def post(self):
        # Update server info
        j = self.request.body[32:]
        info = self.validate_request()
        if not info:
            if config.is_debug():
                self.response.set_status(400, 'not valid')

        # Update the model.
        key = models.serverinfomodel_key(info['name'], info['start_utc'])
        obj = models.ServerInfoModel.get(key)
        if not obj:
            obj = models.ServerInfoModel(

        # Save the command
        command = obj.command

        obj.json = j
        obj.command = ''
        obj.expires_utc = info['expires_utc']

        # Update the cache now rather than just invalidating, so the latency
        # isn't on a client request

        # Return command if there is one
        if command:
            # Use this mime type for simplicity, and so GAE doesn't strip
            # out Content-Length
            self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'binary/octet-stream'
            self.response.headers['Content-Length'] = len(command)
    def post(self):
        # Update server info
        j = self.request.body[32:]
        info = self.validate_request()
        if not info:
            if config.is_debug():
                self.response.set_status(400, 'not valid')

        # Update the model.
        key = models.serverinfomodel_key(info['name'], info['start_utc'])
        obj = models.ServerInfoModel.get(key)
        if not obj:
            obj = models.ServerInfoModel(

        # Save the command
        command = obj.command

        obj.json = j
        obj.command = ''
        obj.expires_utc = info['expires_utc']

        # Update the cache now rather than just invalidating, so the latency
        # isn't on a client request

        # Return command if there is one
        if command:
            # Use this mime type for simplicity, and so GAE doesn't strip
            # out Content-Length
            self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'binary/octet-stream'
            self.response.headers['Content-Length'] = len(command)
 def send_command(info, command):
     # Update the model with the command
     key = models.serverinfomodel_key(info['name'], info['start_utc'])
     obj = models.ServerInfoModel.get(key)
     if obj:
         obj.command = command
 def send_command(info, command):
     # Update the model with the command
     key = models.serverinfomodel_key(info['name'], info['start_utc'])
     obj = models.ServerInfoModel.get(key)
     if obj:
         obj.command = command