Exemple #1
def snippets(topic):
    if request.method == 'POST':
        """ Save a new snippet """
        # See if the topic exists
        topic = g.user.topics.filter_by(topic=topic).first()
        if topic is None:
            return jsonify(error=404, text='Invalid topic name'), 404

        # Get the snippet data from the form
        if (request.form):
            form = request.form.to_dict()
        access = ACCESS_PRIVATE;
        if form.get('access') == 'on':
            access = ACCESS_PUBLIC;
        title = form['title']
        description = form['description']
        code = form['code']

        # Persist the snippet to the users topic
        snippet = Snippet(title = title, description = description, code = code,
                          timestamp = datetime.utcnow(), topic = topic,
                          creator_id = g.user.id, access = access)
        return jsonify(id = snippet.id, creator_id = snippet.creator_id, access = snippet.access)

    elif request.method == 'PUT':
        """ Update an existing snippet """
        snippet_id = topic
        topics = g.user.topics
        snippet = None
        for topic in topics:
            snippet = topic.snippets.filter_by(id=snippet_id).first()
            if snippet != None:

        if snippet == None:
            return jsonify(error=404, text='Invalid snippet ID'), 404

        if (request.form):
            form = request.form.to_dict()
        access = ACCESS_PRIVATE;
        if form.get('access') == 'on':
            access = ACCESS_PUBLIC;
        title = form['title']
        description = form['description']
        code = form['code']

        snippet.title = title;
        snippet.description = description;
        snippet.code = code;
        snippet.access = access;
        return jsonify(id = snippet.id, creator_id = snippet.creator_id, access = snippet.access)

    elif request.method == 'GET':
        """ Find all snippets associated with a topic """
        # Find the topic
        topic = g.user.topics.filter_by(topic=topic).first()
        if topic is None:
            return jsonify(error=404, text='Invalid topic name'), 404

        # Get all snippets in the topic
        snippets = topic.snippets.order_by(Snippet.timestamp.desc()).all()
        reply = {}
        for i, snip in enumerate(snippets):
            d = dict(title = snip.title, description = snip.description, code = snip.code,
                     access = snip.access, creator_id = snip.creator_id, id = snip.id)
            reply[i] = d

        return jsonify(reply)

    elif request.method == 'DELETE':
        """ Delete a snippet """
        snippet_id = topic
        topics = g.user.topics
        snippet = None
        for topic in topics:
            snippet = topic.snippets.filter_by(id=snippet_id).first()
            if snippet != None:
        if snippet == None:
            return jsonify(error=404, text='Invalid snippet ID'), 404

        if snippet.ref_count == 1:
            return jsonify(id=snippet.id)
            return jsonify(id=0)
Exemple #2
def snippets(topic):
    if request.method == 'POST':
        """ Save a new snippet """
        # See if the topic exists
        topic = g.user.topics.filter_by(topic=topic).first()
        if topic is None:
            return jsonify(error=404, text='Invalid topic name'), 404

        # Get the snippet data from the request
        if (request.data):
            data = json.loads(request.data)
        access = ACCESS_PRIVATE;
        if data.get('access') == True:
            access = ACCESS_PUBLIC;
        title = data['title']
        description = data['description']
        code = data['code']
        language = data['language']

        # Persist the snippet to the users topic
        snippet = Snippet(title = title, description = description, code = code,
                          timestamp = datetime.utcnow(), topic = topic,
                          creator_id = g.user.id, language = language, access = access)

        d = dict(title = snippet.title, description = snippet.description, code = snippet.code,
                 language = snippet.language, access = snippet.access,
                 creator_id = snippet.creator_id, id = snippet.id,
                 topic = snippet.topic.topic, snippet_counts = getSnippetCounts())
        return Response(json.dumps(d), 200, mimetype="application/json")

    elif request.method == 'PUT':
        """ Update an existing snippet """
        snippet_id = int(topic)
        topics = g.user.topics
        snippet = None
        for topic in topics:
            snippet = topic.snippets.filter_by(id=snippet_id).first()
            if snippet != None:

        if snippet == None:
            return jsonify(error=404, text='Invalid snippet ID'), 404

        if (request.data):
            data = json.loads(request.data)
        access = ACCESS_PRIVATE;
        if data.get('access') == True:
            access = ACCESS_PUBLIC;

        snippet.title = data['title']
        snippet.description = data['description']
        snippet.code = data['code']
        snippet.access = access
        snippet.language = data['language']
        return jsonify(id = snippet.id, creator_id = snippet.creator_id, access = snippet.access, snippet_counts = getSnippetCounts())

    elif request.method == 'GET':
        """ Find all snippets associated with a topic """
        # Find the topic
        topic = g.user.topics.filter_by(topic=topic).first()
        if topic is None:
            return jsonify(error=404, text='Invalid topic name'), 404

        # Get all snippets in the topic
        snippets = topic.snippets.order_by(Snippet.timestamp.desc()).all()
        snippetList = []
        for i, snip in enumerate(snippets):
            d = dict(title = snip.title, description = snip.description, code = snip.code,
                     language = snip.language, access = snip.access,
                     creator_id = snip.creator_id, id = snip.id, topic = snip.topic.topic)

        return Response(json.dumps(snippetList), 200, mimetype="application/json")

    elif request.method == 'DELETE':
        """ Delete a snippet """
        snippet_id = int(topic)
        topics = g.user.topics
        snippet = None
        for topic in topics:
            snippet = topic.snippets.filter_by(id=snippet_id).first()
            if snippet != None:

        if snippet == None:
            return jsonify(error=404, text='Invalid snippet ID'), 404

        topicName = snippet.topic.topic
        if snippet.ref_count == 1:
        return jsonify({'id':snippet_id, 'topic':topicName, 'snippet_counts':getSnippetCounts()})