def project_stack_images(project_id, stack_id):
    first_image = == stack_id).get().key
    last_underscore = first_image.rfind('_')
    stack_title = first_image[:last_underscore]
    project_stack = ProjectStack.get(ProjectStack.project == project_id, ProjectStack.stack == stack_id)
    project_stack_user_data = project_stack.project_stack_data.where(ProjectStackDatum.user == g.user_id)
    probe_type = project_stack.project.probe_type
    probe_settings = project_stack.probe_setting.get()
    images = ( == stack_id)
    project_stacks = == project_id).order_by(
    marker_options = == project_id)
    return jsonify({ 'images': [image.stack_image_serialized for image in images],
                     'data': [d.serialized for d in project_stack_user_data],
                     'probeSettings': probe_settings.serialized,
                     'stackTitle': stack_title,
                     'probeType': probe_type,
                     'markerOptions': [ for marker_option in marker_options],
                     'projectStackIds': [ for stack in project_stacks]
def get_marker_options():
    marker_options =
    return jsonify({ 'markerOptions': [ for marker_option in marker_options] })
def json_to_excel_neuron_dimensions(report, project_id):
    xlsx_file = Workbook()
    ws =
    ws['A1'] = 'User'
    ws['B1'] = 'Case'
    ws['C1'] = 'Hemisphere'
    ws['D1'] = 'Stain'
    ws['E1'] = 'Region'
    ws['F1'] = 'Section'
    ws['G1'] = 'Probe'
    ws['H1'] = 'Z Value'
    ws['I1'] = 'Neuron Height'
    ws['J1'] = 'Neuron Width'

    micrometer_scale_length = 10 # will this ever change?
    row = 1
    column = 'K'
    marker_columns = {}
    marker_mappings = {
            'Neuron': 'neuron',
            'Oligodendrocyte': 'oligodendrocyte',
            'Astrocyte': 'astrocyte',
            'Pericyte': 'pericyte',
            'Marker 1': 'markerone',
            'Marker 2': 'markertwo',
            'Out of Focus': 'out-of-focus',
            'Length': 'length',
            'Blood Cell(s)': 'blood-cell',
            'Guard Zone': 'guard-zone'

    marker_types = (
                            .where(ProjectMarkerOption.project == project_id)
    for marker in marker_types:
        ws['{0}{1}'.format(column, row)] =
        marker_columns[marker_mappings[]] = column
        column = chr(ord(column) + 1)

    for project_stack in report:
        stack_info = project_stack.split('_')
        if len(stack_info) != 6:
            stack_info = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f']
        for stack_image in report[project_stack]:
            for user in report[project_stack][stack_image]:
                for marker in report[project_stack][stack_image][user]:
                    if marker['markerType'] == 'neuron':
                        row += 1
                        ws['A{}'.format(row)] = user
                        ws['B{}'.format(row)] = stack_info[0]
                        ws['C{}'.format(row)] = stack_info[1]
                        ws['D{}'.format(row)] = stack_info[2]
                        ws['E{}'.format(row)] = stack_info[3]
                        ws['F{}'.format(row)] = stack_info[4]
                        ws['G{}'.format(row)] = stack_info[5]
                        ws['H{}'.format(row)] = stack_image
                        ws['I{}'.format(row)] = (float(marker['yCrosshairPercent']) / 100) * micrometer_scale_length * 2 # see Marker model
                        ws['J{}'.format(row)] = (float(marker['xCrosshairPercent']) / 100)* micrometer_scale_length * 2 # "
    return xlsx_file
def json_to_excel_stack_counts(report, project_id):
    xlsx_file = Workbook()
    ws =
    ws['A1'] = 'User'
    ws['B1'] = 'Case'
    ws['C1'] = 'Hemisphere'
    ws['D1'] = 'Stain'
    ws['E1'] = 'Region'
    ws['F1'] = 'Section'
    ws['G1'] = 'Probe'
    ws['H1'] = 'Z Value'

    row = 1
    column = 'I'
    marker_columns = {}
    marker_mappings = {
            'Neuron': 'neuron',
            'Oligodendrocyte': 'oligodendrocyte',
            'Astrocyte': 'astrocyte',
            'Pericyte': 'pericyte',
            'Marker 1': 'markerone',
            'Marker 2': 'markertwo',
            'Out of Focus': 'out-of-focus',
            'Length': 'length',
            'Blood Cell(s)': 'blood-cell',
            'Guard Zone': 'guard-zone'

    marker_types = (
                            .where(ProjectMarkerOption.project == project_id)
    for marker in marker_types:
        ws['{0}{1}'.format(column, row)] =
        marker_columns[marker_mappings[]] = column
        column = chr(ord(column) + 1)

    for project_stack in report:
        stack_info = project_stack.split('_')
        if len(stack_info) != 6:
            stack_info = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f']
        for stack_image in report[project_stack]:
            for user in report[project_stack][stack_image]:
                row += 1
                ws['A{}'.format(row)] = user
                ws['B{}'.format(row)] = stack_info[0]
                ws['C{}'.format(row)] = stack_info[1]
                ws['D{}'.format(row)] = stack_info[2]
                ws['E{}'.format(row)] = stack_info[3]
                ws['F{}'.format(row)] = stack_info[4]
                ws['G{}'.format(row)] = stack_info[5]
                ws['H{}'.format(row)] = stack_image
                user_markers = {}
                for m in report[project_stack][stack_image][user]:
                        user_markers[m['markerType']] = user_markers[m['markerType']] + 1
                    except KeyError:
                        user_markers[m['markerType']] = 1
                if user_markers:
                    for marker in user_markers:
                        ws['{0}{1}'.format(marker_columns[marker], row)] = user_markers[marker]
    return xlsx_file