Exemple #1
    def get(self):
        # Get the id that indicate where is the start point of new messages:
        current_id = int(self.request.get('id'))
        messages = Message.all().order('-postID').filter("postID > ", current_id)
        msg_set  = messages.fetch(10)
        self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/xml'
        self.response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache'
        # Start writing the xml content:
        self.response.out.write('<?xml version="1.0"?>\n')
        self.response.out.write('    <response>\n')
        self.response.out.write('        <id>%d</id>\n' % Message.max_id() )
        for msg in msg_set:
            if not msg.isRemoved:
                self.response.out.write('        <message>\n')
                self.response.out.write('            <author>%s</author>\n' % msg.author.nickname() )
                self.response.out.write('            <postID>%d</postID>\n' % msg.postID )
                self.response.out.write('            <content>%s</content>\n' % msg.content )
                self.response.out.write('            <rcount>%d</rcount>\n' % msg.rCount )
                self.response.out.write('            <time>%s</time>\n' % msg.postDate )
                self.response.out.write('        </message>\n')            

        self.response.out.write('    </response>\n')
Exemple #2
    def post(self):
        message = Message()
        user = users.get_current_user()
        if user:
            message.author = user

        #Added the content to the message: 
       	message.content = cgi.escape(self.request.get('content'))
        #Assigned the id to the message:
        message.postID = Message.max_id() + 1