def store_user_data(user, tag_history, tag_graph, start, end, append_to): user_entity = User.get_by_id(user, namespace=DS_VERSION) if user_entity is None: return False if append_to is not None: # merge histories hist_frag = TagHistory.get_by_id(append_to, parent=user_entity.key, namespace=DS_VERSION) hist_frag.tag_history['weeks'] += tag_history['weeks'] hist_frag.end = end hist_frag.put() # merge graphs graph_frag = TagGraph.get_by_id(append_to, parent=user_entity.key, namespace=DS_VERSION) old_graph = graph_frag.tag_graph for tag in tag_graph: if tag in old_graph: old_graph[tag]['plays'] += tag_graph[tag]['plays'] old_graph[tag]['adj'] = old_graph[tag]['adj'].union( tag_graph[tag]['adj']) else: old_graph[tag] = tag_graph[tag] graph_frag.end = end graph_frag.put() # update end timestamp in user fragments chart frag_info = next(frag_info for frag_info in user_entity.fragments if frag_info['start'] == hist_frag.start) frag_info['end'] = end else: user_entity.fragments.append({'start': start, 'end': end}) if tag_history['weeks']: TagHistory(id=user + str(start), tag_history=tag_history, start=start, end=end, parent=user_entity.key, namespace=DS_VERSION).put_async() TagGraph(id=user + str(start), tag_graph=tag_graph, start=start, end=end, parent=user_entity.key, namespace=DS_VERSION).put_async() user_entity.put() return True
def get_worker_intervals(user_entity, register_date, weeks): date_floor = register_date result = [] if user_entity.last_updated is not None: # get end of incomplete fragment as we must finish it last_frag = TagHistory.query(ancestor=user_entity.key , namespace=DS_VERSION).order( -TagHistory.start).get() date_floor = user_entity.last_updated frag_size = get_interval_size(weeks, last_frag.start, last_frag.end) if frag_size < FRAGMENT_SIZE: start_i = bisect.bisect_right(weeks, date_floor) weeks_remaining = FRAGMENT_SIZE - frag_size end_week = weeks[min(len(weeks)-1, start_i+weeks_remaining-1)] result.append((weeks[start_i], end_week, date_floor = end_week # get the first week after 'date_floor' start_i = bisect.bisect_right(weeks, date_floor) for i in xrange(start_i+FRAGMENT_SIZE-1, len(weeks), FRAGMENT_SIZE): result.append((weeks[i-FRAGMENT_SIZE+1], weeks[i], None)) remainder = (len(weeks)-start_i) % FRAGMENT_SIZE if remainder > 0: # submit job for last fragment result.append((weeks[len(weeks)-remainder], weeks[-1], None)) return result
def get_worker_intervals(user_entity, register_date, weeks): date_floor = register_date result = [] if user_entity.last_updated is not None: # get end of incomplete fragment as we must finish it last_frag = TagHistory.query(ancestor=user_entity.key, namespace=DS_VERSION).order(-TagHistory.start).get() date_floor = user_entity.last_updated frag_size = get_interval_size(weeks, last_frag.start, last_frag.end) if frag_size < FRAGMENT_SIZE: start_i = bisect.bisect_right(weeks, date_floor) weeks_remaining = FRAGMENT_SIZE - frag_size end_week = weeks[min(len(weeks) - 1, start_i + weeks_remaining - 1)] result.append((weeks[start_i], end_week, date_floor = end_week # get the first week after 'date_floor' start_i = bisect.bisect_right(weeks, date_floor) for i in xrange(start_i + FRAGMENT_SIZE - 1, len(weeks), FRAGMENT_SIZE): result.append((weeks[i - FRAGMENT_SIZE + 1], weeks[i], None)) remainder = (len(weeks) - start_i) % FRAGMENT_SIZE if remainder > 0: # submit job for last fragment result.append((weeks[len(weeks) - remainder], weeks[-1], None)) return result
def post(self): url = self.request.get('url') tag = self.request.get('tag') start_day = self.request.get('start_day') content = simplejson.loads(urlfetch.fetch(url, deadline=10).content) try: refinements = content['response']['refinementGroups'][0]['refinements'] for section in refinements: t = TagHistory( name=tag, related_section=section['displayName'], data_date=datetime.datetime.strptime(start_day, "%Y-%m-%d"), content_count=int(section['count']), ) except KeyError: logging.error("no data for %s" % url) return self.response.out.write('done')
def build_response(self, user, request): resp = {'user': user, 'weeks': []} user_entity = User.get_by_id(user, namespace=DS_VERSION) qry = TagHistory.query(ancestor=user_entity.key, namespace=DS_VERSION).order(TagHistory.start) for hist_frag in qry.fetch(): resp['weeks'] += hist_frag.tag_history['weeks'] return resp
def build_response(self, user, request): resp = {'user': user, 'weeks':[]} user_entity = User.get_by_id(user, namespace=DS_VERSION) qry = TagHistory.query(ancestor=user_entity.key, namespace=DS_VERSION).order( TagHistory.start) for hist_frag in qry.fetch(): resp['weeks'] += hist_frag.tag_history['weeks'] return resp
def store_user_data(user, tag_history, tag_graph, start, end, append_to): user_entity = User.get_by_id(user, namespace=DS_VERSION) if user_entity is None: return False if append_to is not None: # merge histories hist_frag = TagHistory.get_by_id(append_to, parent=user_entity.key, namespace=DS_VERSION) hist_frag.tag_history['weeks'] += tag_history['weeks'] hist_frag.end = end hist_frag.put() # merge graphs graph_frag = TagGraph.get_by_id(append_to, parent=user_entity.key, namespace=DS_VERSION) old_graph = graph_frag.tag_graph for tag in tag_graph: if tag in old_graph: old_graph[tag]['plays'] += tag_graph[tag]['plays'] old_graph[tag]['adj'] = old_graph[tag]['adj'].union( tag_graph[tag]['adj']) else: old_graph[tag] = tag_graph[tag] graph_frag.end = end graph_frag.put() # update end timestamp in user fragments chart frag_info = next(frag_info for frag_info in user_entity.fragments if frag_info['start'] == hist_frag.start) frag_info['end'] = end else: user_entity.fragments.append({'start': start, 'end': end}) if tag_history['weeks']: TagHistory(id=user+str(start), tag_history=tag_history, start=start, end=end, parent=user_entity.key, namespace=DS_VERSION).put_async() TagGraph(id=user+str(start), tag_graph=tag_graph, start=start, end=end, parent=user_entity.key, namespace=DS_VERSION).put_async() user_entity.put() return True
def get(self, tag): tag_history = TagHistory.gql("WHERE name = :tag", tag=tag) return render(self.response, {'tag_history': tag_history}, 'index.html')