def get_models_parsers(): """ Create a dict {model_name: parser} in which each parser hold arguments specific to a model """ model_names = get_models_names() model_parsers = {} for model_name in model_names: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() model_option_setter = get_option_setter(model_name) try: model_parsers[model_name] = model_option_setter(parser, True) except: pass return model_parsers
def get_schema(self, allow_nan=False): if not self.initialized: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser = self.initialize(parser) opt = argparse.Namespace() self._json_parse_known_args(parser, opt, {}) named_parsers = {"": parser} for model_name in models.get_models_names(): if self.isTrain and model_name in ["test"]: continue setter = models.get_option_setter(model_name) model_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() setter(model_parser) self._json_parse_known_args(model_parser, opt, {}) named_parsers[model_name] = model_parser self.opt = opt self.parser = parser json_vals = self.to_json() for k in json_vals: if json_vals[k] is None: json_vals[k] = "None" if not allow_nan: if json_vals[k] == float("inf"): json_vals[k] = 1e100 if json_vals[k] == float("-inf"): json_vals[k] = -1e100 if type(json_vals[k]) == float and math.isnan(json_vals[k]): json_vals[k] = 0 from pydantic import create_model schema = create_model(type(self).__name__, **json_vals).schema() option_tags = defaultdict(list) for parser_name in named_parsers: current_parser = named_parsers[parser_name] for action_group in current_parser._action_groups: for action in action_group._group_actions: if isinstance(action, _HelpAction): continue if len(parser_name) > 0: option_tags[action.dest].append(parser_name) if action.dest in schema["properties"]: field = schema["properties"][action.dest] description = if is not None else "" for c in "#*<>": description = description.replace(c, "\\" + c) field["description"] = description if "title" in field: del field["title"] for tagged in option_tags: tags = " | ".join(option_tags[tagged]) schema["properties"][tagged][ "description"] = "[" + tags + "]\n\n" + schema["properties"][ tagged]["description"] return schema
def initialize(self, parser): """Define the common options that are used in both training and test.""" # basic parameters parser.add_argument( '--dataroot', required=True, help= 'path to images (should have subfolders trainA, trainB, valA, valB, etc)' ) parser.add_argument( '--name', type=str, default='experiment_name', help= 'name of the experiment. It decides where to store samples and models' ) parser.add_argument('--gpu_ids', type=str, default='0', help='gpu ids: e.g. 0 0,1,2, 0,2. use -1 for CPU') parser.add_argument('--checkpoints_dir', type=str, default='./checkpoints', help='models are saved here') # model parameters parser.add_argument('--model', type=str, default='cycle_gan', help='chooses which model to use. [' + " | ".join(models.get_models_names()) + ']') parser.add_argument( '--input_nc', type=int, default=3, help='# of input image channels: 3 for RGB and 1 for grayscale') parser.add_argument( '--output_nc', type=int, default=3, help='# of output image channels: 3 for RGB and 1 for grayscale') parser.add_argument('--ngf', type=int, default=64, help='# of gen filters in the last conv layer') parser.add_argument( '--ndf', type=int, default=64, help='# of discrim filters in the first conv layer') parser.add_argument( '--netD', type=str, default='basic', help= 'specify discriminator architecture [basic | n_layers | pixel] or any torchvision model [resnet18...]. The basic model is a 70x70 PatchGAN. n_layers allows you to specify the layers in the discriminator' ) parser.add_argument( '--netD_global', type=str, default='none', help= 'specify discriminator architecture, any torchvision model can be used [resnet18...]. By default no global discriminator will be used.' ) parser.add_argument( '--netG', type=str, default='resnet_9blocks', help= 'specify generator architecture [resnet_9blocks | resnet_6blocks | resnet_attn | unet_256 | unet_128 | stylegan2 | smallstylegan2]' ) parser.add_argument('--n_layers_D', type=int, default=3, help='only used if netD==n_layers') parser.add_argument( '--norm', type=str, default='instance', help= 'instance normalization or batch normalization [instance | batch | none]' ) parser.add_argument( '--init_type', type=str, default='normal', help= 'network initialization [normal | xavier | kaiming | orthogonal]') parser.add_argument( '--init_gain', type=float, default=0.02, help='scaling factor for normal, xavier and orthogonal.') parser.add_argument('--no_dropout', action='store_true', help='no dropout for the generator') parser.add_argument('--D_dropout', action='store_true', help='whether to use dropout in the discriminator') parser.add_argument( '--D_spectral', action='store_true', help='whether to use spectral norm in the discriminator') parser.add_argument( '--G_spectral', action='store_true', help='whether to use spectral norm in the generator') parser.add_argument( '--G_padding_type', type=str, help='whether to use padding in the generator, zeros or reflect', default='reflect') parser.add_argument( '--D_projected_interp', type=int, default=-1, help= 'whether to force projected discriminator interpolation to a value > 224, -1 means no interpolation' ) parser.add_argument( '--G_ema', action='store_true', help='whether to build G via exponential moving average') parser.add_argument('--ema_beta', type=float, default=0.999, help='exponential decay for ema') # dataset parameters parser.add_argument( '--dataset_mode', type=str, default='unaligned', help= 'chooses how datasets are loaded. [unaligned | aligned | single | colorization]' ) parser.add_argument('--direction', type=str, default='AtoB', help='AtoB or BtoA') parser.add_argument( '--serial_batches', action='store_true', help= 'if true, takes images in order to make batches, otherwise takes them randomly' ) parser.add_argument('--num_threads', default=4, type=int, help='# threads for loading data') parser.add_argument('--batch_size', type=int, default=1, help='input batch size') parser.add_argument('--load_size', type=int, default=286, help='scale images to this size') parser.add_argument('--crop_size', type=int, default=256, help='then crop to this size') parser.add_argument( '--max_dataset_size', type=int, default=float("inf"), help= 'Maximum number of samples allowed per dataset. If the dataset directory contains more than max_dataset_size, only a subset is loaded.' ) parser.add_argument( '--preprocess', type=str, default='resize_and_crop', help= 'scaling and cropping of images at load time [resize_and_crop | crop | scale_width | scale_width_and_crop | none]' ) parser.add_argument( '--no_flip', action='store_true', help='if specified, do not flip the images for data augmentation') parser.add_argument( '--no_rotate', action='store_true', help='if specified, do not rotate the images for data augmentation' ) parser.add_argument( '--affine', type=float, default=0.0, help= 'if specified, apply random affine transforms to the images for data augmentation' ) parser.add_argument( '--affine_translate', type=float, default=0.2, help= 'if random affine specified, translation range (-value*img_size,+value*img_size) value' ) parser.add_argument( '--affine_scale_min', type=float, default=0.8, help='if random affine specified, min scale range value') parser.add_argument( '--affine_scale_max', type=float, default=1.2, help='if random affine specified, max scale range value') parser.add_argument( '--affine_shear', type=int, default=45, help='if random affine specified, shear range (0,value)') parser.add_argument('--imgaug', action='store_true', help='whether to apply random image augmentation') parser.add_argument( '--display_winsize', type=int, default=256, help='display window size for both visdom and HTML') # additional parameters parser.add_argument( '--epoch', type=str, default='latest', help='which epoch to load? set to latest to use latest cached model' ) parser.add_argument( '--load_iter', type=int, default='0', help= 'which iteration to load? if load_iter > 0, the code will load models by iter_[load_iter]; otherwise, the code will load models by [epoch]' ) parser.add_argument( '--verbose', action='store_true', help='if specified, print more debugging information') parser.add_argument( '--suffix', default='', type=str, help= 'customized suffix: = + suffix: e.g., {model}_{netG}_size{load_size}' ) parser.add_argument( '--semantic_nclasses', default=10, type=int, help='number of classes of the semantic loss classifier') parser.add_argument( '--semantic_threshold', default=1.0, type=float, help= 'threshold of the semantic classifier loss below with semantic loss is applied' ) parser.add_argument( '--display_networks', action='store_true', help='Set True if you want to display networks on port 8000') parser.add_argument('--compute_fid', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--fid_every', type=int, default=1000) #CUT options parser.add_argument( '--normG', type=str, default='instance', choices=['instance', 'batch', 'none'], help='instance normalization or batch normalization for G') parser.add_argument( '--normD', type=str, default='instance', choices=['instance', 'batch', 'none'], help='instance normalization or batch normalization for D') parser.add_argument( '--no_antialias', action='store_true', help= 'if specified, use stride=2 convs instead of antialiased-downsampling (sad)' ) parser.add_argument( '--no_antialias_up', action='store_true', help= 'if specified, use [upconv(learned filter)] instead of [upconv(hard-coded [1,3,3,1] filter), conv]' ) parser.add_argument( '--stylegan2_G_num_downsampling', default=1, type=int, help='Number of downsampling layers used by StyleGAN2Generator') parser.add_argument( '--D_label_smooth', action='store_true', help='whether to use one-sided label smoothing with discriminator') parser.add_argument( '--D_noise', type=float, default=0.0, help='whether to add instance noise to discriminator inputs') #Online dataset creation options parser.add_argument( '--online_creation_crop_size_A', type=int, default=512, help= 'crop to this size during online creation, it needs to be greater than bbox size for domain A' ) parser.add_argument( '--online_creation_crop_delta_A', type=int, default=50, help= 'size of crops are random, values allowed are online_creation_crop_size more or less online_creation_crop_delta for domain A' ) parser.add_argument( '--online_creation_mask_delta_A', type=int, default=0, help= 'mask offset to allow genaration of a bigger object in domain B (for semantic loss) for domain A' ) parser.add_argument( '--online_creation_mask_square_A', action='store_true', help='whether masks should be squared for domain A') parser.add_argument( '--online_creation_crop_size_B', type=int, default=512, help= 'crop to this size during online creation, it needs to be greater than bbox size for domain B' ) parser.add_argument( '--online_creation_crop_delta_B', type=int, default=50, help= 'size of crops are random, values allowed are online_creation_crop_size more or less online_creation_crop_delta for domain B' ) parser.add_argument( '--online_creation_mask_delta_B', type=int, default=0, help= 'mask offset to allow genaration of a bigger object in domain B (for semantic loss) for domain B' ) parser.add_argument( '--online_creation_mask_square_B', action='store_true', help='whether masks should be squared for domain B') parser.add_argument( '--sanitize_paths', action='store_true', help= 'if true, wrong images or labels paths will be removed before training' ) parser.add_argument( '--sanitize_paths_vebose', action='store_true', help='if true, wrong images or labels paths will be printed') parser.add_argument( '--relative_paths', action='store_true', help='whether paths to images are relative to dataroot') #D accuracy parser.add_argument('--compute_D_accuracy', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--D_accuracy_every', type=int, default=1000) self.initialized = True return parser