def print_tree_entropy(tree, cptotalentropy=None, cpcolumns=None, cwtotalentropy=None, cwcolumns=None, printlength=None): if cptotalentropy is None: cptotalentropy,cpcolumns,cwtotalentropy,cwcolumns,printlength = get_total_entropy() lhs = tree.node if isinstance(tree[0], ParentedTree): rhs = ' '.join(n.node for n in tree) else: rhs = ' '.join(n for n in tree) print tree print '+++',lhs,'-->',rhs,'+++' if lhs in NONTERMINALS: cp_db = CProduction.get_production_counts(lhs=lhs,rhs=rhs) totalss = get_query_totalss(cp_db,cpcolumns) print_totalss_entropy(totalss,cptotalentropy,cpcolumns,printlength) for subtree in tree: print_tree_entropy(subtree, cptotalentropy, cpcolumns, cwtotalentropy, cwcolumns, printlength) else: cw_db = CWord.get_word_counts(pos=lhs,word=rhs) totalss = get_query_totalss(cw_db,cwcolumns) print_totalss_entropy(totalss,cwtotalentropy,cwcolumns,printlength)
def get_words(terminals, landmarks, rel=None): words = [] probs = [] entropy = [] for n,lmk in zip(terminals, landmarks): # if we could not get an expansion for the LHS, we just pass down the unexpanded nonterminal symbol # it gets the probability of 1 and entropy of 0 if n in NONTERMINALS: words.append(n) probs.append(1.0) entropy.append(0.0) continue lmk_class = (lmk.object_class if lmk else None) lmk_color = (lmk.color if lmk else None) rel_class = rel_type(rel) dist_class = (rel.measurement.best_distance_class if hasattr(rel, 'measurement') else None) deg_class = (rel.measurement.best_degree_class if hasattr(rel, 'measurement') else None) cp_db = CWord.get_word_counts(pos=n, lmk_class=lmk_class, lmk_ori_rels=get_lmk_ori_rels_str(lmk), lmk_color=lmk_color, rel=rel_class, rel_dist_class=dist_class, rel_deg_class=deg_class) if cp_db.count() <= 0: logger( 'Could not expand %s (lmk_class: %s, lmk_color: %s, rel: %s, dist_class: %s, deg_class: %s)' % (n, lmk_class, lmk_color, rel_class, dist_class, deg_class) ) terminals.append( n ) continue logger( 'Expanded %s (lmk_class: %s, lmk_color: %s, rel: %s, dist_class: %s, deg_class: %s)' % (n, lmk_class, lmk_color, rel_class, dist_class, deg_class) ) ckeys, ccounts = zip(*[(cword.word,cword.count) for cword in cp_db.all()]) ccounter = {} for cword in cp_db.all(): if cword.word in ccounter: ccounter[cword.word] += cword.count else: ccounter[cword.word] = cword.count ckeys, ccounts = zip(*ccounter.items()) # print 'ckeys', ckeys # print 'ccounts', ccounts ccounts = np.array(ccounts, dtype=float) ccounts /= ccounts.sum() w, w_prob, w_entropy = categorical_sample(ckeys, ccounts) words.append(w) probs.append(w_prob) entropy.append(w_entropy) p, H =, np.sum(entropy) # print 'expanding %s to %s (p: %f, H: %f)' % (terminals, words, p, H) return words, p, H
def build_meaning(tree, parent=None, parts=[], cptotalentropy=None, cpcolumns=None, cwtotalentropy=None, cwcolumns=None, threshold=0.75): cptotalentropy,cpcolumns,cwtotalentropy,cwcolumns,printlength = get_total_entropy() lhs = tree.node if isinstance(tree[0], ParentedTree): rhs = ' '.join(n.node for n in tree) else: rhs = ' '.join(n for n in tree) print '+++',lhs,'-->',rhs,'+++' if lhs in NONTERMINALS: if not lhs == 'LOCATION-PHRASE': if lhs == 'RELATION': parts.append( ('relation',Counter()) ) elif lhs == parent == 'LANDMARK-PHRASE': parts.append( ('parent-landmark',Counter()) ) elif lhs == 'LANDMARK-PHRASE': parts.append( ('landmark',Counter()) ) cp_db = CProduction.get_production_counts(lhs=lhs,rhs=rhs) totalss = get_query_totalss(cp_db,cpcolumns) for name,totals in zip(cpcolumns[:-1],totalss): ent = entropy_of_counts( totals.values() ) totent = cptotalentropy[] if ent < threshold*totent: parts[-1][1][ "%s = %s" % (, max(zip(*reversed(zip(*totals.items()))))[1]) ]+=1 for subtree in tree: parts = build_meaning(subtree, lhs, parts, cptotalentropy, cpcolumns, cwtotalentropy, cwcolumns, threshold) else: cw_db = CWord.get_word_counts(pos=lhs,word=rhs) totalss = get_query_totalss(cw_db,cwcolumns) for name,totals in zip(cwcolumns[:-1],totalss): ent = entropy_of_counts( totals.values() ) totent = cwtotalentropy[] if ent < threshold*totent: parts[-1][1][ "%s = %s" % (, max(zip(*reversed(zip(*totals.items()))))[1]) ]+=1 return parts
def get_words(terminals, landmarks, rel=None, prevword=None): words = [] probs = [] alphas = [] entropy = [] C = CWord.get_count for n,lmk in zip(terminals, landmarks): # if we could not get an expansion for the LHS, we just pass down the unexpanded nonterminal symbol # it gets the probability of 1 and entropy of 0 if n in NONTERMINALS: words.append(n) probs.append(1.0) entropy.append(0.0) continue lmk_class = (lmk.object_class if lmk else None) lmk_color = (lmk.color if lmk else None) rel_class = rel_type(rel) dist_class = (rel.measurement.best_distance_class if hasattr(rel, 'measurement') else None) deg_class = (rel.measurement.best_degree_class if hasattr(rel, 'measurement') else None) meaning = dict(pos=n, lmk_class=lmk_class, lmk_ori_rels=get_lmk_ori_rels_str(lmk), lmk_color=lmk_color, rel=rel_class, rel_dist_class=dist_class, rel_deg_class=deg_class) cp_db_uni = CWord.get_word_counts(**meaning) ccounter = {} for c in cp_db_uni: ccounter[c.word] = ccounter.get(c.word, 0) + c.count ckeys, ccounts_uni = zip(*ccounter.items()) ccounts_uni = np.array(ccounts_uni, dtype=float) ccounts_uni /= ccounts_uni.sum() prev_word = words[-1] if words else prevword alpha = C(prev_word=prev_word, **meaning) / C(**meaning) alphas.append(alpha) if alpha: cp_db_bi = CWord.get_word_counts(prev_word=prev_word, **meaning) ccounter = {} for c in cp_db_bi: ccounter[c.word] = ccounter.get(c.word, 0) + c.count ccounts_bi = np.array([ccounter.get(k,0) for k in ckeys], dtype=float) ccounts_bi /= ccounts_bi.sum() cprob = (alpha * ccounts_bi) + ((1-alpha) * ccounts_uni) else: cprob = ccounts_uni # if cp_db.count() <= 0: # logger( 'Could not expand %s (lmk_class: %s, lmk_color: %s, rel: %s, dist_class: %s, deg_class: %s)' % (n, lmk_class, lmk_color, rel_class, dist_class, deg_class) ) # terminals.append( n ) # continue # ckeys, ccounts = zip(*[(cword.word,cword.count) for cword in cp_db.all()]) # ccounter = {} # for cword in cp_db.all(): # if cword.word in ccounter: ccounter[cword.word] += cword.count # else: ccounter[cword.word] = cword.count # ckeys, ccounts = zip(*ccounter.items()) # print 'ckeys', ckeys # print 'ccounts', ccounts # ccounts = np.array(ccounts, dtype=float) # ccounts /= ccounts.sum() w, w_prob, w_entropy = categorical_sample(ckeys, cprob) words.append(w) probs.append(w_prob) entropy.append(w_entropy) p, H =, np.sum(entropy) # print 'expanding %s to %s (p: %f, H: %f)' % (terminals, words, p, H) return words, p, H, alphas
def get_tree_probs(tree, lmk=None, rel=None): lhs_rhs_parent_chain = [] prob_chain = [] entropy_chain = [] term_prods = [] lhs = tree.node if isinstance(tree[0], ParentedTree): rhs = ' '.join(n.node for n in tree) else: rhs = ' '.join(n for n in tree) parent = tree.parent.node if tree.parent else None if lhs == 'RELATION': # everything under a RELATION node should ignore the landmark lmk = None if lhs == 'LANDMARK-PHRASE': # everything under a LANDMARK-PHRASE node should ignore the relation rel = None if lhs == parent == 'LANDMARK-PHRASE': # we need to move to the parent landmark lmk = parent_landmark(lmk) lmk_class = (lmk.object_class if lmk and lhs != 'LOCATION-PHRASE' else None) lmk_ori_rels = get_lmk_ori_rels_str(lmk) if lhs != 'LOCATION-PHRASE' else None lmk_color = (lmk.color if lmk and lhs != 'LOCATION-PHRASE' else None) rel_class = rel_type(rel) if lhs != 'LOCATION-PHRASE' else None dist_class = (rel.measurement.best_distance_class if hasattr(rel, 'measurement') and lhs != 'LOCATION-PHRASE' else None) deg_class = (rel.measurement.best_degree_class if hasattr(rel, 'measurement') and lhs != 'LOCATION-PHRASE' else None) if lhs in NONTERMINALS: cp_db = CProduction.get_production_counts(lhs=lhs, parent=parent, lmk_class=lmk_class, lmk_ori_rels=lmk_ori_rels, lmk_color=lmk_color, rel=rel_class, dist_class=dist_class, deg_class=deg_class) if cp_db.count() <= 0: logger('Could not expand %s (parent: %s, lmk_class: %s, lmk_ori_rels: %s, lmk_color: %s, rel: %s, dist_class: %s, deg_class: %s)' % (lhs, parent, lmk_class, lmk_ori_rels, lmk_color, rel_class, dist_class, deg_class)) else: ckeys, ccounts = zip(*[(cprod.rhs,cprod.count) for cprod in cp_db.all()]) ccounter = {} for cprod in cp_db.all(): if cprod.rhs in ccounter: ccounter[cprod.rhs] += cprod.count else: ccounter[cprod.rhs] = cprod.count + 1 # we have never seen this RHS in this context before if rhs not in ccounter: ccounter[rhs] = 1 ckeys, ccounts = zip(*ccounter.items()) # add 1 smoothing ccounts = np.array(ccounts, dtype=float) ccount_probs = ccounts / ccounts.sum() cprod_entropy = -np.sum( (ccount_probs * np.log(ccount_probs)) ) cprod_prob = ccounter[rhs]/ccounts.sum() # logger('ckeys: %s' % str(ckeys)) # logger('ccounts: %s' % str(ccounts)) # logger('rhs: %s, cprod_prob: %s, cprod_entropy: %s' % (rhs, cprod_prob, cprod_entropy)) prob_chain.append( cprod_prob ) entropy_chain.append( cprod_entropy ) lhs_rhs_parent_chain.append( ( lhs, rhs, parent, lmk, rel ) ) for subtree in tree: pc, ec, lrpc, tps = get_tree_probs(subtree, lmk, rel) prob_chain.extend( pc ) entropy_chain.extend( ec ) lhs_rhs_parent_chain.extend( lrpc ) term_prods.extend( tps ) else: cw_db = CWord.get_word_counts(pos=lhs, lmk_class=lmk_class, lmk_ori_rels=lmk_ori_rels, lmk_color=lmk_color, rel=rel_class, rel_dist_class=dist_class, rel_deg_class=deg_class) if cw_db.count() <= 0: # we don't know the probability or entropy values for the context we have never seen before # we just update the term_prods list logger('Could not expand %s (lmk_class: %s, lmk_ori_rels: %s, lmk_color: %s, rel: %s, dist_class: %s, deg_class: %s)' % (lhs, lmk_class, lmk_ori_rels, lmk_color, rel_class, dist_class, deg_class)) else: ckeys, ccounts = zip(*[(cword.word,cword.count) for cword in cw_db.all()]) ccounter = {} for cword in cw_db.all(): if cword.word in ccounter: ccounter[cword.word] += cword.count else: ccounter[cword.word] = cword.count + 1 # we have never seen this RHS in this context before if rhs not in ccounter: ccounter[rhs] = 1 ckeys, ccounts = zip(*ccounter.items()) # logger('ckeys: %s' % str(ckeys)) # logger('ccounts: %s' % str(ccounts)) # add 1 smoothing ccounts = np.array(ccounts, dtype=float) ccount_probs = ccounts/ccounts.sum() w_prob = ccounter[rhs]/ccounts.sum() w_entropy = -np.sum( (ccount_probs * np.log(ccount_probs)) ) prob_chain.append(w_prob) entropy_chain.append(w_entropy) term_prods.append( (lhs, rhs, lmk, rel) ) return prob_chain, entropy_chain, lhs_rhs_parent_chain, term_prods
def get_words(terminals, landmarks, rel=None, prevword=None): words = [] probs = [] alphas = [] entropy = [] C = CWord.get_count for n, lmk in zip(terminals, landmarks): # if we could not get an expansion for the LHS, we just pass down the unexpanded nonterminal symbol # it gets the probability of 1 and entropy of 0 if n in NONTERMINALS: words.append(n) probs.append(1.0) entropy.append(0.0) continue lmk_class = (lmk.object_class if lmk else None) lmk_color = (lmk.color if lmk else None) rel_class = rel_type(rel) dist_class = (rel.measurement.best_distance_class if hasattr( rel, 'measurement') else None) deg_class = (rel.measurement.best_degree_class if hasattr( rel, 'measurement') else None) meaning = dict(pos=n, lmk_class=lmk_class, lmk_ori_rels=get_lmk_ori_rels_str(lmk), lmk_color=lmk_color, rel=rel_class, rel_dist_class=dist_class, rel_deg_class=deg_class) cp_db_uni = CWord.get_word_counts(**meaning) ccounter = {} for c in cp_db_uni: ccounter[c.word] = ccounter.get(c.word, 0) + c.count ckeys, ccounts_uni = zip(*ccounter.items()) ccounts_uni = np.array(ccounts_uni, dtype=float) ccounts_uni /= ccounts_uni.sum() prev_word = words[-1] if words else prevword alpha = C(prev_word=prev_word, **meaning) / C(**meaning) alphas.append(alpha) if alpha: cp_db_bi = CWord.get_word_counts(prev_word=prev_word, **meaning) ccounter = {} for c in cp_db_bi: ccounter[c.word] = ccounter.get(c.word, 0) + c.count ccounts_bi = np.array([ccounter.get(k, 0) for k in ckeys], dtype=float) ccounts_bi /= ccounts_bi.sum() cprob = (alpha * ccounts_bi) + ((1 - alpha) * ccounts_uni) else: cprob = ccounts_uni # if cp_db.count() <= 0: # logger( 'Could not expand %s (lmk_class: %s, lmk_color: %s, rel: %s, dist_class: %s, deg_class: %s)' % (n, lmk_class, lmk_color, rel_class, dist_class, deg_class) ) # terminals.append( n ) # continue # ckeys, ccounts = zip(*[(cword.word,cword.count) for cword in cp_db.all()]) # ccounter = {} # for cword in cp_db.all(): # if cword.word in ccounter: ccounter[cword.word] += cword.count # else: ccounter[cword.word] = cword.count # ckeys, ccounts = zip(*ccounter.items()) # print 'ckeys', ckeys # print 'ccounts', ccounts # ccounts = np.array(ccounts, dtype=float) # ccounts /= ccounts.sum() w, w_prob, w_entropy = categorical_sample(ckeys, cprob) words.append(w) probs.append(w_prob) entropy.append(w_entropy) p, H =, np.sum(entropy) # print 'expanding %s to %s (p: %f, H: %f)' % (terminals, words, p, H) return words, p, H, alphas