Exemple #1
    def sync_to(self, sync_cls):
        objs = []
        # traverse the dir
        for dirpath, folders, files in os.walk(self.folder):
            for fname in files:
                fpath = os.path.join(dirpath, fname)
                # get album, if have
                rel = os.path.relpath(dirpath, self.folder)
                if rel != '.':  # has sub dir
                        album = Album.get(name=rel)
                    except Album.DoesNotExist:
                        album = Album.create(name=rel, folder=rel)
                    album = None
                # TODO: should a file extension filter here?
                md5 = hashlib.md5(open(fpath).read()).hexdigest()
                try:  # if file has been exists before
                    local = Local.get(md5=md5)
                    opath = local.path.encode('utf8')
                    if opath != fpath:
                        logging.debug('%s path change: %s --> %s' % (local, local.path, fpath))
                        # file was moved, rename filename or folder
                        local.title, ext = os.path.splitext(fname)
                        local.album = album
                        #local.fpath = fpath
                        local.last_modified = datetime.datetime.now()
                        objs.append(local)  # objs: path modified.
                except Local.DoesNotExist:  # new file
                        # file content modified
                        local = Local.get(path=fpath)
                        logging.debug('%s modified, path: %s' % (local, fpath))
                    except Local.DoesNotExist:
                        # brand new file
                        logging.debug('new file %s' % fpath)
                        local = Local()
                        local.title, ext = os.path.splitext(fname)
                        local.album = album
                        local.path = fpath
                    local.md5 = md5
                    local.last_modified = datetime.datetime.now()

        # for those have not been upload
        for l in Local.select():
            sets = getattr(l, sync_cls.model.local.related_name)
            if sets.count() == 0 and l not in objs:

        # pass objs that needs update to sync class
        logging.info('local: sync to %s, count %d' % (sync_cls, len(objs)))
def addReleases(artist_id, update_artist = True):
  artist_record = Artist.get(id=artist_id)
  musicbrainz_artist = musicbrainz.getBestArtistMatch(artist_record.name)
  release_ids = []

  for release in musicbrainz_artist.getReleases():

  # These release results do not contain all the information, we must re-query for that info...
  for rid in release_ids:
    release = musicbrainz.getRelease(rid)

    if not release: continue

    release_group_id = utils.extractUuid(release.getReleaseGroup().id)

      release_group_tracked = Album.get(release_group_id=release_group_id)
    except peewee.DoesNotExist:
      release_group_tracked = None

    if release_group_tracked: continue

    release_record = Album.create(
        musicbrainz_id = rid,
        asin = release.getAsin(),
        release_group_id = release_group_id,
        artist_id = artist_id,
        name = release.getTitle(),
        type = release.getType(),
        released_on = release.getEarliestReleaseDate(),
        state = 'wanted')

    track_number = 1

    for track in release.getTracks():
          album_id = release_record.id,
          number = track_number,
          title = track.getTitle(),
          length = track.getDuration(),
          state = 'wanted')

      track_number += 1

  # Rescan the Music Library after adding new releases to see if the user has 
  # them or not. Will not run if explicitly told not to by the caller.
  if(update_artist): ThreadPool.put(updateArtist, {'artist_id': artist_id})
 def create_one_album(self, album_title = 'Album'):
     pictures = Picture.objects.all()
     album = Album.create(album_title, 'First Page', self.pick_a_random_profile())
     page_count = random.randrange(5,101) # 5 <= page_count <= 100
     for i in xrange(1, page_count):
         text = 'Page ' + i.__str__()
         page = Page.create(text)
         picture_count = random.randrange(1,5) # 1 <= picture_count <= 4
         for j in xrange(1, picture_count):
             # pick a random picture from database and add it to a page
             random_index = random.randrange(0, pictures.count())
             random_picture = pictures[random_index]
             page.add_picture(random_picture, j.__str__())  
         # Page ready to be added to album
     return self