Exemple #1
def update_seller(store_id, seller_id):
    db = g._imdb
    form = request.form
    name = form.get('name', '')
    password = form.get('password', '')
    md5_password = form.get('md5_password', '')
    salt = form.get('salt', '')
    is_password_empty = not password and (not md5_password or not salt)
    if not name and is_password_empty:
        return INVALID_PARAM()

    if password:
        password = generate_password_hash(password)
    elif md5_password:
        password = "******"%(salt, md5_password)


    if name:
        Seller.set_seller_name(db, store_id, seller_id, name)
    if password:
        Seller.set_seller_password(db, store_id, seller_id, password)

    return ""
Exemple #2
def reset_password():
    if not request.data:
        raise MainException.ACCOUNT_PASSWORD_INVALID

    data = json.loads(request.data)
    code = data.get('code')
    password = data.get('password')
    password = generate_password_hash(password)

    if code:
        verify_email = Account.get_verify_email(
            g._db, code, EmailUsageType.SELLER_RESET_PWD)
        if verify_email:
            seller_id = verify_email['ro_id']
            Seller.set_seller_password(g._db, 0, seller_id, password)
            return MainException.OK

    raise MainException.ACCOUNT_INVALID_EMAIL_CODE