def test_flask_seed_model_cli_seeds_to_db_with_all_option(cli_app): """ Tests that db tables are populated `flask seed model` when passed an `all` option. Args: cli_app (function): a flask app factory function that also manages its context. """ # Create a script for running application. obj = ScriptInfo(create_app=cli_app) # Call command, apply arguments and create app. result = CliRunner().invoke(seed_model, ['all'], obj=obj) clients = Client.get_all() staff = Staff.get_all() requests = Request.get_all() comments = Comment.get_all() assert len(clients) == 3 assert len(staff) == 3 assert len(comments) == 14 assert len(requests) == 12 assert result.exit_code == 0
def test_staff_model_gets_all_rows_correctly_after_saving(valid_staff_model): """ Tests that model gets correct number of rows when there is data in the table. Args: valid_staff_model (Model): a valid model created by a fixture. """ staffs = Staff.get_all() assert staffs[0].username == 'Leroy Jenkins' assert staffs[0].avatar_url == '' assert len(staffs) == 1
def test_seed_staff_saves_staffs_to_db(initialize_db): """ Tests that `seed_staff` function stores staffs in the db. Args: initialize_db (None): initializes the database and drops tables when test function finishes. """ seed_staff() staff = Staff.get_all() assert staff[0].username == 'Steve Akinyemi' assert staff[1].username == 'Anu Johnson' assert staff[2].username == 'James Waldo' assert len(staff) == 3
def test_flask_seed_model_cli_seeds_to_db_with_staff_option(cli_app): """ Tests that staff table is populated `flask seed model` when passed a `staff` option. Args: cli_app (function): a flask app factory function that also manages its context. """ # Create a script for running application. obj = ScriptInfo(create_app=cli_app) # Call command, apply arguments and create app. result = CliRunner().invoke(seed_model, ['staff'], obj=obj) staffs = Staff.get_all() assert len(staffs) == 3 assert result.exit_code == 0