Exemple #1
# Tf = 1.0 # doesnt work
dist_check = 15.0  # distance to waypoint to say waypoint reached
throttle_const = 0.59375  # constant mapping u4 to throttle(t): t = tc * u4
max_abs_roll_rate = 50.0  # clamping roll rate
max_abs_pitch_rate = 50.0  # clamping pitch rate
max_abs_yaw_rate = 50.0  # clamping yaw rate
max_iter = 400  # maximum iterations to time out of the loop
ue = np.array([0, 0, 0, g])  # nominal control
x0 = np.array([0, 0, -20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])

# linearize the non-linear quadrotor model
# Ac, Bc = linear_quad_model(num_states = 9, g = g)

# make the acados system model

model = acados_linear_quad_model(9, g=g)

# create ocp object to formulate the OCP
ocp = AcadosOcp()
ocp.model = model

nx = model.x.size()[0]
nu = model.u.size()[0]
ny = nx + nu
ny_e = nx
N = int(Tf / dt)
ocp.dims.N = N

# set cost
Q = kq * np.eye(n)
R = kr * np.eye(m)
Exemple #2
    def fly_plan(self, trajectory, t_kf):

        # some parameters
        g = 9.81  # acc. due to gravity
        dt = 0.1  # time step
        n = 9  # state dimension
        m = 4  # control input dimension
        # kq = 1                      # parameter to tune the Q matrix Q = kq * I
        # kq2 = 1
        # kr = 0.1#1 works for linear case                # parameter to tune the R matrix R = kr * I

        kqxy = 1  # parameter to tune the Q matrix Q = kq * I
        kqz = 10
        kqrp = 0.1  #0.01
        kqy = 1
        kqxyv = 1
        kqzv = 1
        krt = 0.001
        krrpr = 0.1
        kryr = 0.1

        # rotate_quad = True  # set to true if you want yaw to change between waypoints
        mode = 'nonlinear'
        v2 = False  # set to true if you want to compute jacobian along the way in linear sys

        Tf = 0.5  # time horizon for MPC
        # dist_check = 15.0           # distance to waypoint to say waypoint reached
        # throttle_const = 0.59375    # constant mapping u4 to throttle(t): t = tc * u4
        max_abs_roll_rate = 10.0  #50.0     # clamping roll rate
        max_abs_pitch_rate = 10.0  #50.0    # clamping pitch rate
        max_abs_yaw_rate = 10.0  #50.0      # clamping yaw rate
        # max_iter = 400              # maximum iterations to time out of the loop
        ue = np.array([0, 0, 0, g])  # nominal control

        # initialize quadrotor model
        q = Quadrotor(dt=dt)
        init_pos, _ = q.setStateAtNomTime(trajectory, 0)
        total_steps = int(np.floor((np.cumsum(t_kf))[-1] / dt))

        # initialize the controller
        if mode == 'nonlinear':
            print('Using Non-linear model')
            model = acados_nonlinear_quad_model(9, g=g)
            if v2 == True:
                print('Using linear model V2 - same as NL??')
                model = acados_linear_quad_model_moving_eq(9, g=g)
                print('Using linear model')
                model = acados_linear_quad_model(9, g=g)

        # ocp_solver = create_ocp_solver(model, Tf, dt, kq, kr, n, m,
        #                     max_abs_roll_rate, max_abs_pitch_rate,
        #                     max_abs_yaw_rate, init_pos[:n], kq2)

        ocp_solver = create_ocp_solver_separate_gains(
            model, Tf, dt, n, m, max_abs_roll_rate, max_abs_pitch_rate,
            max_abs_yaw_rate, init_pos[:n], kqxy, kqz, kqrp, kqy, kqxyv, kqzv,
            krt, krrpr, kryr)

        N = int(Tf / dt)

        self.airsim_client.moveToPositionAsync(init_pos[0], init_pos[1],
                                               init_pos[2], 5).join()

        prev_yaw = 0
        jump_yaw = np.pi

        print('-------- Executing the path --------')
        for i in range(total_steps - 1):

            # if breakNow == True:
            #     break

            # q.setSystemTime(i * dt)
            time = i * dt
            for num1 in range(N):
                t = time + num1 * dt
                if num1 == 0:
                    full_state, _ = q.getStateAtNomTime(trajectory, t)
                    # all_diff_flat_states[i,:] = full_state[:n].copy()
                    full_state, _ = q.getStateAtNomTime(trajectory, t)
                yref = np.hstack((full_state[:n], ue))
                ocp_solver.set(num1, "yref", yref)
            t = time + N * dt
            full_state, _ = q.getStateAtNomTime(trajectory, t)
            yref_e = full_state[:n].copy()
            ocp_solver.set(N, "yref", yref_e)

            status = ocp_solver.solve()
            if status != 0:
                raise Exception(
                    'acados returned status {}. Exiting.'.format(status))

            u = ocp_solver.get(0, "u")
            # est_x = ocp_solver.get(1, "x")

            # all_controls[i,:] = u.copy()
            # all_est_path[i,:] = est_x.copy()
            # all_diff_flat_states[i,:] = full_state[:n].copy()

            rotmat_u = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0], [0, 0, -1]])
            u[0:3] = rotmat_u @ u[0:3]

                u[0], u[1], u[2], u[3], dt).join()
            x = get_drone_state(self.drone_state.kinematics_estimated, n)

            # print(u[3])
            # print(x)
            # if (np.abs(prev_yaw - x[5]) > jump_yaw):
            #     x[5] -= 2 * np.pi
            if (prev_yaw - x[5] > jump_yaw):
                x[5] += 2 * np.pi
            elif (prev_yaw - x[5] < -jump_yaw):
                x[5] -= 2 * np.pi

            prev_yaw = x[5]
            # all_est_path_asim[i,:] = x.copy()
            ocp_solver.set(0, "lbx", x)
            ocp_solver.set(0, "ubx", x)
        print('-------- Done Executing --------')