for t in self.tracked_stracks if t.state == TrackState.Tracked ] # 筛出tracked状态的tracker self.tracked_stracks = joint_stracks( self.tracked_stracks, activated_starcks) # 向self.tracked_stacks中添加新的detection self.tracked_stracks = joint_stracks(self.tracked_stracks, refind_stracks) # 重新匹配出的trackers self.lost_stracks = sub_stracks(self.lost_stracks, self.tracked_stracks) self.lost_stracks.extend(lost_stracks) self.lost_stracks = sub_stracks(self.lost_stracks, self.removed_stracks) self.removed_stracks.extend(removed_stracks) self.tracked_stracks, self.lost_stracks = remove_duplicate_stracks( self.tracked_stracks, self.lost_stracks) # get scores of lost tracks output_stracks = [ track for track in self.tracked_stracks if track.is_activated ] logger.debug('===========Frame {}=========='.format(self.frame_id)) logger.debug('Activated: {}'.format( [track.track_id for track in activated_starcks])) logger.debug('Refind: {}'.format( [track.track_id for track in refind_stracks])) logger.debug('Lost: {}'.format( [track.track_id for track in lost_stracks])) logger.debug('Removed: {}'.format( [track.track_id for track in removed_stracks])) return output_stracks
def forward(self, outputs, batch): opt = self.opt hm_loss, wh_loss, off_loss, id_loss = 0, 0, 0, 0 for s in range(opt.num_stacks): output = outputs[s] if not opt.mse_loss: output['hm'] = _sigmoid(output['hm']) hm_loss += self.crit(output['hm'], batch['hm']) / opt.num_stacks if opt.wh_weight > 0: if opt.dense_wh: mask_weight = batch['dense_wh_mask'].sum() + 1e-4 wh_loss += ( self.crit_wh(output['wh'] * batch['dense_wh_mask'], batch['dense_wh'] * batch['dense_wh_mask']) / mask_weight) / opt.num_stacks else: wh_loss += self.crit_reg( output['wh'], batch['reg_mask'], batch['ind'], batch['wh']) / opt.num_stacks if opt.reg_offset and opt.off_weight > 0: off_loss += self.crit_reg(output['reg'], batch['reg_mask'], batch['ind'], batch['reg']) / opt.num_stacks if opt.id_weight > 0: ''' ids_label_9 = batch['ids'].repeat(1, 9) # batch, 9K mask_label_9 = batch['reg_mask'].repeat(1, 9) # batch, 9K ind_labels_9 = batch['ind'].repeat(1, 9) # batch, 9K K = opt.K hm_w = output['hm'].shape[3] hm_h = output['hm'].shape[2] ind_labels_9[:, K:2 * K] -= 5 ind_labels_9[:, 2 * K:3 * K] += 5 ind_labels_9[:, 3 * K:4 * K] -= 5 * hm_w ind_labels_9[:, 4 * K:5 * K] -= 5 * (hm_w - 1) ind_labels_9[:, 5 * K:6 * K] -= 5 * (hm_w + 1) ind_labels_9[:, 6 * K:7 * K] += 5 * hm_w ind_labels_9[:, 7 * K:8 * K] += 5 * (hm_w - 1) ind_labels_9[:, 8 * K:9 * K] += 5 * (hm_w + 1) ind_labels_9 = torch.clamp(ind_labels_9, 0, hm_w * hm_h - 1) id_head = _tranpose_and_gather_feat(output['id'], ind_labels_9) id_head = id_head[mask_label_9 > 0].contiguous() id_head = self.emb_scale * F.normalize(id_head) id_target = ids_label_9[mask_label_9 > 0] ''' id_head = _tranpose_and_gather_feat(output['id'], batch['ind']) id_head = id_head[batch['reg_mask'] > 0].contiguous() id_head = self.emb_scale * F.normalize(id_head) id_target = batch['ids'][batch['reg_mask'] > 0] id_output = self.classifier(id_head).contiguous() id_loss += self.IDLoss(id_output, id_target) #loss = opt.hm_weight * hm_loss + opt.wh_weight * wh_loss + opt.off_weight * off_loss + opt.id_weight * id_loss det_loss = opt.hm_weight * hm_loss + opt.wh_weight * wh_loss + opt.off_weight * off_loss loss = torch.exp(-self.s_det) * det_loss + torch.exp(-self.s_id) * id_loss + (self.s_det + self.s_id) loss *= 0.5 #loss = det_loss #print(loss, hm_loss, wh_loss, off_loss, id_loss) loss_stats = {'loss': loss, 'hm_loss': hm_loss, 'wh_loss': wh_loss, 'off_loss': off_loss, 'id_loss': id_loss} return loss, loss_stats
'c': c, 's': s, 'out_height': inp_height // down_ratio, 'out_width': inp_width // down_ratio } ''' Step 1: Network forward, get detections & embeddings''' with torch.no_grad(): output = model(im_blob)[-1] hm = output['hm'].sigmoid_() wh = output['wh'] id_feature = output['id'] id_feature = F.normalize(id_feature, dim=1) reg = output['reg'] if reg_offset else None dets, inds = mot_decode(hm, wh, reg=reg, ltrb=ltrb, K=Kt) id_feature = _tranpose_and_gather_feat(id_feature, inds) id_feature = id_feature.squeeze(0) id_feature = id_feature.cpu().numpy() dets = post_process(dets, meta) dets = merge_outputs([dets])[1] remain_inds = dets[:, 4] > conf_thres dets = dets[remain_inds] id_feature = id_feature[remain_inds] # vis person_count += len(dets) for i in range(0, dets.shape[0]): bbox = dets[i][0:4] cv2.rectangle(img0, (bbox[0], bbox[1]), (bbox[2], bbox[3]), (0, 255, 0), 5)
def forward(self, output, mask, ind, target): pred = _tranpose_and_gather_feat(output, ind) loss = _reg_loss(pred, target, mask) return loss
def forward(self, outputs, batch): opt = self.opt hm_loss, wh_loss, off_loss, id_loss = 0, 0, 0, 0 for s in range(opt.num_stacks): output = outputs[s] if not opt.mse_loss: output["hm"] = _sigmoid(output["hm"]) hm_loss += self.crit(output["hm"], batch["hm"]) / opt.num_stacks if opt.wh_weight > 0: if opt.dense_wh: mask_weight = batch["dense_wh_mask"].sum() + 1e-4 wh_loss += ( self.crit_wh( output["wh"] * batch["dense_wh_mask"], batch["dense_wh"] * batch["dense_wh_mask"], ) / mask_weight ) / opt.num_stacks else: wh_loss += ( self.crit_reg( output["wh"], batch["reg_mask"], batch["ind"], batch["wh"] ) / opt.num_stacks ) if opt.reg_offset and opt.off_weight > 0: off_loss += ( self.crit_reg( output["reg"], batch["reg_mask"], batch["ind"], batch["reg"] ) / opt.num_stacks ) if opt.id_weight > 0: id_head = _tranpose_and_gather_feat(output["id"], batch["ind"]) id_head = id_head[batch["reg_mask"] > 0].contiguous() id_head = self.emb_scale * F.normalize(id_head) id_target = batch["ids"][batch["reg_mask"] > 0] id_output = self.classifier(id_head).contiguous() id_loss += self.IDLoss(id_output, id_target) # id_loss += self.IDLoss(id_output, id_target) + self.TriLoss(id_head, id_target) # loss = opt.hm_weight * hm_loss + opt.wh_weight * wh_loss + opt.off_weight * off_loss + opt.id_weight * id_loss det_loss = ( opt.hm_weight * hm_loss + opt.wh_weight * wh_loss + opt.off_weight * off_loss ) loss = ( torch.exp(-self.s_det) * det_loss + torch.exp(-self.s_id) * id_loss + (self.s_det + self.s_id) ) loss *= 0.5 # print(loss, hm_loss, wh_loss, off_loss, id_loss) loss_stats = { "loss": loss, "hm_loss": hm_loss, "wh_loss": wh_loss, "off_loss": off_loss, "id_loss": id_loss, } return loss, loss_stats
def forward(self, output, mask, ind, rotbin, rotres): pred = _tranpose_and_gather_feat(output, ind) loss = compute_rot_loss(pred, rotbin, rotres, mask) return loss
def update(self, im_blob, img0): self.frame_id += 1 activated_starcks = [] refind_stracks = [] lost_stracks = [] removed_stracks = [] width = img0.shape[1] height = img0.shape[0] inp_height = im_blob.shape[2] inp_width = im_blob.shape[3] c = np.array([width / 2., height / 2.], dtype=np.float32) s = max(float(inp_width) / float(inp_height) * height, width) * 1.0 meta = {'c': c, 's': s, 'out_height': inp_height // self.opt.down_ratio, 'out_width': inp_width // self.opt.down_ratio} ''' Step 1: Network forward, get detections & embeddings''' with torch.no_grad(): output = self.model(im_blob)[-1] hm = output['hm'].sigmoid_() wh = output['wh'] id_feature = output['id'] id_feature = F.normalize(id_feature, dim=1) reg = output['reg'] if self.opt.reg_offset else None dets, inds = mot_decode(hm, wh, reg=reg, ltrb=self.opt.ltrb, K=self.opt.K) id_feature = _tranpose_and_gather_feat(id_feature, inds) id_feature = id_feature.squeeze(0) id_feature = id_feature.cpu().numpy() dets = self.post_process(dets, meta) dets = self.merge_outputs([dets])[1] remain_inds = dets[:, 4] > self.opt.conf_thres dets = dets[remain_inds] id_feature = id_feature[remain_inds] # vis ''' for i in range(0, dets.shape[0]): bbox = dets[i][0:4] cv2.rectangle(img0, (bbox[0], bbox[1]), (bbox[2], bbox[3]), (0, 255, 0), 2) cv2.imshow('dets', img0) cv2.waitKey(0) id0 = id0-1 ''' if len(dets) > 0: '''Detections''' detections = [STrack(STrack.tlbr_to_tlwh(tlbrs[:4]), tlbrs[4], f, 30) for (tlbrs, f) in zip(dets[:, :5], id_feature)] else: detections = [] ''' Add newly detected tracklets to tracked_stracks''' unconfirmed = [] tracked_stracks = [] # type: list[STrack] for track in self.tracked_stracks: if not track.is_activated: unconfirmed.append(track) else: tracked_stracks.append(track) ''' Step 2: First association, with embedding''' ##Join track ids into one strack_pool = joint_stracks(tracked_stracks, self.lost_stracks) # Predict the current location with KF #for strack in strack_pool: #strack.predict() ##Calculate joint average mean, dev for kalman tracker STrack.multi_predict(strack_pool) #Gets cost matrix between tracks and dets dists = matching.embedding_distance(strack_pool, detections) #dists = matching.iou_distance(strack_pool, detections) #If tracks with their assignment are too far away from the kalman filter prediction then assign infinite cose #Update cost matrix with kalman filter dists = matching.fuse_motion(self.kalman_filter, dists, strack_pool, detections) #Find optimum assignment using cost matrix #u_track and u_detecion are the unmatched tracks and detections respectively matches, u_track, u_detection = matching.linear_assignment(dists, thresh=0.4) #Update currently tracked tracks with matches found for itracked, idet in matches: track = strack_pool[itracked] det = detections[idet] if track.state == TrackState.Tracked: track.update(detections[idet], self.frame_id) activated_starcks.append(track) else: track.re_activate(det, self.frame_id, new_id=False) refind_stracks.append(track) ''' Step 3: Second association, with IOU''' detections = [detections[i] for i in u_detection] #Get tracked tracks which were not matched before which were tracked r_tracked_stracks = [strack_pool[i] for i in u_track if strack_pool[i].state == TrackState.Tracked] #Get cost matrix dists = matching.iou_distance(r_tracked_stracks, detections) matches, u_track, u_detection = matching.linear_assignment(dists, thresh=0.6) #Default 0.5 for itracked, idet in matches: track = r_tracked_stracks[itracked] det = detections[idet] if track.state == TrackState.Tracked: track.update(det, self.frame_id) activated_starcks.append(track) else: track.re_activate(det, self.frame_id, new_id=False) refind_stracks.append(track) #For all of the unmatched tracks, mark them as lost for it in u_track: track = r_tracked_stracks[it] if not track.state == TrackState.Lost: track.mark_lost() lost_stracks.append(track) '''Deal with unconfirmed tracks, usually tracks with only one beginning frame''' #For the unconfirmed tracks, tracks with only one beginning frame, use the remaining detection to try to pair them detections = [detections[i] for i in u_detection] dists = matching.iou_distance(unconfirmed, detections) matches, u_unconfirmed, u_detection = matching.linear_assignment(dists, thresh=0.7) #Add the matched ones for itracked, idet in matches: unconfirmed[itracked].update(detections[idet], self.frame_id) activated_starcks.append(unconfirmed[itracked]) #For the ones that couldn't be matched, remove them for it in u_unconfirmed: track = unconfirmed[it] track.mark_removed() removed_stracks.append(track) """ Step 4: Init new stracks""" for inew in u_detection: track = detections[inew] if track.score < self.det_thresh: continue track.activate(self.kalman_filter, self.frame_id) activated_starcks.append(track) """ Step 5: Update state""" for track in self.lost_stracks: # If dissappeared for max_time_lost then remove if self.frame_id - track.end_frame > self.max_time_lost: track.mark_removed() removed_stracks.append(track) # print('Ramained match {} s'.format(t4-t3)) self.tracked_stracks = [t for t in self.tracked_stracks if t.state == TrackState.Tracked] self.tracked_stracks = joint_stracks(self.tracked_stracks, activated_starcks) self.tracked_stracks = joint_stracks(self.tracked_stracks, refind_stracks) self.lost_stracks = sub_stracks(self.lost_stracks, self.tracked_stracks) self.lost_stracks.extend(lost_stracks) self.lost_stracks = sub_stracks(self.lost_stracks, self.removed_stracks) self.removed_stracks.extend(removed_stracks) self.tracked_stracks, self.lost_stracks = remove_duplicate_stracks(self.tracked_stracks, self.lost_stracks) # get scores of lost tracks output_stracks = [track for track in self.tracked_stracks if track.is_activated] logger.debug('===========Frame {}=========='.format(self.frame_id)) logger.debug('Activated: {}'.format([track.track_id for track in activated_starcks])) logger.debug('Refind: {}'.format([track.track_id for track in refind_stracks])) logger.debug('Lost: {}'.format([track.track_id for track in lost_stracks])) logger.debug('Removed: {}'.format([track.track_id for track in removed_stracks])) return output_stracks
def forward(self, outputs, batch,global_step,tb_writer): opt = self.opt hm_loss, wh_loss, off_loss = 0, 0, 0 hp_loss, off_loss, hm_hp_loss, hp_offset_loss = 0, 0, 0, 0 loss_stats = {} for s in range(opt.num_stacks): output = outputs[s] output['hm'] = _sigmoid(output['hm']) if opt.hm_hp: output['hm_hp'] = _sigmoid(output['hm_hp']) if opt.eval_oracle_hmhp: output['hm_hp'] = batch['hm_hp'] if opt.eval_oracle_hm: output['hm'] = batch['hm'] if opt.eval_oracle_kps: if opt.dense_hp: output['hps'] = batch['dense_hps'] else: output['hps'] = torch.from_numpy(gen_oracle_map( batch['hps'].detach().cpu().numpy(), batch['ind'].detach().cpu().numpy(), opt.output_res, opt.output_res)).to(opt.device) if opt.eval_oracle_hp_offset: output['hp_offset'] = torch.from_numpy(gen_oracle_map( batch['hp_offset'].detach().cpu().numpy(), batch['hp_ind'].detach().cpu().numpy(), opt.output_res, opt.output_res)).to(opt.device) if opt.mdn: V=torch.Tensor((np.array([.26, .25, .25, .35, .35, .79, .79, .72, .72, .62,.62, 1.07, 1.07, .87, .87, .89, .89])/10.0).astype(np.float32)).float().cuda() hm_loss += self.crit(output['hm'], batch['hm'])[0] / opt.num_stacks if opt.mdn: mdn_logits = output['mdn_logits'] #mdn_logits.shape: torch.Size([2, 3, 128, 128]) if opt.mdn_dropout > 0 and opt.epoch<opt.mdn_dropout_stop: M=opt.mdn_n_comps ridx= torch.randperm(M)[:torch.randint(1,1+opt.mdn_dropout,(1,))] drop_mask = torch.ones((M,)) drop_mask[ridx]=0 drop_mask = torch.reshape(drop_mask,(1,-1,1,1)).float().cuda() mdn_logits = mdn_logits*drop_mask if tb_writer is not None: tb_writer.add_histogram('drop_out_idx',ridx+1,global_step=global_step) else: mdn_pi = torch.clamp(torch.nn.Softmax(dim=1)(mdn_logits), 1e-4, 1.-1e-4) mdn_sigma= torch.clamp(torch.nn.ELU()(output['mdn_sigma'])+opt.mdn_min_sigma,1e-4,1e5) mdn_mu = output['hps'] if tb_writer is not None: for i in range(mdn_pi.shape[1]): tb_writer.add_histogram('mdn_pi/{}'.format(i),mdn_pi[:,i],global_step=global_step) tb_writer.add_histogram('mdn_sigma/{}'.format(i),mdn_sigma[:,i*2:i*2+2],global_step=global_step) if opt.dense_hp: gt = batch['dense_hps'] mask = batch['dense_hps_mask'][:,0::2,:,:] _,max_pi_ind = torch.max(mdn_pi,1) else: gt = batch['hps'] mask = batch['hps_mask'][:,:,0::2] mdn_mu= _tranpose_and_gather_feat(mdn_mu, batch['ind']) mdn_pi= _tranpose_and_gather_feat(mdn_pi, batch['ind']) mdn_sigma= _tranpose_and_gather_feat(mdn_sigma, batch['ind']) _,max_pi_ind = torch.max(mdn_pi,-1) if tb_writer is not None: tb_writer.add_histogram('mdn_pi_max_comp',max_pi_ind+1,global_step=global_step) ''' mdn_n_comps=3 batch['hps'].shape: torch.Size([2, 32, 34]) batch['hps_mask'].shape: torch.Size([2, 32, 34]) batch['ind'].shape: torch.Size([2, 32]) gt.shape: torch.Size([2, 32, 34]) mask.shape: torch.Size([2, 32, 17]) before gather, after gather mdn_mu.shape: torch.Size([2, 102, 128, 128]), torch.Size([2, 32, 102]) mdn_pi.shape: torch.Size([2, 3, 128, 128]), torch.Size([2, 32, 3]) mdn_sigma.shape: torch.Size([2, 6, 128, 128]), torch.Size([2, 32, 6]) ''' if opt.mdn_inter: hp_loss += self.crit_kp(gt,mdn_mu,mdn_sigma,mdn_pi,mask,V,debug=opt.debug==6)[0] / opt.num_stacks else: hp_loss = self.crit_kp(gt,mdn_mu,mdn_sigma,mdn_pi,mask,V,debug=opt.debug==6)[0] / opt.num_stacks else: if opt.dense_hp: mask_weight = batch['dense_hps_mask'].sum() + 1e-4 hp_loss += (self.crit_kp(output['hps'] * batch['dense_hps_mask'], batch['dense_hps'] * batch['dense_hps_mask']) / mask_weight) / opt.num_stacks else: hp_loss += self.crit_kp(output['hps'], batch['hps_mask'], batch['ind'], batch['hps']) / opt.num_stacks if opt.wh_weight > 0: wh_loss += self.crit_reg(output['wh'], batch['reg_mask'], batch['ind'], batch['wh'])[0] / opt.num_stacks if opt.reg_offset and opt.off_weight > 0: off_loss += self.crit_reg(output['reg'], batch['reg_mask'], batch['ind'], batch['reg'])[0] / opt.num_stacks if opt.reg_hp_offset and opt.off_weight > 0: hp_offset_loss += self.crit_reg( output['hp_offset'], batch['hp_mask'], batch['hp_ind'], batch['hp_offset'])[0] / opt.num_stacks if opt.hm_hp and opt.hm_hp_weight > 0: hm_hp_loss += self.crit_hm_hp( output['hm_hp'], batch['hm_hp'])[0] / opt.num_stacks loss = opt.hm_weight * hm_loss + opt.wh_weight * wh_loss + \ opt.off_weight * off_loss + opt.hp_weight * hp_loss + \ opt.hm_hp_weight * hm_hp_loss + opt.off_weight * hp_offset_loss loss_stats.update({'loss': loss, 'hm_loss': hm_loss, 'hp_loss': hp_loss, 'hm_hp_loss': hm_hp_loss, 'hp_offset_loss': hp_offset_loss, 'wh_loss': wh_loss, 'off_loss': off_loss}) return loss, loss_stats
def test_emb( opt, batch_size=16, img_size=(1088, 608), print_interval=40, ): data_cfg = opt.data_cfg f = open(data_cfg) data_cfg_dict = json.load(f) f.close() nC = 1 test_paths = data_cfg_dict['test_emb'] dataset_root = data_cfg_dict['root'] if opt.gpus[0] >= 0: opt.device = torch.device('cuda') else: opt.device = torch.device('cpu') print('Creating model...') model = create_model(opt.arch, opt.heads, opt.head_conv) model = load_model(model, opt.load_model) # model = torch.nn.DataParallel(model) model = model.eval() # Get dataloader transforms = T.Compose([T.ToTensor()]) dataset = JointDataset(opt, dataset_root, test_paths, img_size, augment=False, transforms=transforms) dataloader =, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False, num_workers=8, drop_last=False) embedding, id_labels = [], [] print('Extracting pedestrain features...') for batch_i, batch in enumerate(dataloader): t = time.time() output = model(batch['input'].cuda())[-1] id_head = _tranpose_and_gather_feat(output['id'], batch['ind'].cuda()) id_head = id_head[batch['reg_mask'].cuda() > 0].contiguous() emb_scale = math.sqrt(2) * math.log(opt.nID - 1) id_head = emb_scale * F.normalize(id_head) id_target = batch['ids'].cuda()[batch['reg_mask'].cuda() > 0] for i in range(0, id_head.shape[0]): if len(id_head.shape) == 0: continue else: feat, label = id_head[i], id_target[i].long() if label != -1: embedding.append(feat) id_labels.append(label) if batch_i % print_interval == 0: print( 'Extracting {}/{}, # of instances {}, time {:.2f} sec.'.format(batch_i, len(dataloader), len(id_labels), time.time() - t)) print('Computing pairwise similairity...') if len(embedding) < 1: return None embedding = torch.stack(embedding, dim=0).cuda() id_labels = torch.LongTensor(id_labels) n = len(id_labels) print(n, len(embedding)) assert len(embedding) == n embedding = F.normalize(embedding, dim=1) pdist =, embedding.t()).cpu().numpy() gt = id_labels.expand(n, n).eq(id_labels.expand(n, n).t()).numpy() up_triangle = np.where(np.triu(pdist) - np.eye(n) * pdist != 0) pdist = pdist[up_triangle] gt = gt[up_triangle] far_levels = [1e-6, 1e-5, 1e-4, 1e-3, 1e-2, 1e-1] far, tar, threshold = metrics.roc_curve(gt, pdist) interp = interpolate.interp1d(far, tar) tar_at_far = [interp(x) for x in far_levels] for f, fa in enumerate(far_levels): print('TPR@FAR={:.7f}: {:.4f}'.format(fa, tar_at_far[f])) return tar_at_far
def process(self, images, kernel=1, ae_threshold=1, K=100, num_dets=100): with torch.no_grad(): output = self.model(images)[-1] tl_heat = output['tl'].sigmoid_() bl_heat = output['bl'].sigmoid_() br_heat = output['br'].sigmoid_() ct_heat = output['ct'].sigmoid_() tl_tag = output['tl_tag'] bl_tag = output['bl_tag'] br_tag = output['br_tag'] tl_reg = output['tl_reg'] bl_reg = output['bl_reg'] br_reg = output['br_reg'] ct_reg = output['ct_reg'] batch, cat, height, width = tl_heat.size() tl_heat = _nms(tl_heat, kernel=3) bl_heat = _nms(bl_heat, kernel=3) br_heat = _nms(br_heat, kernel=3) ct_heat = _nms(ct_heat, kernel=3) tl_scores, tl_inds, tl_clses, tl_ys, tl_xs = _topk(tl_heat, K=K) bl_scores, bl_inds, bl_clses, bl_ys, bl_xs = _topk(bl_heat, K=K) br_scores, br_inds, br_clses, br_ys, br_xs = _topk(br_heat, K=K) ct_scores, ct_inds, ct_clses, ct_ys, ct_xs = _topk(ct_heat, K=K) tl_ys = tl_ys.view(batch, K, 1, 1).expand(batch, K, K, K) tl_xs = tl_xs.view(batch, K, 1, 1).expand(batch, K, K, K) bl_ys = bl_ys.view(batch, 1, K, 1).expand(batch, K, K, K) bl_xs = bl_xs.view(batch, 1, K, 1).expand(batch, K, K, K) br_ys = br_ys.view(batch, 1, 1, K).expand(batch, K, K, K) br_xs = br_xs.view(batch, 1, 1, K).expand(batch, K, K, K) ct_ys = ct_ys.view(batch, 1, K).expand(batch, K, K) ct_xs = ct_xs.view(batch, 1, K).expand(batch, K, K) if tl_reg is not None and bl_reg is not None and br_reg is not None: tl_reg = _tranpose_and_gather_feat(tl_reg, tl_inds) tl_reg = tl_reg.view(batch, K, 1, 1, 2) bl_reg = _tranpose_and_gather_feat(bl_reg, bl_inds) bl_reg = bl_reg.view(batch, 1, K, 1, 2) br_reg = _tranpose_and_gather_feat(br_reg, br_inds) br_reg = br_reg.view(batch, 1, 1, K, 2) ct_reg = _tranpose_and_gather_feat(ct_reg, ct_inds) ct_reg = ct_reg.view(batch, 1, K, 2) tl_xs = tl_xs + tl_reg[..., 0] tl_ys = tl_ys + tl_reg[..., 1] bl_xs = bl_xs + bl_reg[..., 0] bl_ys = bl_ys + bl_reg[..., 1] br_xs = br_xs + br_reg[..., 0] br_ys = br_ys + br_reg[..., 1] ct_xs = ct_xs + ct_reg[..., 0] ct_ys = ct_ys + ct_reg[..., 1] # all possible boxes based on top k corners (ignoring class) bboxes = torch.stack((tl_xs, tl_ys, bl_xs, bl_ys, br_xs, br_ys), dim=4) tl_tag = _tranpose_and_gather_feat(tl_tag, tl_inds) tl_tag = tl_tag.view(batch, K, 1, 1) bl_tag = _tranpose_and_gather_feat(bl_tag, bl_inds) bl_tag = bl_tag.view(batch, 1, K, 1) br_tag = _tranpose_and_gather_feat(br_tag, br_inds) br_tag = br_tag.view(batch, 1, 1, K) avg_tag = (tl_tag + bl_tag + br_tag) / 3 dists = (torch.abs(tl_tag - avg_tag) + torch.abs(bl_tag - avg_tag) + torch.abs(br_tag - avg_tag)) / 3 tl_scores = tl_scores.view(batch, K, 1, 1).expand(batch, K, K, K) bl_scores = bl_scores.view(batch, 1, K, 1).expand(batch, K, K, K) br_scores = br_scores.view(batch, 1, 1, K).expand(batch, K, K, K) # reject boxes based on corner scores # sc_inds = (tl_scores < scores_thresh) | (bl_scores < scores_thresh) | (br_scores < scores_thresh) scores = (tl_scores + bl_scores + br_scores) / 3 # reject boxes based on classes tl_clses = tl_clses.view(batch, K, 1, 1).expand(batch, K, K, K) bl_clses = bl_clses.view(batch, 1, K, 1).expand(batch, K, K, K) br_clses = br_clses.view(batch, 1, 1, K).expand(batch, K, K, K) cls_inds = (tl_clses != bl_clses) | (bl_clses != br_clses) | ( tl_clses != br_clses) # reject boxes based on distances dist_inds = (dists > ae_threshold) scores[cls_inds] = -1 scores[dist_inds] = -1 # scores[sc_inds] = -1 scores = scores.view(batch, -1) scores, inds = torch.topk(scores, num_dets) scores = scores.unsqueeze(2) bboxes = bboxes.view(batch, -1, 6) bboxes = _gather_feat(bboxes, inds) clses = bl_clses.contiguous().view(batch, -1, 1) clses = _gather_feat(clses, inds).float() tl_scores = tl_scores.contiguous().view(batch, -1, 1) tl_scores = _gather_feat(tl_scores, inds).float() bl_scores = bl_scores.contiguous().view(batch, -1, 1) bl_scores = _gather_feat(bl_scores, inds).float() br_scores = br_scores.contiguous().view(batch, -1, 1) br_scores = _gather_feat(br_scores, inds).float() ct_xs = ct_xs[:, 0, :] ct_ys = ct_ys[:, 0, :] centers =[ ct_xs.unsqueeze(2), ct_ys.unsqueeze(2), ct_clses.float().unsqueeze(2), ct_scores.unsqueeze(2) ], dim=2) detections = [bboxes, scores, tl_scores, bl_scores, br_scores, clses], dim=2) # tl_heat = output['tl'].sigmoid_() # bl_heat = output['bl'].sigmoid_() # br_heat = output['br'].sigmoid_() # ct_heat = output['ct'].sigmoid_() # # tl_tag = output['tl_tag'] # bl_tag = output['bl_tag'] # br_tag = output['br_tag'] # # tl_reg = output['tl_reg'] # bl_reg = output['bl_reg'] # br_reg = output['br_reg'] # ct_reg = output['ct_reg'] # # kernel = self.opt.nms_kernel # ae_threshold = self.opt.ae_threshold # K = self.opt.K # # batch, cat, height, width = tl_heat.size() # # # perform nms on heatmaps # tl_heat = _nms(tl_heat, kernel=kernel) # bl_heat = _nms(bl_heat, kernel=kernel) # br_heat = _nms(br_heat, kernel=kernel) # ct_heat = _nms(ct_heat, kernel=kernel) # # tl_scores, tl_inds, tl_clses, tl_ys, tl_xs = _topk(tl_heat, K=K) # bl_scores, bl_inds, bl_clses, bl_ys, bl_xs = _topk(bl_heat, K=K) # br_scores, br_inds, br_clses, br_ys, br_xs = _topk(br_heat, K=K) # ct_scores, ct_inds, ct_clses, ct_ys, ct_xs = _topk(ct_heat, K=K) # # tl_ys = tl_ys.view(batch, K, 1, 1).expand(batch, K, K, K) # tl_xs = tl_xs.view(batch, K, 1, 1).expand(batch, K, K, K) # bl_ys = bl_ys.view(batch, 1, K, 1).expand(batch, K, K, K) # bl_xs = bl_xs.view(batch, 1, K, 1).expand(batch, K, K, K) # br_ys = br_ys.view(batch, 1, 1, K).expand(batch, K, K, K) # br_xs = br_xs.view(batch, 1, 1, K).expand(batch, K, K, K) # ct_ys = ct_ys.view(batch, 1, K).expand(batch, K, K) # ct_xs = ct_xs.view(batch, 1, K).expand(batch, K, K) # # if tl_reg is not None and bl_reg is not None and br_reg is not None: # tl_reg = _tranpose_and_gather_feat(tl_reg, tl_inds) # tl_reg = tl_reg.view(batch, K, 1, 1, 2) # bl_reg = _tranpose_and_gather_feat(bl_reg, bl_inds) # bl_reg = bl_reg.view(batch, 1, K, 1, 2) # br_reg = _tranpose_and_gather_feat(br_reg, br_inds) # br_reg = br_reg.view(batch, 1, 1, K, 2) # ct_reg = _tranpose_and_gather_feat(ct_reg, ct_inds) # ct_reg = ct_reg.view(batch, 1, K, 2) # # tl_xs = tl_xs + tl_reg[..., 0] # tl_ys = tl_ys + tl_reg[..., 1] # bl_xs = bl_xs + bl_reg[..., 0] # bl_ys = bl_ys + bl_reg[..., 1] # br_xs = br_xs + br_reg[..., 0] # br_ys = br_ys + br_reg[..., 1] # ct_xs = ct_xs + ct_reg[..., 0] # ct_ys = ct_ys + ct_reg[..., 1] # # # all possible boxes based on top k corners (ignoring class) # bboxes = torch.stack((tl_xs, tl_ys, bl_xs, bl_ys, br_xs, br_ys), dim=4) # # tl_tag = _tranpose_and_gather_feat(tl_tag, tl_inds) # tl_tag = tl_tag.view(batch, K, 1, 1).expand(batch, K, K, K) # bl_tag = _tranpose_and_gather_feat(bl_tag, bl_inds) # bl_tag = bl_tag.view(batch, 1, K, 1).expand(batch, K, K, K) # br_tag = _tranpose_and_gather_feat(br_tag, br_inds) # br_tag = br_tag.view(batch, 1, 1, K).expand(batch, K, K, K) # avg_tag = (tl_tag + bl_tag + br_tag) / 3 # dists = (torch.abs(tl_tag - avg_tag) + torch.abs(bl_tag - avg_tag) + torch.abs(br_tag - avg_tag)) / 3 # # tl_scores = tl_scores.view(batch, K, 1, 1).expand(batch, K, K, K) # bl_scores = bl_scores.view(batch, 1, K, 1).expand(batch, K, K, K) # br_scores = br_scores.view(batch, 1, 1, K).expand(batch, K, K, K) # scores = (tl_scores + bl_scores + br_scores) / 3 # # # reject boxes based on classes # tl_clses = tl_clses.view(batch, K, 1, 1).expand(batch, K, K, K) # bl_clses = bl_clses.view(batch, 1, K, 1).expand(batch, K, K, K) # br_clses = br_clses.view(batch, 1, 1, K).expand(batch, K, K, K) # cls_inds = (tl_clses != bl_clses) | (bl_clses != br_clses) | (tl_clses != br_clses) # # # reject boxes based on distances # dist_inds = (dists > ae_threshold) # # # instead of filtering prediction according to the out-of-bound rotation, do data augmentation to mirror groundtruth # # scores[cls_inds] = -1 # scores[dist_inds] = -1 # # scores = scores.view(batch, -1) # scores, inds = torch.topk(scores, 100) # scores = scores.unsqueeze(2) # # bboxes = bboxes.view(batch, -1, 6) # bboxes = _gather_feat(bboxes, inds) # # tl_tag = tl_tag.contiguous().view(batch, -1, 1) # tl_tag = _gather_feat(tl_tag, inds) # bl_tag = bl_tag.contiguous().view(batch, -1, 1) # bl_tag = _gather_feat(bl_tag, inds) # br_tag = br_tag.contiguous().view(batch, -1, 1) # br_tag = _gather_feat(br_tag, inds) # avg_tag = avg_tag.contiguous().view(batch, -1, 1) # avg_tag = _gather_feat(avg_tag, inds) # # clses = bl_clses.contiguous().view(batch, -1, 1) # clses = _gather_feat(clses, inds).float() # # tl_scores = tl_scores.contiguous().view(batch, -1, 1) # tl_scores = _gather_feat(tl_scores, inds).float() # bl_scores = bl_scores.contiguous().view(batch, -1, 1) # bl_scores = _gather_feat(bl_scores, inds).float() # br_scores = br_scores.contiguous().view(batch, -1, 1) # br_scores = _gather_feat(br_scores, inds).float() # # ct_xs = ct_xs[:, 0, :] # ct_ys = ct_ys[:, 0, :] # # centers = # [ct_xs.unsqueeze(2), ct_ys.unsqueeze(2), ct_clses.float().unsqueeze(2), ct_scores.unsqueeze(2)], dim=2) # detections =[bboxes, scores, tl_scores, bl_scores, br_scores, clses, tl_tag, bl_tag, br_tag, avg_tag], dim=2) return detections, centers
def forward(self, outputs, batch, dataparallel=False): opt = self.opt hm_loss, wh_loss, off_loss, id_loss, edge_loss = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 for s in range(opt.num_stacks): output = outputs[s] if not opt.mse_loss: output['hm'] = _sigmoid(output['hm']) hm_loss += self.crit(output['hm'], batch['hm']) / opt.num_stacks if opt.wh_weight > 0: if opt.dense_wh: mask_weight = batch['dense_wh_mask'].sum() + 1e-4 wh_loss += (self.crit_wh( output['wh'] * batch['dense_wh_mask'], batch['dense_wh'] * batch['dense_wh_mask']) / mask_weight) / opt.num_stacks else: wh_loss += self.crit_reg(output['wh'], batch['reg_mask'], batch['ind'], batch['wh']) / opt.num_stacks if opt.reg_offset and opt.off_weight > 0: off_loss += self.crit_reg(output['reg'], batch['reg_mask'], batch['ind'], batch['reg']) / opt.num_stacks if opt.id_weight > 0: id_head = _tranpose_and_gather_feat(output['id'], batch['ind']) id_head = id_head[batch['reg_mask'] > 0].contiguous() id_head = self.emb_scale * F.normalize(id_head) id_target = batch['ids'][batch['reg_mask'] > 0] id_output = self.classifier(id_head).contiguous() id_loss += self.IDLoss(id_output, id_target) #id_loss += self.IDLoss(id_output, id_target) + self.TriLoss(id_head, id_target) if opt.edge_reg_weight > 0: # TODO: compute the edge regression with BCELoss here if output['edge_preds'] is None or output[ 'edge_labels'] is None: edge_loss += torch.tensor(0.).to(hm_loss.device) elif len(output['edge_preds']) == 0 or len( output['edge_labels']) == 0: edge_loss += torch.tensor(0.).to(hm_loss.device) else: edge_loss += self.crit_edge( output['edge_preds'], output['edge_labels']) * opt.edge_reg_weight if torch.isnan(edge_loss): print(output['edge_preds']) print(output['edge_labels']) import ipdb ipdb.set_trace() #loss = opt.hm_weight * hm_loss + opt.wh_weight * wh_loss + opt.off_weight * off_loss + opt.id_weight * id_loss det_loss = opt.hm_weight * hm_loss + opt.wh_weight * wh_loss + opt.off_weight * off_loss # loss = torch.exp(-self.s_det) * det_loss + torch.exp(-self.s_id) * id_loss + (self.s_det + self.s_id) loss = torch.exp(-self.s_det) * det_loss + torch.exp(-self.s_id) * ( id_loss + edge_loss) + (self.s_det + self.s_id) loss *= 0.5 #print(loss, hm_loss, wh_loss, off_loss, id_loss) if not dataparallel: loss_stats = { 'loss': loss.mean().item(), 'hm_loss': hm_loss.mean().item(), 'wh_loss': wh_loss.mean().item(), 'off_loss': off_loss.mean().item(), 'id_loss': id_loss.mean().item(), 'edge_loss': edge_loss.mean().item() } else: loss_stats = { 'loss': loss, 'hm_loss': hm_loss, 'wh_loss': wh_loss, 'off_loss': off_loss, 'id_loss': id_loss, 'edge_loss': edge_loss } return loss, loss_stats
def multi_pose_decode(self, heat, wh, kps, reg=None, hm_hp=None, hp_offset=None, K=100): batch, cat, height, width = heat.size() num_joints = kps.shape[1] // 2 # perform nms on heatmaps heat = self._nms(heat) scores, inds, clses, ys, xs = self._topk(heat, K=K) kps = _tranpose_and_gather_feat(kps, inds) kps = kps.view(batch, K, num_joints * 2) kps[..., ::2] += xs.view(batch, K, 1).expand(batch, K, num_joints) kps[..., 1::2] += ys.view(batch, K, 1).expand(batch, K, num_joints) if reg is not None: reg = _tranpose_and_gather_feat(reg, inds) reg = reg.view(batch, K, 2) xs = xs.view(batch, K, 1) + reg[:, :, 0:1] ys = ys.view(batch, K, 1) + reg[:, :, 1:2] else: xs = xs.view(batch, K, 1) + 0.5 ys = ys.view(batch, K, 1) + 0.5 wh = _tranpose_and_gather_feat(wh, inds) wh = wh.view(batch, K, 2) clses = clses.view(batch, K, 1).float() scores = scores.view(batch, K, 1) bboxes =[ xs - wh[..., 0:1] / 2, ys - wh[..., 1:2] / 2, xs + wh[..., 0:1] / 2, ys + wh[..., 1:2] / 2 ], dim=2) if hm_hp is not None: hm_hp = self._nms(hm_hp) thresh = 0.1 kps = kps.view(batch, K, num_joints, 2).permute(0, 2, 1, 3).contiguous() # b x J x K x 2 reg_kps = kps.unsqueeze(3).expand(batch, num_joints, K, K, 2) hm_score, hm_inds, hm_ys, hm_xs = self._topk_channel( hm_hp, K=K) # b x J x K if hp_offset is not None: hp_offset = _tranpose_and_gather_feat(hp_offset, hm_inds.view(batch, -1)) hp_offset = hp_offset.view(batch, num_joints, K, 2) hm_xs = hm_xs + hp_offset[:, :, :, 0] hm_ys = hm_ys + hp_offset[:, :, :, 1] else: hm_xs = hm_xs + 0.5 hm_ys = hm_ys + 0.5 mask = (hm_score > thresh).float() hm_score = (1 - mask) * -1 + mask * hm_score hm_ys = (1 - mask) * (-10000) + mask * hm_ys hm_xs = (1 - mask) * (-10000) + mask * hm_xs hm_kps = torch.stack([hm_xs, hm_ys], dim=-1).unsqueeze(2).expand( batch, num_joints, K, K, 2) dist = (((reg_kps - hm_kps)**2).sum(dim=4)**0.5) min_dist, min_ind = dist.min(dim=3) # b x J x K hm_score = hm_score.gather(2, min_ind).unsqueeze(-1) # b x J x K x 1 min_dist = min_dist.unsqueeze(-1) min_ind = min_ind.view(batch, num_joints, K, 1, 1).expand(batch, num_joints, K, 1, 2) hm_kps = hm_kps.gather(3, min_ind) hm_kps = hm_kps.view(batch, num_joints, K, 2) l = bboxes[:, :, 0].view(batch, 1, K, 1).expand(batch, num_joints, K, 1) t = bboxes[:, :, 1].view(batch, 1, K, 1).expand(batch, num_joints, K, 1) r = bboxes[:, :, 2].view(batch, 1, K, 1).expand(batch, num_joints, K, 1) b = bboxes[:, :, 3].view(batch, 1, K, 1).expand(batch, num_joints, K, 1) mask = (hm_kps[..., 0:1] < l) + (hm_kps[..., 0:1] > r) + \ (hm_kps[..., 1:2] < t) + (hm_kps[..., 1:2] > b) + \ (hm_score < thresh) + (min_dist > (torch.max(b - t, r - l) * 0.3)) mask = (mask > 0).float().expand(batch, num_joints, K, 2) kps = (1 - mask) * hm_kps + mask * kps kps = kps.permute(0, 2, 1, 3).contiguous().view(batch, K, num_joints * 2) detections =[ bboxes, scores, kps, torch.transpose(hm_score.squeeze(dim=3), 1, 2) ], dim=2) return detections
def forward(self, output_dict, batch): opt = self.opt loss_results = {loss: 0 for loss in self.loss_states} outputs = output_dict['orig'] flipped_outputs = output_dict['flipped'] if 'flipped' in output_dict else None # Take loss at each scale for s in range(opt.num_stacks): output = outputs[s] # Supervised loss on predicted heatmap if not opt.mse_loss: output['hm'] = _sigmoid(output['hm']) loss_results['hm'] += self.crit(output['hm'], batch['hm']) / opt.num_stacks # Supervised loss on object sizes if opt.wh_weight > 0: if opt.dense_wh: mask_weight = batch['dense_wh_mask'].sum() + 1e-4 loss_results['wh'] += (self.crit_wh(output['wh'] * batch['dense_wh_mask'], batch['dense_wh'] * batch['dense_wh_mask']) / mask_weight) / opt.num_stacks else: loss_results['wh'] += self.crit_reg( output['wh'], batch['reg_mask'], batch['ind'], batch['wh']) / opt.num_stacks # Supervised loss on offsets if opt.reg_offset and opt.off_weight > 0: loss_results['off'] += self.crit_reg(output['reg'], batch['reg_mask'], batch['ind'], batch['reg']) / opt.num_stacks id_head = _tranpose_and_gather_feat(output['id'], batch['ind']) id_head = id_head[batch['reg_mask'] > 0].contiguous() id_head = self.emb_scale * F.normalize(id_head) # Supervised loss on object ID predictions if opt.id_weight > 0 and not opt.unsup: id_target = batch['ids'][batch['reg_mask'] > 0] id_output = self.classifier(id_head).contiguous() loss_results['id'] += self.IDLoss(id_output, id_target) # Take self-supervised loss using negative sample (flipped img) if opt.unsup and flipped_outputs is not None: flipped_output = flipped_outputs[s] flipped_id_head = _tranpose_and_gather_feat(flipped_output['id'], batch['flipped_ind']) flipped_id_head = flipped_id_head[batch['reg_mask'] > 0].contiguous() # flipped_id_head = self.emb_scale * F.normalize(flipped_id_head) flipped_id_head = F.normalize(flipped_id_head) # Compute loss between the positive and negative set of reid features loss_results[opt.unsup_loss] = self.SelfSupLoss(id_head, flipped_id_head, batch['num_objs']) # Total supervised det_loss = opt.hm_weight * loss_results['hm'] + \ opt.wh_weight * loss_results['wh'] + \ opt.off_weight * loss_results['off'] id_loss = torch.exp(-self.s_id) * loss_results['id'] if not opt.unsup else \ torch.exp(-self.s_id) * (loss_results[opt.unsup_loss]) # Total of supervised and self-supervised losses on object embeddings total_loss = torch.exp(-self.s_det) * det_loss + \ torch.exp(-self.s_id) * id_loss + \ self.s_det + self.s_id total_loss *= 0.5 loss_results['loss'] = total_loss return total_loss, loss_results
def debug(self, detections, targets, ae_threshold): tl_heat = detections['tl_heatmap'] bl_heat = detections['bl_heatmap'] br_heat = detections['br_heatmap'] ct_heat = detections['ct_heatmap'] targets['tl_tag'] = targets['tl_tag'][targets['reg_mask']].unsqueeze(0) targets['bl_tag'] = targets['bl_tag'][targets['reg_mask']].unsqueeze(0) targets['br_tag'] = targets['br_tag'][targets['reg_mask']].unsqueeze(0) targets['ct_tag'] = targets['ct_tag'][targets['reg_mask']].unsqueeze(0) targets['tl_reg'] = targets['tl_reg'][targets['reg_mask']].unsqueeze(0) targets['bl_reg'] = targets['bl_reg'][targets['reg_mask']].unsqueeze(0) targets['br_reg'] = targets['br_reg'][targets['reg_mask']].unsqueeze(0) targets['ct_reg'] = targets['ct_reg'][targets['reg_mask']].unsqueeze(0) batch, cat, height, width = tl_heat.size() # tl_scores, tl_inds, tl_clses, tl_ys, tl_xs = _topk(tl_heat, K=256) # bl_scores, bl_inds, bl_clses, bl_ys, bl_xs = _topk(bl_heat, K=256) # br_scores, br_inds, br_clses, br_ys, br_xs = _topk(br_heat, K=256) # ct_scores, ct_inds, ct_clses, ct_ys, ct_xs = _topk(ct_heat, K=256) tl_tag = detections['tl_tag'] bl_tag = detections['bl_tag'] br_tag = detections['br_tag'] tl_reg = detections['tl_reg'] bl_reg = detections['bl_reg'] br_reg = detections['br_reg'] ct_reg = detections['ct_reg'] # gather by gt tl_tag = _tranpose_and_gather_feat( tl_tag, targets['tl_tag'].to(torch.device("cuda"))) bl_tag = _tranpose_and_gather_feat( bl_tag, targets['bl_tag'].to(torch.device("cuda"))) br_tag = _tranpose_and_gather_feat( br_tag, targets['br_tag'].to(torch.device("cuda"))) # gather by top k # tl_tag = _tranpose_and_gather_feat(tl_tag, tl_inds) # bl_tag = _tranpose_and_gather_feat(bl_tag, bl_inds) # br_tag = _tranpose_and_gather_feat(br_tag, br_inds) avg_tag = (tl_tag + bl_tag + br_tag) / 3 dists_tl = torch.abs(avg_tag - tl_tag).to(torch.device("cpu")).numpy() dists_bl = torch.abs(bl_tag - avg_tag).to(torch.device("cpu")).numpy() dists_br = torch.abs(avg_tag - br_tag).to(torch.device("cpu")).numpy() dists_avg = (dists_tl.sum() + dists_bl.sum() + dists_br.sum()) / dists_tl.shape[1] / 3 min_tl = dists_tl.min() max_tl = dists_tl.max() min_bl = dists_bl.min() max_bl = dists_bl.max() min_br = dists_br.min() max_br = dists_br.max() # gather by gt tl_reg = _tranpose_and_gather_feat( tl_reg, targets['tl_tag'].to(torch.device("cuda"))) bl_reg = _tranpose_and_gather_feat( bl_reg, targets['bl_tag'].to(torch.device("cuda"))) br_reg = _tranpose_and_gather_feat( br_reg, targets['br_tag'].to(torch.device("cuda"))) ct_reg = _tranpose_and_gather_feat( ct_reg, targets['ct_tag'].to(torch.device("cuda"))) # reg_diff_tl = tl_reg - targets['tl_reg'].to(torch.device("cuda")) # reg_diff_tl = torch.sqrt(reg_diff_tl[..., 0]*reg_diff_tl[..., 0] + reg_diff_tl[..., 1]*reg_diff_tl[..., 1]) # reg_diff_bl = bl_reg - targets['bl_reg'].to(torch.device("cuda")) # reg_diff_bl = torch.sqrt(reg_diff_bl[..., 0] * reg_diff_bl[..., 0] + reg_diff_bl[..., 1] * reg_diff_bl[..., 1]) # reg_diff_br = br_reg - targets['br_reg'].to(torch.device("cuda")) # reg_diff_br = torch.sqrt(reg_diff_br[..., 0] * reg_diff_br[..., 0] + reg_diff_br[..., 1] * reg_diff_br[..., 1]) # reg_diff_ct = ct_reg - targets['ct_reg'].to(torch.device("cuda")) # reg_diff_ct = torch.sqrt(reg_diff_ct[..., 0] * reg_diff_ct[..., 0] + reg_diff_ct[..., 1] * reg_diff_ct[..., 1]) tl_xs = ((targets['tl_tag'] % (width * height)) % width).int().float().to(torch.device("cuda")) tl_ys = ((targets['tl_tag'] % (width * height)) / width).int().float().to(torch.device("cuda")) bl_xs = ((targets['bl_tag'] % (width * height)) % width).int().float().to(torch.device("cuda")) bl_ys = ((targets['bl_tag'] % (width * height)) / width).int().float().to(torch.device("cuda")) br_xs = ((targets['br_tag'] % (width * height)) % width).int().float().to(torch.device("cuda")) br_ys = ((targets['br_tag'] % (width * height)) / width).int().float().to(torch.device("cuda")) ct_xs = ((targets['ct_tag'] % (width * height)) % width).int().float().to(torch.device("cuda")) ct_ys = ((targets['ct_tag'] % (width * height)) / width).int().float().to(torch.device("cuda")) tl_xs_pr = (tl_xs + tl_reg[..., 0]).squeeze(0).to( torch.device("cpu")).numpy() tl_ys_pr = (tl_ys + tl_reg[..., 1]).squeeze(0).to( torch.device("cpu")).numpy() bl_xs_pr = (bl_xs + bl_reg[..., 0]).squeeze(0).to( torch.device("cpu")).numpy() bl_ys_pr = (bl_ys + bl_reg[..., 1]).squeeze(0).to( torch.device("cpu")).numpy() br_xs_pr = (br_xs + br_reg[..., 0]).squeeze(0).to( torch.device("cpu")).numpy() br_ys_pr = (br_ys + br_reg[..., 1]).squeeze(0).to( torch.device("cpu")).numpy() ct_xs_pr = (ct_xs + ct_reg[..., 0]).squeeze(0).to( torch.device("cpu")).numpy() ct_ys_pr = (ct_ys + ct_reg[..., 1]).squeeze(0).to( torch.device("cpu")).numpy() tl_xs_gt = (tl_xs + targets['tl_reg'][..., 0].to( torch.device("cuda"))).squeeze(0).to(torch.device("cpu")).numpy() tl_ys_gt = (tl_ys + targets['tl_reg'][..., 1].to( torch.device("cuda"))).squeeze(0).to(torch.device("cpu")).numpy() bl_xs_gt = (bl_xs + targets['bl_reg'][..., 0].to( torch.device("cuda"))).squeeze(0).to(torch.device("cpu")).numpy() bl_ys_gt = (bl_ys + targets['bl_reg'][..., 1].to( torch.device("cuda"))).squeeze(0).to(torch.device("cpu")).numpy() br_xs_gt = (br_xs + targets['br_reg'][..., 0].to( torch.device("cuda"))).squeeze(0).to(torch.device("cpu")).numpy() br_ys_gt = (br_ys + targets['br_reg'][..., 1].to( torch.device("cuda"))).squeeze(0).to(torch.device("cpu")).numpy() ct_xs_gt = (ct_xs + targets['ct_reg'][..., 0].to( torch.device("cuda"))).squeeze(0).to(torch.device("cpu")).numpy() ct_ys_gt = (ct_ys + targets['ct_reg'][..., 1].to( torch.device("cuda"))).squeeze(0).to(torch.device("cpu")).numpy() bboxes_gt = targets['bbox'][targets['reg_mask']] nm_instances = tl_xs_pr.shape[0] for i in range(nm_instances): bbox_gt = bboxes_gt[i, :] # prediction bbox_coord_pr = [] tl_x_pr = tl_xs_pr[i] tl_y_pr = tl_ys_pr[i] bl_x_pr = bl_xs_pr[i] bl_y_pr = bl_ys_pr[i] br_x_pr = br_xs_pr[i] br_y_pr = br_ys_pr[i] # center x_c = (tl_x_pr + br_x_pr) / 2. y_c = (tl_y_pr + br_y_pr) / 2. if bl_x_pr == br_x_pr: p_y = tl_y_pr p_x = br_x_pr if br_y_pr > bl_y_pr: angle = np.pi / 2. else: angle = -np.pi / 2. elif bl_y_pr == br_y_pr: p_x = tl_x_pr p_y = br_y_pr angle = 0. else: # angle angle = math.atan2(-(br_y_pr - bl_y_pr), br_x_pr - bl_x_pr) # find intersected point a = (br_x_pr - bl_x_pr) / (br_y_pr - bl_y_pr) b = br_y_pr - a * br_x_pr delta_x = br_x_pr - bl_x_pr delta_y = br_y_pr - bl_y_pr p_x = (delta_x * tl_x_pr + delta_y * tl_y_pr - delta_x * b) / (delta_x + delta_x * a) p_y = a * p_x + b # w, h w = np.sqrt((br_x_pr - p_x) * (br_x_pr - p_x) + (br_y_pr - p_y) * (br_y_pr - p_y)) h = np.sqrt((tl_x_pr - p_x) * (tl_x_pr - p_x) + (tl_y_pr - p_y) * (tl_y_pr - p_y)) bbox_coord_pr.append( [x_c - w / 2, y_c - h / 2, x_c + w / 2, y_c + h / 2, angle]) bbox_coord_pr = np.array(bbox_coord_pr) # groundtruth boxes_coord_gt = [] tl_x_gt = tl_xs_gt[i] tl_y_gt = tl_ys_gt[i] bl_x_gt = bl_xs_gt[i] bl_y_gt = bl_ys_gt[i] br_x_gt = br_xs_gt[i] br_y_gt = br_ys_gt[i] if bl_x_gt == br_x_gt: p_y = tl_y_gt p_x = bl_x_gt if br_y_gt > bl_y_gt: angle = np.pi / 4 else: angle = -np.pi / 4 else: # center x_c = (tl_x_gt + br_x_gt) / 2. y_c = (tl_y_gt + br_y_gt) / 2. # angle angle = math.atan(-(br_y_gt - bl_y_gt) / (br_x_gt - bl_x_gt)) # find intersected point a = (br_y_gt - bl_y_gt) / (br_x_gt - bl_x_gt) b = br_y_gt - a * br_x_gt delta_x = br_x_gt - bl_x_gt delta_y = br_y_gt - bl_y_gt p_x = (delta_x * tl_x_gt + delta_y * tl_y_gt - delta_y * b) / (delta_x + delta_y * a) p_y = a * p_x + b # w, h w = np.sqrt((br_x_gt - p_x) * (br_x_gt - p_x) + (br_y_gt - p_y) * (br_y_gt - p_y)) h = np.sqrt((tl_x_gt - p_x) * (tl_x_gt - p_x) + (tl_y_gt - p_y) * (tl_y_gt - p_y)) boxes_coord_gt.append( [x_c - w / 2, y_c - h / 2, x_c + w / 2, y_c + h / 2, angle]) boxes_coord_gt = np.array(boxes_coord_gt) # print(np.array_equal(bbox_gt, boxes_coord_gt)) overlaps = _bbox_overlaps( np.ascontiguousarray(bbox_coord_pr[:, :4], dtype=np.float32), np.ascontiguousarray(boxes_coord_gt[:, :4], dtype=np.float32), bbox_coord_pr[:, -1], boxes_coord_gt[:, -1], 128, 128) flag_suc = False flag_exit = 0 for i in range(overlaps.shape[0]): for j in range(overlaps.shape[1]): value_overlap = overlaps[i, j] angle_diff = math.fabs(bbox_coord_pr[i, -1] - boxes_coord_gt[j, -1]) if value_overlap > 0.25 and angle_diff < np.pi / 6: flag_suc = True flag_exit = 1 break if flag_exit: break if flag_exit: break return min_tl, max_tl, min_bl, max_bl, min_br, max_br, dists_avg, flag_suc
def update(self, im_blob, img0, p_crops, p_crops_lengths, edge_index, gnn_output_layer=-1, p_imgs=None, conf_thres=0.3): self.frame_id += 1 activated_starcks = [] refind_stracks = [] lost_stracks = [] removed_stracks = [] width = img0.shape[1] height = img0.shape[0] inp_height = im_blob.shape[2] inp_width = im_blob.shape[3] c = np.array([width / 2., height / 2.], dtype=np.float32) s = max(float(inp_width) / float(inp_height) * height, width) * 1.0 meta = {'c': c, 's': s, 'out_height': inp_height // self.opt.down_ratio, 'out_width': inp_width // self.opt.down_ratio} ''' Step 1: Network forward, get detections & embeddings''' with torch.no_grad(): output = self.model(im_blob, p_crops, p_crops_lengths, edge_index, p_imgs=p_imgs)[gnn_output_layer] if type(output) is list: output = output[-1] hm = output['hm'].sigmoid_() wh = output['wh'] id_feature = output['id'] id_feature = F.normalize(id_feature, dim=1) reg = output['reg'] if self.opt.reg_offset else None dets, inds = mot_decode(hm, wh, reg=reg, cat_spec_wh=self.opt.cat_spec_wh, K=self.opt.K) id_feature = _tranpose_and_gather_feat(id_feature, inds) id_feature = id_feature.squeeze(0) id_feature = id_feature.cpu().numpy() if self.viz_attention and self.frame_id == self.opt.vis_attn_frame: # vis attention attn = output['p'] node0_neighbor_idx = output['node0_neighbor_idx'] keep = torch.where(attn > self.opt.vis_attn_thres)[0] self.visualize_centers(im_blob, keep, node0_neighbor_idx, attn, output, p_imgs) dets = self.post_process(dets, meta) dets = self.merge_outputs([dets])[1] # remain_inds = dets[:, 4] > self.opt.conf_thres remain_inds = dets[:, 4] > conf_thres dets = dets[remain_inds] id_feature = id_feature[remain_inds] # vis ''' for i in range(0, dets.shape[0]): bbox = dets[i][0:4] cv2.rectangle(img0, (bbox[0], bbox[1]), (bbox[2], bbox[3]), (0, 255, 0), 2) cv2.imshow('dets', img0) cv2.waitKey(0) id0 = id0-1 ''' if len(dets) > 0: '''Detections''' detections = [STrack(STrack.tlbr_to_tlwh(tlbrs[:4]), tlbrs[4], f, 30) for (tlbrs, f) in zip(dets[:, :5], id_feature)] else: detections = [] ''' Add newly detected tracklets to tracked_stracks''' unconfirmed = [] tracked_stracks = [] # type: list[STrack] for track in self.tracked_stracks: if not track.is_activated: unconfirmed.append(track) else: tracked_stracks.append(track) ''' Step 2: First association, with embedding''' strack_pool = joint_stracks(tracked_stracks, self.lost_stracks) # Predict the current location with KF #for strack in strack_pool: #strack.predict() STrack.multi_predict(strack_pool) dists = matching.embedding_distance(strack_pool, detections) #dists = matching.gate_cost_matrix(self.kalman_filter, dists, strack_pool, detections) dists = matching.fuse_motion(self.kalman_filter, dists, strack_pool, detections) matches, u_track, u_detection = matching.linear_assignment(dists, thresh=0.7) for itracked, idet in matches: track = strack_pool[itracked] det = detections[idet] if track.state == TrackState.Tracked: track.update(detections[idet], self.frame_id) activated_starcks.append(track) else: track.re_activate(det, self.frame_id, new_id=False) refind_stracks.append(track) ''' Step 3: Second association, with IOU''' detections = [detections[i] for i in u_detection] r_tracked_stracks = [strack_pool[i] for i in u_track if strack_pool[i].state == TrackState.Tracked] dists = matching.iou_distance(r_tracked_stracks, detections) matches, u_track, u_detection = matching.linear_assignment(dists, thresh=0.5) for itracked, idet in matches: track = r_tracked_stracks[itracked] det = detections[idet] if track.state == TrackState.Tracked: track.update(det, self.frame_id) activated_starcks.append(track) else: track.re_activate(det, self.frame_id, new_id=False) refind_stracks.append(track) for it in u_track: track = r_tracked_stracks[it] if not track.state == TrackState.Lost: track.mark_lost() lost_stracks.append(track) '''Deal with unconfirmed tracks, usually tracks with only one beginning frame''' detections = [detections[i] for i in u_detection] dists = matching.iou_distance(unconfirmed, detections) matches, u_unconfirmed, u_detection = matching.linear_assignment(dists, thresh=0.7) for itracked, idet in matches: unconfirmed[itracked].update(detections[idet], self.frame_id) activated_starcks.append(unconfirmed[itracked]) for it in u_unconfirmed: track = unconfirmed[it] track.mark_removed() removed_stracks.append(track) """ Step 4: Init new stracks""" for inew in u_detection: track = detections[inew] # if track.score < self.det_thresh: if track.score < conf_thres: continue track.activate(self.kalman_filter, self.frame_id) activated_starcks.append(track) """ Step 5: Update state""" for track in self.lost_stracks: if self.frame_id - track.end_frame > self.max_time_lost: track.mark_removed() removed_stracks.append(track) # print('Ramained match {} s'.format(t4-t3)) self.tracked_stracks = [t for t in self.tracked_stracks if t.state == TrackState.Tracked] self.tracked_stracks = joint_stracks(self.tracked_stracks, activated_starcks) self.tracked_stracks = joint_stracks(self.tracked_stracks, refind_stracks) self.lost_stracks = sub_stracks(self.lost_stracks, self.tracked_stracks) self.lost_stracks.extend(lost_stracks) self.lost_stracks = sub_stracks(self.lost_stracks, self.removed_stracks) self.removed_stracks.extend(removed_stracks) self.tracked_stracks, self.lost_stracks = remove_duplicate_stracks(self.tracked_stracks, self.lost_stracks) # get scores of lost tracks output_stracks = [track for track in self.tracked_stracks if track.is_activated] logger.debug('===========Frame {}=========='.format(self.frame_id)) logger.debug('Activated: {}'.format([track.track_id for track in activated_starcks])) logger.debug('Refind: {}'.format([track.track_id for track in refind_stracks])) logger.debug('Lost: {}'.format([track.track_id for track in lost_stracks])) logger.debug('Removed: {}'.format([track.track_id for track in removed_stracks])) return output_stracks
def update(self, im_blob, img0): self.frame_id += 1 activated_starcks = [] refind_stracks = [] lost_stracks = [] removed_stracks = [] width = img0.shape[1] height = img0.shape[0] inp_height = im_blob.shape[2] inp_width = im_blob.shape[3] c = np.array([width / 2.0, height / 2.0], dtype=np.float32) s = max(float(inp_width) / float(inp_height) * height, width) * 1.0 meta = { "c": c, "s": s, "out_height": inp_height // self.opt.down_ratio, "out_width": inp_width // self.opt.down_ratio, } """ Step 1: Network forward, get detections & embeddings""" with torch.no_grad(): output = self.model(im_blob)[-1] hm = output["hm"].sigmoid_() wh = output["wh"] id_feature = output["id"] id_feature = F.normalize(id_feature, dim=1) reg = output["reg"] if self.opt.reg_offset else None dets, inds = mot_decode(hm, wh, reg=reg, cat_spec_wh=self.opt.cat_spec_wh, K=self.opt.K) id_feature = _tranpose_and_gather_feat(id_feature, inds) id_feature = id_feature.squeeze(0) id_feature = id_feature.cpu().numpy() dets = self.post_process(dets, meta) dets = self.merge_outputs([dets])[1] remain_inds = dets[:, 4] > self.opt.conf_thres dets = dets[remain_inds] id_feature = id_feature[remain_inds] # vis """ for i in range(0, dets.shape[0]): bbox = dets[i][0:4] cv2.rectangle(img0, (bbox[0], bbox[1]), (bbox[2], bbox[3]), (0, 255, 0), 2) cv2.imshow('dets', img0) cv2.waitKey(0) id0 = id0-1 """ if len(dets) > 0: """Detections""" detections = [ STrack(STrack.tlbr_to_tlwh(tlbrs[:4]), tlbrs[4], f, 30) for (tlbrs, f) in zip(dets[:, :5], id_feature) ] else: detections = [] """ Add newly detected tracklets to tracked_stracks""" unconfirmed = [] tracked_stracks = [] # type: list[STrack] for track in self.tracked_stracks: if not track.is_activated: unconfirmed.append(track) else: tracked_stracks.append(track) """ Step 2: First association, with embedding""" strack_pool = joint_stracks(tracked_stracks, self.lost_stracks) # Predict the current location with KF # for strack in strack_pool: # strack.predict() STrack.multi_predict(strack_pool) dists = matching.embedding_distance(strack_pool, detections) # dists = matching.gate_cost_matrix(self.kalman_filter, dists, strack_pool, detections) dists = matching.fuse_motion(self.kalman_filter, dists, strack_pool, detections) matches, u_track, u_detection = matching.linear_assignment(dists, thresh=0.7) for itracked, idet in matches: track = strack_pool[itracked] det = detections[idet] if track.state == TrackState.Tracked: track.update(detections[idet], self.frame_id) activated_starcks.append(track) else: track.re_activate(det, self.frame_id, new_id=False) refind_stracks.append(track) """ Step 3: Second association, with IOU""" detections = [detections[i] for i in u_detection] r_tracked_stracks = [ strack_pool[i] for i in u_track if strack_pool[i].state == TrackState.Tracked ] dists = matching.iou_distance(r_tracked_stracks, detections) matches, u_track, u_detection = matching.linear_assignment(dists, thresh=0.5) for itracked, idet in matches: track = r_tracked_stracks[itracked] det = detections[idet] if track.state == TrackState.Tracked: track.update(det, self.frame_id) activated_starcks.append(track) else: track.re_activate(det, self.frame_id, new_id=False) refind_stracks.append(track) for it in u_track: track = r_tracked_stracks[it] if not track.state == TrackState.Lost: track.mark_lost() lost_stracks.append(track) """Deal with unconfirmed tracks, usually tracks with only one beginning frame""" detections = [detections[i] for i in u_detection] dists = matching.iou_distance(unconfirmed, detections) matches, u_unconfirmed, u_detection = matching.linear_assignment( dists, thresh=0.7) for itracked, idet in matches: unconfirmed[itracked].update(detections[idet], self.frame_id) activated_starcks.append(unconfirmed[itracked]) for it in u_unconfirmed: track = unconfirmed[it] track.mark_removed() removed_stracks.append(track) """ Step 4: Init new stracks""" for inew in u_detection: track = detections[inew] if track.score < self.det_thresh: continue track.activate(self.kalman_filter, self.frame_id) activated_starcks.append(track) """ Step 5: Update state""" for track in self.lost_stracks: if self.frame_id - track.end_frame > self.max_time_lost: track.mark_removed() removed_stracks.append(track) # print('Ramained match {} s'.format(t4-t3)) self.tracked_stracks = [ t for t in self.tracked_stracks if t.state == TrackState.Tracked ] self.tracked_stracks = joint_stracks(self.tracked_stracks, activated_starcks) self.tracked_stracks = joint_stracks(self.tracked_stracks, refind_stracks) self.lost_stracks = sub_stracks(self.lost_stracks, self.tracked_stracks) self.lost_stracks.extend(lost_stracks) self.lost_stracks = sub_stracks(self.lost_stracks, self.removed_stracks) self.removed_stracks.extend(removed_stracks) self.tracked_stracks, self.lost_stracks = remove_duplicate_stracks( self.tracked_stracks, self.lost_stracks) # get scores of lost tracks output_stracks = [ track for track in self.tracked_stracks if track.is_activated ] logger.debug("===========Frame {}==========".format(self.frame_id)) logger.debug("Activated: {}".format( [track.track_id for track in activated_starcks])) logger.debug("Refind: {}".format( [track.track_id for track in refind_stracks])) logger.debug("Lost: {}".format( [track.track_id for track in lost_stracks])) logger.debug("Removed: {}".format( [track.track_id for track in removed_stracks])) return output_stracks