def perform_action(subreddit, item, condition): """Performs the action for the condition(s). Also delivers the comment (if set) and creates an ActionLog entry. """ global r disclaimer = ('\n\n*I am a bot, and this action was performed ' 'automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this ' 'subreddit](' 'to=%23'+item.subreddit.display_name+') if you have any ' 'questions or concerns.*') # build the comment if multiple conditions were matched if isinstance(condition, list): if any([c.comment for c in condition]): if condition[0].action == 'alert': verb = 'alerted' else: verb = condition[0].action+'d' comment = ('This has been '+verb+' for the following reasons:\n\n') for c in condition: if c.comment: comment += '* '+c.comment+'\n' post_comment(item, comment) # bit of a hack and only logs and uses attributes from first # condition matched, should find a better method condition = condition[0] else: comment = condition.comment # abort if it's an alert and we've already alerted on this item if condition.action == 'alert': try: session.query(ActionLog).filter( and_(ActionLog.permalink == get_permalink(item), ActionLog.action == 'alert')).one() return except NoResultFound: pass # perform the action if condition.action == 'remove': item.remove(condition.spam) elif condition.action == 'approve': item.approve() elif condition.action == 'set_flair': item.set_flair(condition.set_flair_text, condition.set_flair_class) # deliver the comment if set if comment: if condition.comment_method == 'comment': post_comment(item, comment+disclaimer) elif condition.comment_method == 'modmail': r.compose_message('#', 'AutoModerator condition matched', get_permalink(item)+'\n\n'+comment) elif condition.comment_method == 'message': r.compose_message(, 'AutoModerator condition matched', get_permalink(item)+'\n\n'+comment+disclaimer) # log the action taken action_log = ActionLog() action_log.subreddit_id = action_log.user = action_log.permalink = get_permalink(item) action_log.created_utc = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(item.created_utc) action_log.action_time = datetime.utcnow() action_log.action = condition.action action_log.matched_condition = if isinstance(item, reddit.objects.Submission): action_log.title = item.title action_log.url = item.url action_log.domain = item.domain' /r/%s: %s submission "%s"',, condition.action, item.title.encode('ascii', 'ignore')) elif isinstance(item, reddit.objects.Comment):' /r/%s: %s comment by user %s',, condition.action, session.add(action_log) session.commit()
def check_items(name, items, sr_dict, stop_time): """Checks the items generator for any matching conditions.""" item_count = 0 skip_count = 0 skip_subs = set() start_time = time() seen_subs = set()'Checking new %ss', name) try: for item in items: # skip any items in /new that have been approved if name == 'submission' and item.approved_by: continue item_time = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(item.created_utc) if item_time <= stop_time: break try: subreddit = sr_dict[item.subreddit.display_name.lower()] except KeyError: skip_count += 1 skip_subs.add(item.subreddit.display_name.lower()) continue conditions = (subreddit.conditions .filter(Condition.parent_id == None) .all()) conditions = filter_conditions(name, conditions) item_count += 1 if not in seen_subs: setattr(subreddit, 'last_'+name, item_time) seen_subs.add( # check removal conditions, stop checking if any matched if check_conditions(subreddit, item, [c for c in conditions if c.action == 'remove']): continue # check set_flair conditions check_conditions(subreddit, item, [c for c in conditions if c.action == 'set_flair']) # check approval conditions check_conditions(subreddit, item, [c for c in conditions if c.action == 'approve']) # check alert conditions check_conditions(subreddit, item, [c for c in conditions if c.action == 'alert']) # if doing reports, check auto-reapproval if enabled if (name == 'report' and subreddit.auto_reapprove and item.approved_by is not None): try: # see if this item has already been auto-reapproved entry = (session.query(AutoReapproval).filter( AutoReapproval.permalink == get_permalink(item)) .one()) in_db = True except NoResultFound: entry = AutoReapproval() entry.subreddit_id = entry.permalink = get_permalink(item) entry.original_approver = entry.total_reports = 0 entry.first_approval_time = datetime.utcnow() in_db = False if (in_db or != cfg_file.get('reddit', 'username')): item.approve() entry.total_reports += item.num_reports entry.last_approval_time = datetime.utcnow() session.add(entry) session.commit()' Re-approved %s', entry.permalink) session.commit() except Exception as e: logging.error(' ERROR: %s', e) session.rollback()' Checked %s items, skipped %s items in %s (skips: %s)', item_count, skip_count, elapsed_since(start_time), ', '.join(skip_subs))