Exemple #1
def save_businesses():
    for bdata in iterate_file("business", shortcircuit=False):
        business = Business()
        business.business_id = bdata['business_id']
        business.name = bdata['name']
        business.address = bdata['address']
        business.city = bdata['city']
        business.neighborhood = bdata['neighborhood']
        business.state = bdata['state']
        business.latitude = bdata['latitude']
        business.longitude = bdata['longitude']
        business.stars = decimal.Decimal(bdata.get('stars', 0))
        business.review_count = int(bdata['review_count'])
        business.is_open = True if bdata['is_open'] == "1" else False
        temp = bdata['attributes'] if bdata['attributes'] is not None else []
        temp1 = bdata['categories'] if bdata['categories'] is not None else []
        save_categories(bdata['business_id'], temp1)
        save_attributes(bdata['business_id'], temp)
Exemple #2
def upload(request):
        Uploads the receipt
        :url: /shoebox/upload/
        :param POST['email']: email identifying user
        :param POST['business_name']: i.e. McDonalds (blank)
        :param POST['address']: business address (blank)
        :param POST['location']: i.e. JFK International (blank)
        :param POST['phone']: phone number (blank)
        :param POST['city']: city (blank)
        :param POST['state']: state (blank)
        :param POST['purchase_date']: purchase date in NeatReceipts format
        :param POST['tax']: tax (blank)
        :param POST['tip']: tip (blank)
        :param POST['amount']: total amount
        :param POST['payment_method']: Visa, Master, Cash etc
        :param POST['category']: NeatReceipts category
        :param FILES['img']: Receipts image

        :rtype: JSON
            #: if success in posting returns id of created or update object in string format
            {'result': 'id'}
            #: if failed
            {'result': '-1'}
            #: if request was not POST
            {'result': '0'}
    if request.method == 'POST':
        form = ReceiptUploadForm(request.POST, request.FILES)
        if form.is_valid():
            instance = form.save(commit=False)
            # assign to the current user uploading data
            instance.user, created = OTNUserTemp.objects.get_or_create(email=request.POST['email']) 
            receipt = DetailReceipt(basic=instance)
            if 'business_name' in request.POST:
                b = Business(name=request.POST['business_name'])
                if 'location' in request.POST:
                    b.location = request.POST['location']
                if 'phone' in request.POST:
                    b.phone = request.POST['phone']
                if 'address' in request.POST:
                    b.address = request.POST['address']
                if 'city' in request.POST:
                    c = City(name=request.POST['city'], state=request.POST['state'])
                    b.city = c
                receipt.business = b
            if 'category' in request.POST:
                cat, created = Category.objects.get_or_create(name=request.POST['category'])
                receipt.category = cat
            if 'tax' in request.POST: 
                receipt.tax = request.POST['tax']
            if 'tip' in request.POST:
                receipt.tip = request.POST['tip']
            if 'payment_method' in request.POST:
                pmethod = request.POST['payment_method'].lower()
                if pmethod.find('cash') != -1:
                    receipt.payment_method = receipt.CASH
                elif pmethod.find('amex') != -1:
                    receipt.payment_method = receipt.AMEX
                elif pmethod.find('visa') != -1:
                    receipt.payment_method = receipt.VISA
                elif pmethod.find('master') != -1:
                    receipt.payment_method = receipt.MASTER
                elif pmethod.find('discover') != -1:
                    receipt.payment_method = receipt.DISCOVER
                    receipt.payment_method = receipt.CASH

            return JSONHttpResponse({'result':str(receipt.id)})
            return JSONHttpResponse({'result':'-1', 'form_errors':str(form.errors)})
        return JSONHttpResponse({'result':'0'})